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Money Doubling Spells - Business - Nairaland

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Poll: Did The Spell Work For You?

Yes, I got my money Double up!!.: 16% (2 votes)
No no, it didn't work.: 16% (2 votes)
I have Never Cast Spell: 25% (3 votes)
Maybe i should try it again.: 8% (1 vote)
Wow, this is interesting: 33% (4 votes)
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Black Magic Specialist,black Magic Spells+91-9672036473 / Make Money Using Spells / Stocks With Potential Of Doubling In Value In The Next Four Month (2) (3) (4)

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Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 6:52pm On Jul 26, 2009
[size=13pt]This spells helps double any denomination of cash paper money that you have.

First find some almost new cash paper money, in the largest denomination possible. The Five hundred, or Thousand Naira bill is good.

Place this in a white envelope, and lick, and seal it. Fold the envelope, and say once, every day, for about seven days:

  Occult powers to me shall bring,
   The way to double this sum.
   Hear me, thou cherubim which sing,
   Quickly, and softly come. . .

Hold the envelope up, and pretend that it has become heavier.

Keep the envelope in your bedroom. After you receive more money, open the envelope, and either spend, or deposit the money that was in the envelope.

Re: Money Doubling Spells by spikedcylinder: 7:22pm On Jul 26, 2009
Hmmn. . . . there must be different techniques to this.

The last one I tried really worked. I was asked to put as much money as I can get my hands on in a blender. Blend with natural spring water and then drink.

Since then, I've been sh!tting money sha.


Re: Money Doubling Spells by jaybee3(m): 7:24pm On Jul 26, 2009

Hmmn. . . . there must be different techniques to this.

The last one I tried really worked. I was asked to put as much money as I can get my hands on in a blender. Blend with natural spring water and then drink.

Since then, I've been sh!tting money sha.

nice one
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 7:44pm On Jul 26, 2009
[size=13pt]And are you still Sh!tting Money"more Currency" till date?[/size]


Hmmn. . . . there must be different techniques to this.

The last one I tried really worked. I was asked to put as much money as I can get my hands on in a blender. Blend with natural spring water and then drink.

Since then, I've been sh!tting money sha.

Re: Money Doubling Spells by spikedcylinder: 7:48pm On Jul 26, 2009
Of cox. cheesy
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 8:02pm On Jul 26, 2009
[size=13pt]haha that mean's you must have Sh!t your palour floor full by now,well,my own case is different from yours cheesy ,i casted raw spell on myself from the darkest realm,with the help of the great dark force of the world,and Guest what?,ever sinse 2002 i have been known as"MMM"-Money making machine!  shocked ,though i hate  it when i drop out that ring inside a big bag!? a ring vomiting Cash money we always supprise the owner with alots of Currency.,Glad i descover my way oo![/size]
Re: Money Doubling Spells by dominique(f): 8:23pm On Jul 26, 2009
the occultic rhymes is a lil spooky for me. . .

off to try spike's method cheesy
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 8:31pm On Jul 26, 2009
Occult money definately make's a big difference, cheesy
Re: Money Doubling Spells by spikedcylinder: 8:34pm On Jul 26, 2009

the occultic rhymes is a lil spooky for me. . .

off to try spike's method cheesy

Goodluck jare. You'll need rubbing balms for your posterior sha cuz money don't come out easy. wink
Re: Money Doubling Spells by bluespice(f): 8:43pm On Jul 26, 2009
lol i like spikey's method jare
Re: Money Doubling Spells by dominique(f): 8:49pm On Jul 26, 2009

Occult money definately make's a big difference, cheesy

but your occult hocus pocus will only double the loot. . . spikey's method will multiply it a thousand times, got it? cheesy tongue
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Nobody: 10:32pm On Jul 28, 2009
i wat i heard abt using ip to track user's on nland it true den spikedcylinder and ogaga get ready im coming over, i cant blive we have ATM's here but seriously @poster does dat really work tongue anyone ever try boiling money(mint oh!) alongside goatmeat wiv enough spice, it would double itself blive me it works.(it worked for me) grin grin
Re: Money Doubling Spells by spikedcylinder: 9:58am On Jul 29, 2009
Great sense of humour. Right. cheesy
Re: Money Doubling Spells by seyemon(m): 12:14pm On Jul 29, 2009
First,I will like to commend Ogagaluv Spikedcylinder Adahna   for their generosity,because a lot of people who have such info on how to make money,will never post such info to other forum members, I think that's why the rich gets richer and poor gets poorer.Once gain I will like to commend the effort of these guy to change this trend of making the rich richer only,with such innovation of these amiable guys I think a lot of poor people will get rich and the live of everybody will improve.
I would like Ogagaluv  to give further explanation on how to cast the spell on oneself from the darkest realm and also how he came about the ring that doubles money in ones purse.
Spikedcylinder : I will also like spiky to shed more light on his method ,,do you really excrete money as if you want to "shit" and also does it need to be repeated every time or its a one time thing

: I would like Adahna to state how long one needs to boil the goat meat with the money and give a list of the required spices.
Your replies to this is highly appreciated.
I want all of us to appreciate the effort of these gentlemen as they are really contributing to the well being of the masses of this nation as well as contributing towards the growth of the country's economy.Thanks for your anticipated support
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 1:43pm On Jul 29, 2009
[size=13pt]@ Sayemon*
         You're right and i strongly agree with you,i notice you're a newbie in our mids't but still yet,you hit a nail which goes straight to the point,and i like it!! smiley ,Only the interested ones shall know what it takes., now that you have shown true interest ,lets keep it going my dear.,your kind words in conversation are for sure appriciated.,though so many people never show interest to learn new and deep things in this world,too ignorant and always claim to know-but absolutely know nothing.,and this has caused alots to"plan to fail"?. a journey without no specific destination normally end it all.

   Now i'w explain you clearly that spell casting is spiritual,i believe in higher powers and i have benefits alots therein,with the help of the darkest force of this world"SATAN"?.i have achieve without no stress and will strongly convince you the supernatural is real.,but Imaginary "God" is vanity upon vanity.,in our world today,religion has been a great source of Confussion leding human race astray?,you think about it-,i "OGAGA" always be myself and never get into all these many Madness things that are not real?,im a strong and traditional satanist in the C.O.S and i operate in the spirit,i choose to share some deep secrets here on our forum but because of privacy.
"Ogaga" ring of SATANISM is a powerful ring that vanishes money from banks and the 4 corners of the world?,after some chanting,though this is one of my secrets.lol
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Nobody: 7:44pm On Jul 29, 2009
rotflmao ;d
Re: Money Doubling Spells by seyemon(m): 8:01pm On Jul 29, 2009
Thanks Mr.Ogaga I really appreciate the time and pain you have been taking to type this fascinating secrets online,but you failed to mention how this ring will be used and where to get it.Expecting your reply
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 2:10pm On Jul 30, 2009
[size=13pt]When we embark on the great spiritual adventure that is the life we live - either remotely from spirit as a guide, and observer or a helper, or directly in a physical form - it is not a decision that is entered into lightly. Many bonds must and will be formed and each step towards a new life is planned and prepared for meticulously in order that we each fulfil our greatest potential. With the sunrise of a new life dawning great things will begin to unfold. In life we are each a player in a great drama, a great adventure and a great undertaking. The steps taken on a life's journey are vast and whether that life is relatively short or relatively long in physical terms, not a moment is ever wasted. Even in the quiet times we are living an action-packed adventure for within each moment comes a time of self-discovery, great learning. It is like a constant initiation with the challenges and triumphs that are presented, as each brick, each piece falls in to place ahead of us as we walk, with our future spanning ahead of us. Free will is ours and we will direct as best we can althoug the ultimate choice lies with the spirit in the physical body with which we are working. Never doubt that great things can be achieved from the slightest choice; that a small change of heart can move spiritual mountains.  Let no-one infringe on the choices you make for no-one can make your life choices for you - only you hold the key to that unique, personalised adventure. This is not to say that life is to be treated like a game, but to allow too much seriousness is just as bad. Knowledge comes with wisdom and wisdom comes with a balance of being; laughter with common sense and fun with the more sober lessons. Even in the most sombre moments encountered on our life's path, a touch of brightness, of humour, restores the balance to lift us and make us whole. With the teamwork of physical and spiritual, life will proceed with the bumps and jolts kept to a minimum - for even rocks on our pathway are easily crossed and mountains easily overcome if we have spiritual and physical balance of the Self and with our wider team. As we head towards the sunset of our lives to prepare for a new day to dawn on our spiritual quest - this time back as one in spirit - we can feel that we have put the best foot forward on our pathways and that with love and that crucial balance of humour and sobriety it is a life well-lived. As the sun always rises in and sets, so the wheels continue to turn. In that sunset comes the colours of our physical life, written like our life's story across the sky, the Spell warming us and guiding us home. So the adventure continues Seyemon dear,i didn't failed to share some about the ring,i skip it off since that's one of my top secret's,the "Ogaga Onowighose "senior ring of satanism is Real,filled with super energy ,controlling the phisical and spiritual wealth by force!.
but first and furmost  feel how you show great interest in spiritual achievement and in due time you shall surely eat therein.,try and ask yourself if really you're ready to follow up in the "Left Hand Path"?.i remain raw in satanism"Sincerely"OGAGA S.O.S!
Re: Money Doubling Spells by spikedcylinder: 2:45pm On Jul 30, 2009
Nawa o. I know mean my own like this o.

*scratches head*
Re: Money Doubling Spells by sexyLeamon(f): 3:48pm On Jul 30, 2009
ROFLMA ogaga what is it with all his spell na?
Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 4:15pm On Jul 30, 2009


Nawa o. I know mean my own like this o.

*scratches head*

Re: Money Doubling Spells by Nobody: 9:31pm On Jul 30, 2009
@ogaga u are the main man, master i hail grin
Re: Money Doubling Spells by kaycast(m): 4:58pm On Jul 31, 2009
what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his own soul lol
Re: Money Doubling Spells by csanta: 4:58pm On Aug 01, 2009
ogaoooooooooooooooooooo i no beleive what am seeing, so there are people that still trade their soul for money, i beg no partake in this ooooooooo there are loads of way to generate money on the internet that will make you reach and you will have peace of mind rather than occult money that wont give you rest of mind. remember satan will never give something without taking ten things from you, a word is enough for the wise ooooooooooooooooooooo
Re: Money Doubling Spells by platinumnk(f): 4:56am On Aug 02, 2009
when will then extra money be in the envelope? cheesy
Re: Money Doubling Spells by naijajaja: 6:51pm On Aug 02, 2009
[center]hi too bugging

devil had eye ooooo

quick cash mathod is really out

Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 6:20pm On Aug 07, 2009
[size=13pt]Casting a spell is a skill like any other. Few people can manifest their desires on their first try. You should never expect any spell to always be successful and immediate. This takes time and practice. If you find your spells have had no success, maybe you have yet to see any. Be patient and allow your spells to manifest themselves. Sometimes Money spells may seem, not so easy. Be patient as often these spells will work to bring you an opportunity that you were completely unaware of needing or wanting. It's been said that spells will not work if it's just not meant to be.,we believe in Realisation.

Spells can also cause unexpected things to happen. This can occur if we are unclear in the use of our words or pronunciations. Were you distracted when casting your Money spell? Have you practiced enough? Keep trying and educate yourself, don't get discouraged.
Re: Money Doubling Spells by platinumnk(f): 8:53pm On Aug 07, 2009
Ogaga- i had thought something happend to you!

Why havent answered my emails? or my YIM.

Re: Money Doubling Spells by Ogaga4Luv(m): 12:22pm On Aug 08, 2009
[size=13pt]Oh my!  shocked i didn't toke notice of the offline msg and even the email my dear,since each day i recieve thousand's of mails and junks @ YM inbox,[/size]
Re: Money Doubling Spells by naijaking1: 3:22pm On Aug 08, 2009

Hmmn. . . . there must be different techniques to this.

The last one I tried really worked. I was asked to put as much money as I can get my hands on in a blender. Blend with natural spring water and then drink.

Since then, I've been sh!tting money sha.

Hie, would you like to visit me sometime?
I have this brand new carpet waiting to be pooped on mercilessly. Also I have this delicious prune juice mixture that will help you move your bowel effortlessly as long as hard currency notes are coming out too.
Speaking about hard currency, I would prefer for you to pass mostly Euros in the stool, so do I have to feed you anything special to influence my choice of currency
Anyway, I'm not greedy or even choosy, but I would like you to defeacate any other currency on my carpet, except the naira.
Re: Money Doubling Spells by platinumnk(f): 2:28am On Aug 10, 2009
ogaga- it didnt work sad sad sad
Re: Money Doubling Spells by atilla(m): 9:17am On Aug 10, 2009
I thought this was a joke at first. After going through ogagas lasts posts the guy is not joking oh about trying this spell.

Guys be careful oh.

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