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Fifty Shades Of Grey Vs Clan Of The Cave Bear, Discuss (2) (3) (4)
Bismarks Cave by vykta: 6:31pm On Mar 29, 2016 |
This Thread is about awareness 2 d awesome New Blog Bismark's Cave ![]() |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 6:36pm On Mar 29, 2016 |
------> 2day's Post ![]() 5. Awesome ![]() 4. Great ![]() 3. Good ![]() 2. Poor ![]() 1. Bad ![]() Infertility: A Thing Of The Past With Current Advances In Medicine Written by Dr. Ejike Udeze Infertility is defined as failure to produce offspring in a couple living together for at least a year, and having regular unprotected penetrative sexual intercourse at least twice or thrice weekly. Infertility by definition can only be diagnosed in a couple. An individual hence cannot necessarily be said to be infertile. It is the union, the couple that is infertile. From the above premise, the following do not qualify as infertility: newly married couples living apart and meeting sporadically or irregularly, or having not been together for up to a year.... More https://bismarkscave./2016/03/28/infertility-a-thing-of-the-past-with-current-advances-in-medicine-written-by-dr-ejike-udeze/ |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 3:17pm On Mar 30, 2016 |
-----> One Of Our Posts... Please Rate as above FACE OF THE CAVE FOR THE WEEK (Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence) Hi people! As usual, we sought two lovely folks out and it’s a pleasure to have them on board as the faces of the week.... More https://bismarkscave./2016/03/27/face-of-the-cave-for-the-week-appreciation-of-beauty-and-excellence-21/ |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 8:40pm On Mar 30, 2016 |
----> 2day's Post ![]() How Safe Are Your Secrets? Those who follow me on Facebook may have come across my post on sharing problems and keeping secrets. I mentioned some important things to take into consideration before sharing a secret with a trusted friend or anyone at all. But I must say, These days, secret keeping is becoming a lost art, so the best thing for you to do is keep your mouth shut when you have a dark secret! Some people tell everyone in their circle everything. They believe that’s the best way to socialise. They want friends to see them a liberal, cool or transparent. They share their secrets to anyone they feel might like them... More https://bismarkscave./2016/03/30/how-safe-are-your-secrets/ |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 1:31am On Apr 02, 2016 |
----> Yesterday's Post... Please Rate As Usual... SPORTS UPDATE and Free Betting Tips: By Michael Onyegide SUPER EAGLES: Grace to Grass I watched the game against Egypt, really I wasn’t expecting anything special but as a football addict that I now find myself, be it Arsenal, Nigeria or Enyimba, count me in. The viewing centre was packed full and various people of different background came in expectation of some ‘miracle’ to happen. Nigerians has never known such failure as being experience with the present Super Eagles. The Nigeria football team may have disappointed his fans in the past, but not to the extent of total failure. In the 80s, the Super Eagles major under achievement was not winning the Africa Nations cup, and it was not the problem of qualifying for the tournament. It is on record that for almost 20 years, Nigeria always makes it to the semi final of the tournament. Apart from the number of times other teams like Ghana, Cameroun and Egypt have won the tournament, Nigeria was one of the most feared team in the tournament. Now the Nation is finding it difficult to qualify, failing to qualify two times in a row and the third time in recent years. Now people will ask where does the problem lies. We may trace it to the NFF, coaches, government and administrative issues. But to be honest, these problems has always been there all these years and we have managed to scale through. I am not excusing the football body but the honest truth is that we no more have quality, dedicated and passionate players like before. The likes of Siasia, Okocha, Keshi, Yekini, Finidi, Uche, Oliha. You can name tens of them that are of much better quality that we have now. Our present defense is nothing to be proud of, the mid fielders are not skillful and can’t connect with the attackers, the wingers I feel do not know their role and can hardly deliver decent cross and having to rely on just Odion Ighalo to deliver the ‘goods’ looks funny. With the array of talents we have in Europe, I mean almost in every league in Europe, you would expect us to be thinking of the AFCON draws and not how to qualify. Well, gone are those days now. Super Eagles has definitely lost his glory.... More https://bismarkscave./2016/04/01/sports-update-and-free-betting-tips-by-michael-onyegide-6/ |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 10:11am On Apr 06, 2016 |
----> 2day's Post Rate out of a 5 The Modern Day Feminists I’ve never had issues with the concept of feminism, which is basically about women and men having equal rights. Of course, Why shouldn’t both sexes have equal social, political, legal, and economic privileges? Sadly, the modern day feminists have succeeded in creating a different concept of feminism aimed at destroying the family. Today’s feminists are a special breed. Quite similar to a cult. Sorry to say, they are an angry, violent bunch of females ever ready to swarm and attack men and fellow women! They’ve got a ‘mob mentality’. They will criticise and put down women who choose to be housewives, women who put family before career and women who choose to live in traditional roles, or even submit to their man because they want to....READ MORE https://bismarkscave./2016/04/05/the-mordern-day-feminist-written-by-bismark-ekenedilichukwu-benson/ |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 2:56pm On Apr 14, 2016 |
---> One Of Our Post... Rate As Above... An Interview With Hakeem Effect; Nigeria's Incredibly Awesome Prosthetic Makeup Artist! We’ve all seen movies with familiar actors becoming virtually unrecognisable in their roles, right? We’ve seen the impact of a gun shot at close range and we cringe because it looks so real, we’ve also seen facial deformities, inflicted injuries, body scars, horrifying butchery, monsters, aliens, all thanks to prosthetics and special effects! Without prosthetics, most movies could pass for a primary school drama. Believe it or not, Hakeem is the best prosthetic makeup artist in Nigeria and West Africa...Check out these photos!... More... https://bismarkscave./2016/04/13/an-interview-with-hakeem-effect-nigerias-incredibly-awesome-prosthetic-makeup-artist/ |
Re: Bismarks Cave by vykta: 12:43pm On Feb 17, 2018 |
3 Classes of Beans (Ewa Agoyin) That Will Make You Salivate by Akhigbe Samson . You won’t understand this post if you don’t love the streets. Some people have been endowed with the spirit of Beans making. ‘Emi Ewa sise ba le won”. The woman pictured is Iya Tasi, she is an Agoyin woman, her ancestors invented the best food for humanity – Ewa Agoyin. Her food saved thousands of poor people in Pako Aguda Surulere Lagos. This is where it gets tricky. Inside that huge pot in front of her are 3 shades of Beans. Yes! She has mastered the art and science of Beans such that she can cook 3 levels of Beans in one “Koko Irin”. The 1st layer of Beans is the dry Beans. This category of Beans is strictly for eating rice. The upper echelon of the poverty scale are the ones who can afford it. Read More ---> https://bismarkscave./2016/08/13/3-classes-of-beans-ewa-agoyin-that-will-make-you-salivate-by-akhigbe-samson/ |
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Christmas Night(horror) / "She" And "She Too" A #BBOG Inspired Poem Written By Youpele Michael / How I Became A Beggar At Ikeja Courtsey Of First Bank
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