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Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo - Family - Nairaland

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Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by kcmty: 10:13pm On Jul 27, 2009
Please I am looking for a man called MICHAEL EDELT. He did his NYSC in Edo state at Ikhin Mixes Grammar School, Ikhin in the year 1983 to 1984. He is from Uyo, Cross River State. Please this is all I know about him. PLease If anyone knows his where about, just post it here. We were friends at that school because I was the Head boy then and my sister Omotayo Morenike Cath was the head girl. Please I don't need to talk more than this, if anyone has ever heard of that name kindly post it here.
Thank you.
Re: Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by Fhemmmy: 10:31pm On Jul 27, 2009
Re: Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by ironblack(m): 12:39pm On Jul 09, 2011
Hello, Your post on Michael Edet was a nostalgic reminder of Ikhin Mixed Grammar School of the 80's. Morenike Imonah, the second daughter of late Omotayo, was my classmate and co-prefect. It must interest you to know that, i was the Head Boy, as well as the Punctuality Prefect at that time (83/84) while Morenike was the School's Asst. Head Girl and later Head Girl. Edet was an NCE graduate at the time graduates of Colleges of education were assigned for National Service (NYSC). The circumstances surrounding Edet and his activities then in the school as our Economics teacher would be a matter for a more private dicussion if you would find my post worth probing.
I must say here that the loss of Morenike to the cold hands of death has been a most unfortunate occurence that still rue my memories, cos she was a wonderful friend and intelligent classmate. I know this family so well,, i hope to read from you. You are blessed
Re: Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by kcmty: 11:01pm On Jul 19, 2011
You indeed know the story so well. And I'm grateful for this. Please there is more to my post. I will want us to talk in camera. Please if you are on face book kindly add me as your friend and put a hint to recognise you. Search for me via my email (kc_mty@yahoo.com). Or better still, send your email to d above or how I can contact you. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks and God bless. Best regards.
Re: Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by kcmty: 11:22pm On Jul 19, 2011
You indeed know the story so well. And I'm grateful for this. Please there is more to my post. I will want us to talk in camera. Please if you are on face book kindly add me as your friend and put a hint to recognise you. Search for me via my email (kc_mty@yahoo.com). Or better still, send your email to d above or how I can contact you. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks and God bless. Best regards.
Re: Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by kcmty: 12:01am On Jul 20, 2011
Uzhokan(thanks). Haakan me la hewe wvi facebook, uhan. MEANING OF THE ABOVE IS ( please I'll be expecting you on facebook, okay).
Re: Please Nairaland Help Ooooooo by Jellitah: 11:07am On Feb 08, 2013
This must be AFEMAI people!

UZOKHAN!!!! I MISS MY DADDY!!!! cheesy grin cheesy grin cheesy grin

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