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Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Anwonspee(m): 9:02am On Apr 05, 2016
And he was also a future leader @
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by austinbrown: 9:04am On Apr 05, 2016
The one u r selling now what have u done with it?
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by erico2k2(m): 9:04am On Apr 05, 2016
President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday in Abuja blamed past Nigerian leaders for the country’s economic troubles as he said they led without discipline.

He recounted that for the greater part of the last 16 years, oil sold above $100 per barrel but expressed regret that the nation did not have much to show for it.

“In the First Republic, more enduring infrastructure was built with meagre resources. But in the past 16 years, we made a lot of money without planning for the rainy day.

“We showed a lot of indiscipline in managing our economy, and that is why we are where we are today. But this time round, we’ll do our best” the President said while receiving the President of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), Bernard O. Aliyu at the State House.

The President, has at different fora blamed the past administrations ruled by the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for ruining the country’s economy.

President Buhari stressed that there was an urgent need to ensure that the potentials of Nigeria are harnessed and used for the good of the country.

“Nigeria needs to work on her potentials, so that we don’t remain permanently at the level of potentials.

“If Ethiopia is sustained largely by her airline industry, we have greater potentials here. But we must move out, engage with the rest of the world, as we need to re-establish the integrity of this country. We need to rebuild this country again.”

Aliyu, the Nigerian-born ICAO president commended President Buhari for strides on anti- corruption, and urged Nigeria to pay more attention to development of civil aviation.

“Civil aviation is a catalyst for economic development. The level of aviation development in any country mirrors the economic development of that country,” Aliyu said.

The ICAO president pledged to support the development of the aviation industry in Nigeria, urging the country to improve on training and capacity development, aviation security, aerodromes and air navigation, runways, control towers, terminal buildings, among others.

PMB was one of our past leaders if I can remember
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by omenka(m): 9:07am On Apr 05, 2016

Is like you no know Omenka..

He can never see anything wrong in Buhari or APC
I'd never see anything wrong in Buhari, yet I strongly criticised his budget.

I'd never see anything wrong in APC yet I hardly see anything good in Ortom.

You people just sit back, pull lies out of thin air and believe same. Yet you call others liars.


I see you are a fan of Boonducks (Legendary Bushido Brown) hence your handle (BushidoBlue). At least, we share one thing in common. cheesy
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Saintp(m): 9:08am On Apr 05, 2016
In as much as i voted and also a supporter of PMB's administration, i think there is a million blames to go around and everybody knows that, that's exactly why we voted for change. Excuses and continuous blame of past misdeeds will not solve anything, but since the President himself has'nt gotten past blame games, i am beginning to doubt if this government is ready to deliver.

You are very patriotic. You love PMB and that is why you are bold enough to tell him the truth. Most Zombies who think they love him actually hate him and are setting him up for failure.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Nafizzey(m): 9:11am On Apr 05, 2016
This has become clichéd. You were not elected to bemoan the past but to work on the present and lay the foundation for a better future for all Nigerians. It is advisable you roll up your sleeves, sir, and get your hands dirty. A year is gone already; the time is ticking fast!
Buhari. is. incompetent. Simple!

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by omenka(m): 9:12am On Apr 05, 2016

That's Omenka for you.
Dude, stop spamming my mentions, you've been noticed.


As for that DauraDullard guy, you may keep chasing my shadow to eternity, you shall be ignored.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by mindtricks: 9:18am On Apr 05, 2016
Now, Nigeria's president Buhari is officially making himself a disgrace. He should stop sounding stupid.

Nobody gives a hoot the excuses he continues to make. Buhari should rather get his @ss to work or simply get out of that seat.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by free37: 9:34am On Apr 05, 2016
The dull.ard is always embarrassing and demarketing Nigeria.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by onatisi(m): 9:43am On Apr 05, 2016
The dull.ard is always embarrassing and demarketing Nigeria.
he was never a marketable candidate,Nigerians were just plain silly and dumb to have ever thought of voting him into power,now when he is called to deliver what he never had ,he is giving excuses . This is what he will do for the next 3 years
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by BuddhaPalm(m): 9:56am On Apr 05, 2016
Wait oooo... is today "Ground Hog Day - the movie?"

Seems like I keep waking up to this excuse.

Blame game kwantinuewsss..


Just Geoundhog day, for the first time, yesterday.

If you liked it, you will LOVE Edge of Tomorrow.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by yaki84: 9:57am On Apr 05, 2016
President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday in Abuja blamed past Nigerian leaders for the country’s economic troubles as he said they led without discipline.

He recounted that for the greater part of the last 16 years, oil sold above $100 per barrel but expressed regret that the nation did not have much to show for it.

“In the First Republic, more enduring infrastructure was built with meagre resources. But in the past 16 years, we made a lot of money without planning for the rainy day.

“We showed a lot of indiscipline in managing our economy, and that is why we are where we are today. But this time round, we’ll do our best” the President said while receiving the President of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), Bernard O. Aliyu at the State House.

The President, has at different fora blamed the past administrations ruled by the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for ruining the country’s economy.

President Buhari stressed that there was an urgent need to ensure that the potentials of Nigeria are harnessed and used for the good of the country.

“Nigeria needs to work on her potentials, so that we don’t remain permanently at the level of potentials.

“If Ethiopia is sustained largely by her airline industry, we have greater potentials here. But we must move out, engage with the rest of the world, as we need to re-establish the integrity of this country. We need to rebuild this country again.”

Aliyu, the Nigerian-born ICAO president commended President Buhari for strides on anti- corruption, and urged Nigeria to pay more attention to development of civil aviation.

“Civil aviation is a catalyst for economic development. The level of aviation development in any country mirrors the economic development of that country,” Aliyu said.

The ICAO president pledged to support the development of the aviation industry in Nigeria, urging the country to improve on training and capacity development, aviation security, aerodromes and air navigation, runways, control towers, terminal buildings, among others.


this man dey remember say him be past leader too?
when they say he is braindead, zombies go vex

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by edpunter(m): 9:57am On Apr 05, 2016
Perhaps those who trekked for Buhari from Aba - Abuja - Sokoto were trying tell us something but we couldn't read meaning to their prophecies. Mehn, the number of people trekking this morning though, with rumpled clothes - No fuel, no light. Now the real trekking begins. Such a funny country were a farmer rules and dictate for the graduates.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by 4C2215131: 10:02am On Apr 05, 2016
It's about time Buhari get's down to brass and tacks. And I wonder who keeps advising him to keep making this blunders in his speech.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by obiak4(m): 10:05am On Apr 05, 2016
In as much as i voted and also a supporter of PMB's administration, i think there is a million blames to go around and everybody knows that, that's exactly why we voted for change. Excuses and continuous blame of past misdeeds will not solve anything, but since the President himself has'nt gotten past blame games, i am beginning to doubt if this government is ready to deliver.
please note you will not be giving an automatic ticket to the wailers club, as you can see there is no light or fuel to print more forms so stay in line.
welcome to the wailing wailers club wailing for a better nigeria!!!!!
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Nobody: 10:07am On Apr 05, 2016
Including you! Get serious & wake up from ur nauseating slumber old man! Get down to work!!!
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by tete7000(m): 10:10am On Apr 05, 2016
Not really.

Nigeria's problems began with the basis of our economy from independence.

When we got independent, our economy was based on selling raw materials to British markets. Raw materials like palm oil, groundnuts, cocoa, cotton, tin, columbite, coal, etc to the British markets.

The problem was that when the prices of these raw materails, which we do not control, go down, we run out of money....and then we have to go to the IMP and the World Bank to take some hefty loans....just to keep up our spending levels.

When oil became a money spinner in the 1970's.....we switched from an agric/solid minerals dependency to an oil dependency. When oil prcies crashed in 1982....we promptly went on loans taking until oil rose again 13 years ago....after which we went back to dependency.

As a result...

1.We do not have a local industry because we import the things that we should be manufacturing.Thus....zero jobs.

2.We are not really in control of our economy because we are dependent on revenues from raw materials whose prices we do not control.

3.We get into debt, because once prices go down...we run out of cash, and have to borrow to maintain current spending levels.

4.Infrastructure is poorly maintained because due to a lack of manufacturing base, we have to import everything...including spare parts. Subsequently we cannot keep up supplies of spare parts because we always do not have the money to import them.

5.Also, we do not have enough technicians...because of silly status driven stigma against techies, and also because it is not worth it to train them....since we can just import a new machine to replace the old one.

6.Because government is far more dependent on revenues from raw materials...rather than taxes...it becomes more irresponsible. It does not matter how much tax people pay...so long as oil money flows in rapidly


The govt must spend more on Power and Public transport, more on education, save money by ending subsides on fuel education, health and elsewhere. If it means increased fees so be it. Taxes too must be raised. Costs must be cut.The aim should be to make Nigeria have the basis for self sustainability in manufacturing in the next ten years. Corruption too must be fought.

Increased taxes....would force the government to produce results. Governments that are more reliant on taxation, rather than income from oil and so on are more responsible governments....even if the leader is a bad guy....he has no choice or else....he would be driven out of office.

The present economic woes started when Buhari refused to appoint his masters for 7months allowing the economy to go on free-fall with no one in charge. Unfortunately the sycophantic Nigerians hail him to high heaven telling him it is right to do so as not to make mistake and to enable him correct PDP's mistakes. Do you correct mistake with inaction I often asked? They said his body language is enough to fix problem. Can body language really fix any problem? Time is revealing the truth to us now.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by yaki84: 10:11am On Apr 05, 2016
Not really.

Nigeria's problems began with the basis of our economy from independence.

When we got independent, our economy was based on selling raw materials to British markets. Raw materials like palm oil, groundnuts, cocoa, cotton, tin, columbite, coal, etc to the British markets.

The problem was that when the prices of these raw materails, which we do not control, go down, we run out of money....and then we have to go to the IMP and the World Bank to take some hefty loans....just to keep up our spending levels.

When oil became a money spinner in the 1970's.....we switched from an agric/solid minerals dependency to an oil dependency. When oil prcies crashed in 1982....we promptly went on loans taking until oil rose again 13 years ago....after which we went back to dependency.

As a result...

1.We do not have a local industry because we import the things that we should be manufacturing.Thus....zero jobs.

2.We are not really in control of our economy because we are dependent on revenues from raw materials whose prices we do not control.

3.We get into debt, because once prices go down...we run out of cash, and have to borrow to maintain current spending levels.

4.Infrastructure is poorly maintained because due to a lack of manufacturing base, we have to import everything...including spare parts. Subsequently we cannot keep up supplies of spare parts because we always do not have the money to import them.

5.Also, we do not have enough technicians...because of silly status driven stigma against techies, and also because it is not worth it to train them....since we can just import a new machine to replace the old one.

6.Because government is far more dependent on revenues from raw materials...rather than taxes...it becomes more irresponsible. It does not matter how much tax people pay...so long as oil money flows in rapidly


The govt must spend more on Power and Public transport, more on education, save money by ending subsides on fuel education, health and elsewhere. If it means increased fees so be it. Taxes too must be raised. Costs must be cut.The aim should be to make Nigeria have the basis for self sustainability in manufacturing in the next ten years. Corruption too must be fought.

Increased taxes....would force the government to produce results. Governments that are more reliant on taxation, rather than income from oil and so on are more responsible governments....even if the leader is a bad guy....he has no choice or else....he would be driven out of office.

ur solutions will make nigerians curse nigeria.
increase taxes, increase school fees, increase pump price, increase everything increasable but clamour for wage cut. some govrs r saying they cant pay salaries hence they r clamouring for wage cut n retrenchment in some agencies
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by edpunter(m): 10:28am On Apr 05, 2016
he was never a marketable candidate,Nigerians were just plain silly and dumb to have ever thought of voting him into power,now when he is called to deliver what he never had ,he is giving excuses . This is what he will do for the next 3 years

Nigerians are so gullible bro.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by yaki84: 10:29am On Apr 05, 2016
If PDP still has fans after all they did in 16years (just take a good look at the country they handed over), then I'd be damned if I turned my back on Buhari in less than ONE year.

the country buhari n co handed over to pdp from 1983 till 1999 was it better?
dont forget naira was almost equivalent if not more in value to d pounds, who destroyed it. WAS IT PDP?
u keep saying pdp, is pdp a person or group of people or a structure?
atiku and obj who first rule during the 4th republic, where r they now?
the oil money how is it shared? do pdp pocket 100percent of it?
thought its being shared in the ratio of 5.2 to 4.8, 5.2 for fed govt and 4.8 for state n local govts.
how much did george akume saved when he was the govr from 1999 to 2003?
he was pdp now apc, from 2003 to 2011 whathas being his achievement interms of service deliverytohis senatorial districts via constituencyalowance?
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by edpunter(m): 10:29am On Apr 05, 2016

The present economic woes started when Buhari refused to appoint his masters for 7months allowing the economy to go on free-fall with no one in charge. Unfortunately the sycophantic Nigerians hail him to high heaven telling him it is right to do so as not to make mistake and to enable him correct PDP's mistakes. Do you correct mistake with inaction I often asked? They said his body language is enough to fix problem. Can body language really fix any problem? Time is revealing the truth to us now.

Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by 100Cents: 10:32am On Apr 05, 2016
In as much as i voted and also a supporter of PMB's administration, i think there is a million blames to go around and everybody knows that, that's exactly why we voted for change. Excuses and continuous blame of past misdeeds will not solve anything, but since the President himself has'nt gotten past blame games, i am beginning to doubt if this government is ready to deliver.

You were scammed

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by 100Cents: 10:46am On Apr 05, 2016
Buhary is a joker. cheesy

You self no dey too wail again.

APC voters are taking over our positions..

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by galadima77(m): 10:48am On Apr 05, 2016
Buhari is now officially a wailer. He keeps wailing about the past leaders as if he is not art of them. Anyway, Buhari's fools will believe that he has never led this country before if the Daura President tells them that.

This ur comment too has some elements of wailing in it
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by fortunechy(m): 10:57am On Apr 05, 2016
failed govt

Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by barrysome001: 10:59am On Apr 05, 2016
Same past government he himself follow body dey. As much as I believe in the 'positive' change Nigeria needs....I disagree with Our President's use of blame as a tool of self-justification.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by petkoffdrake2(m): 11:03am On Apr 05, 2016
This man needs a serious factory reset, how can a right thinking man say this after 11months? How will u think of what to do? When d only thing u know is tour d world ? I feel for this old man, he doesn't even know we know all his lying tricks n tactics,
Oga, abeg get to work, oga minister of petroleum, na PDP misrule follow cause this scarcity n electricity black out so?
Don't think of what is right to do o, dey blab wetin no b ur own.

He needs a resounding slap to wake him up I swear!! What incompetence?! Pls babe he need ur factory -reset-slap angry
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by mindtricks: 11:06am On Apr 05, 2016
In as much as i voted and also a supporter of PMB's administration, i think there is a million blames to go around and everybody knows that, that's exactly why we voted for change. Excuses and continuous blame of past misdeeds will not solve anything, but since the President himself has'nt gotten past blame games, i am beginning to doubt if this government is ready to deliver.
Moment of truth. There's no change, only chains.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Leke001: 11:10am On Apr 05, 2016
now,there he goes again!...some gullible Nigerians will celeberate this statement of mediocrity.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by mindtricks: 11:11am On Apr 05, 2016

the country buhari n co handed over to pdp from 1983 till 1999 was it better?
dont forget naira was almost equivalent if not more in value to d pounds, who destroyed it. WAS IT PDP?
u keep saying pdp, is pdp a person or group of people or a structure?
atiku and obj who first rule during the 4th republic, where r they now?
the oil money how is it shared? do pdp pocket 100percent of it?
thought its being shared in the ratio of 5.2 to 4.8, 5.2 for fed govt and 4.8 for state n local govts.
how much did george akume saved when he was the govr from 1999 to 2003?
he was pdp now apc, from 2003 to 2011 whathas being his achievement interms of service deliverytohis senatorial districts via constituencyalowance?
Don't mind the many dumb souls who have been brainwashed by APC and Buhari to make them think that:
blaming "PDP" = solving Nigeria's problems.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by macof(m): 11:24am On Apr 05, 2016
In as much as i voted and also a supporter of PMB's administration, i think there is a million blames to go around and everybody knows that, that's exactly why we voted for change. Excuses and continuous blame of past misdeeds will not solve anything, but since the President himself has'nt gotten past blame games, i am beginning to doubt if this government is ready to deliver.

na now your eye open grin
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by multicolored(f): 11:49am On Apr 05, 2016
Past leaders? Ain't you one of them? Baba go-slow stop blaming and start working.

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