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Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral - Business - Nairaland

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Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by ellechrystal(f): 11:56am On Apr 05, 2016

Brace your properly because you are about to read the latest scam in town...Wonders!

Please my fellow Nigerians, let's be careful with our children,Who they hang out with and where they hangout.

These kids above followed a man to a store as collateral for goods worth twenty eight thousand naira. These two boys said they do not know the man but vouched they knew him when they got to the store for reasons known or unknown to them.

This was what they said happened.

They were walking on the road alone and they were stopped by a man and he asked them to follow him to buy some goods from the shop. When they got to the shop, he told the sales boy he didn't have enough cash but told the boys to stay as collateral for him to get money from the ATM but he took the goods worth 28,000 naira along with him.

As at the time of reporting this news,the location of the man is unknown,the goods are all gone but the kids are being held in custody.

If you know these children,help us reach out to their parents.
This happened in Ikeja today, the 4th of April, 2016.
The boys are the one sitting and the one wearing green.

''The boys further explained that the man took them to a market first to meet with his sister and another friend. We asked the boys to take us to this sister and also the friend. When we got there, turned out the woman was just a random market woman.

The woman we met was Cotonou and couldn't speak English well. She tried to explain to us that the man didn't say anything to her but apparently was trying to give the impression that they knew each other to the kids.

Then he told the kids that the woman was his sister and she was always in the market. Then he took the kids to the other woman that he claimed was his friend. The woman said the man came to meet her and was asking for an AISHA. Then he told the kids the woman was his friend.

Furthermore, the boys are not brothers but friends. One of the boys was sent to deliver turkey to a customer by his mother and was given 8,000 naira. He asked his friend to follow him and that was when they met their doom.

Apparently they were jazzed because they said they couldn't remember much.
We followed the kids to their parent's place and one of the women was more concerned about the missing money than the well being of her child. The other was just quiet and couldn't believe it.

May God help us''.

Abeg help spread this o

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by seyema(m): 12:35pm On Apr 05, 2016
The sales boy should be given 12 lashes for been foolish..... So of all things in Nigeria in this 21 century, it's human being you accept as collateral?

81 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by brainbox1000(m): 12:35pm On Apr 05, 2016
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by iyobs7(f): 12:35pm On Apr 05, 2016
Thank you op for the eye opener

1 Like

Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by agarawu23(m): 12:35pm On Apr 05, 2016

1 Like

Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by kingsley5884: 12:35pm On Apr 05, 2016
These things happens.....
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by xmileeasy: 12:35pm On Apr 05, 2016
Scam upgraded. While growing up our parents disciplined us to stay away from strangers no matter the gifts they might lure us with. I think such moral values should be preached and instilled on our kids.


Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by NwaNimo1(m): 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
Those kids are far from innocent - an 8 year old Naija kid has the brain of a 40 year old - trust me!


Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Miona: 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by hotmolo(m): 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
wow what will it gain a man to profit the whole world and ...


Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by LuveU2(f): 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
uh thats smart cheesy
but evil embarassed


Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by ozowarac: 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
na wahooooooo
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Brendaniel: 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
This is Old now.... Heard this news like last year or so....

1 Like

Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by phameous: 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
I c

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Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by evy1(m): 12:36pm On Apr 05, 2016
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Jediel1(m): 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016
Thanks op but i no fear cus oluwa lo gat me
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Sijo01(f): 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016

Brace your properly because you are about to read the latest scam in town...Wonders!

Please my fellow Nigerians, let's be careful with our children,Who they hang out with and where they hangout.

These kids above followed a man to a store as collateral for goods worth twenty eight thousand naira. These two boys said they do not know the man but vouched they knew him when they got to the store for reasons known or unknown to them.

This was what they said happened.

They were walking on the road alone and they were stopped by a man and he asked them to follow him to buy some goods from the shop. When they got to the shop, he told the sales boy he didn't have enough cash but told the boys to stay as collateral for him to get money from the ATM but he took the goods worth 28,000 naira along with him.

As at the time of reporting this news,the location of the man is unknown,the goods are all gone but the kids are being held in custody.

If you know these children,help us reach out to their parents

This happened in Ikeja today, the 4th of April, 2016.
The boys are the one sitting and the one wearing green.

''The boys further explained that the man took them to a market first to meet with his sister and another friend. We asked the boys to take us to this sister and also the friend. When we got there, turned out the woman was just a random market woman.

The woman we met was Cotonou and couldn't speak English well. She tried to explain to us that the man didn't say anything to her but apparently was trying to give the impression that they knew each other to the kids.

Then he told the kids that the woman was his sister and she was always in the market. Then he took the kids to the other woman that he claimed was his friend. The woman said the man came to meet her and was asking for an AISHA. Then he told the kids the woman was his friend.

Furthermore, the boys are not brothers but friends. One of the boys was sent to deliver turkey to a customer by his mother and was given 8,000 naira. He asked his friend to follow him and that was when they met their doom.

Apparently they were jazzed because they said they couldn't remember much.
We followed the kids to their parent's place and one of the women was more concerned about the missing money than the well being of her child. The other was just quiet and couldn't believe it.

May God help us''.

Abeg help spread this o

Hmmmmm, quite complicated if you ask me. I.e @bold undecided

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by saintkel(m): 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016
Guys eh. All we think is wickedness
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Tunami(m): 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016
this one no be today thing na, they did it to a female friend of mine last year october 1st.
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Olivers2J(f): 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Abbeyunique2(m): 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Nobody: 12:37pm On Apr 05, 2016
Unbelievable.... Everybody, shine your eyes o! @Op, how did it all end o! Were the police involved at all?!
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by huntax(m): 12:38pm On Apr 05, 2016
As Google keeps updating apps,so are these criminals too updating their scams.
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by piagetskinner(m): 12:38pm On Apr 05, 2016
There is God
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by babyfaceafrica: 12:38pm On Apr 05, 2016
Yahoo plus...that store sef,when has it become legal to give someone goods and collect humans as collateral,even baks don't do that!!!!


Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by Babalegba(m): 12:39pm On Apr 05, 2016
Why are the boys so daft
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by solara: 12:39pm On Apr 05, 2016
Old Men not "kids"
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by SHALLREIGN(m): 12:39pm On Apr 05, 2016
Hehehe... This one is strong!

Meanwhile, I made front page. What a beautiful day!
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by maleeks(m): 12:39pm On Apr 05, 2016
As big as those boys are? Anyway you said they might have been jazzed
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by EduRegard: 12:40pm On Apr 05, 2016
Re: Latest Scam In Town, Kids As Collateral by moscobabs(m): 12:40pm On Apr 05, 2016

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