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What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report - Jobs/Vacancies (2) - Nairaland

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Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by adadadon(m): 8:26am On Apr 15, 2016
This jobberman or whatever there name is shows everytime dey know nothing about getting jobs in Nigeria

How to get jobs as an engineer, doctor, economicst, marketer are all different and there is no similarity in this... Expect application letter

As a graduate of engineering ( that's where I know well) it's all about u chosen the area in the industry u want, then run a lot of certification to qualify u to work in those areas... unfortunately this programs are expensive
So I thought until a friend got a job paying close to 2 Million Naira per month with those so called expensive certificates
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by karleone(m): 8:31am On Apr 15, 2016
All these job sites, Jobberman and the likes, should not be a means to job application, rather, they should help in job advertisement. Simple!
How on earth do you expect me to have a CV tailored in the Engineering clime (in my profile) to apply for a Sales Rep job when I know that a click on the APPLY button will directly "send" my stored CV (that has nothing in relation to Sales) to the organization.
One will ask, why don't you update your profile and apply? And I answer, must I keep doing it over and over? What happened to providing an email where I can send my CV directly to?

In my Opinion, Jobberman is FAKE, fake is GNLD and GNLD is from HELL.

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Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by tomayira(f): 9:05am On Apr 15, 2016
I will not want to bother you with a long story but last December was the worst for me and my family with just N1,000.00 for a family of six. I told myself that will be the last I will witness such and God heard my cry and brought an NGO my way that has made me smile since January, I got my laptop three weeks ago and will qualify for a car soon cos I'm in my car stage. Are you tired of your present condition, are you still borrowing to pay bills/ school fees? I was like that too so I know just how it feels like. I don't work or do any business as I write but will start one soon through the skill acquisition programme I did this week through this NGO. join me with little effort and earn from the comfort of your home , Call or whatsapp me on 08037798195. I don't want you to drop your numbers for security reasons, thanks.
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by lonelydora: 9:09am On Apr 15, 2016
For the sake of lazy bones that detest reading long write-ups, I have taken it upon myself to bring out the highlights of OP's well written piece.

Highlight 1

Fair enough.

Highlight 2

My fellow graduates, if you don't have a govt job waiting for you after graduation, or you intend becoming an entrepreneur, the _fuck are you doing at Ekiti?

Errrrrrrrrrr, this stat though...... undecided

Boss, this your summary help me pass. I hate reading long write up. More shea butter to your muscles for this summary
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by Emasky4real(m): 9:38am On Apr 15, 2016
Great analysis from the Op. For job seekers, IF THE SYSTEM REFUSES TO GIVE YOU A JOB, WHILE NOT CONSIDER CREATING. The Nigerian labour market is a long queue.
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by LemonBoy1: 10:05am On Apr 15, 2016
Reading Statistics:
• Paragraphs.....................40
• Sentences......................89
• Words..........................1538
• Characters...................9312
• Letters..........................7276
• Read. Time...........00:06:09

The data used covered the period of Oct - Dec (2015) making it the last quarter of the year and the breakdowns is as follows;
• 11, 889 accounts for the total number of vacancies available on jobberman platform and they are distributed monthly thus; 4620 applicants in Oct, 4696 in Nov and 2563 in Dec.

With the data above, it can be seen that Nov has the highest number of vacancies while the figures dropped significantly in Dec.

• 737033 accounts for the total number of applicants with the monthly breakdown as; 318233 in Oct, 248347 in Nov and 170453 in December.

It can be seen here that Oct has the highest number of applicants, followed by Nov and the least being Dec.

It was reported that the dropped was as a result of seasonal variation. ( Coughing, *Oh what a jargon - I do not know how to explain this in plain terms o)

NOTE HERE: With the said data above, it can be deduced that 68.88 applicants applied to one job in Oct, 52.88 applicants applied to one job in Nov and 66.51 applicants applied to a single job in Dec.

The applicants and the vacancies ratio are so wide - Meaning there are many job seekers chasing a single job.

PERSONAL NOTE: Though the report claimed to review the data covering the last quarter of the year (The 3rd Quarter, Q3). July, August, and September was also included in some section of the report.
(I would have loved to lay my hand on the complete data set but that wasn't the case.)

In as much as I would have preferred the raw data, sadly, it was not given out. I will try as much as possible to work on the given ones.


I will be commenting on this so as to help job seekers to know which state to look forward to while strategizing on their next job application.

• Lagos has the highest number of applicants with a total of 79399, followed by Abuja with a total of 14648. Leaving Rivers and Oyo with the third and fourth position with 8869 and 6489 applicants respectively.

• Yobe and Jigawa have the least number of active applicants with 82 and 87 total applicants.


The surprising thing here is that there are some states without active vacancies (i.e. ZERO VACANCIES - Like Nada), yet they claimed a good share of applicants. What are they applying for?

• States like Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bayelsa, Ebonyi, Edo, Ekiti, Jigawa, Kogi and Yobe have no vacancies yet they have a good number of applicants.

• States like Imo, Katsina, Nasarawa, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Plateau, Sokoto has 1 vacancy within the period under review.

• Lagos, Abuja, Rivers, and Oyo claimed the most share of vacancies posted with 188, 16, 15 and 9 respectively.


I do not think this is of much interest but it cost nothing to point it out.

• Candidates who applied through Degree, HND, and MBA/MSc took it all with numbers totaling 64564, 15160 and 11437 respectively while candidates with vocational certificate have the least figures. Of all these applicants, 67.77% are males while 32.23% are females. ( Are females not applying for jobs? - Just asking anyway!)


1. The most common specialization that was asked for on the Jobberman website was for Sales/Business Development, which accounted for 15.68% of jobs. IT and Education/Training both accounted for a similar share; 12.02% and 11.54% respectively. At the other extreme, only 0.12% of vacancies required a specialization in Telecom, and 0.32% required a specialization in Building Design/Architecture.

2. A slight majority (52.98%) of active vacancies had been online for more than six weeks. The lowest duration for which a vacancy had been active online was 26 days, just under four weeks. The longest duration was recorded as 195 days, slightly more than half a year. The average duration for which vacancies were active online was just over seven weeks.

3. Over the six months to December, there were only 159 active vacancies for which salary information was available. Of these, the average salary was N 127,264 per month ( Methinks they can do better here)

4. Of all the active vacancies advertised on the Jobberman website, the majority did not require a great deal of experience; 55.15% of vacancies require less than three years.

5. As at the time of the previous report, the majority of industries (23 out of 27) asked for 1-3 years of experience the most. Three industries – Legal, Oil & Gas/Mining and Manufacturing/production – asked for 3-5 years of the experience the most, and the Insurance industry most commonly advertised for entry-level positions. ( Why are people shying away from Insurance. LOL)

6. Education and Trade/Services attracted relatively few applications in relation to the number of vacancies that were posted; there were 20 applications for every Education vacancy and 33 for every Trade/Services vacancy between the months October and December

7. Even though Trade/Services was the most common industry to apply to, it did not dominate applications to the same extent as vacancies. At the other end, the industries Power/Energy and Travel/Tourism received 461 and 366 applications per vacancy over this period, suggesting that these posts were extremely competitive. ( How market?)

8. In each case, Power/Energy, Oil & Gas/Mining and Logistics/Transport were among the most competitive, occupying the first, second and third position in the earlier period, and first third and fourth in the later. Similarly, Trade/Services and Education were amongst the least competitive on the Jobberman website in each period.

9. Only 2.4% of applicants under 20 years of age were educated to above degree level, perhaps unsurprising given the length of time it takes to obtain this level of education. For applicants above 50 years old, this figure rises to 45.2%; nearly half of applicants within this age bracket have a higher qualification than a degree.

10. An estimated 59.86% of applicants were between the ages of 20 and 29, making this by far the most common age group for applicants to fall under. Very few applicants were below the age of 20, possibly a sign of the relatively high education level of applicants.

11. The industry to receive the most applications in each month was Trade/Services, which accounted for 36.02% of applications over the three month period. In October, the industry received 119,900, or 37.68% of applications, more than three times as many as Consulting which received the second largest share. However by December, this figure had fallen to 33.08%, due to a fall of 63,513 in the number of applications.

This represents a fall of 52.97%, and accounts for 42.98% of the total fall. The Consulting industry saw a comparatively modest drop of 37.11%, however, given that this industry accounted for 12.13% of the total number of applications over the period, this still accounted for 8.50% of the total decline in applications. The third largest industry over the period was ICT/Telecommunications, which received 5.91% of applications over the period. Applications to this industry fell by 51.13% between October and November, slightly more than average.

12. This fall in the number of applications was broad based; out of the 27 different industries, 23 received fewer applications during the review period. Four industries did not experience any decline in the number of applications, these industries were Construction, Power/Energy, Food services and others, but together these industries accounted for only 4.66% of applications over the period.

13. Trade/Services remained the industry to which the largest number of applications were made, and which posted the largest number of vacancies.

14. Power/Energy and Travel/Tourism were the industries to receive the most applications per each vacancy, receiving 461 and 366 respectively, which makes them the most competitive industries to apply for on the Jobberman website.


This report is an information haven for job seekers and I am commending jobberman to have dug this deep. I believe they can do better than this.
Also, methinks it would have been a better idea if they can give data cruncher the opportunity to lay hand on the raw data. I believe this will provide more interesting insights.

Only if site like NAIRALAND can give us such an opportunity to mine data from their platform.

The analysis would have helped many individuals and companies with the opportunity to plan and develop their business for the Nigerian markets. (Just my suggestion anyway!)

We are missing so many opportunities that only the figures can best explain, it's high time we work on this.

What are Nigerians saying?

What is trending in Nigeria?

Where is there an opportunity to explore in Nigeria?

What is marketable in Nigeria?

All these are some of the questions which data will give a sounding answer to, but all I can say is;

LalasticLala and other mods determine what trend, they give us the chance to see what they so desire we see (Judgemental - Which can be based on emotions and other factors).

And yes, they also control our voices.

That is why many here are complaining about seeing post about snake, tonto dike and so on the frontpage.

BTW, What is my business!

Data Source: Nigeria Online Recruitment Report by Jobberman and National Bureau of Statistics.

Source: https://jobbercdn.s3.amazonaws.com/files/infographic-Digest.pdf and https://jobbercdn.s3.amazonaws.com/files/Digest-of-Statistics-on-Technical-Education.pdf

another jobberman advocate. nice way to advertise.

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Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by Nobody: 10:46am On Apr 15, 2016
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by mrvitalis(m): 11:50am On Apr 15, 2016

Please can you list out the certifications a prospective graduate of engineering can do......My younger brother is seeking admission and I want him to start taking these certifications....
First of all what engineering is he reading.... second what area in that would he like to specialise... I feel it's too early now sha... but if he knows all this. .. then I can help
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by disserious: 11:53pm On Apr 15, 2016
Lol, I am not in anyway related nor affiliated to JOBBERMAN. I am a die hard data cruncher and that was why I related to their report. Thanks!

another jobberman advocate. nice way to advertise.
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by disserious: 12:06am On Apr 16, 2016
Sent you a mail already


What is your occupation. I like the analysis you've given. I want to work on a data gathering project and wouldn't mind using your services.
Please contact me on papabrowne @ Gmail. Com.

Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by mikolo80: 7:19pm On Apr 16, 2016
This must hit FP .... I would love to knw nairalanders' take on this. To me job creation is better than job seeking. The question however is- how supportive is our environment ?
kepp waiting for rain bfor you plant you hear
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by fotadmowmend(m): 10:29pm On Apr 16, 2016
kepp waiting for rain bfor you plant you hear
Waiting for rain before planting is never nice move when we can actually make irrigations. However, nothing can be compared to 'rain.' If 'rain' is constant, 'plants' will grow faster and efficiently.
Re: What Job Seeker Needs To Learn From Jobberman Recent Report by mikolo80: 10:42pm On Apr 16, 2016

Waiting for rain before planting is never nice move when we can actually make irrigations. However, nothing can be compared to 'rain.' If 'rain' is constant, 'plants' will grow faster and efficiently.
is it not better for them to grow and inefficiently than not at all

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