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French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! - Autos - Nairaland

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French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 4:50am On Apr 20, 2016
This has to be the best video of Innoson Automobile Manufacturing in Nnewi. Details manufacturing processes from start to finish laying to rest the claim by some that it's a mere automobile assembling company! All I see in this video is serious manufacturing from welding, local plastic manufacturing, e.t.c. It's unfortunate that a french TV has to be the one to objectively showcase this to the world as an African auto manufacturing company! I didn't even know that President Clinton and Governor Arnold schwarzenegger gave him an award! The french crew also toured his massive estate in Nnewi! I'm just happy for the job creation!


58 Likes 6 Shares

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by micfoley: 4:56am On Apr 20, 2016
Good. International recognition for Innoson at last

43 Likes 1 Share

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by SamuelAnyawu(m): 4:57am On Apr 20, 2016
God bless Southeastern Nigeria


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Destined2win: 5:07am On Apr 20, 2016
Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by asorocker: 5:21am On Apr 20, 2016
How do you cause an industrial revolution with this, simply declare it as the official car of anambra state first then the entire south east and the entire east, grow the industry with patronage from the transport companies of which igbos control and and from the state, federal and local government.

Produce cars customised for the different states and regions of the country .
Produce cars that are heat resistant and can keep cool under extreme heat for the North and cars that are corrosion resistant and can withstand floods for the coastal states
Reach out to other states in the north and Lagos through very effective sales and marketing strategy.
Strategies on how to penetrate the neighboring countries, support the brand with reward for loyalty and very good after sales support.

54 Likes 5 Shares

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Anambra1stSon(m): 5:26am On Apr 20, 2016
grin grin those accusing Innoson of importing China vehicles really need to watch this video grin grin hatred and jealousy can't stop this man cheesy those who try to stop him when he was building his factory will be licking their wounds cool he is making Africans proud, I love were he said on Sahara TV that he is not just targeting, Nigeria market, but African and beyond.

Let us promote our own, the other day was CNN, now French TV, Innoson is going global grin he is writing the continent, country, state, and town name in gold

49 Likes 2 Shares

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by yhemsy62(m): 5:29am On Apr 20, 2016
Yeah! International recognition all the way

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by chriskosherbal(m): 5:43am On Apr 20, 2016
This is good for the Nigerian economy.

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Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by inkon: 5:57am On Apr 20, 2016
Wow...! This is good

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Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 6:04am On Apr 20, 2016
I don't understand why my thread was moved from Politics section to CarTalk. This is a News reported by a known International news outlet not a Cartalk for Heaven sake...move my thread back to Politics section! This nonsense of selective suppression of news has to stop!

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Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Anambra1stSon(m): 6:17am On Apr 20, 2016
Mod this is were you move this wonderful video this country can never move forward, this man's record is best in west African and he is one of our finest, political section that is were decision maker visit, instead of you guys moving it to front page, you brought it were it will attract less viewers, no hand can cover moon! And no hand can cover pregnant that is due


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Anambra1stSon(m): 6:20am On Apr 20, 2016
I don't understand why my thread was moved from Politics section to CarTalk. This is a News reported by a known International news outlet not a Cartalk for Heaven sake...move my thread back to Politics section! This nonsense of selective suppression of news has to stop!
kindly open the topic again


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by colossus2: 7:19am On Apr 20, 2016
I don't understand why my thread was moved from Politics section to CarTalk. This is a News reported by a known International news outlet not a Cartalk for Heaven sake...move my thread back to Politics section! This nonsense of selective suppression of news has to stop!
Is this about politics or about cars? You guys tend to give yourselves unnecessary headache

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Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 7:21am On Apr 20, 2016

Is this about politics or about cars? You guys tend to give yourselves unnecessary headache

Stay off my mention with your envy!


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by onexile: 7:40am On Apr 20, 2016
Igbo haters will not like this.


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by pacino26(m): 7:42am On Apr 20, 2016


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 7:43am On Apr 20, 2016


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by InyinyaAgbaOku(m): 7:43am On Apr 20, 2016
Lalasticlala oooo


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by onexile: 7:43am On Apr 20, 2016
I don't understand why my thread was moved from Politics section to CarTalk. This is a News reported by a known International news outlet not a Cartalk for Heaven sake...move my thread back to Politics section! This nonsense of selective suppression of news has to stop!
my guy don't trouble yourself, if them like they should even close down the thread. It still does not change the fact that Innoson is a Car manufacturer, not a Car assembler.

Pls how many Gb is the video?


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by PapaBrowne(m): 7:50am On Apr 20, 2016

Is this about politics or about cars? You guys tend to give yourselves unnecessary headache
Can we then move every talk about cattle herdsmen to the Agricultural section.
Every talk about Boko haram to the crime section.
Or even see, since Innoson is a business, send to the business section.

This topic is totally about development which by any count is a political issue. The discussion that would evolve from this article would involve Nigerian capacity for industrialization, salvaging the battered naira, patronizing local products, patriotism et AL.

If this was about comparing car types say how would you compare driving Innoson to driving Toyota or if it were about car parts innoson uses in its vehicles then bringing it here would have been justified.

This discussion Belongs in the politics section. Please lalastica , seun et AL move back to politics.

48 Likes 1 Share

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 8:07am On Apr 20, 2016
my guy don't trouble yourself, if them like they should even close down the thread. It still does not change the fact that Innoson is a Car manufacturer, not a Car assembler.

Pls how many Gb is the video?

I assume it should be within 300-700 mb range...definitely not in gb.


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 8:08am On Apr 20, 2016

Can we then move every talk about cattle herdsmen to the Agricultural section.
Every talk about Boko haram to the crime section.
Or even see, since Innoson is a business, send to the business section.

This topic is totally about development which by any count is a political issue. The discussion that would evolve from this article would involve Nigerian capacity for industrialization, salvaging the battered naira, patronizing local products, patriotism et AL.

If this was about comparing car types say how would you compare driving Innoson to driving Toyota or if it were about car parts innoson uses in its vehicles then bringing it here would have been justified.

This discussion Belongs in the politics section. Please lalastica , seun et AL move back to politics.

Well said...their hypocrisy sure has no barrier!


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 10:28am On Apr 20, 2016
While the east is moving, the herdsmen from hell are killing.....


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 10:28am On Apr 20, 2016
While the east is moving forward and building the nation, the herdsmen from hell are killing and destroying


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by basilo101: 10:47am On Apr 20, 2016
Nnewi the Japan of Africa


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Nobody: 11:04am On Apr 20, 2016
It's not a bad idea if innoson car products becomes Nigeria National Car... compulsory for all government officials, to start with.

This will encourage patronage of made in Nigeria product.

They will prefer to buy luxury cars for #35.1mil, and still preach "encourage made in Nigeria product"


13 Likes 3 Shares

Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by yomalex(m): 11:20am On Apr 20, 2016


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by prinsam30: 11:20am On Apr 20, 2016
good one there, it doesn't matter where it comes from

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Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by Okijajuju1(m): 11:20am On Apr 20, 2016


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by ichidodo: 11:20am On Apr 20, 2016
We need indigenous Super cars from Innoson.F**k Buhari,the f**king p***head

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Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by DonMaxxy(m): 11:20am On Apr 20, 2016
Anambra again...why are these people so great. God teach other states the reason why this state is so great...is it because her indigenes accepted your son's gospel with out much arguments, thereby believing without seeing you. God please reveal to us.


Re: French TV Visits Innoson Automobile Manufacturing In Nnewi...Video! by ilovebbwgirl: 11:20am On Apr 20, 2016
[size=18pt]Buhari is working haters go and die[/size]

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