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GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by rexbuton: 5:54pm On May 07, 2016
The Boring Stuff
[s]Glaucoma is a group of ocular disorders with a multifactorial etiology, that has a characteristic pattern of retinal cell death often associated with increased eye pressure (Intraocular pressure, IOP).[/s]
From the simplified definition, you should know that increased IOP is not glaucoma, acute increased IOP doesn't cause glaucoma. The glaucoma damage occurs at the optic nerve head. This simply means that glaucoma is not just a simple disease, it has many causes, most times there is increased pressure and it cannot be cured!

If you have increased IOP without a glaucomatous appearance of the optic nerve head, then it is regarded as ocular hypertension.
To diagnose glaucoma, the pressure, the appearance of the nerve head and the visual field findings are relevant. The patient must have at least 2 of these 3 signs. The visual field finding is an important confirmatory test. someone with the nerve head changes but without either of the other two criteria is classed as a glaucoma suspect.

The damage caused is irreversible, the drugs given are to halt or decrease the rate of progression of the disease. The drugs cannot return lost vision. However, the progression is not always observable, an acute condition can cause glaucomatous nerve death and when that condition is resolved, the nerve death would not progress. So I like to describe glaucoma as potentially progressive. So we don't wait to see progression, instead we start treating right away.
Most (or all) classes of glaucoma drugs focus on reducing the pressure , because reduction can attenuate or halt the progression of normal tension and high pressure glaucoma.

Real life Questions

1. I'm taking my glaucoma drugs but my vision is still decreasing. Why?
Glaucoma has an average age of onset of late 30s to early 40s. This period is also the age of onset of presbyopia. Secondly the part of vision that it affects is your peripheral vision, the part that you use to see objects on the sides. Therefore glaucoma damage cannot be observed by the patient except in the advanced stage. The patient's complaint is often due to presbyopia or something optoms call hyperopic shift or due to development of cataract. So you must never stop your drugs because you think they are not working or because your vision (esp near) is getting worse.
Another part of vision that may be affected is contrast sensitivity. This is why we see lots of patients that can read up to the bottom line on the charts but complain of always bumping into objects or inability to drive at night. Glaucoma reduces contrast sensitivity. Hence doctors should often check CS for patients with complaints in spite of normal acuity.

2. If drugs cannot return the vision, what about Surgery?
Most of the drugs decrease pressure either by reducing production of aqueous or increasing outflow of aqueous humour. Surgery on the other hand puts a hole on the point of outflow to make aqueous leave faster, and pressure lower in turn.

3. The doctor says I have glaucoma and cataract too. That it is somehow..
Cataract and glaucoma present a huge challenge for the clinician. First of all he has to ascertain the health of the retina and estimate the potential vision after cataract extraction. secondly the nature of the glaucoma would determine if the cataract can be extracted. Over maturity of the cataract can trigger an acute angle closure attack.

4. What causes glaucoma?

#nowplaying God only knows - The beach boys

But seriously , no one knows. we only know some factors associated with it such as Intraocular pressure, elevated nitrogen oxide synthase, monosodium glutamate ( that stuff in indomie seasoning and Maggi cubes), unusual apoptotic activity if the RGC, prior use of steroids etc I assure you that all of the above are boring stuff, very boring! But we know there is a genetic factor...

5. Can I get glaucoma from kissing or sharing sharp objects?
Yes, but only during public holidays. Nope just kidding.

6. I have been taking Timoptol and Slow-k. My new doctor placed me on Timolol but I think it doesn't work as good as Timoptol.
In reality, timolol and timoptol contain exactly the same agent , Timolol maleate 0.5%. But timoptol is made by Med Reich in UK while timolol is made in India or Lagos. so I don't see why their efficacy should be different. I believe Pharmguru can help us understand this better, and also why Beecham amoxycillin seems better than Nigerian amoxil.
As for Slow-K , I don't understand the rationale of giving slow k to glaucoma patients. I believe an eye doctor in the house would shed light on this.

Glaucoma takes vision that cannot be recovered. That headache that starts from your eyes spreading up to your head, may be your saving grace. See a doctor tomorrow.

You can contribute, condemn or ask questions.


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Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Chikumbura: 10:13pm On May 07, 2016
Right now I'm not ready for answering.
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jauntty: 12:45pm On May 13, 2016
I don't prescribe Slow k, Eye anti-oxidants is better. If there are questions, I'd surely with help out from my lil knowledge and working experience
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Ebonygift(f): 2:28pm On May 13, 2016
My mum has been using the drugs( xalatan, timolol, eye vital, vitamin c) that the doctor told her to be using. But immediately the xalatan finishes, she complains of seeing a rainbow thing when she looks at a light. My question is how long will she continue with the xalatan?
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jauntty: 3:39pm On May 13, 2016
My mum has been using the drugs( xalatan, timolol, eye vital, vitamin c) that the doctor told her to be using. But immediately the xalatan finishes, she complains of seeing a rainbow thing when she looks at a light. My question is how long will she continue with the xalatan?
Probably forever cus there is a need to keep the eye pressure consistently with normal levels ... But she can be advised to do Trabeculectomy

Trabeculectomy is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of glaucoma to relieve intraocular pressure by removing part of the eye's trabecular meshwork and adjacent structures


Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Ebonygift(f): 12:21pm On May 20, 2016
Probably forever cus there is a need to keep the eye pressure consistently with normal levels ... But she can be advised to do Trabeculectomy

Trabeculectomy is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of glaucoma to relieve intraocular pressure by removing part of the eye's trabecular meshwork and adjacent structures
Thanks. Please how safe is the surgery i mean the chances because she is afraid of anything surgery after the one she did that has to do with removal of cataract
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jauntty: 6:39pm On May 21, 2016
No surgery is 100% guaranteed but for Trabec, it's a routine surgery we do here at our hospital. The success rate depends on a lot of factors which will considered and discussed with her by the surgeon.

Let her have no fear

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Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Ebonygift(f): 1:02pm On Dec 05, 2016
Hi jauntty, is it possible for one to see halos but have a normal IOP
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by infonirt: 10:25am On Sep 28, 2017
There is a cure, But the price is Patience and Prayer. My dad was a beneficiary

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Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by mcmauray: 7:02pm On Jun 25, 2018
infornirt, pls how do u mean?
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by paripatel: 2:28pm On Jun 27, 2018
Did you understand that March is National Nutrition Month? It’s essentially a month long celebration wherein registered dietitian nutritionists have fun with in all matters food, nutrition and fitness.

Listed under are 20 tips from a number of the top registered dietitian nutritionists within the area to assist manual you to steer your happy healthy long life lifestyles yet. Rest assured, in case you pick one, or all 20 of these to observe, you’ll be feeling outstanding with the aid of the quit of the month. Buh-bye diets, hello life-style! https://www.healthylifeandshape.com/happy-healthy-life/
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Mcsenior(m): 7:21pm On Jun 27, 2018
Prevention is not only better than cure, it is cheaper and safer. Learn how to prevent, manage & treat various life threatening silent killer disease @ www.naturalremedylab.com

You will be glad you did...
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jamesbawa(m): 8:23pm On Aug 03, 2018
I don't prescribe Slow k, Eye anti-oxidants is better. If there are questions, I'd surely with help out from my lil knowledge and working experience
boss, I have blurry vision in my left and right eye... but its worse in the left eye that even glasses don't seem to help... glasses help the right eye but not perfectly .... I've had this for as long as I can remember... I'm now 21 and I'm really sad and depressed... can anything be done for the left eye or am I doomed to go blind?
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by optm(m): 11:27am On Aug 04, 2018

boss, I have blurry vision in my left and right eye... but its worse in the left eye that even glasses don't seem to help... glasses help the right eye but not perfectly .... I've had this for as long as I can remember... I'm now 21 and I'm really sad and depressed... can anything be done for the left eye or am I doomed to go blind?
do not loose hope yet dear. what was the diagnosis given for your condition?
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jamesbawa(m): 10:34pm On Aug 04, 2018
do not loose hope yet dear. what was the diagnosis given for your condition?
they say I have myopia but its high in the left eye
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jauntty: 6:40am On Aug 05, 2018

boss, I have blurry vision in my left and right eye... but its worse in the left eye that even glasses don't seem to help... glasses help the right eye but not perfectly .... I've had this for as long as I can remember... I'm now 21 and I'm really sad and depressed... can anything be done for the left eye or am I doomed to go blind?
Where is your location
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jamesbawa(m): 7:14am On Aug 05, 2018
Where is your location
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by optm(m): 5:29pm On Aug 05, 2018

they say I have myopia but its high in the left eye
do not loose sleep over it. it's not as bad as the name appears. glasses would be helping you a great deal. discuss with you eye doctor and u'll be fine.
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jamesbawa(m): 5:35pm On Aug 05, 2018
do not loose sleep over it. it's not as bad as the name appears. glasses would be helping you a great deal. discuss with you eye doctor and u'll be fine.
yes, I'm supposed to go and get glasses from the eye doc tomorrow... but glasses don't help the left eye, only the right... I've done some research and it seems I have amblyopia(lazy eye)... just want to no more about it
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by optm(m): 5:41pm On Aug 05, 2018

yes, I'm supposed to go and get glasses from the eye doc tomorrow... but glasses don't help the left eye, only the right... I've done some research and it seems I have amblyopia(lazy eye)... just want to no more about it
left for the doc to ascertain if there's any pathology or just amblyopia in that eye. let him discuss his findings with you.
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by jamesbawa(m): 6:21pm On Aug 05, 2018
left for the doc to ascertain if there's any pathology or just amblyopia in that eye. let him discuss his findings with you.
thanks.... had this for a long time tho'
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by optm(m): 6:52pm On Aug 05, 2018
thanks.... had this for a long time tho'
oh ok
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by LADEMINUS: 11:49pm On Feb 24, 2019

boss, I have blurry vision in my left and right eye... but its worse in the left eye that even glasses don't seem to help... glasses help the right eye but not perfectly .... I've had this for as long as I can remember... I'm now 21 and I'm really sad and depressed... can anything be done for the left eye or am I doomed to go blind?

I didn't see this for months. Hope you were able to get care
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by PapiShanghai95: 10:48pm On Apr 06, 2019
This latest research can cure your Glaucoma and reduce your eye pressure in just two days check here for free assessment and free PDF file in understanding the root cause of Glaucoma
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by PapiShanghai95: 10:49pm On Apr 06, 2019
My mum has been using the drugs( xalatan, timolol, eye vital, vitamin c) that the doctor told her to be using. But immediately the xalatan finishes, she complains of seeing a rainbow thing when she looks at a light. My question is how long will she continue with the xalatan?

This latest research can cure your Glaucoma and reduce your eye pressure in just two days check here for free assessment and free PDF file in understanding the root cause of Glaucoma
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by kingjoe(m): 9:46pm On May 14, 2020
Probably forever cus there is a need to keep the eye pressure consistently with normal levels ... But she can be advised to do Trabeculectomy

Trabeculectomy is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of glaucoma to relieve intraocular pressure by removing part of the eye's trabecular meshwork and adjacent structures
I'm using timolol for glacuoma.is there a better one.or latest drug
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by kingjoe(m): 9:48pm On May 14, 2020
Thanks. Please how safe is the surgery i mean the chances because she is afraid of anything surgery after the one she did that has to do with removal of cataract
how is your mums eye.I have glaucoma too but at early stage .I want to know if u found out more effective eye drops.
Re: GLAUCOMA 101 - QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Ebonygift(f): 11:03pm On Jun 09, 2020
how is your mums eye.I have glaucoma too but at early stage .I want to know if u found out more effective eye drops.
she has been on Xalatan and timolol eye drops to keep the IOP low

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