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My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today - Religion - Nairaland

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My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by lobito007(m): 11:05pm On May 10, 2016
I was at Iyana-ipaja this evening between 9:30pm and 9:40pm on my way to Ayobo. I saw this Deeper Life Church bus- the size of a brt, partly filled. I approached it as it slowed down to drop a passenger. Upon entering, I uttered 'church' to signal my desire to travel with it to their IBTC center in Ayobo. I had barely sat down when the two occupants right behind me had their both hands against my back, trying to prevent me from sitting. In a rude manner, with the driver, they chorused ''No! You don't know where we are coming from, you don't know where we are going. Go down!'' I reflexively uttered "are you not Christians!". To say I was shocked at their unaccommodating disposition would put it mildly. After much aggression from them, I got off. Then I reminisced within me:

1. I approached the bus with a shout of "church", yet they turned me down, disregarding the fact that I might be a church member. This implies lack of brotherly love.

2. Let's even say they felt I was not a church member, what if I had no bus fare and felt they could help as Christians! None of their business, right? What happened to the greatest commandment- 'love your neighbour as yourself'?

After the above questions, I thought 'What would Jesus do in this situation?' Needless to say their actions were absolutely in contrast to the answer.

What if I was a fresh convert to the church who needed love from fellow members. What if mine was an unsaved soul they could have won to Christ this night just by a show of love ?

The whole drama left me in awe, as it betrayed what the Church was known for. I had friends from this denomination when I was in school, and I fondly remember how loving they were. As I write, I keep wondering if the church had left its first love.
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by dulux07(m): 11:12pm On May 10, 2016
I think they are just trying 2 play safe, probably because its late and also to avoid abuse of the church bus.
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by NiRfreak(m): 11:21pm On May 10, 2016
Christian wont seize to amaze me with their unchristian act

Sometimes i feel awkward knowing i share the same faith with some christians......i wish the word christian could have a synonym....i will probably go for that
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by mrwonlasewonie: 11:47pm On May 10, 2016
Op let me get this straight. When the bus stopped for you didn't you tell the driver /pilot or whatever where you're going? Is it that you just saw church bus and boom you entered thinking you'll get a free ride or assuming they're going to the same destination as you.

I'm not a deeper lifer though but I understand the fact that Nigerians are extremely rude and lousy people especially lagosians.maybe because of the Lagos stress and all but you were partly to be blamed if a bus just stopped for you and you entered without first confirming whether he's going to the same place with you


Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by rottennaija(m): 3:32am On May 11, 2016
@op, because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of a greater number will cool off... Mt 24:12
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by Nobody: 7:41am On May 11, 2016
I love your Christ,but hate your Christianity.
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by olujastro: 5:16am On Jul 25, 2017
Lobito007, how far?
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by lobito007(m): 8:04am On Jul 26, 2017
Lobito007, how far?
Baba I dey. Did you see my email request?
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by olujastro: 1:00pm On Jul 26, 2017

Baba I dey. Did you see my email request?
Yes, I saw your pm. But I usually do not see the email accompanying the pm of recent. I only see private-message@nairaland.com and once I reply, it doesn't deliver. cc Seun
You can reach me at ......
If you want to quote me in response, please delete my email before doing so.
Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by revelatiorcm(m): 1:34pm On Jul 26, 2017
that has nothing to do with Christ,
Christ is not in deeper life bus, let not that experience make you feel less important before Christ.
when you enter into Christ's arms He will welcome you warmly with love,
try Him and share a great testimony instead of this one about deeper life bus.

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Re: My Experience With A Deeper-Life-Church Bus Today by Nobody: 7:40pm On Aug 20, 2017

Baba I dey. Did you see my email request?
Sent you a PM bro. Please reply.

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