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"What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com - Food - Nairaland

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Instead Of Meat, See What A Lady Found Inside Her Pie She Bought, In Abuja / Finally Change Don De Affect Gala See What A Lady Found / See What Someone Found Inside 5 Alive Juice Today (2) (3) (4)

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"What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Kolababe: 4:45pm On May 11, 2016
How safe are we in this era of cancer and all sorts of dreadful diseases?  A Nigerian lady on Facebook book, yesterday, May 10, 2016 claimed that this was what she found when she and her cousin opened a pack of popular fruit juice called ‘5 Alive’. Here are some of the photos she shared.


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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Kolababe: 4:46pm On May 11, 2016
Na WA ooo

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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Kelklein(m): 8:31pm On May 11, 2016
I don't believe this tho


Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Shortyy(f): 8:31pm On May 11, 2016
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Faremisodeeq(m): 8:31pm On May 11, 2016
Maybe their was a mistake in the expiry date. But that is bad in this country that we are. But if this happened in other clime you don rich be dat ii oooo..!!!! Just go to court straight away. LOBATAN

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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by saxwizard(m): 8:31pm On May 11, 2016
can we cal it endtime juice?


Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by OgidiOlu3(m): 8:31pm On May 11, 2016
What is that?
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Taofeekbasit(m): 8:31pm On May 11, 2016
Nna rebranding and repackaging


Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by scribble: 8:32pm On May 11, 2016
poison drinks by nbc
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Vince77(m): 8:32pm On May 11, 2016
?Lalasticlala.... You understand the story ne?

POLICE: hey...!! Wey you? Park there!!
AJEBO: Hey officer men, come'on, that doesn't happen in the UK
PoLICE: oya.. Make una lie down there
AJEBO FRIEND: officer, abeg... Where?
AMEBO: no no no no... Don't tell him abegg, are you freeing? I can't do that mehn... Don't you know me, i am artist... I have 3tracks.
POLICE: if you no lie down now i go flog you!
AJEBO: you wanna flog me, flog me mehn...
POLICE: Abdulahhi, oya, give am twelve..
ABDULAHHI: i say i say make you you lie down, you wan you wan con dey do like say you you ajebo for here, i go i go kill you today!
whats d moral of dis story?

35 Likes 1 Share

Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by adedolapo4(m): 8:32pm On May 11, 2016
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by englishmart(m): 8:32pm On May 11, 2016
that one akumu alive na.
Why the panic?

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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by emmyvet(m): 8:32pm On May 11, 2016
Always check when the product was manufactued and when it will expire in the store before going home.

That Juice probably has stayed long in the shop who knows.


Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Speakdatruth: 8:33pm On May 11, 2016
dat should be from fake manufacturers not coca cola

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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Nobody: 8:33pm On May 11, 2016
My friend just drank one without pouring it inside a cup. One chance. sad
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Jerryojozy(m): 8:33pm On May 11, 2016
where our consumer protection council? Over to una oo

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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by lasisi69: 8:33pm On May 11, 2016
?Lalasticlala.... You understand the story ne?

POLICE: hey...!! Wey you? Park there!!
AJEBO: Hey officer men, come'on, that doesn't happen in the UK
PoLICE: oya.. Make una lie down there
AJEBO FRIEND: officer, abeg... Where?
AMEBO: no no no no... Don't tell him abegg, are you freeing? I can't do that mehn... Don't you know me, i am artist... I have 3tracks.
POLICE: if you no lie down now i go flog you!
AJEBO: you wanna flog me, flog me mehn...
POLICE: Abdulahhi, oya, give am twelve..
ABDULAHHI: i say i say make you you lie down, you wan you wan con dey do like say you you ajebo for here, i go i go kill you today!
end time story


Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by bedspread: 8:34pm On May 11, 2016
OP, drop your contact number. After dt get ready cos coca cola Nigeria would search 4 U for Compensation.
Ensure you take a trailer wen going cos they would fill up your trailer with Cartons of 5 alive.

Ask the lady that purchased a fake ear piece from slot
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Adesiji77: 8:34pm On May 11, 2016
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Peacetemi: 8:34pm On May 11, 2016
?Lalasticlala.... You understand the story ne?
POLICE: hey...!! Wey you? Park there!!
AJEBO: Hey officer men, come'on, that doesn't happen in the UK
PoLICE: oya.. Make una lie down there
AJEBO FRIEND: officer, abeg... Where?
AMEBO: no no no no... Don't tell him abegg, are you freeing? I can't do that mehn... Don't you know me, i am artist... I have 3tracks.
POLICE: if you no lie down now i go flog you!
AJEBO: you wanna flog me, flog me mehn...
POLICE: Abdulahhi, oya, give am twelve..
ABDULAHHI: i say i say make you you lie down, you wan you wan con dey do like say you you ajebo for here, i go i go kill you today!


Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by merits(m): 8:34pm On May 11, 2016
No where safe for this world as a whole,just sieve the dirty comot and enjoy your drink mehn!

If you don't have a siever,you can make use of your cloth.use your cloth to cover the opening of the container and pour the juice inside cup.the whole dirty will remain inside the juice container.

This just a simple seperation techniques asper CHEMISTRY.

Gone are the days when guyz dey cram first 20 elements in chemistry.

I was even tag as OC CRAMMER by den,lol.

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Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by kaywiluv(f): 8:35pm On May 11, 2016
Saw dis last week on fb
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by SmithHumble50: 8:35pm On May 11, 2016
Chai shocked
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by otitokoroleti: 8:35pm On May 11, 2016
nothing stops you from taking fresh natural fruit.
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Fweshspice(m): 8:35pm On May 11, 2016
Wetin una Expect Money no dey to buy new goods, na 2 dey consume inventories remain... May God Help Us
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Wendyslim(f): 8:37pm On May 11, 2016
Na wah ooooo. I saw same in a caprisone too
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by igahdavid(m): 8:37pm On May 11, 2016
Re: "What A Lady Found Inside 5 Alive" - NewsEveryHour.com by Figs(m): 8:37pm On May 11, 2016
?Lalasticlala.... You understand the story ne?

POLICE: hey...!! Wey you? Park there!!
AJEBO: Hey officer men, come'on, that doesn't happen in the UK
PoLICE: oya.. Make una lie down there
AJEBO FRIEND: officer, abeg... Where?
AMEBO: no no no no... Don't tell him abegg, are you freeing? I can't do that mehn... Don't you know me, i am artist... I have 3tracks.
POLICE: if you no lie down now i go flog you!
AJEBO: you wanna flog me, flog me mehn...
POLICE: Abdulahhi, oya, give am twelve..
ABDULAHHI: i say i say make you you lie down, you wan you wan con dey do like say you you ajebo for here, i go i go kill you today!
my prayer for u;

reciv sense

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