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Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? - Celebrities (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by bootysue(f): 11:26am On Jun 02, 2005
omotola, obviously no controversy
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by mosiate(f): 11:50am On Jun 02, 2005
Omotola is it!

omotola, obviously no controversy
Thanks, both of you, Omotola [I]ni joo[/I]. rolleyes
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by bunmijoseph(f): 4:52pm On Jun 02, 2005
Haba! Seun and Manue,l how can you say Rita is better than omotola? You shouldn't have even compared both of them because there are many people Omotola is prettier than and those ones are prettier than Rita (abi na lie?).

Left to me oh, Rita is not even fine at all. She's too artificial. Imagine her early in the morning without the heavy makeup. You go wan run Seun.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by ecogold: 5:02pm On Jun 02, 2005
I guess na the mouth go judge the thing wey go full belle if you na dey compare this two.
Wetin sef, na fine person dey fine dey cause this kind wahala.
Motola is okay, but wetin see Riota now.
For the ge Motola dey bron pickin she no get choice than to remain kampe.
So na Rita me I vote for, na this una discussion dey make a after 3 dey call him sef "Omo Sexy" Sorry for Mattew.
Nice day.

editor: where do I start, for the love of God angry
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by tendersoul: 5:34pm On Jun 02, 2005

Wella RITA DOMINIC is ATTRACTIVE if am to say.Yes she has a clear and sparkling skin. But when we talk of BEAUTY we talk of OMOTOLA JALADE EKEINDE.

She is too well moulded for a mother of three.she has the shape ,the legs, she naturally beautiful.Also she is friendly and that makes her sparkle and look young.

Men she is more BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! wink

editor: where do I start, for the love of God angry
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by monica(f): 11:50am On Jun 03, 2005
Omotola's beauty cannot be compared with Rita becos Rita is absolutely not (in her class). I mean Omotola is a mother with 3 chhlidren and still she looks as sexy as a 20 years old woman. I think Omotola is much more beautiful than Rita. Rita is just a kid. Have you people seen the new website of Genevieve? I think it tops all; that girl is just great. I mean somebody like Genevieve can be a little bit more beautiful than Omotola even though she is now 26 and just one kid but she is the prettiest of them all grin.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by adufe(f): 3:04pm On Jun 03, 2005
omotola is really more beautiful.she is cute.a good height,nice skin,lovly shape...2 mention a few.rita dominic is actually pretty but not as pretty as omotola.she is not tall.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by hotpikin(f): 11:04pm On Jun 06, 2005
omotola's prettier
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by IAH(f): 12:36am On Jun 07, 2005

That picture was taken when she was much younger.  I believe it has been photo-enhanced.   Let us see Omotola in a more realistic picture:
Omotola, I mean no disrespect, but I'm doing this for Rita![/center]

Rita Dominic for president!  http://www.ritadominic.com

And how are you sure Rita Dominic's picture too has not been photo-enhanced? Omotola Rules!
Rita's face is even lighter than her body, that means she has Fanta face and Coke body.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Seun(m): 1:00am On Jun 07, 2005
My left hand is darker than my right hand, which is darker than my face. Yet I definitely do not bleach my face or my right arms. Rita is ok. Leave her for me grin.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Ra(f): 1:43am On Jun 07, 2005
Omotola = natural beauty + class

Rita Dominic = erm......... cosmetic beauty

Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by tayotina(f): 1:25pm On Jun 08, 2005
Capische cool
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by KukuraontheMove(m): 2:33pm On Jun 10, 2005
'E be like say the net no want make I talk my own' ("it's as if the Internet doesn't want me to speak my mind"wink

Na Omotola be the main babe o! And I no be female as Seun want make we believe. She's got all.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Ra(f): 8:33pm On Jun 12, 2005
Tayotina.... highfive girl. wink
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by jogego(m): 8:49am On Jun 13, 2005
And the winner by a technical knock out and still the reigning, beauty queen of Nollywood is
(drum rolls and applause)

No further queries will be answered as this contest is over.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Ra(f): 5:32pm On Jun 13, 2005
Erm.... jogedo... point taken! wink
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by dominobaby(f): 7:17pm On Jun 15, 2005

and the winner by a technical knock out and still the reigning, beauty queen of Nollywood is

drum roooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllssssssssssssssssssssssssss and appplllllllllllllllllllllauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .......................

no further queries will be answered as this contest is over

jogego you really are something else!
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Seun(m): 7:24pm On Jun 21, 2005
Kai! So everybody thinks Omotola is more beautiful abi? Ok o.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by legs(f): 7:37pm On Jun 21, 2005
nope! actually some of us dont particularly care
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by hotangel2(f): 6:13am On Jun 22, 2005

I have got no idea why this topic is being discussed! Does it matter who is prettier or sexier or slender or has a nice ass or shape? We are all made beautiful in our own ways! What we lack in one department we make up in another department, so stop stressing. We should appreciate their works not their phenotype!

Seriously you just sounded not right. This is just an opnion poll. Well I will so choose Omotola.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by hotangel2(f): 6:20am On Jun 22, 2005

And the winner by a technical knock out and still the reigning, beauty queen of Nollywood is
(drum rolls and applause)

No further queries will be answered as this contest is over.

What in God's name does your name means??
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by oyin: 12:26pm On Jun 23, 2005
i agree with u seun omotolas one time beauty is fading it is rita jare tongue
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Ra(f): 12:30pm On Jun 23, 2005
I would love to see what your Rita looks like after 3/4 children and yes...... with a little less pancake. Have you noticed? her neck and her face are worlds apart colour wise... that's what excess foundation does to you. Nothing personal, I don't even know the lady but comparing her to Omotola is tantamount to blasphemy.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Seun(m): 9:12pm On Jun 24, 2005
Even without the skin bleaching I like the way she looks. She doesn't know that she doesn't need it and it's not her fault. Here's a recent picture, which I think is without make-up:
[center][img width=228 height=250]http://www.sunnewsonline.com.nyud.net:8090/images/rita-may3.gif[/img]
Rita Dominic - African Queen![/center]
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by hotangel2(f): 3:47am On Jun 25, 2005
You just spoilt your compaign for her beauty with that picture. Jeez, her lips are as big as my ass, look at her ear. And her ruffled face. Oh my gosh, she is so not compared to omotola. Seun stop acting like you mean she is cuter than Omotola.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Greatpeter(m): 9:14pm On Jun 25, 2005
Omotola is more cute and beautiful than Rita Considering than she has got 4 kids and she's still looking charming.
Omotola is prettier.
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Seun(m): 10:01pm On Jun 25, 2005
When a lady's lips are generously sized, it simply means that the lips are 'kissable'. As a man, I can assure you that this is a good thing. So I stand by Rita!

Honestly, I do not understand what everybody sees in Omotola Jolade/Jalade (which spelling is correct, anyway).
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by dominobaby(f): 5:35pm On Jun 26, 2005
hot-angel you absolutely got it.
Seun in campaigning for Rita, you made a big mistake by puttn up that pic. Aw! rolleyes
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by oyin: 11:35am On Jun 27, 2005
well i have made up mi mund omotola is more beautiful dat picture of rita is really disgusting
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by oyin: 11:38am On Jun 27, 2005
imean omo sexy is the girl
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by bunmijoseph(f): 4:10pm On Jun 27, 2005
seun na wa oh.U just messed rita up with dis picture u put.She looks so horrible there :Psorry rita i didnt mean to insult u oh.seun caused it.HA!HA!HA!
Re: Omotola or Rita Dominic - who is more beautiful? by Seun(m): 6:03pm On Jun 27, 2005
It appears as if I am the only one that has eyes on this forum? shocked

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