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Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:00pm On May 15, 2016
1. Fergie wets her pants on stage

Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas may have gotten a little overexcited during a performance. Then again, some of those shows are hours long and bathroom breaks are few and far between. We feel for ya Fergie.

Keep reading for embarrassing celebrity moments that are even more cringe-inducing than this one…

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:01pm On May 15, 2016
2. Katy Perry’s nude bodysuit

We like to think this made sense at the time, but the novelty must have soured by the time the official ceremony came around. At this point, Katy Perry looks quite eager to get off the stage

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by cruzita(f): 1:01pm On May 15, 2016
grin what was she thinking ?

the thing don press am wella
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by talk2alabama: 1:02pm On May 15, 2016
Awwww grin juhan
Has dis eva happend to u? tongue
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:04pm On May 15, 2016
3. Jennifer Lawrence trips at the 2013 Oscars

The star of The Hunger Games may be able to beat The Capital, but this gown definitely won the day in 2013. She got her Oscar anyway, though. And everyone loved her for being human

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:11pm On May 15, 2016
We sewf(Celebrities) na human being!
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:14pm On May 15, 2016
4. Khloe Kardashian’s spanx

So that’s her secret! Khloe’s Spanx made
a quick appearance while she walked
down the street on a windy day. As
embarrassing as this photo is, it’s not
without precedent. After all, a similar
thing happened to Marilyn Monroe! And
that may be the first and last time Khloe
Kardashian is ever compared to Marilyn

5. Taylor Swift Gives Her

Audience an Eye Full
Taylor Swift had her very own Marilyn
Monroe moment at a concert in St. Louis
in 2011. The audience got more than
they were expecting when a wind
machine blew up Taylor’s dress,
revealing her undies which were
surprisingly grandma-like. Despite the
wardrobe malfunction, Swift was able to
quickly, well, shake it off and keep
performing. Still pretty embarrassing,

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by nikkypearl(f): 1:16pm On May 15, 2016
Pheeeeww smiley
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:22pm On May 15, 2016
7. Tara Reid’s Epic Wardrobe Malfunction

This was perhaps the mother of all
wardrobe malfunctions. While strutting
on the red carpet for P. Diddy’s birthday
party in 2004, Tara’s dress decided to
that it no longer wished to cover her left
breast. Said boob was on display for a
whopping 10 seconds. Long enough for
every paparazzi to get multiple shots of
Tara’s tatas.

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:24pm On May 15, 2016
8. Christina Aguilera at Etta James’ funeral

While singing for Etta James’ funeral in
2012, Christina Aguilera was mortified by
a brown liquid that began dripping down
her legs mid-performance. Look for it,
look for it – yes, there it is. Officially, it’s
a spray-tanning malfunction. We have no
unofficial opinion on what actually
happened. Apart from the brown liquid
can we all agree that Christina was
perhaps showing a bit too much
cleavage at a funeral? Double
embarrassing moment there.

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:29pm On May 15, 2016
9. Tom Cruise and Oprah couch
Oprah’s face says it all: what was Tom
Cruise thinking? Years of speculation
have produced no good answers to this
shocking behavior on the part of one of
Hollywood’s most beloved stars. You
know what they say – love makes you

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:32pm On May 15, 2016
11. Louie Spencer, what were you thinking?

It’s definitely impolite and most people
would call it rude, too. We’re not sure
how Louie Spencer wrote this one off,
but if he’s doing what we think he’s
doing at the premier of “The Dictator,”
then he should be embarrassed. (What
we think he’s doing is proving himself a
total jerk and indicating to all women
everywhere that he’s not mature enough
to be a suitable romantic partner.) Then
again, he’s male, so there’s that.

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:32pm On May 15, 2016
10. Travolta Travolta-izes Idina Menzel’s name

Maybe it’s time for us all to let it go, but
when John Travolta introduced Idina
Menzel at the 2014 Oscars, he butchered
her name hilariously. Most people heard
“Adele Dazeem.” Did someone dare him
to do this?
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Flexherbal(m): 1:38pm On May 15, 2016
No 1 is so embarrassing.
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:40pm On May 15, 2016
12. Antonio Banderas’ wandering eyes
Even when you’re famous, it’s completely
not OK to openly eye a woman’s bust.
His hand is sitting kind of low on her
waist as well. Antonio is the one who
ought to be ashamed of himself, but the
poor lady looks like she can’t wait to get
away from him! Not cool, man.

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:41pm On May 15, 2016
No 1 is so embarrassing.
Check number 11.... I think it's more embarrassing... sad

1 Like

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:43pm On May 15, 2016
13. Ice T’s wife, Coco, gets a gluteal ultrasound

Why Ice T’s wife, Coco, thought it was
necessary to prove to the public that she
hadn’t had plastic surgery to improve her
posterior is something of a mystery. But,
apparently, vanity is a powerful
motivating factor. An actual, certified
doctor used a real ultrasound machine to
verify that, in fact, Coco did not
have implants. Wow – now everyone can
move on with their lives.

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:45pm On May 15, 2016
14. Ariana Grande and the Donut Licking Incident

In 2015 Ariana Grande was caught on
tape licking an unsold donut in a
California store. Ewww! Can’t you just
buy it first? To make matters worse,
Ariana was also recorded as saying “I
hate Americans. I hate America” when
she saw a fresh batch of donuts coming
out. Hey Ariana – fresh donuts are what
made this country great. Love it or leave
it. Or something like that.

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:48pm On May 15, 2016
15. Robin Thicke Grabbing a Fan’s Backside

Thanks to a well placed mirror, one hit
wonder Robin Thicke was caught heartily
squeezing a fan’s butt as they posed for
a photo. Oops! Oh, and he was married
at the time, so there’s that. While former
wife Paula Patton has never commented
on the now infamous snapshot, she soon
thereafter divorced the singer. Hope the
grope was worth it Robin.

1 Share

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:52pm On May 15, 2016
Bonus: Zac Efron: prepared on the
Red Carpet

Normally, one does not associate
children’s movies with – ahem –
preparedness. However, Zac Efron
apparently planned to get lucky at the
premier of “The Lorax,” because he
managed to drop a condom right on the
red carpet. Awkward! But thanks for
strapping one on Zac – the ladies
appreciate it!

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by cruzita(f): 1:55pm On May 15, 2016
15. Robin Thicke Grabbing a Fan’s Backside

Thanks to a well placed mirror, one hit
wonder Robin Thicke was caught heartily
squeezing a fan’s butt as they posed for
a photo. Oops! Oh, and he was married
at the time, so there’s that. While former
wife Paula Patton has never commented
on the now infamous snapshot, she soon
thereafter divorced the singer. Hope the
grope was worth it Robin.
I hope say u wash hand later

1 Like

Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 1:57pm On May 15, 2016
I hope say u wash hand later
I doubt it undecided
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 2:02pm On May 15, 2016
What's the name of that guy Nairalanders used to shout sef......


Come and see ooo
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nastydroid(m): 2:21pm On May 15, 2016
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by pwettiejay(f): 2:33pm On May 15, 2016
Ewww....that number 1 is most embarrasing, she must have been really pressed
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by kayultimate(m): 2:36pm On May 15, 2016
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by lyricalpontiff(m): 4:41pm On May 15, 2016
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Amberon: 4:55pm On May 15, 2016
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 6:23pm On May 15, 2016
Awwww grin juhan Has dis eva happend to u? tongue
lol no whatabt you? tongue
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 6:50pm On May 15, 2016
7. Tara Reid’s Epic Wardrobe Malfunction

This was perhaps the mother of all
wardrobe malfunctions. While strutting
on the red carpet for P. Diddy’s birthday
party in 2004, Tara’s dress decided to
that it no longer wished to cover her left
breast. Said boob was on display for a
whopping 10 seconds. Long enough for
every paparazzi to get multiple shots of
Tara’s tatas.
HateU2, smellymouth, bring your friends and come and see your friend..... grin
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by talk2alabama: 6:55pm On May 15, 2016
lol no whatabt you? tongue
I told u I poopoo in my trousers naaaaa...
Re: Unforgettable Embarrassing Celebrity Moments (pictures) by Nobody: 7:00pm On May 15, 2016
I told u I poopoo in my trousers naaaaa...
haha okay o

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