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Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? - Religion - Nairaland

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Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Thirdborn: 10:54pm On Aug 19, 2009
Peace to you all!
I ‘ve got this thing that has been poking my mind for a long time, its got to do with how Christians ignore or disregard some important rules in the bible (as if all rules are not important). I mean there are quite a few verses I stumbled upon that many Christians don’t follow and when I asked a self professed pastor why, do you know what he told me? “Those are rules for the old days, they don’t apply to the present day”. Can you imagine a pastor telling me that? So I mentioned these verses:

- Deuteronomy 28:15:
But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee

- Matthew 5:17-20:
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. New International Version

Well, he ran away after checking the verse cos he couldn’t give me an answer, but there are many other questions I have like; why women don’t cover their hair (like the Muslims) even in church as ordered in the verse:

- I Corinthians 11:6:
So if a woman does not cover her head, she should cut off her hair. If it is a disgrace for a woman to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her own head. ISV
Women are not allowed to speak in Church, but women have gone as far as becoming pastors today, Why? The Bible clearly states that:

- I Corinthians 14:34-35:
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

When Christmas comes around, many Christians all over the world set up Christmas trees in their houses when it clearly states that they shouldn’t in the following verse:

- Jerimiah 10:2-5:
Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

So if anybody has a very sensible and reasonable explanation as to why these rules are ignored today, I’d be glad to hear it. And please no “Those are barbaric rules of the old” crap please, ity clearly says that the rules will never change in the Bible.

God bless you as you answer sensibly.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by sosisi(f): 11:08pm On Aug 19, 2009
another attention seeker
go and thigh a tree
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Abuzola(m): 11:09pm On Aug 19, 2009
Thats christian for you, going to church, dancing and clapping is not even encouraged in the bible talk of making it a worship, the christianity can never be found in the bible like jesus saying 'I AM GOD , SO WORSHIP ME' the disciples never worship jesus. Christianity is just a religion of fun on earth, you follow the suitable verse of the bible and ignore some, this was the same reason why the roman catholic aforetime dismiss some verse of the bible in our today's bible. I just finish lecturing on fornication is a grieveous sin according to the bible which majority of christian engage.

Christians are enjoin to cut their hands if they sin, cast out the eyes if they see evil, mathew 5:29-30. No apparent christian has ever done it. What of muslim ? No matter how hard the command is, they adopt it.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by sosisi(f): 11:14pm On Aug 19, 2009

. What of muslim ? No matter how hard the command is, we adopt it, like raping slave girls,underage marriage,suicide bombings,killing of apostates,beheadings,terrorism etc

na you talk am
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Ola04: 11:19pm On Aug 19, 2009
Yes, we are living in the latter days, and it has already been told in the Scriptures that many will depart from the faith and follow any sensual doctrine that suits their own desire (see 1 Tim 4:1)
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Thirdborn: 11:21pm On Aug 19, 2009
Answer the Question posed or Go somewhere else please, i only started this thread for answers.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Chrisbenogor(m): 11:28pm On Aug 19, 2009
Because they see that most of these things were just cultural commands of the Jews.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Abuzola(m): 11:31pm On Aug 19, 2009
@osisi- Deuteronomy 13:5-7 decree killing of apostates.

Isaiah 13:15-16 God decree raping and killing of unbelievers

Numbers 5:26-27 God decree terrorism on unbelievers

why is it that the christians are ignominy. Am always around God's willing to teach you what ur bible says
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Image123(m): 1:38am On Aug 20, 2009
Actually, there are christians who still obey God's commands. God knows them that are His. Don't be shaken by the behaviour/attitude of others. Fix your gaze on JESUS. Seek to know and understand and please Him more. As you do that, every other thing will take shape.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Aremugangan(m): 2:06am On Aug 20, 2009
@image, do you think he could concentrate with jesus even though the christians around him are not making the environment condusive? He will definately lack concentration.
@osisi, i'm beginnin 2 have this feelings you were amomg the people that wrote the bible. Why do you have 2 remix my brothers' statement? That's the same thing you did 2my post on another thread. Why are you so hard at accepting defeat? You hate the truth.
@OP, are those extracts before or after the coming of Jesus because he has already died for sins ooo so they are free to commit any1. See 2cor 5:17.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Image123(m): 11:14pm On Aug 20, 2009
Jesus said No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back is fit for God's kingdom. Luke9:62. That is how concentrated and consecrated the normal christian life is. Service to God doesn't require cheerleaders. Lot had all against him in sodom. Joseph had no encouragement in egypt. Jesus himself lived among 'unbelief'. God's counsel to His children is ' let us lay aside every weight, let us run the race, looking unto Jesus. Fix your gaze on Jesus. There never was a better advice for God's children.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by skydancer: 12:37am On Aug 21, 2009
Lovely questions.
@Abuzola: You should try to meditate, it'll help u release all you've learnt and try to understand things with an open mind. I don't just know why I like you

@Thirdborn: About women and the church. I think a decision was made about the freedom and rights of women. People did not just see it as fair. They believe a man has rights as a fello man. If you read on you would have seen: 'For a man indeed ought not to cover his head since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of a man. It's why I believe God is male, likewise His angels. Women cannot face this fact. Simple. True christians cover their head anyway. There are always outlaws.

As for the christmas tree thing. You surely don't settle down when you are looking for criticisms. For what the Bible says is:
Do not learn the way of the gentiles;
Do not be dismayed at signs of heaven, For the gentiles are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The works of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They decorate it with silver and gold; THey fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not topple. They are upright like a palm tree, And they cannot speak; They must be carried, Because they cannot go by themselves. Do not be afraid of them. For they cannot do evil, Nor can they do any good.

This is clearly talking about idol worship. God explains it's futile. The trees are referred to as 'they' or 'them'. He talks about vain/futile customs that man does. Like worshipping a carved statue that cannot even talk for itself. Chikina


Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Aremugangan(m): 4:30am On Aug 21, 2009
@image, could you pls summarize your last post for me coz i don't seem to comprehend the relevance of your post with my questions.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Abuzola(m): 7:38am On Aug 21, 2009
@skydancer. When it comes to God injunction there is nothing like amendment, lets follow God's rule and be safe, do you think if christians adhere to the teaching of the bible they would fornicate, dress half naked and co ? Why do some churches in Europe adopt same sex marriage even though the bible is against it and many more
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by skydancer: 8:56am On Aug 21, 2009
Is it only christians that sin? Try and be balanced in your judgements. To view what you say from the perspective of who you are talking to.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Abuzola(m): 9:09am On Aug 21, 2009
The subject matter is why do christian ignore some verses of the bible. Yesterday too i heard a pastor deliberately saying that some verses of the bible do not work any more so he jump the verse
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Donvilo(m): 9:36am On Aug 21, 2009
This is b'cos some humans prefer following their will rather than God's own. (That's why they tend to ignore most chapters in the Bible, giving reasons cos' it's written by men) Which is a sin! Even Jesus himself was relying on his God will. Cos' he knew that's what God really want. see Matt. 26: 39-42.

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Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Image123(m): 9:37am On Aug 21, 2009
Your question to me was that do I think Thirdborn can concentrate on Jesus, seeing christians around him aren't making things conducive.
My last reply was that he can concentrate. I quoted Jesus (luke9:62). The statement in that passage can be paraphrased as 'anyone of my disciples who doesn't concentrate is not qualified for my kingdom'.
I then gave biblical examples of God's children who concentrated inspite of distractions. I talked about Lot in sodom, Joseph among his brothers and in egypt, and Jesus Christ himself, who didn't have the cooperation of kinsman, tribesman or countryman. Hebrews 12:1,2 encourages the christian to lay aside every weight/distractions/discouragement and instead focus on Jesus. I'm hoping this post is clearer than the previous.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Aremugangan(m): 9:55am On Aug 21, 2009
@image, In ur quest of educating me, you are being 1 sided and this gives me great concern. You quote Jesus asking the christians. Could you please tel me without mixing words where Jesus mention or recognized "CHRISTIANS"?
You quote some people of the early days. Do you want to compare those people with us today? I mean how can he be a follower of Christ when the leaders of his religion preaches what sharply contrasts with Jesus'? I believe the humble man is only asking this questions out of curiosity. Don't brain-feed him/us, educate him/us. What we know is more than what we don't kno, Anticipating!!!
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Image123(m): 4:30pm On Aug 21, 2009
Now you're beginning to sound weird and agitated. Sorry if it offends you but I'll take it that you're either an islamist or a pagan. Your tone makes me to think so, sorry again if that offends you.
Let me say that i'm not in any quest of any kind. Also, the word 'christians' is used generally to refer to followers/disciples of Jesus Christ. Christians also believe that the Bible is primarily written to them (whether they all obey or respect it is another issue). Its common to see christians saying to each other "this passage/verse is telling US".
I didn't specifically quote Jesus asking the christians to do anything, but you're right to say that. Christians will claim that anything Jesus is addressing to his disciples is also for them.
Hebrews12:1 says let US lay aside every weight. Christians will claim that US as refering to them i.e all followers of Jesus.
Seeing that Thirdborn is not telling us that he's being brainfed or educated, i'll love to send this post now

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Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Aremugangan(m): 5:17pm On Aug 21, 2009
Because of my kinda personality, i'l consider all your apologies. You are only explaining me in your own words.
Its a very known exposed hidden truth that the bible has no connections with the word "Christianity".
Personally, i'm always of the opinion that it would have been better if the bible had never been in any way interpreted to suite anybody thereby doing anything possible at all cost. If the bible used the word "disciple" for the followers of christ, why should you use the word "christian"? You know better than the author of the bible or are you only filling in the gaps?. Many questions people ask christians in my prescence and it baffles me what they usually have as responses. Someone was asked for the christians mode of worship and the response was enough to act a season 1-4 film, yet the questionaire was not convinced.
Pls, lets be sincere with ourselves, if the bible says "black", dont tel me it later changed to "white" when the light was turned on when Jesus never said so.

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Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by alimat2(f): 5:26pm On Aug 21, 2009
This is a nice question here but u will never see osisi and her likes to answer


the xtians will always say all things have pass away and that they are new creatures, meaning that god of the old testament has gone with it and there is a new god for new testament because God of OT was 1TRUE GOD while god of NT is trinity.

old testament old law, new testament new law
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Oba234: 12:43am On Aug 22, 2009
why didn't u post the whole verse. The bible said a woman should cover her head when praying and a lot of christains do that. Thats why u see women wearing big hats to church(especially black Americans).
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Ogaga4Luv(m): 2:57am On Aug 22, 2009
Peherp's this i have been pounding all about too.many of my friend's are church _worms! and then,some never resist preaching the gospel to me,even though-we are Clubing together and sharing beer's-in common but they still cover up with the so called religion madness mostly in Christianity.,the funniest is how ignorance and pretending has been a great source with christ follower's.
The Bible is Confussed!,Twisted book full of contradition's but still yet,i wonder how a normal human being that read it ,would agree with all the many many madness in practice?,and even the 10 Commandment's must be Obeyed and hardly you see a christian keep one of those written Comand's inside the book.

[b]BE WARNED!!-[/b]the Bible can make you go Crazy and put you into everlasting Cofussion.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by GboGboAye: 3:51am On Aug 22, 2009
ogaga"my"luv, being a christian doesn't mean that you can't have a beer. It's like saying that once a plant has blossomed wiv flowers i can no longer be seen as a plant but as a flower. The underlying fact is that it is a plant that blossomed. Applying this to ur comment, they are humans who are christians. The fact that a person is a christian doesnt mean that they can't shit becos the smell is offensive, or they can't go shopping becos it is vanity, or they can't wear lip gloss becos it is would make them look pretty. Christianity should not mean dullness. If their lives are dull how can they impact anyody?
Humans have cravings, and a way of life. The fact that u r buddhist, or muslin, or christian doesn't change the fact that u r human.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by GboGboAye: 3:56am On Aug 22, 2009
Thirdborn, the world has bent every rule it can to accommodate their ventures. Whether it's tying scarf, or not preaching in church. The best you can do is obey. "do not be conformed to this world, ", u understand? Keep your eyes on d God u serve. Trust me if u try to analyse what every other person is doing u will lose your  focus and backslide and eventually blame and be angry at God. In whatever you do, keep to urself. Don't go around telling sum1 else that what they r doing is wrong; it only pushes them farther away.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Ogaga4Luv(m): 4:13am On Aug 22, 2009

No i Didn't mean attack christianity but in as much the blah blah blah written in the bible,by another human being's claiming they're words from an a Superficial entity describe as"God" -hiding somewhere in the sky?. i cant get involve on theist way's of thinking and i strongly disagree with anybody tryn'a encourage me to Obey the bible after i have read it and really studied from Genesis-Revelation and i notice 90% are false stories and Yet,a great source of confussion in our world today.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Horus(m): 9:36am On Aug 22, 2009
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Aremugangan(m): 10:47am On Aug 22, 2009
@horus. I should believe you intend to communicate, but going by what i have here, your message does not conform with the term "communication". i'm not comfortable with this question but can you please make yourself clearer?
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Horus(m): 12:14pm On Aug 22, 2009

@horus. I should believe you intend to communicate, but going by what i have here, your message does not conform with the term "communication". i'm not comfortable with this question but can you please make yourself clearer?

The bible is used to enslave the mind so not only Christians should ignore the rules in the bible, but they should ignore the whole bible.
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by Ogaga4Luv(m): 12:40pm On Aug 22, 2009

True talk
Re: Why Do Christians Ignore These Rules In The Bible? by muhsin(m): 12:50pm On Aug 22, 2009
Funny. grin

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