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Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by Nobody: 6:20pm On May 26, 2016
Hi friends!

I will make this quick.

I'm building a website to help people start, build and grow their blogs.

What I want to know is, what are some things you most want to know or learn? My thinking is that if I build a site based on what bloggers specifically want to know, then I can build a site that's informative and highly useful to the needs of beginning and aspiring bloggers.

There's a tremendous amount of information on blogging on the Internet, some of it useful some of it a waste of time. But if I can identify what you're having trouble with, I can better present the information that will be of the most use to you. I'm looking to launch the site sometime this summer, and if God wills it, maybe I will be able to launch as early as June.

If I can answer your questions with a simple a response, I will do so via this forum.

Thanks for your time!

Be blessed!
Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by wisdomagbai(m): 7:20pm On May 26, 2016
I have a very big question and knowledge to get from you. I want to make my blog look professional and I want to learn how creat and monetize a blog. You can check my blog wisdomtechs..com or email me @ wisdoma30@yahoo.com
Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by Nobody: 9:48pm On May 26, 2016
I have a very big question and knowledge to get from you. I want to make my blog look professional and I want to learn how creat and monetize a blog. You can check my blog wisdomtechs..com or email me @ wisdoma30@yahoo.com

Sure I can help. But first, two things:

1. What do YOU mean when you say professional? Is there a certain style or look you are hoping to achieve? Can you point me to a website that matches what you picture in your head?

2. Monetization is merely including the options/opportunities to generate revenue through your blog. Putting a 'Buy Now' button on your blog that links to an ebook, is a form of monetization. There are a number of ways to monetize. It just depends on how you want to make money. Have you given any thought to how you would like to earn through your blog? Do you want to sell products and services? Earn affiliate income?

When you imagine yourself earning from your blog, what do you envision?
Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by SegilolaSalami: 9:04am On May 27, 2016
I think most bloggers would like to know how to increase traffic to their blogs
Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by Nobody: 6:20pm On May 27, 2016
I think most bloggers would like to know how to increase traffic to their blogs

I assumed that was a given. smiley

So I've been doing an extensive amount of research and experimentation to be sure I provide interested parties with strategies that actually work.

I'm also reconsidering my focus and concentrating primarily on increasing conversions, traffic and revenue through a blog. Lots of ideas floating through my head, but I intend to have them well organized within the next few days. smiley

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Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by SegilolaSalami: 6:31pm On May 27, 2016
I like the part about conversions and revenue . . .


I assumed that was a given. smiley

So I've been doing an extensive amount of research and experimentation to be sure I provide interested parties with strategies that actually work.

I'm also reconsidering my focus and concentrating primarily on increasing conversions, traffic and revenue through a blog. Lots of ideas floating through my head, but I intend to have them well organized within the next few days. smiley
Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by Nobody: 7:05pm On May 27, 2016
I like the part about conversions and revenue . . .

I'm almost ready to launch my next blogging case study. However, unlike before where I offered extensive analysis of an existing website, this time I'll try my hand at building a site from the ground up, and offering details about the entire process as I go.

I talk more about it in this post.

It's a rough outline of what I want to do, but I think people will get the gist of it. smiley

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Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by gefted1: 10:00am On May 28, 2016
Pls how can i make the mobile version of my blog to show on mobile phone, i have tried setting it but is always showing desktop version and is very slow on phone. www.nigeriabreakingnewstoday..com
Re: Do You Want Help With Your Blog? Tell Me What You Would Like To Know. by Nobody: 10:43pm On May 29, 2016
Pls how can i make the mobile version of my blog to show on mobile phone, i have tried setting it but is always showing desktop version and is very slow on phone. www.nigeriabreakingnewstoday..com

Most websites today use something called responsive design. It allows a site to adjust based on the width of the screen on the device the user is using. To display a mobile version of your site, you will need to include snippets of code into the header section of your template that detects which type of device your visitors are using, and if they are indeed using a mobile device, the scripts will redirect them automatically.

It's a lot easier to just use a responsive theme for your blog. Trying looking in the themes directory to see if Blogger offers free responsive themes. If not, you will either have to purchase one on your own, or have someone build one for you.

Hope this helps.

Best of luck to you in your endeavors!

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