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4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! - Properties - Nairaland

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3 Buildings Housing 81 Police Families To Be Demolished In Lagos / 4th Mainland Bridge Paths From Lekki, Ajah, Ikorodu And Ojodu Berger / Houses To Be Demolished In Ajah, Eti-osa For The Proposed 4th Mainland Bridge (2) (3) (4)

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4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by n3xt(m): 5:07am On May 27, 2016
Someone asked me yesternight "Where will the 4th Mainland bridge pass?" "Which part of Ajah/BADORE will be affected?"

Here's my thought:

For minimal damage and prevention of economic loss, I foresee the 4th mainland bridge coming from somewhere between PAN African University and Happyland Estate or nearby location about 1km to either sides, passing through the undeveloped lands and govt lands around the area, avoiding Cooperative Villas, cutting through BADORE road between Folarin bus stop - Greenville estate or nearby about 500m to either sides and landing at langbasa and then over the lagoon to Ikorodu.

Anyone with a property around this areas should go and confirm with the local planning authority early enough the area for the proposed realignment early enough in order to avoid the story that touch.

Just my thought though. My hunch is never wrong and ongoing activities with that area and especially BADORE to somewhere between PAN African university and Splash Bar further confirms the truth.

Things to check for:

- Government excisions around the areas mentioned above
- Areas where govt refuses to give approvals, consents and CofO
- A large parcel of undeveloped govt land around you which was clearly avoided by the land urchins (Omo Onile)
- Areas with slow growth and development despite being at prime areas
- Too good to be true land transactions.

Happy Building!


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Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by HungerBAD: 5:23am On May 27, 2016

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Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by Taeewo(m): 5:58am On May 27, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by n3xt(m): 6:42am On May 27, 2016
As the MOU for the proposed 4th Mainland Bridge, which completes the circle of the missing ring around Lagos, was signed by Governor this week, a lot of side talks and discussions have been ongoing on the execution of the project. Some are for, some are against, some are dismissing it as a white elephant project, some called it a great laxity in the part of the government, some called it sheer waste of public fund. While all this is going, some set of people like me are considering the fate of the owners of the properties that will be affected during the construction of the bridge and the road Furnitures.
Now, read on if you're like me and the last set of people of are positive that one day a government will definitely take the project up.

In the past, political expediency, corruption and court injunctions have slowed down such efforts. Though some "lapalapa" projects by unserious governments has always witness a rush to demolish buildings considered illegal or built on proposed roads immediately after he big announcement, only to stop once the media spotlight fades and the project goes into oblivion.

More than 800 buildings have been earmarked for demolition and some thousand titles of land in areas considered for this project are set to be cancelled.

This should put the homeowners and property developers within the said areas on their heels to minimize the loss by confirming from the local planning authority the exact areas that'll be affected, removing all valuables prior to government demolition, stop work where necessary, but what do we have - a set of people setting stage for legal battles/face off with the government for planning to develop her state. undecided

I've been hearing about proposals for 4th mainland bridge for over one and half decades now. Isn't that sufficient time for a wise property owner to do proper verification of their properties?

As can be imagined, owners of buildings earmarked for demolition will head to court to get injunctions to bar the government from demolishing their structures. And the number could go if more owners, motivated by the successful injunctions, decide to also seek legal redress.

Now, let me ask "are we not the architect of our own misfortune?"

Ill be right back with more information.

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Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by Dalyricz(m): 6:53am On Jun 06, 2016
it's a welcome development.
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by virginboy1(m): 6:53am On Jun 06, 2016

I just hope the about to be homeless entities gets compensated.

On the contrary.


This is serious! No joke at all.
Just read.

WAASCE 2015 Biology

Q2(a)(i) Mention 3 differences between Livestock A (Goat) and Livestock B (Sheep).

Check the answer a student gave;
1. The goat when you use it for soup it taste
waaaaooow but the sheep when u use it for
soup it does not taste waaaaow
2. Goats give soup perfume expecially the boy
goat but sheep dont
give soup perfume.
3. A goat can cross a road wisely but the
sheep is very foolish and walk slow on the road.
4. A goat has a sharp brake but a sheep don't
have sharp brake.
5. Goat head is smelling but sheep head is not
6. Goat is on left side of God but sheep is on
right side of God.
7. Goat is stubborn but sheep is humble
8. Goat can jump and turn 360° but sheep cannot
jump and turn 360°.
9)the goat cry pobe pobe but sheep cries berh berh.

24 Likes 1 Share

Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by kingphilip(m): 6:53am On Jun 06, 2016
Since the 4th mainland bridge is a right step in a right direction, I think adequate compensation too should be appropriately given to all those whose houses will be affected only on the condition that they acquired the land through due process and carried out proper documentation on it so as to ameliorate the suffering that will accompany the demotion of the houses

Good morning Nigeria
Good morning Nigerians
Good morning my fellow Nairalanders

Wishing us all a splendid week


Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by driand(m): 6:53am On Jun 06, 2016
Doesn't matter, as long as government compensates affected landlords..

1 Like

Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by ikbnice(m): 6:53am On Jun 06, 2016
Hope the government will compensate affected people meaningfully.
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by STFUand4kMeHARD(m): 6:54am On Jun 06, 2016
Demolish them joor .... i support it cool cool
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by NaijaCuzin: 6:55am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by Nobody: 6:56am On Jun 06, 2016
Why not concentrate on building rail infrastructures instead of bridges now. Rail is a necessity for a megacity.


Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by NaijaCuzin: 6:56am On Jun 06, 2016

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Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by chronique(m): 6:57am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by oladam23(m): 6:58am On Jun 06, 2016
The government should just try to compensate those that would be affected.
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by passionate88: 7:00am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by seunlayi(m): 7:01am On Jun 06, 2016
I hope compensation will be paid?

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Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by Exponental(m): 7:01am On Jun 06, 2016
hope compensation is in place and worth it.
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by Nobody: 7:04am On Jun 06, 2016
But the lagos state government were so interested in growing the lekki Ajah environs speedily but I think this will cause more fears in people buying lands and reduction In the growth and development. Ogun state needs more development as well, the bridge is a welcome development due to heavy traffic on daily basis in the lekki Ajah roads despite there are still more home owners coming to build and live there.The truth is not everyone will be compensated


Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by 4ward(m): 7:10am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by coconuthead(m): 7:11am On Jun 06, 2016

I just hope the about to be homeless entities gets compensated.

On the contrary.


This is serious! No joke at all.
Just read.

WAASCE 2015 Biology

Q2(a)(i) Mention 3 differences between Livestock A (Goat) and Livestock B (Sheep).

Check the answer a student gave;
1. The goat when you use it for soup it taste
waaaaooow but the sheep when u use it for
soup it does not taste waaaaow
2. Goats give soup perfume expecially the boy
goat but sheep dont
give soup perfume.
3. A goat can cross a road wisely but the
sheep is very foolish and walk slow on the road.
4. A goat has a sharp brake but a sheep don't
have sharp brake.
5. Goat head is smelling but sheep head is not
6. Goat is on left side of God but sheep is on
right side of God.
7. Goat is stubborn but sheep is humble
8. Goat can jump and turn 360° but sheep cannot
jump and turn 360°.
9)the goat cry pobe pobe but sheep cries berh berh.

I believe this is possible with the way our students spend time gambling and watching premier league


Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by jazinogold(m): 7:11am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by excellentmomma(f): 7:11am On Jun 06, 2016
Why don't the govt mention the areas now and even mark them, demarcate the route somehow to minimize losses and people's heart attack 'cos pple are still buying lands in those areas and developing fast. All the estate developers that keep bombarding pple with chants like, "buy into the new Lagos", Dangote refinery, new int'l airport, Pan African university, Free Trade zone, pls take note. They won't go and confirm the route of the bridge now.

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Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by DaBullIT(m): 7:14am On Jun 06, 2016
wHEN THE demolition starts , i expect some unscrupulous elements to claim a certain tribe is being targeted


Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by ikorodureporta: 7:14am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by Giyerte(m): 7:15am On Jun 06, 2016
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by ALAYORMII: 7:19am On Jun 06, 2016
For there to be development some toes must be stepped on
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by n3xt(m): 7:20am On Jun 06, 2016


Orange - VGC
Lemon - Ajah roundabout
Blue - Owode/Langbasa
Red - Cooperative Villas Badore
Black - Lekki Scheme II

This should help.

Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by n3xt(m): 7:22am On Jun 06, 2016
For there to be development some toes must be stepped on

Those toes needs to be adviced about the development.
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by opribo(m): 7:24am On Jun 06, 2016
Once gov Ambode can start it he is guaranteed a second term so he can complete it.
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by landinfo: 7:24am On Jun 06, 2016
Don't start waht u can't finish abeg
Re: 4th Mainland Bridge - Houses To Be Demolished! by eleko1: 7:25am On Jun 06, 2016
I dnt believe the proposed 4th mainland bridge will take place from Pan African,Greenland Estate and splash fun spot.But from Badore road.There's barely nothing to demolish there save for shanty kiosks,mechanic shops/block making makeshift. Make dey nor come near Greenland Estate ooo embarassed sad and my man fun spot embarassed

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