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Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by cokoduck: 9:25am On May 31, 2016

I am yet to see the intellectuals present a cogent case for Biafra... Igbos have a lot of prominent intellectuals.

Why now? Why did you not agitate in Jonathan's era? The problems you complain about were still there... Is it because a fulani man won?

Apart from maybe Anambra state, which other state can survive on their IGR?? Why do you not question the failure of your leaders?

The 2016 budget covers some of the major federal roads that people complain about... Why not give the man a chance?
How can you see? You have eyes but prefer to shut it, you have brain but prefer to shut it down, When Nigeria was using regional system it was yoriba that was feeding us. Nigeria will know no peace till Biafra is free, the pedophile will fail and Nigeria unworkability will be exposed to all and sundry.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by paschu: 9:29am On May 31, 2016
All I have to say is a Picture (or video) is worth a thousand words. No amount of dishonest spin can erase the foolishness and disrectpectulness shown to the priest. nansense ipob touts embarassed

Do you understand igbo language? NO.

Then believe whatever you choose nobody cares.

The Bishop is igbo.

His "children" who engaged with him were igbos.

An igbo Nairalander just told you that nothing that happened in that encounter can be spinned as "molestation". In fact nothing there was unexpected to a bishop who had had to engage and deal with Catholic Boys Orginization uncountable times throughout his priesthood.

And to crown it all, the vast majority of the distant stakeholders would care to understand the igbo langusge spoken in that video.

If these glaring facts are not enough to convince you that the bishop was not "molested". Then feel free to believe whatever you like. No one cares.


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 10:44am On May 31, 2016
The lies previously on the front page about this revered Archbishop joining protests at Nkpor needs to be corrected.


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by nduchucks: 11:22am On May 31, 2016

Do you understand igbo language? NO.

Then believe whatever you choose nobody cares.

The Bishop is igbo.

His "children" who engaged with him were igbos.

The Igbos are not typically disrespectful of their parents.

These thugs who forced the bishop out of his vehicle as he was returning from a burial ceremony, which was why he was in town, and then assaulted the man of God by shouting and pointing their disrespectful fingers in his face, are anything but the Bishop's children. They are nothing but misguided thugs possibly full of drugs.

You and your fellow misguided ipob youths need to remember what our wise old parents say: Ijiji na-enweghi onye ndumodu na-eso ozu ala n'inyi (A fly that has no counselor follows the corpse to the grave). Take wise counsel - your treatment of the Priest is nothing short of disgraceful and you need to issue an unreserved apology! Period.


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by Nobody: 1:08pm On May 31, 2016
How can you see? You have eyes but prefer to shut it, you have brain but prefer to shut it down, When Nigeria was using regional system it was yoriba that was feeding us. Nigeria will know no peace till Biafra is free, the pedophile will fail and Nigeria unworkability will be exposed to all and sundry.
There's no need to threaten anyone though I agree the poster you quoted is both ignorant and mischievous. A lot of Nigerians are like him–mischievous and ignorant. Deep down they resent each other but they still want to stay together. To me, that's foolishness.

The omenka of a guy and the felalegend guy need help. They've lost any atom of human common sense. These guys rejoice when the army kill IPOB members, keep quiet when Fulani 'Libyan' herdsmen kill other people but they want a united Nigeria. And you wonder how people can be so ignorant.

You don't have to cuss anyone or any tribe. You don't also have to pretend, like these sick ones among us, that we love one another. We hate one another. You can see how the op paints a lie to spit a people and some dumb people are asking how many intellectuals support the idea instead of hushing the op for lying.

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by Nobody: 1:12pm On May 31, 2016

Do you understand igbo language? NO.

Then believe whatever you choose nobody cares.

The Bishop is igbo.

His "children" who engaged with him were igbos.

An igbo Nairalander just told you that nothing that happened in that encounter can be spinned as "molestation". In fact nothing there was unexpected to a bishop who had had to engage and deal with Catholic Boys Orginization uncountable times throughout his priesthood.

And to crown it all, the vast majority of the distant stakeholders would care to understand the igbo langusge spoken in that video.

If these glaring facts are not enough to convince you that the bishop was not "molested". Then feel free to believe whatever you like. No one cares.
Good. You need explain it. Not for his same but for the sake of kids googling the internet and this comes up. That shows you how deep our hatred for one another is rooted.

Instead of calling the op out for lying or asking an Igbo to explain what was said he/they choose to believe what they/he want/wants to. That's Nigeria. And these self titled intellectuals still want the country to be one. Ignorance is the worst sickness.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 2:37pm On May 31, 2016
Good. You need explain it. Not for his same but for the sake of kids googling the internet and this comes up. That shows you how deep our hatred for one another is rooted.

Instead of calling the op out for lying or asking an Igbo to explain what was said he/they choose to believe what they/he want/wants to. That's Nigeria. And these self titled intellectuals still want the country to be one. Ignorance is the worst sickness.

Since the Op is lying can you tell us word for word what transpired? 2ndly is it normal to use your hands to point at an Archbishop of Catholic Church ordering him out of his vehicle and then went ahead to lie on social network that he was part of your secessionist movement?


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by bender79: 2:44pm On May 31, 2016

Are you saying all Igbos agree with the agitation?
They think the own Igbo mindset..While a lot of Igbos are just looking at them from afar

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by bender79: 2:46pm On May 31, 2016

An overwhelming population of igbos do
OK you mean overwhelming Igbo touts?


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by OduduwaYoruba: 3:19pm On May 31, 2016
If Biafra wants to go let them go, if marriage between husband and wife is full of trouble, let them separate. After all we will do well by being separate. Hausa fulani is taken South for a ride, the northerner depleted the resources of Nigeria but nothing to show for it in their land.
Let your governors, industrialists, your oil baron take alliance with you, then you will achieve your Biafra. Note, you cannot be eating from Nigeria and achieve Biafra
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by Nobody: 4:04pm On May 31, 2016

Since the Op is lying can you tell us word for word what transpired? 2ndly is it normal to use your hands to point at an Archbishop of Catholic Church ordering him out of his vehicle and then went ahead to lie on social network that he was part of your secessionist movement?
Lolololol. Where did this happen? In the video you posted? Lololol. Ordering him out of his vehicle? Lol. Are you normal? Which video? I should tell you word for word what happened when you've not agreed with the ones others posted. Why will you agree with mine? Why are you doing this? Are you paid?

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 4:19pm On May 31, 2016
Lolololol. Where did this happen? In the video you posted? Lololol. Ordering him out of his vehicle? Lol. Are you normal? Which video? I should tell you word for word what happened when you've not agreed with the ones others posted. Why will you agree with mine? Why are you doing this? Are you paid?


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 4:22pm On May 31, 2016
More reaction from Igbos on the abuse of the Archbishop.

Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 5:55pm On May 31, 2016
Where are those denying the abuse by the tout?

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 2:44am On Jun 02, 2016

Archbishop Obinna reacts

Meantime,the Catholic Archbishop of Owerri
Ecclesiastical Province, His Grace, Most Rev. Dr.
Anthony J. V. Obinna, has reacted angrily at the way
he was linked to the protest march of loyalists of IPOB,
and MASSOB, in Anambra State.

Speaking exclusively to Vanguard in Owerri, yesterday,
Archbishop Obinna said he chose to react “for the sake
of those, who may have been misled by internet or
media reports about my presence in Onitsha, on May
30, 2016.”

The Archbishop explained that he left Owerri for
Anambra State, for the funeral of Rev. Sr. Innocentia
Ehirim at the Immaculate Heart Convent, Nkpor.
"After the Holy Mass and the burial of the Rev. Sister,
and in the process of returning to Owerri through the
same Nkpor-Onitsha route through which we came, we
noticed that burning tyres had been set up by youths
blocking and preventing the normal flow of traffic,”
Obinna recalled,stressing that he was accompanied
on the trip by a good number of priests, religious and
laity, since the late Sr. Innocentia had worked for 10
years in the Archdiocese of Owerri, before her later

“From Ihiala, signs of unrest began to be seen with
unusual road blocks. In my case, we arrived at our
destination without much inconvenience."

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 5:06am On Jun 02, 2016

We have heard you Mr Intelligentsia.

Can you now stop bugging them and being a busybody. Antagonising a people who wants to rule their destiny is not a career let alone a noble profession.

Face your business, Mr I-too-know.

See the kind of person you once made a moderator on this forum! An IPOB
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 5:24am On Jun 02, 2016
You dont need to be a pyschologist to see the intimidation of the man by those thugs. Shouting and pointing fingers while blocking his passage is nothing but act of disrespect by those idiots on drugs singing Biafra
So much for peaceful protest
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by SonOfEl(m): 8:05am On Jun 02, 2016
You dont need to be a pyschologist to see the intimidation of the man by those thugs. Shouting and pointing fingers while blocking his passage is nothing but act of disrespect by those idiots on drugs singing Biafra
So much for peaceful protest

Sorry to burst your bubble. Your story won't fly. Feed your owambe story to the dogs.


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 8:18am On Jun 02, 2016

[s]Sorry to burst your bubble. Your story won't fly. Feed your owambe story to the dogs[/s].

Do you point fingers and try to push the hands of your elders away the way the idiot in the video was doing to that elderly man?
It a no brainer for anyone to know that your agitation will continue to be a gnashing of teeth for you as long as you are led by those type in the video.
Unless you are also disrespectful to your elders and can act the way those fools acted to that man, you should bury your head in shame.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by SonOfEl(m): 8:38am On Jun 02, 2016

Do you point fingers and try to push the hands of your elders away the way the idiot in the video was doing to that elderly man?
It a no brainer for anyone to know that your agitation will continue to be a gnashing of teeth for you as long as you are led by those type in the video.
Unless you are also disrespectful to your elders and can act the way those fools acted to that man, you should bury your head in shame.

Madam respecter, go to your tribe and preach your "respect". Leave us alone. How e take concern you? The archbishop was not in anyway threatened or intimidated. He understood the passion with which the protester grieved about Biafra.

You are not one of us. So vamoose. Follow your " respectful" owambe slavish zombies.

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 8:45am On Jun 02, 2016

[s]Madam respecter, go to your tribe and preach your "respect". Leave us alone. How e take concern you? The archbishop was not in anyway threatened or intimidated. He understood the passion with which the protester grieved about Biafra.

You are not one of us. So vamoose. Follow your " respectful" owambe slavish zombies[/s].

It's just clear to me when those yoruba boys describe you people as children that wakes their parents from bed with sliding tackles to the assss. grin cheesy
Nobody who is not IBO who ever wish in life to be Ibo. you guys sucks big time. Constituting Nuisance all over the place.

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Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by boscojo16: 8:52am On Jun 02, 2016
You people should listen to the video . It was not abuse . It was kind of mobbing . Excited that the Bishop was in their mist . You have to understand Igbo for you to conclude it was an abuse . Moderator should remove this because it is misleading and intend to damage the image of IPOB


Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by SonOfEl(m): 9:06am On Jun 02, 2016

It's just clear to me when those yoruba boys describe you people as children that wakes their parents from bed with sliding tackles to the assss. grin cheesy
Nobody who is not IBO who ever wish in life to be Ibo. you guys sucks big time. Constituting Nuisance all over the place.

You wish. Mind your damn business.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 9:17am On Jun 02, 2016

You wish. Mind your damn business.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by SonOfEl(m): 9:55am On Jun 02, 2016


If you are done ranting, you can save your MB any further embarassment
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by SonOfEl(m): 9:55am On Jun 02, 2016


When you are done ranting, you can save your MB any further embarassment
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by IsraeliAIRFORCE: 5:47pm On Jun 02, 2016

See the kind of person you once made a moderator on this forum! An IPOB

Please for goodness sake never you think I'm in Seun's class. That I once did a humanitarian service of moderating Nairaland does bring me down to his level.

Anonymousity of Nairaland shouldn't warrant you to insult me.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 8:19pm On Jun 02, 2016

Please for goodness sake never you think I'm in Seun's class. That I once did a humanitarian service of moderating Nairaland does bring me down to his level.

Anonymousity of Nairaland shouldn't warrant you to insult me.

You are still pained that your were unceremoniously and disgracefully sacked.
We we're told that you were using your position to reveal identities of members to your IPOB people.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by IsraeliAIRFORCE: 8:44pm On Jun 02, 2016

You are still pained that your were unceremoniously and disgracefully sacked.
We we're told that you were using your position to reveal identities of members to your IPOB people.

I am not a tout that behaves like fo0l to get at nonexisting enemy, rather I am a proud deeperlifer whose life in a shining light to youngsters and parents.

It seems you take Nairaland to be a sort of National Assembly. I was paid my gratuity by a multi-national French Company on a senior position after putting my best hence I don't need ceremony from Seun after a free voluntary service and moreover, is there any moderator that was ceremonially sent off here starting from Aisha, Jarius to sexkillz, ishilove, ogugua88, maclatunji etal?

I support a noble agitation that doesn't shade innocent blood.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by PentiumPro(f): 8:48pm On Jun 02, 2016

[s]I am not a tout that behaves like fo0l to get at nonexisting enemy, rather I am a proud deeperlifer whose life in a shining light to youngsters and parents.

It seems you take Nairaland to be a sort of National Assembly. I was paid my gratuity by a multi-national French Company on a senior position after putting my best hence I don't need ceremony from Seun after a free voluntary service and moreover, is there any moderator that was ceremonially sent off here starting from Aisha, Jarius to sexkillz, ishilove, ogugua88, maclatunji etal?

I support a noble agitation that doesn't shade innocent blood[/s].
Cut the crap, no one here is interested in your cock and bull story.
You were ignominiously kicked out as a mod for your unethical behavior, breach of trust and act unbecoming of a mod on this site. Prove that is the the case.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 4:29pm On Jun 03, 2016


- Archbishop Obinna

‘’For the sake of those who may have been misled by internet or media reports about Archbishop Obinna’s presence in Onitsha on the 30th May 2016, it has become necessary to give the true story’’.

On Monday the 30th May, Most Rev. Anthony J.V. Obinna, Archbishop of Owerri, left for Onitsha for the funeral of Rev. Sr. Innocentia Ehirim at the Immaculate Heart Convent, Nkpor. He was accompanied by a good number of priests, religious and laity since the late Sister Innocentia had worked for ten years in the Archdiocese of the Owerri, before her later postings.

From Ihiala, signs of unrest began to be seen with unusual road blocks. In any case Archbishop Obinna and his entourage arrived at their destination without much inconvenience. After the Holy Mass and the burial of the Rev. Sister, in the process of returning to Owerri through the Nkpor-Onitsha route through which he and his entourage came, he found that burning tyres had been set up by youths blocking and preventing the normal flow of traffic. The Archbishop was constrained to stop in order to plead for passage for himself and those who accompanied him. On getting past this first blockage he ran into a bigger road-block with more massive burning tyres and a greater crowd of youth.

On sighting the police ahead of him, Archbishop Obinna made his way beyond the milling and shouting youths in order to seek a possible safe-passage. In spite of the armoured vehicle standing there and the police in battle-gear, Archbishop Obinna made his way to the Commanding Officer. After speaking with the officer and being advised to turn back and find another route because of the apparent tension. Archbishop Obinna walked backward only to be besieged by the pro-Biafra shouting youths. From mildly charging that the Catholic Church and CAN should speak out on behalf of the Biafra cause some of the youth descended to abusive and threatening talk in expressing their joblessness, poverty and frustration. Trying to respond calmly to the angry youths, it now turned out to be needless. As he further trekked to get back to his car, those among the youths with camera-phones photographed him in the midst of all those youths. The Archbishop eventually got into his car and found a back-way route to Abetete and on to Nnewi from where he then returned to Owerri.

This is the true story behind the lying and deceptive photographs and stories on the internet and some newspapers falsely claiming that the Archbishop either came from Owerri or Rome to join the protest march of the pro-Biafra youths.
Re: Archbishop Obinna Abused By Pro-Biafran Protesters by felalegend: 4:36pm On Jun 03, 2016
Nairaland modes should do justice to this thread. It is sacrilegious to blackmail a Catholic Archbishop on this forum by error but yet refusing to correct it. Arch-Bishop AJV Obinna as evidently seen and heard on the video was abused without iota of respect by rebels and they tried to compel him into siding secessionists which he rejected.


Such deceit being projected here is meant to popularise the rebels by deceiving Catholic faithfuls into believing that their revered Archbishop has endorsed IPOB.

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