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Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help - Health (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Dronedude(m): 10:08am On Jun 03, 2016
Check with a doctor.

Go to a hospital.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Gwekzy: 10:08am On Jun 03, 2016
seriously ? and u just letting it out ... some pple can play with their lives sha
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Lucasinho(m): 10:08am On Jun 03, 2016
Stop fasting much? Stop eating strong foods? Stop Anal sex? U will bounce back.....appreciate me later!
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by 1metre: 10:10am On Jun 03, 2016
This is sexually transmitted disease, don't lie by saying he went to a Dr, take him for a thorough test, u will be amazed that staph and Gono don finish ur bro
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by ojibole1(m): 10:11am On Jun 03, 2016
21st century n u can't go straight to hospital na wa o and d fact dt u can create a topic on nairaland means u r nt an illiterate. So wise up
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by yakubuadeiza(m): 10:12am On Jun 03, 2016
Nairalanders go make u laff 4get say u dey seek solution to ur problem.


IT IS UN-FIA O cheesy
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Nobody: 10:12am On Jun 03, 2016
Tell him/her to locate any Living Faith Church Worldwide (aka Winners Chapel Int'l) this evening join them in the communion and by sunday you'll see that blood NO more. Don't wait to think about it if it fails, contact me I'll pay you the cost. God Bless You! Be healed in The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by mzEhmmy(f): 10:12am On Jun 03, 2016
I hope it's ain't hook worm infection?? He shld try using Melbendazole. May he be healed IN JESUS' NAME

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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by adepiero: 10:13am On Jun 03, 2016
Your cousin is not alone. He has internal hermorroid just like me. I have had it for 2yrs and counting and my final resolve is surgery.

My advice to ur cousin is to limit peppery food and sugary ones too and he should take s lot of water.

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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by gambus007(m): 10:14am On Jun 03, 2016
To make this short I will go straight to the point.

For some 4 years now my cousin 33yrs old has been having Bright red blood dropping in the toilet when he stool. It does not happen all the time but it does happen once in a while. Sometimes 2 days and then it may stop for months and then resurface.
Doctors can't diagnose the cause after many checks so they said it's an internal hemorrhoid. According to 2 doctors it's not cancer.
Is there any alternative treatment for this?
Pls nairalanders let us know so we can as well help others going through this.

Lalastica u dey there!
He should reduce sugar intake and drink alot of water.i use to have same problem especially when i take alot of sugary stuff.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by NaMe4: 10:14am On Jun 03, 2016
Right diagnosis. its an internal hemorrhoid. Avoid eating peppery good and make sure you avoid constipation. Drink plenty of water. Take plenty food made of fiber E.g Cashew nut.

The most likely diagnosis. Nonetheless, he should visit a doctor for a full evaluation which can possibly reveal the cause or existing risk factors for such symptoms.

Ultimately, an endoscopy (colonoscopy) will be beneficial.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by d33types: 10:15am On Jun 03, 2016
might be a hemorrhoid or malignancy (colon cancer)..the later is getting commoner in men in Nigeria and usually associated with difficulty in passing stool,and the stool is in pellet form..bright red blood rules out ulcer.

what the fvck is even wrong with you
.goto a teaching hospital and help yourself, not Nairaland. the wizards selling one product or the other will complicate your problem..
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by kelvinovie(m): 10:15am On Jun 03, 2016
It's internal hemorrhage . Prepare salt in hot water and be sitting on the bowl two times daily for considerable period of time. You can mix it with baking soda also. Also buy anasol to insert it in anus. It will stop the bleeding
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by ddude: 10:16am On Jun 03, 2016

And as well drink a lot of water after eating to enhance proper digestion
Is the person losing weight? If not, it's not likely to be a cancer. However, whatever it is, take the person to a teaching hospital for proper diagnosis. Blood in stool? It's emergency medical condition. My widow's mite
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Etern: 10:17am On Jun 03, 2016
He should drink a glass of whole milk before going to bed and first thing in the morning before going to the toilet. He should do a stool test to check micro organisms and bacteria parasites. Does he have anal itching?

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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by otswag(m): 10:19am On Jun 03, 2016
Na for this kain thread every nairalander go turn Dr...lol

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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by BABANGBALI: 10:23am On Jun 03, 2016
Op dem don use preek scatter your cousin yansh. Na pampers level him dey now
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Phonefanatic: 10:27am On Jun 03, 2016
Op you have 83 attached to your username I assume it's 1983

2016 - 1983=33years so you are talking about yourself not your cousin however you have pile which need to be treated.

I once experienced such about 8 years ago and it was pile. I got treated and in few days I got back to normal since then I never experienced such.

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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Chatlaury(f): 10:29am On Jun 03, 2016
He should go and test for ulcer.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Nweike1: 10:31am On Jun 03, 2016
Let ur cousin go and see a general surgeon, it will be necessary to do a proctosigmoidoscopy among other tests
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by phapi(m): 10:32am On Jun 03, 2016
Please ask your cuzzin if he has ever had receptive Anal sex before?


Because this bleeding is peculiar to MSM\GaYs because of the thick pressure of the dick.

Tell him to visit any health NGO such as SFH,FHI360,NACCA or GlobalFund they got drugs and injections for this STI

And Above all he should stop letting MEN F.U.C.kK his ASS
GAY oshi
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Duru009(m): 10:37am On Jun 03, 2016
"i pray against every yoke making you stool for years. I restore your health now in the name of Jesus. Whatever dat is makin you stool for years die now by the powerful of the holyghost and never come back.
The bible says 'whoever the son of man says its free, its free indeed'. I declare your freedom NOW! in the name of Jesus.
Thank you lord for answering my prayers. In Jesus name,I pray. Amen....

You are free now...!!
Confess it now!


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Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Etern: 10:38am On Jun 03, 2016
Op you have 83 attached to your username I assume it's 1983

2016 - 1983=33years so you are talking about yourself not your cousin however you have pile which need to be treated.

I once experienced such about 8 years ago and it was pile. I got treated and in few days I got back to normal since then I never experienced such.
It might not necessarily be pile. There are many ailments that can cause red bloody stools. If he has a little abdominal discomfort I will suspect a bacteria infection. For example, a badly treated typhoid fever (salmonella typhi) can cause it. He should explain how his stools look like.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by kokomilala(m): 10:41am On Jun 03, 2016
Tred this road before.Clear manifestations of internal haemorrhage or pile.Tell him to stop taking sugar for a start.Two,tell him to steer clear of foods that are hard.Lastly, tell him to be taking at least 1 bitter kola a day.Good luck!
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Gordieshegz(m): 10:41am On Jun 03, 2016
Right diagnosis. its an internal hemorrhoid. Avoid eating peppery good and make sure you avoid constipation. Drink plenty of water. Take plenty food made of fiber E.g Cashew nut.

right diagnosis?
I laugh...
what makes a diagnosis definitive is not you making a irrational decision because someone told you he has bloody stool for 1year...
you have no idea of the physical examination of this guy,
not endoscopy or other clinical examination carried out,
no laboratory investigation conducted on the stool,and you conclude on a right diagnosis?you must have read your own medicine in ukraine!

@the topic...op,I will implore you to visit the nearest hospital to you and have this complained to a Doctor..this is not romance or politics,it is your health we are talking about here..that kind of condition can be gravious if not managed on time..
by the way,having diets rich in fibres, vegetables and fruits will be very good for its healing...sorry ehn..you will be fine in jesus name
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by edo3(m): 10:42am On Jun 03, 2016
Right diagnosis. its an internal hemorrhoid. Avoid eating peppery good and make sure you avoid constipation. Drink plenty of water. Take plenty food made of fiber E.g Cashew nut.
broda from u what u analysed,i found out that u av knowledge about healthy living..pls for like 5years now,,anytym i go to toilet and time to wash my bum bum,,i normally feels ds sticky stuff in my anus,,and this has made me to loose a lot of weight..av gone for hiv test,but nothing..everyone that knows me keep complaining about my weight loss..pls help me cos am not finding it funny anymore..thnks sir
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Laredojohn(m): 10:43am On Jun 03, 2016
To make this short I will go straight to the point.

For some 4 years now my cousin 33yrs old has been having Bright red blood dropping in the toilet when he stool. It does not happen all the time but it does happen once in a while. Sometimes 2 days and then it may stop for months and then resurface.
Doctors can't diagnose the cause after many checks so they said it's an internal hemorrhoid. According to 2 doctors it's not cancer.
Is there any alternative treatment for this?
Pls nairalanders let us know so we can as well help others going through this.

Lalastica u dey there!
sorry about this , this is diverticulitis, its a out pouch on the walls of the colon , its not cancer , anytime he strains to use the toilet and those open up thats when he sees blood in his stool , there is no cure per say , its just a change in eating habit , he should eat more high fiber foods such as beans , vegetables and the like so he does not have to strain to use the toilet , he should not hold stool , any time he wants to poo he should do, its no so risky if he follows those simple rules, its not cancer , its not tumor , its just an out pouch. i believe i have made sense about this
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Phonefanatic: 10:44am On Jun 03, 2016

It might not necessarily be pile. There are many ailments that can cause red bloody stools. If he has a little abdominal discomfort I will suspect a bacteria infection. For example, a badly treated typhoid fever (salmonella typhi) can cause it. He should explain how his stools look like.

Or probably upload photo of his pooo.... Just kidding.

He needs proper medical diagnosis in a hospital where his presence will be needed not Nairaland.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Perfecttouch(m): 10:45am On Jun 03, 2016
To make this short I will go straight to the point.

For some 4 years now my cousin 33yrs old has been having Bright red blood dropping in the toilet when he stool. It does not happen all the time but it does happen once in a while. Sometimes 2 days and then it may stop for months and then resurface.
Doctors can't diagnose the cause after many checks so they said it's an internal hemorrhoid. According to 2 doctors it's not cancer.
Is there any alternative treatment for this?
Pls nairalanders let us know so we can as well help others going through this.

Lalastica u dey there!
is it painful anytime he visits the toilet? If yes,I know the perfect solution that works in hours
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by oshotemi19: 10:45am On Jun 03, 2016
You cousin is suffering from ulcer. He should meet a specialist and that will be resolved. don't panic. I once suffered from the same 2014. I bring out fresh red blood from my anus each time I visit the toilet. After two weeks of continuous experience without solution; I traveled to visit my personal physician that has my medical history. She placed me on medications and after 4-6 days; I am fine. she further warned me to avoid some diet to avoid reoccurrence. avoid fermented foods, fried foods and stuffs. I complied and since no crisis of such. I hope this piece of information will be of help to your cousin.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by oshotemi19: 10:47am On Jun 03, 2016
To make this short I will go straight to the point.

For some 4 years now my cousin 33yrs old has been having Bright red blood dropping in the toilet when he stool. It does not happen all the time but it does happen once in a while. Sometimes 2 days and then it may stop for months and then resurface.
Doctors can't diagnose the cause after many checks so they said it's an internal hemorrhoid. According to 2 doctors it's not cancer.
Is there any alternative treatment for this?
Pls nairalanders let us know so we can as well help others going through this.

Lalastica u dey there!

You cousin is suffering from ulcer. He should meet a specialist and that will be resolved. don't panic. I once suffered from the same 2014. I bring out fresh red blood from my anus each time I visit the toilet. After two weeks of continuous experience without solution; I traveled to visit my personal physician that has my medical history. She placed me on medications and after 4-6 days; I am fine. she further warned me to avoid some diet to avoid reoccurrence. avoid fermented foods, fried foods and stuffs. I complied and since no crisis of such. I hope this piece of information will be of help to your cousin.
Re: Blood In Stool For Years; Please Help by Perfecttouch(m): 10:48am On Jun 03, 2016
It's internal hemorrhage . Prepare salt in hot water and be sitting on the bowl two times daily for considerable period of time. You can mix it with baking soda also. Also buy anasol to insert it in anus. It will stop the bleeding
that solution is wrong,na because the thing never hold u na him make u still dey use salt inside hot water

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