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Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:33am On Jun 13, 2016
Spice up your Marriage and Relationships with these amazing collections of books. Get your books in minutes ANYWHERE YOU ARE IN THE WORLD.


1. The 4 Seasons of Marriage: Secrets to a Lasting Marriage
2. The 5 Love Languages Military Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts
3. The 5 Love Languages of Children
4. The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
5. The Five Love Languages of Teenagers: The Secret to Loving Teens Effectively
6. The Five Love Languages 7. Hope for the Separated: Wounded Marriages Can Be Healed
8. Love as a Way of Life: Seven Keys to Transforming Every Aspect of Your Life
9. Love is a Verb Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations to Bring Love Alive
10. Now You're Speaking My Language


1. 3 Seconds: The Power of Thinking Twice
2. Crazy Good Sex: Putting to Bed the Myths Men Have about Sex
3. The First Drop of Rain
4. Helping the Struggling Adolescent
5. The Hour That Matters Most: The Surprising Power of the Family Meal
6. I Love You More: How Everyday Problems Can Strengthen Your Marriage
7. Love Talk
8. The Parent You Want to Be
9. Relationships
10. Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Seven Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry
11. Your Time-starved Marriage: How to Stay Connected at the Speed of Life

1. God Guy. Becoming the Man You're Meant to Be
2. Almost Sex. 9 Signs You Are About to Go Too Far (or already have)
3. God Girl. Becoming the Woman You're Meant to Be
4. Mean Girls. Facing Your Beauty Turned Beast
5. Over It. Getting Up and Moving On after Bad Stuff Happens
6. The Dirt on Breaking Up
7. The God Girl Journey. A 30-Day Guide to a Deeper Faith

1. The 5 Sex Needs of Men & Women
2. The 5 Love Needs of Men & Women
3. 40 Unforgettable Dates with Your Mate

1. Every Man's Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time
2. Every young woman's battle : guarding your mind, heart, and body in a sex-saturated world
3. 7-Minute Marriage Solution, The: 7 Things to Start! 7 Things to Stop! 7 Minutes That Matter Most!
4. Every Young Man's Battle Guide. Weapons for the War Against Sexual Temptation
5. Every Young Man's Battle. Stategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation
6. Every Young Man, God's Man. Confident, Courageous, and Completely His

1. Sacred Marriage
2. Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls
3. Devotions for a Sacred Marriage: A Year of Weekly Devotions for Couples
4. Holy Available: What If Holiness Is about More Than What We Don’t Do?
5. The Beautiful Fight: Surrendering to the Transforming Presence of God Every Day of Your Life
6. Sacred Influence
7. Every Body Matters: Strengthening Your Body to Strengthen Your Soul
8. Authentic Faith: The Power of a Fire-Tested Life

1. What's It Like to Be Married to Me?
2. Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman's Guide
3. Gift-Wrapped by God. Secret Answers to the Question Why Wait?

1. The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love
2. Why You Act the Way You Do
3. Spirit-Controlled Temperament


1. Intended for Pleasure. Sex Technique & Sexual Fulfillment in Christian Marriage by Ed Wheat
2. The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love by Tim LaHaye
3. 31 Secrets of an unforgettable woman by Mike Murdock
4. The uncommon woman by Mike Murdock
5. Life without strife by Joyce Meyer
6. Making your marriage work by Joyce Meyer
7. The purpose and power of Love & Marriage by Myles Munroe
8. Understanding the purpose and power of woman by Myles Munroe
9. Single, Married, Separated & life after Divorce by Myles Munroe
10. Waiting & Dating by Myles Munroe
11. Keys to living Single by Myles Munroe
12. The Woman question by Kenneth E Hagin
13. When Mothers pray by Duncan Williams
14. A ceremony of Marriage by Kenneth Copeland
15. Sex, God & Marriage by
Johann C. Arnold
by Zac Poonen
18. Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov
19. Men Are from Mars,
Women Are from Venus by John Gray
20. How to Build a Happy Family by Bo Sanchez
21. How to have a great marriage by Bo Sanchez
22. Sex is not the Problem by Joshua Harris
23. Boy Meets Girl :Say Hello to Courtship
by Joshua Harris
24. Dug deep down by Joshua Harris
25. Why you Act the way you do by Tim LaHaye
26. Christian Marriage 101: Tips for a healthy marriage by Joey Bauer
27. Meditations on Christian Marriage by Stephen Kurtzahn
28.The five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
29. The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage by
Stormie Omartian
30. Experiencing Christ Together: Finding Freedom & Fulfillment in Marriage by Neil T Anderson
31. Winning Him Without Words: 10 Keys to Thriving in Your Spiritually Mismatched Marriage by Dineen Miller
32. You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis Chan
33. Marriage Matters by Tony Evans
34. Healing Your Marriage When Trust is Broken by Cindy Beall
35. From Anger to Intimacy: How Forgiveness Can Transform Your Marriage by Gary Smalley
36. Every Woman's Marriage by Shannon Ethridge
37. Devotions for a Sacred Marriage: A Year of Weekly Devotions for Couples by Gary Thomas
38. Barricading Your Marriage With Fire by Alisha Anderson
39. The Story of Marriage by John & Lisa Bevere
40. Getting Ready for Marriage by Jim Burns,Doug Fields
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43. Releasing Family Blessings: God's Plan For Your Marriage and Children by Larry Huch
44. The Gift Of Marriage by Tony Goodman
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48. Creating an Intimate Marriage: Rekindle Romance Through Affection, Warmth and encouragement by Jim Burns
49. When We Fight All the Time: True Stories of Couples Who Saved Their Marriages by Dave &Neta Jackson
50. Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change Through Ordinary Moments by Winston T. Smith
51. Why Should I Be the First to Change? by Chuck &Nancy Missler
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54. Prayer Can Change Your Marriage by Ron Auch
55. Marriage Covenant by Derek Prince
56. How To Make Your Marriage Exciting! by Charles & Frances Hunter
57. How To Be A Good Wife: What Every Bride Must Know by John McQuilkin
58. How Do I Fix My Broken Marriage?: Simple tips to bring healing to marital woes… by Teri M. Bethel
59. Overcoming Storms of Life in Your Marriage and Business by Dr Olusola Coker
60. Love, Sex, And Lasting Relationships by Chip Ingram
61. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment by Steve Harvey
62. The Secret Currency of Love: Truth About Women, Money, and Relationships by Hilary Black
63. Christian Family Relationships by Smith Chuck
64. Moments Together for Couples by Dennis Rainey
65. When the Odds Are Against Us: True Stories of Couples Who Saved Their Marriages by Steve Wilke
66. The Secret Language of Successful Couples by Bill &Pam Farrel
67. God's Design for Love, Marriage, Sex, and Redemption by Matt Chandler
68. The Book of Romance: What Solomon Says About Love, Sex, and Intimacy by Tommy Nelson
69. The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating by Andy Stanley
70. Lifelong Love Affair by Jimmy Evans

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Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:37am On Jun 13, 2016
ANY BOOK by ANY AUTHOR in ANY FIELD of LEARNING/LIFE such as ➡Christianity
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Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:41am On Jun 13, 2016

1. The Great Sex Secret: What Satisfied Women and Men Know That No One Talks about by Kim Marshall
2. Sex, Mom, and God by Frank Schaeffer
3. "The One" Revealed: A Woman's Hopeful and Helpful Guide in Knowing Who Her Husband Is by Karolyne Roberts
4. Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship by John Gray
5. The Secret Currency of Love: The Unabashed Truth About Women, Money, and Relationships by Hilary Black
6. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment by Steve Harvey
7. Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man by Steve Harvey
8. I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris
9. Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is): Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World by Joshua Harris
10. Boy Meets Girl - Say Hello to Courtship by Harris Joshua
11. Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
12. More Beautiful Than You Know. Celebrating the Young Woman God Created You to Be by Jennifer Strickland
13. Free to Be Me. Becoming the Young Woman God Created You to Be by Stasi Eldredge
14. Woman Power: Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life by Laura Schlessinger
15. The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger
16. Parenthood by Proxy: Don't Have Them If You Won't Raise Them by Laura Schlessinger
17. Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships by Laura C. Schlessinger
18. The Complete Dream Book of Love and Relationships: Discover What Your Dreams and Intuition Reveal about You and Your Love Life by Gillian Holloway
19. Beyond Sex Roles: What the Bible Says About a Woman's Place in Church and Family by Gilbert Bilezikian
20. The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family by Dan Savage
21. Sex and the Soul of a Woman by Paula Rinehart
22. He's Just Not Up for It Anymore: When Men Stop Having Sex, and What Women Are Doing About It by Bob Berkowitz
23. Relationship Sabotage: Unconscious Factors that Destroy Couples, Marriages, and Families by William J. Matta
24. The Young Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall
25. What's Wrong With Being Single? by Maram Jorjani
26. The Courage To Be a Single Mother: Becoming Whole Again After Divorce by Sheila Ellison
27. The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating by Andy Stanley
28. God's Divine Design for Dating and Marriage: A Perfect Love for Imperfect People by Chrystal Armstrong
29. Breaking the Good Mom Myth: Every Mom's Modern Guide to Getting Past Perfection, Regaining Sanity, and Raising Great Kids by Alyson Schafer
30. You're a Good Mom (and your kids aren't so bad either) by Singer Jen
31. 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know: Getting Back to Basics and Raising Happy Kids by Borba Michele
32. My Husband's Affair Became the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me by Anne Bercht
33. 25 Ways to Communicate Respect for Your Husband by Jennifer Flanders
34. Becoming a Brave New Woman by Pam Farrel
35. Why Men and Women Act the Way They Do: The Reasons Might Surprise You by Bill Farrel
36. The 10 Best Decisions a Single Can Make by Bill Farrel,Pam Farrel
37. 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband by Pam Farrel
38. The 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make
39. The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur: The Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband From Atheist to Priest by Elisabeth Leseur
40. The Respect Dare: 40 Days to a Deeper Connection With God and Your Husband by Nina Roesner
41.Winning Your Husband Back Before It's Too Late: Whether He's Left Physically or Emotionally, All that Matters is… by Gary Smalley
42. For Better or for Best: A Valuable Guide toKnowing, Understanding, and Loving your Husband by Gary Smalley
43. How To Be Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband by Linda Davis
44. Cracking the Communication Code by Emerson Eggerichs
45. Love and Respect for a Lifetime by Emerson Eggrichs
46. The Purpose and Power of Love & Marriage by Myles Munroe
47. Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Woman by Myles Munroe
48. Keys for Living Single by Myles Munroe
49. Single, Married, Separated and Life after Divorce by Myles Munroe
50. 31 secrets of an Unforgettable Woman by Mike Murdock
51. The Uncommon Woman
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:42am On Jun 13, 2016

1. The Great Sex Secret: What Satisfied Women and Men Know That No One Talks about by Kim Marshall
2. Sex, Mom, and God by Frank Schaeffer
3. "The One" Revealed: A Woman's Hopeful and Helpful Guide in Knowing Who Her Husband Is by Karolyne Roberts
4. Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship by John Gray
5. The Secret Currency of Love: The Unabashed Truth About Women, Money, and Relationships by Hilary Black
6. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment by Steve Harvey
7. Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man by Steve Harvey
8. I kissed dating goodbye by Joshua Harris
9. Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is): Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World by Joshua Harris
10. Boy Meets Girl - Say Hello to Courtship by Harris Joshua
11. Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
12. More Beautiful Than You Know. Celebrating the Young Woman God Created You to Be by Jennifer Strickland
13. Free to Be Me. Becoming the Young Woman God Created You to Be by Stasi Eldredge
14. Woman Power: Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life by Laura Schlessinger
15. The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Laura Schlessinger
16. Parenthood by Proxy: Don't Have Them If You Won't Raise Them by Laura Schlessinger
17. Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships by Laura C. Schlessinger
18. The Complete Dream Book of Love and Relationships: Discover What Your Dreams and Intuition Reveal about You and Your Love Life by Gillian Holloway
19. Beyond Sex Roles: What the Bible Says About a Woman's Place in Church and Family by Gilbert Bilezikian
20. The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family by Dan Savage
21. Sex and the Soul of a Woman by Paula Rinehart
22. He's Just Not Up for It Anymore: When Men Stop Having Sex, and What Women Are Doing About It by Bob Berkowitz
23. Relationship Sabotage: Unconscious Factors that Destroy Couples, Marriages, and Families by William J. Matta
24. The Young Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall
25. What's Wrong With Being Single? by Maram Jorjani
26. The Courage To Be a Single Mother: Becoming Whole Again After Divorce by Sheila Ellison
27. The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating by Andy Stanley
28. God's Divine Design for Dating and Marriage: A Perfect Love for Imperfect People by Chrystal Armstrong
29. Breaking the Good Mom Myth: Every Mom's Modern Guide to Getting Past Perfection, Regaining Sanity, and Raising Great Kids by Alyson Schafer
30. You're a Good Mom (and your kids aren't so bad either) by Singer Jen
31. 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know: Getting Back to Basics and Raising Happy Kids by Borba Michele
32. My Husband's Affair Became the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me by Anne Bercht
33. 25 Ways to Communicate Respect for Your Husband by Jennifer Flanders
34. Becoming a Brave New Woman by Pam Farrel
35. Why Men and Women Act the Way They Do: The Reasons Might Surprise You by Bill Farrel
36. The 10 Best Decisions a Single Can Make by Bill Farrel,Pam Farrel
37. 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband by Pam Farrel
38. The 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make
39. The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur: The Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband From Atheist to Priest by Elisabeth Leseur
40. The Respect Dare: 40 Days to a Deeper Connection With God and Your Husband by Nina Roesner
41.Winning Your Husband Back Before It's Too Late: Whether He's Left Physically or Emotionally, All that Matters is… by Gary Smalley
42. For Better or for Best: A Valuable Guide toKnowing, Understanding, and Loving your Husband by Gary Smalley
43. How To Be Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband by Linda Davis
44. Cracking the Communication Code by Emerson Eggerichs
45. Love and Respect for a Lifetime by Emerson Eggrichs
46. The Purpose and Power of Love & Marriage by Myles Munroe
47. Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Woman by Myles Munroe
48. Keys for Living Single by Myles Munroe
49. Single, Married, Separated and Life after Divorce by Myles Munroe
50. 31 secrets of an Unforgettable Woman by Mike Murdock
51. The Uncommon Woman
52. Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:44am On Jun 13, 2016

1. Even Strong Men Struggle by T.D Jakes
2. Black Belt Purity: How Christian Men Can Break Free From Sexual Temptation Forever - A Biblical Sexual Detox Plan To Overcome Lust, Idolatry, Pornography, ...by Corey Parsons
3. T.D Jakes speaks to men
4. Loose that man and let him go by T.D Jakes
5. So you called yourself a man by T.D Jakes
6. Man Up!: 40 Devotions for Christian Men Who Want to Finally ACT Like It by Tim Baker
7. Understanding The Purpose & Power Of Men by Myles Munroe
8. Hide or Seek: When Men Get Real with God about Sex by John Freeman
9. Shoulder to Shoulder: How God Builds Spiritual Men by Bill Mills
10. The Game Plan: The Men's 30-Day Strategy for Attaining Sexual Integrity by Joe Dallas
11. The Sacredness of Sex: The Challenge fora New Generation by Edwin Louis Cole
12. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray
13. What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Sex by Richard Rupp
14. The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott
15. Break Every Chain: Powerful Prayers to Cover Your Husband by Brittaney Pleasant
16. What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him by Byron Yawn
17. Christian Men: Where's My Wife? By Lucas H. Scanlon
18. Men Are Like Waffles - Women Are Like Spaghetti by Bill Farrel
19. The Resolution For Men by Stephen Kendrick
20. Husbands and Fathers: Rediscover the Creator's Purpose for Men by Derek Prince
21. Don't Be That Man: How Family Men Can Use Willpower, Faith And Godly Principles To Overcome Porn And Lust by Noble Overcomer
22. Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned From Porn to Purity by Matt Fradd
23. Why Great Men Fall by Wayde Goodall
24. Hazards of Being a Man: Overcoming 12 Challenges All Men Face by Jeffrey E. Miller
25. Men Counseling Men: A Biblical Guide to the Major Issues Men Face by John Street
26. Why Men Hate Going to Church by David Murrow
27. Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World by Max Lucado
28. Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Husband Needs to know by C.J.&Carolynn Mahaney
29. Power Of A Praying Husband By Stormie Omartian
30. Why Men and Women Act the Way They Do: The Reasons Might Surprise You by Bill Farrel
31. Lust Free in 31 Days: Christian men overcoming lust, porn, sex addiction and masturbation by Ernest Christo
32. Husband Rules: A Guy's Playbook on Howto Win in Marriage by E'Yen A. Gardner
33.The Uncommon Husband by Mike Murdock
34. How To Be A Good Husband: What Every Groom Must Know To Be A Good Husband And Have A Great Marriage by John McQuilkin
35. 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn by Stephen Kuhn
36. A Husband After God's Own Heart by Jim George
37. True Revivals and the Men God Uses by Horatius Bonar
38. Manhood Restored: How the Gospel Makes Men Whole by Eric Mason
39. Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their LivesLaura C. Schlessinger


Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:46am On Jun 13, 2016
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Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 9:30am On Jun 14, 2016

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Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 10:50am On Jun 16, 2016
ANY BOOK by ANY AUTHOR in ANY FIELD of LEARNING/LIFE such as ➡Christianity
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Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 1:30pm On Jun 19, 2016
1. The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are 2. Born to Win: Keeping Your Firstborn Edge Without Losing Your Balance 3. Have a New Husband by Friday 4. Have a New Kid by Friday 5. Have a New Teenager by Friday 6. Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage 7. Smart Women Know When to Say No 8. Stopping Stress Before It Stops You: A Game Plan for Every Mom 9. Turn Up The Heat 10. Way of the Wise, The: Simple Truths for Living Well 11. What Your Childhood Memories Say About You 12. What Your Childhood Memories Say About You
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 7:37pm On Jun 21, 2016
1. The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are
2. Born to Win: Keeping Your Firstborn Edge Without Losing Your Balance
3. Have a New Husband by Friday
4. Have a New Kid by Friday 5. Have a New Teenager by Friday
6. Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage
7. Smart Women Know When to Say No
8. Stopping Stress Before It Stops You: A Game Plan for Every Mom
9. Turn Up The Heat
10. Way of the Wise, The: Simple Truths for Living Well
11. What Your Childhood Memories Say About You
12. What Your Childhood Memories Say About You
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by Nobody: 8:20pm On Jun 21, 2016
Do you have them in audio format ?
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 10:16pm On Jun 21, 2016
Do you have them in audio format ?
They do not come as audio files. But we will tell you of an app that read them out as audio file while still retaining their original file
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 8:21pm On Jun 22, 2016
ANY BOOK by ANY AUTHOR in ANY AREA is AVAILABLE in our DIGITAL STORE. Connect with us through WHATSAPP on 07051505626 or Call 08189300870.
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 1:09pm On Jun 23, 2016

1. Your Best life Now
2. Break Out!
3. Everyday a Friday
4. I Declare
5. Become a Better You
6. lt's Your Time
I7. 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living
8. Joel Osteen's Jokes
9. Your best life now for moms
10. Hope For Today Bible
11. Fresh Start: The New You Begins Today
12. Love Your Life: Living Happy, Healthy & Whole


1. Life Without Limits
2. Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action
3. Stand Strong: You Can Overcome Bullying
4. Love Without Limits

1. Levels of Anointing . . . Realms of Authority
2. What Every Kingdom Needs
3. The Order of the Kingdom
4. Conflict Resolution
5. The Spirit of Honor
6. The Kingdom In Motion: God's Plan For Ruling And Reigning
7. Reformation in the House: An Apostolic Model for the 21st Century Church
8. The Prayer Collection

1. T.D Jakes speaks to men
2. Loose that man and let him go
3. So you called yourself a man

1. The Battle for the Mind: How You Can Think the Thoughts of God
2. God's Gonna Make You Laugh: Understanding God's Timing for Your Life

1. Fixing the Money Thing
2. Money Mysteries From the Master

1. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail Or Succeed
2. Why Is Sex Fun?: The Evolution Of Human Sexuality
3. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

1. The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice
2. The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive
3. The Motivation Manifesto
4. Life's Golden Ticket: An Inspirational Novel
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 12:24pm On Jul 03, 2016

1. Your Best life Now
2. Break Out!
3. Everyday a Friday
4. I Declare
5. Become a Better You
6. lt's Your Time
I7. 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living
8. Joel Osteen's Jokes
9. Your best life now for moms
10. Hope For Today Bible
11. Fresh Start: The New You Begins Today
12. Love Your Life: Living Happy, Healthy & Whole


1. Life Without Limits
2. Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action
3. Stand Strong: You Can Overcome Bullying
4. Love Without Limits

1. Levels of Anointing . . . Realms of Authority
2. What Every Kingdom Needs
3. The Order of the Kingdom
4. Conflict Resolution
5. The Spirit of Honor
6. The Kingdom In Motion: God's Plan For Ruling And Reigning
7. Reformation in the House: An Apostolic Model for the 21st Century Church
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1. T.D Jakes speaks to men
2. Loose that man and let him go
3. So you called yourself a man

1. The Battle for the Mind: How You Can Think the Thoughts of God
2. God's Gonna Make You Laugh: Understanding God's Timing for Your Life

1. Fixing the Money Thing
2. Money Mysteries From the Master

1. Building on a firm foundation : a guide to developing your Christian walk
2. Concerning Them Which Are Asleep
3. Faith, foolishness, or presumption?
4. Now faith is
5. Living in the realm of the Spirit
6. How to believe God for a mate
7. Three keys to positive confession
8. The origin of Satan
9. Homosexuality : state of birth or state of mind?

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2. The Blessing of Bold Giving
3. Great confessions


1. Identification
2. The Blood Covenant
3. The New Creation Realities
4. Signposts on the Road to Success
5. The Reality of Redemption

1. No More Sheets: Starting Over
2. The Threshing Floor: How to Know Without a Doubt That God Hears Your Every Prayer
3. 40 Days to Starting Over: No More Sheets Challenge
4. My Spiritual Inheritance: Walking in Your Destiny

1. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail Or Succeed
2. Why Is Sex Fun?: The Evolution Of Human Sexuality
3. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

1. The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice
2. The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive
3. The Motivation Manifesto
4. Life's Golden Ticket: An Inspirational Novel
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 12:08pm On Jul 04, 2016
ANY BOOK by ANY AUTHOR in ANY AREA is AVAILABLE Here on Whatsapp through 07051505625 or call 08189300870
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 1:06pm On Jul 07, 2016
➡ *JOHN OSTEEN*(Joel Osteen's father)

1. The 6th Sense ... Faith
2. Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith
3. Believing God for Your Loved Ones
4. Choosing Life: One Day At A Time (Devotional)
5. Healed Of Cancer (Dodie Osteen)
6. The Divine Flow
7. How to Claim the Benefits of the Will
8. How to Flow in the Super Supernatural
9. How to Minister to the Sick
10. How To Receive Life Eternal
11. How To Release the Power of God
12. Living in the Abundance of God
13. A Miracle for Your Marriage
14. Overcoming Hindrances to Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
15. A Place Called There
16. Power over the Enemy: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds
17. Pulling Down Strongholds
18. Receive the Holy Spirit
19. Reigning In Life As A King
20. Saturday's Coming
21. There is a Miracle in Your Mouth
22. Unraveling the Mystery of the Blood Covenant
23. What to Do When Nothing Seems to Work
24. Your Words Hold a Miracle: The Power of Speaking God's Word

1. He Sent His Word and Healed Them
2. The Cross: One Man. One Tree. One Friday.


1. The Power of a Half Hour: Take Back your life Thirty Minutes at a Time
2. Hidden Power
3. Multiplication
1. The Church That Never Sleeps
2. God's Dream for You: Finding Lasting Change in Jesus
3. The Cause Within You

1. The Fearless Life: Live Worry-Free No Matter What
2. The Fasting Edge
3. Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship With God
4. Right People Right Place Right Plan
5. The Fasting Edge Journal: A Personal 21-Day Guide
6. The Spirit Of Python
7. The amazing discernment of women : learning to understand your spiritual intuition and God's plan for it
8. What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life
9. Fear Fighters
10. Going Deeper and Further with God.
11. Believe that You Can: It's Time to Make It Happen!


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2. The day of the Saints
3. Fulfilling your Personal Prophecy
4. 70 reasons for speaking in Tongues
5. Who am l and why am I here.
6. Equipping believers for their Revolutionary roles in the ministry
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:46am On Jul 21, 2016
ANY BOOK by ANY AUTHOR in ANY AREA is AVAILABLE in our e-store. Contact us on whatsapp through 07051505626 or Call 08189300870
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 9:36am On Jul 27, 2016
1. The 3:16 Promise: He Loves. He Gives. We Believe. We Live.
2. 30 Days of Thoughts
3. And the Angels Were Silent
4. The Applause of Heaven
5. Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer
6. Cast of Characters
7. Celebrating Christmas with Jesus: An Advent Devotional
8. The Christmas Candle
9. Come Thirsty
10. Come Thirsty Workbook
11. Cure for the Common Life: Living in Your Sweet Spot 12. Facing Your Giants
13. A Gentle Thunder - Hearing God Through the Storm
14. God Came Near
God So Loved You: A 40 Day Devotional 15. God Will Carry You Through
16. God's Inspirational Promises
17. God's Story Your Story: Youth Edition
18. The Gospel of Luke
19. Grace for the Moment: 365 Devotions for Kids
20. Grace Happens Here: You Are Standing Where Grace Is Happening
21. Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine 22. He Chose The Nails
23. He Chose You
24. He Did This Just for You
25. He Still Moves Stones
26. Imagine Your Life Without Fear
27. In The Eye Of The Storm
28. In the Grip of Grace: Your Father Always Caught You. He Still Does.
29. It's Not About Me
30. Just Like Jesus
31. Live Loved
32. Live to Make a Difference
33. A Love Worth Giving
34. Max On Life
35. No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
35. On the Anvil: Stories on Being Shaped Into God's Image
36. One God, One Plan, One Life: A 365 Devotional Outlive Your Life
37. Pocket Prayers: 40 Simple Prayers that Bring Peace and Rest
38. Safe in the Shepherd's Arms: Hope & 39. Encouragement from Psalm 23
40. Second Chances
41. Six Hours One Friday: Living in the Power of the Cross
42. This is Love: The Extraordinary Story of Jesus
43. The Touch of the Masters Hand
44. Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear
45. Turn: Remembering Our Foundations
46. When God Whispers Your Name
47. Wild Grace: What Happens When Grace Happens
48. You Are Special
49. You Changed My Life
50. You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 2:23pm On Jul 30, 2016

1. God's Power to Change Your Life
2. The Purpose Driven Church
3. The Purpose Driven Life
4. The Purpose Of Christmas
5. Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods: Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God's Word
6. What on Earth Am I Here For?
7. Daniel Plan Journal: 40 Days to a Healthier Life
8. God's Answers to Life's Difficult Questions


1. The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us through the Events in Our Lives
2. The Kingdom of the Cults
3. Jesus Among Other gods: The Absolute Claims Of The Christian Message
4. Why Suffering
5. Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case
6. Recapture the Wonder: Experience God's Amazing Promise of Childlike Joy
7. The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists
8. Sense and Sensuality


1. Secrets from Beyond The Grave
2. Dealing With Hindering Spirits (Revised & Expanded Edition)
3. Deciphering End-Time Prophetic Codes
4. Imparting Generational Blessings: Building A Spiritual Legacy
5. Putting On Your God Gear
6. The Eighth Kingdom: How Radical Islam Will Impact the End Times
7. 7 Intimate Secrets: Some Truths Are Only Revealed in Secret
8. Anointed with Favor: Discover how to "be the head"
9. Lay It on Me
10. Mystery of the Priesthood and the Blood
11.Plucking the Eagle's Wings
12. Supernatural Provision in the End Times
13. Unleashing the Beast
14. Chronicles of the Sacred Mountain: Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven's Past,Present and Future
15. Breaking the Code of the Feasts
16. The Prophetic Future Concealed in Israel's Festivals


1. Relentless : the power you need to never give up
2. Honor's reward : how to attract God's favor and blessing
3.A heart ablaze : igniting a passion for God
4. Driven by Eternity: Making Your Life Count Today & Forever
5. Drawing near : A life of intimacy with God
6. How you can shut ... the devil's door
7. The bait of Satan : [living free from the deadly trap of offense]
8. Bait of Satan Devotional Suppliment.
9. Breaking Intimidation: How to Overcome Fear and Release the Gifts of God in Your Life
10. The Story of Marriage
11. The Holy Spirit
12. Thus saith the Lord?
13. Undercover Agent
14. Victory in the wilderness : growing strong in dry times
15. Extraordinary: The Life You're Meant to Live
16. The Fear of the Lord: discover the key to intimately knowing God
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 11:03am On Aug 05, 2016

1. The New Buffettology: The Proven Techniques for Investing Successfully in Changing Markets That Have Made Warren Buffett the World's Most Famous Investor
2. The Essays of Warren Buffett : Lessons for Corporate America
3. How To Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett
4. The Real Warren Buffett: Managing Capital, Leading People
5. The Warren Buffett Way
6. What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Developing a Highly Successful Company
7. Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World Greatest Investor
8. Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett

➡ *Jim Collins*

1. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
2. How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In
3. Built to last: successful habits of visionary companies.
4. Beyond Positive Thinking: Success and Motivation in the Scriptures
5. The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time: How Apple, Ford, IBM, Zappos, and others made radical choices that changed the course of business

1. The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership: Over 250 Terms, Concepts, Strategies & Initiatives of the Legendary Leader
2. Jack: Straight from the Gut
3. 29 Leadership Secrets From Jack Welch
4. Jack Welch Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World's Greatest Business Leader
5. Winning: The Answers: Confronting 74 of the Toughest Questions in Business Today
6. Business the Jack Welch Way: 10 Secrets of the Worlds Greatest Turnaround King (Bigshots)
7. Jack Welch and The 4 E's of Leadership

1. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance
2. From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy
3. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
4. The competitive advantage of nations
5. What is strategy?

1. The New New Thing : A Silicon Valley Story
2. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

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2. Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management (Harvard Business Review Book Series)
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3. The 10 Rules of Sam Walton: Success Secrets for Remarkable Results
4. Sam Walton. Founder of the Walmart Empire

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2. A Business and Its Beliefs: The Ideas That Helped Build IBM

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2. Finding Your True North: A Personal Guidei
2. On Becoming a Leader
3. Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis
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7. Resolving Conflicts at Work: Eight Strategies for Everyone on the Job
8. Moral Leadership: The Theory and Practice of Power, Judgment and Policy
9. Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Can Job

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2. Leading Change
3. Havard Business Review's 10 must read on Leadership
4. Accelerate

1. Emotional Intelligence
2. Harvard Business Review on Breakthrough Leadership
3. Harvard Business Review on What Makes a Leader
4. Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self Deception
5. Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships
6. Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything

1. Drive - The Surprising Truth About WhatMotivates Us
2. A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
3. To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others
4. The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need

1. Enterprise.com: Market Leadership in the Information Age
2. Essential real property
3. The Gorilla Game: Investor's Guide to Picking Winners in High Technology
4. Escape Velocity: Free Your Company's Future from the Pull of the Past
5. Inside the Tornado: Strategies for Developing, Leveraging, and Surviving Hypergrowth Markets (Collins Business Essentials)
6. Crossing the Chasm
7. Living on the Fault Line

1. The Ultimate Business Library
2. Competing for the Future
3. Leading the Revolution
4. The Future of Management

1. Reengineering the corporation : a manifesto for business revolution
2. Beyond Reengineering: How the Process-Centered Organization Is Changing Our Work and Our Lives
3. Handbook on Business Process Management 1: Introduction, Methods, and Information Systems

1. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty
2. Predictable Magic: Unleash the Power of Design Strategy to Transform Your Business
3. The New Age of Innovation: Driving Cocreated Value Through Global Networks

1. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to FaiI
2. The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
3. The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators
4. How Will You Measure Your Life?
5. The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
6. Disrupting Class, Expanded Second Edition: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by Nobody: 11:06am On Aug 05, 2016
undecided undecided
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 2:25pm On Aug 12, 2016

1. Who switched off my brain? : Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions
2. The gift in you : discovering new life through gifts hidden in your mind
3. Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health


1. The Deborah Anointing: Embracing the Call to Be a Woman of Wisdom and Discernment
2. The Esther Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Prayer; Courage, and Influence
3. The Prophetic Advantage: Be God's Mouthpiece. Transform Your World


1. 201 Secrets to Healthy Living
2. The Bible Cure For Sleeping Disorders
3. Deadly Emotions
4. Get Fit and Live!
5. The New Bible Cure for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
6. The New Bible Cure for Depression & Anxiety
7. The New Bible Cure for Weight Loss...
8. The Rapid Waist Reduction Diet: Get Results Quickly and Safely
9. Reversing Diabetes
10. The Seven Pillars of Health
11. Stress Less: Do you want a stress-free life?
12. Toxic Relief: Restore Health and Energy Through Fasting and Detoxification
13. The What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook


1. James Dobson's Gospel of Self-Esteem& Psychology
2. Parenting Isn’t for Cowards
3. Bringing Up Boys
4. Bringing Up Girls
5. Dads and Daughters
6. Dads and Sons
7. The New Strong-Willed Child
8. Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift
9. The Strong-willed Child

1. He Came To Set the Captives Free
2. Prepare For War
3. Becoming a Vessel of Honor
4. Unbroken Curses
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 12:16pm On Aug 18, 2016
➡ *MIKE MURDOCK Updated*

1. 7 Keys to 1000 Times More
2. 7 Laws You Must Honor to Have Uncommon Sense
3. 7 Signposts to Your Assignment
4. 16 Facts About the Presence of God
5. 31 Greatest Chapters in the Bible
6. 31 Reasons People Do Not Receive Their Financial Harvest
7. 31 Secrets for Career Success
8. 31 Secrets of an Unforgettable Woman
9. 365 Wisdom Keys of Mike Murdock
10. Dream Seeds
11. Finding Your Purpose in Life
12. How to Turn Your Mistakes Into Miracles
13. Secrets of the Richest Man Who Ever
14. Seeds of Wisdom on Habits
15. Seeds of Wisdom on Prayer
16. Seeds of Wisdom on Prosperity
17. Seeds of Wisdom on Prosperity, Volume 10
18. Seeds of Wisdom on Relationships
19. Ten Lies People Believe About Money
20. The 3 Most Important Things in Your Life
21. The Assignment Vol 1
22. The Assignment Vol 2
23. The Assignment Vol.3
24. The Assignment Vol.4
25. The Blessing Bible
26. The Businessman's Topical Bible
28. The Covenant of 58 Blessings
29. The God Book
30. The Greatest Success Habit on Earth
31. The Holy Spirit Handbook
32. The Jesus Book
33. The Law of Recognition
34. The Making of a Champion
35. The Memory Bible on Healing, Volume 2
36. The Sex Trap
37. The Survival Bible
38. The Uncommon Achiever
39. The Uncommon Dream
40. The Uncommon Leader
41. The Uncommon Minister Volume 1-7
42. The Uncommon Woman
43. The Wisdom Commentary, Volume 1
44. The Wisdom Commentary, Volume 2
45. The Wisdom Commentary, Volume 3
46. The Wisdom Key 3000 Topical Bible
47. Wisdom for Winning
48. The Uncommon Father
49. The Mentor's Manna On The Secret Place
50. The Mentor's Manna On Abilities 51. The Mentor's Manna On Assignment 52. The Mentor's Manna On Achievement 53. The Uncommon Husband 54. The Uncommon Wife 55. The Proverbs 31 Woman 56. The Book That Changed My Life 57. The Mentor's Manna On Adversity 58. 17 Facts About Thankfulness 59. 7 Hidden Keys to Favor
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 5:10pm On Sep 20, 2016

1. Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle
2. My Philosophy for Successful Living
3. My Philosophy for Successful Living Workbook
4. The Challenge to Succeed - A Philosophy for Successful Living Workbook
5. 7 Years with Jim Rohn. Mentored by a Master
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 6:04pm On Sep 24, 2016

1. Lioness arising : wake up and change your world
2. Out of control and loving it!
3. It's Not How You Look, It's What You See
4. You are not what you weigh : escaping the lie and living the truth
5. The Story of Marriage
6. Kissed the Girls and Make Them Cry
7. Fight Like A Girl: The Power of Being a Woman
8. Girls with Swords: How to carry your cross like a Hero
9. The True Measure of a Woman
10. Be Angry but Don't Blow It: Maintaining your Passion without Losing your God
11. Nurture: Give and Get what you Need to Flourish
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 5:55pm On Sep 29, 2016
1. Return of the Native 2. The Mayor of Casterbridge 3. Jude the Obscure
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 10:01am On Oct 05, 2016
1. Priced to Move
2. Married to the Mob
3. Mistaken for the Mob
4. Danger in a Small Town
5. Someone to Trust
6. Interior Motives
7. Suspicion
8. A Cut Above
9. A Steal of a Deal
10. Design on a Crime
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by Tapalos: 1:59pm On Oct 20, 2016
Awesome Job Op

1 Like

Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 2:58pm On Nov 05, 2016
1. Loving Him Without Losing You: How to Stop Disappearing and Start Being Yourself
2. The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated and Abused and Start Standing Up for Yourself
3. The Power of Apology: Healing Steps to Transform All Your Relationships
4. Breaking the Cycle of Abuse : How to Move Beyond Your Past to Create an Abuse-Free Future
5. The Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome: What to Do If Someone in Your Life Has a Dual Personality - or If You Do
6. Healing Your Emotional Self: A Powerful Program to Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem, Quiet Your Inner Critic, and Overcome Your Shame
7. Honor Your Anger: How Transforming Your Anger Style Can Change Your Life
8. The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: How to Stop Being Abused and How to Stop Abusing
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by Tapalos: 9:25pm On Nov 10, 2016
Op, Pls do you have
Susan May Warren's books?
Re: Love, Sex And Relationships by shobam1410(m): 9:12am On Nov 12, 2016
Op, Pls do you have
Susan May Warren's books?
All available

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