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A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland - Politics - Nairaland

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A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by omenka(m): 7:27am On Jun 14, 2016
Good morning all.

Coming from the events of the past few days on the forum, I woke up this morning with an urge tugging relentlessly at my mind- an urge to call for an observance of a ONE WEEK TRUCE between the two major ethnic groups on the forum who tend to always rip at each other's jugular on just about everything, like Tom and Jerry.

A lot of e-blood has been spilled- bones broken, limbs torn apart, bodies charred, and sometimes the blood-letting is sustained over very extended periods as the police and paramedics (mods) look the other way- perhaps to say "you guys just get this shiit done and over with once and for all". But there's no gainsaying there'd never be a "once and for all" between the two power blocks on this forum- their hatred is mutual and runs very deep- so what this thread is intended to achieve is find a way to at least defuse the anger, at least temporarily, perhaps within this period we can find a watershed moment we never thought possible.

Now, make no mistakes, no one is asking you to suspend your beliefs for a second, no one is asking that you no longer agitate for your own country be they Oduduwa, Biafra, Arewa, Nairaland or whatever, certainly not! What is being requested here is that we observe a one week period of "mutual respect" and "decorum". I believe we can still promote our respective interests without through lethal jabs at one another, cursing all the way down to our forefathers- doing so wouldn't take the spirit of Oduduwa or Biafra out of you would it??

I know some of us have egos the size of mount Everest that heeding this call would make you seem like you "chickened" out- but let's all give it a shot and see if it doesn't make us feel any better.

I've hurt a lot of people here with my comments and I'm sorry I'm not gonna apologise for that here, not now, and so have I been hurt my others. You stay long enough on the politics board and find with time, you become inevitably absorbed by the raw "hatred" that permeates the board- it is just inescapable! So, when the time comes for us to "apologise" to each other, we'd do just that, but for now, a temporary ceasefire is all Omenka asks.

Let us all reach across the table and meet each other halfway. Set aside our egos and observe some maturity. Pull our dogs back, holster our weapons, sheath our swords, whatever you like. Let the Mile12, Ojukwu, Awolowo, Agatu, Enugu, etc mockery be suspended for a week and if we deem it necessary to return to the battle field afterwards, so be it.

I know some might already have started taking headshots this morning but it is my hope that on reading this, they'd take a step back and do the needful. We can support and oppose our respective parties without turning every thread into a tribal war zone.

As for me, regardless of the events that may transpire, I am suspending all tribal shades but I'd still bust political brains though. All tribal innuendoes are suspended forthwith.

God bless us all as we make this difficult choice.

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by White007(m): 7:29am On Jun 14, 2016
Story, this ain't gonna work, if you have been on Nairaland long enough, you should know this. You of all people should know better.

Having said that, Igbo and Yoruba only do their fight on the cyberspace, but in real life they get along with each other in so many things.

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by omenka(m): 7:30am On Jun 14, 2016
Cc: hundredhunndred.
Modath, please copy all the bloodhounds.. Let's see if he can pull this through.
Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by mebad(m): 7:30am On Jun 14, 2016
God bless you as make this difficult decision .


Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by omenka(m): 7:32am On Jun 14, 2016
God bless you as make this difficult decision .
God bless you too brother. E no go easy but make we try small.

Seun, Lalasticlala, what do you think?

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by Sealeddeal(m): 7:33am On Jun 14, 2016
we have crossed the rubicon

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by papayeye: 7:34am On Jun 14, 2016
Wich kin yeye talk be this. Were you see yoruba and igbo dey fight. Una too dey add sugar to una issue. Some people dey talk their mind, you say na fight. Oya check Nairaland now, how many people dey throw blow for Nairaland. Abeg, make this person go sleep jor.

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by IHEJIRIKAisBOKO: 7:34am On Jun 14, 2016
He no go beta for ceasefire

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by PiccoloBrunelli(m): 7:35am On Jun 14, 2016
A lot of e-blood has been spilled

That sentence made my day. Hahahahaha. Bros....its easier for Niger Delta Avengers to have a truce with the Federal Government than for Igbos and Yorubas to stop e-ssassinating each other on NL.

And NL won't be fun again.

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by imsuboi(m): 7:49am On Jun 14, 2016
Otu nne gi cease fire. angry

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by omenka(m): 7:52am On Jun 14, 2016
Na wa oo!!! What the hell is this?? I simply asked for a miserly ONE WEEK, not eternity for Christ's sake!! angry

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by JingoOAU(m): 7:52am On Jun 14, 2016
I bet you don't know the meaning of ceasefire, not to talk of truce.

Nobody is holding arms, so why should there be truce, when it's not as if we are in war.

As am typing this, hundreds of Igbos are finding their way to Lagos and other parts of Yorubaland, and same for Yorubas going to Igboland.

As for nairaland e-rats, bet it, it's just the jobless nitwits that are always engaging in tribal e-abuse...just for politics

No personal animosity whatsoever

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by madridguy(m): 7:57am On Jun 14, 2016
Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by Nobody: 8:04am On Jun 14, 2016
What were you saying


Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by galaxy4rep(m): 8:06am On Jun 14, 2016
hahaha...Yellowbats and insecurity! well d bash and antagonism stems from fear and insecurity of d Yoruba ppl...they are afraid that they will never survive without Igbos hens will sabotage any movement by Igbos to separate.its very obvious! common sense tells me that I should always disregard wot I don't value, it shows that yeribas values us so much !

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by SamuelAnyawu(m): 8:09am On Jun 14, 2016
There's no beef between yorubas and igbos jare... I bash them here on Nairaland, but my best friend is a yoruba Muslim cool cool


Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by johnwizey: 8:10am On Jun 14, 2016

C dis born throw away.

None of your Generation will ever attain the height OJUKWU did.

None will be worth to untie his shoe lace.

U see him as a coward, we see him as a man who sacrificed all his asset for the sake of freedom

But guesse what? Ur opinion is like expired ewedu and waste black food u just ate this morning.

None of my generation will be lyk a coward, we will rather be lyk MKO. Your mumuness was why he used 3m of you as burnt sacrifice. But ur opinion is lyk a used menstral pad so its nt useful so get back on ur 2*2 bed and handover the phone to ur elder brodas. Eranko

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by papaejima1: 8:10am On Jun 14, 2016
This omenka is a mischievous fellow!
He knew quite well that this thread will spark off a new round of hostilities between both groups.
But in keeping with his nature he couldn't resist the pull to initiate the fight.

He is simply smirking with glee now as his aim has been accomplished.

As for me, all those attacking themselves here are simply playing to omenka's script. While he pulls the strings, they dance like puppets.
Wise up people!

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by writetopoker: 8:11am On Jun 14, 2016
See this akpu eating bastard son of a who.re and a village drunkard spitting rubbish. You ugandans and the idiots from the lost tribe of yisreel are a disgrace to this planet. Murrafucker lyk u shld be hawkin in traffic in lagos or ogun
trash again.
Blood sacking diabolical generation. anuofia. children of Burundi

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by Thewrath(m): 8:11am On Jun 14, 2016
You say

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Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by LoveMachine(m): 8:11am On Jun 14, 2016
It's already getting ugly. This is why we don't have nice things.


Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by blaquemyc: 8:15am On Jun 14, 2016
as i type this, Nike just left Emeka's crib where she spent the night. At my work place Arinze and Ola are best of buddies and still will be till God knows when. So all this cowardly war of words mostly happen online by idle minds.


Re: A Genuine Call For A One Week Ceasefire Between Yorubas And Igbos On Nairaland by omenka(m): 8:15am On Jun 14, 2016
Why are you guys like this?? Besides your overbloated egos, what would a one-week suspension of e-hostilities cost you

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