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Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by NifemiOlu(m): 8:30pm On Jun 17, 2016
Op, do you know that Luke, the writer of the book of Luke, was a medical doctor?
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Sunglow: 8:35pm On Jun 17, 2016
Ironically one of the attributed writers of ur gospel (Luke) was a physician. And OP the snake sign is not a cult sign ooo in fact it was gotten from the story of Moses when God told Moses to make a bronze serpent.

Christians on nairaland would not kill me with laughter.
.Forgive their lack of scriptural understanding.
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Rick9(m): 8:37pm On Jun 17, 2016
People would always hate what they don't understand, thank God for Philosophy sha, Na so I for dey reason like some people, Nonsense.
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Flashh: 8:37pm On Jun 17, 2016
[s]Good day!.....
I believe there are Christians in here. I am here to speak on an issue which I have taken time to think through.
I see a lot of christian folks in the medical profession and most times I ask what they are doing there. Every medical doctor is under an oath which Its origin is not fully known. Before u can be a doctor, u will have to swear the HIPPOCRATIC OATH......on the day of your INDUCTION. in the Christian faith, it was clearly stated that swearing of any form is not allowed and considered a sin. Why then do I see Christians in medical school? Are they not aware of this OATH? Or did they just choose to turn a blind eye to the truth?
The medical profession has always been like a cult since the days of Hippocrates. It was initially designed with knowledge of secrets of the practice that should only be passed down to children of physicians in the olden days. Medical practise actually started like a brotherhood/cult.....the medical logo says it all(a snake wrapping a cross).....my point here is anybody who calls himself a true Christian cannot become a medical doctor without SIN (TAKING THE OATH).

So my dear Christian friends, are you really for God or do you choose to go against his instruction just because you want to enjoy the gains of being a medical doctor?.......THATS BEING A HIPPOCRITE! [/s]
What kind of thrash is this? How could someone with brain come to public and pours out this piece of crap?


Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by hibroDon1(m): 8:39pm On Jun 17, 2016
op...ko ko radarada e loo(in yoruba version)
in (English version) pack away ur rubbish... grin
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Deilluminator(m): 8:49pm On Jun 17, 2016
Christians shouldn't even attend any higher institution then. You'd be required to sign and swear on your matriculation day.

They'd swear you in for NYSC as well.

Christians shouldn't go for any public office because you'd be made to swear an oath as well(they'd swear you in)

Even as a witness, you'd have to swear.

(my dear, the question or the concern should be what are you swearing for and what are you swearing to)
You are absolutely right. The Bible admonished Christians to obey the law of the land. And these are prescriptions by the law of the land. I don't consider taking oaths in that manner a sin.

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Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by xreal: 8:59pm On Jun 17, 2016
This OP might be a member of the Apostolic Faith Church/Mission.

Though their reason for not encouraging medicine as a profession is different to this.
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Tobyshegz(m): 9:08pm On Jun 17, 2016
The next life time Oscar award should go to this man!

Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by goodman3(m): 9:11pm On Jun 17, 2016
Lwmkd!! cool hahahaha......all these insults for me?.....
I have been chilling with my bottle of ZOBO and pop corn and entertaining myself with your hilarious comments! It has been a wonderful evening grin you all made my day smiley wink I've been laughing hard since I posted this. Its so funny how I made Front page so easily. This is about my 4th topic that is making FP. I feel highly elated seeing that I've gotten over 14 thousand views. cheesy (feels good) . BTW I am in no way a church fanatic. I am just a cool guy who loves girls, drinks, and such vices. I needed some media attention and I got it grin . cool right? cheesy.....well I'm actually a 500 level medical student and I repeat, I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN FANATIC. It was wonderful getting all your attention, I had an amazing evening wink thanks y'all. cool

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Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by robosky02(m): 9:23pm On Jun 17, 2016
Read the Hippocratic oath and check the medical logo.......then come back and tell me this. Medicine is of an ancient tradition that most doctors know nothing about. Read about the history of curing diseases, you will see that medical profession is like a cult.

the symbol of snake on the cross is even taken from the scriptures

asking men to look to GOD not the doctor

Numbers 21:8 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live."
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Domislaz(m): 9:26pm On Jun 17, 2016
Lwmkd!! cool hahahaha......all these insults for me?.....
I have been chilling with my bottle of ZOBO and pop corn and entertaining myself with your hilarious comments! It has been a wonderful evening grin you all made my day smiley wink I've been laughing hard since I posted this. Its so funny how I made Front page so easily. This is about my 4th topic that is making FP. I feel highly elated seeing that I've gotten over 14 thousand views. cheesy (feels good) . BTW I am in no way a church fanatic. I am just a cool guy who loves girls, drinks, and such vices. I needed some media attention and I got it grin . cool right? cheesy.....well I'm actually a 500 level medical student and I repeat, I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN FANATIC. It was wonderful getting all your attention, I had an amazing evening wink thanks y'all. cool

Bad guy. I knew it all along
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by robosky02(m): 9:27pm On Jun 17, 2016
Lwmkd!! cool hahahaha......all these insults for me?.....
I have been chilling with my bottle of ZOBO and pop corn and entertaining myself with your hilarious comments! It has been a wonderful evening grin you all made my day smiley wink I've been laughing hard since I posted this. Its so funny how I made Front page so easily. This is about my 4th topic that is making FP. I feel highly elated seeing that I've gotten over 14 thousand views. cheesy (feels good) . BTW I am in no way a church fanatic. I am just a cool guy who loves girls, drinks, and such vices. I needed some media attention and I got it grin . cool right? cheesy.....well I'm actually a 500 level medical student and I repeat, I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN FANATIC. It was wonderful getting all your attention, I had an amazing evening wink thanks y'all. cool
this is even worse than were you started

Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Nobody: 9:35pm On Jun 17, 2016
Good day!.....
I believe there are Christians in here. I am here to speak on an issue which I have taken time to think through.
I see a lot of christian folks in the medical profession and most times I ask what they are doing there. Every medical doctor is under an oath which Its origin is not fully known. Before u can be a doctor, u will have to swear the HIPPOCRATIC OATH......on the day of your INDUCTION. in the Christian faith, it was clearly stated that swearing of any form is not allowed and considered a sin. Why then do I see Christians in medical school? Are they not aware of this OATH? Or did they just choose to turn a blind eye to the truth?
The medical profession has always been like a cult since the days of Hippocrates. It was initially designed with knowledge of secrets of the practice that should only be passed down to children of physicians in the olden days. Medical practise actually started like a brotherhood/cult.....the medical logo says it all(a snake wrapping a cross).....my point here is anybody who calls himself a true Christian cannot become a medical doctor without SIN (TAKING THE OATH).

So my dear Christian friends, are you really for God or do you choose to go against his instruction just because you want to enjoy the gains of being a medical doctor?.......THATS BEING A HIPPOCRITE!
this is madness, who will treat u when u are sick, u need help bro
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by kafeii123: 9:47pm On Jun 17, 2016
Read the Hippocratic oath and check the medical logo.......then come back and tell me this. Medicine is of an ancient tradition that most doctors know nothing about. Read about the history of curing diseases, you will see that medical profession is like a cult.

i. How old are you?
ii. are your parents educated?
iii. have you graduated from high school? if yes, when?

@ all, though it might not look so, please see Op as a neophyte ( a conceited one maybe) and consider it a blessing that he has stated things his mind puzzles at here.
Some people have denied their children rights to good education and careers on the grounds of the above thinkings so it's really a blessing you have just gotten to help change some individuals' destinies having "schooled" their father.
So please do so with correction in mind (Thank God for the internet and education)

@Op, the bible advises to focus more on the intent/spirit of a directive/commandments than on the wordings/letter and as such the "hippocratic oath" only further helps to concrete the oath takers' decision to love their neighbour (or patient in this case) as themselves and thus do all in their power to save his/her life.

You'll agree this (loving a neighbor as oneself) is perhaps the second most cardinal commandment from God
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by amurx(m): 9:55pm On Jun 17, 2016
Good day!.....
I believe there are Christians in here. I am here to speak on an issue which I have taken time to think through.
I see a lot of christian folks in the medical profession and most times I ask what they are doing there. Every medical doctor is under an oath which Its origin is not fully known. Before u can be a doctor, u will have to swear the HIPPOCRATIC OATH......on the day of your INDUCTION. in the Christian faith, it was clearly stated that swearing of any form is not allowed and considered a sin. Why then do I see Christians in medical school? Are they not aware of this OATH? Or did they just choose to turn a blind eye to the truth?
The medical profession has always been like a cult since the days of Hippocrates. It was initially designed with knowledge of secrets of the practice that should only be passed down to children of physicians in the olden days. Medical practise actually started like a brotherhood/cult.....the medical logo says it all(a snake wrapping a cross).....my point here is anybody who calls himself a true Christian cannot become a medical doctor without SIN (TAKING THE OATH).

So my dear Christian friends, are you really for God or do you choose to go against his instruction just because you want to enjoy the gains of being a medical doctor?.......THATS BEING A HIPPOCRITE!
we'll always use religion as excuse at will, every slight opportunity we try to mix and and misinterpret what actually the religion really meant. Well this is what these new dominion really is, confusing themselves.... Find knowledge and you'll actually be free, I wonder who'll safe patient if Christian decides to quit being a doctor... RELIGION SHA!!!!
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Kennydoc(m): 10:29pm On Jun 17, 2016
Confusion everywhere. I guess op is among those that see taking drugs or any form of medication as a sin.

Kennydoc , kee ife inwe ikwu na okwu a?

Don't mind him. I guess getting married is a sin too.
The oath taking ceremony done by doctors is more like making vows. The Bible didn't really say that people shouldn't make vows. It however encourages people to keep their vows.

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Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by gotousa2013: 10:30pm On Jun 17, 2016
I smell... The Apostolic faith
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by mythic: 10:37pm On Jun 17, 2016
guy u are a disgrace to Christianity read Numbers 21:8 , john3:14 this are where medicine symbols where gotten
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by goodman3(m): 10:45pm On Jun 17, 2016
Wow.....19 thousand views!!!! shocked I sparked media outrage. Niceeee cool
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by OLUTOYOSI15(m): 12:27am On Jun 18, 2016
Pls don't let us confuse ourselves. Swearing the oath is just like a reminder for Doctors to fear God. And if you read d content well you'l see its easy and simple and is not against Good and morals
. Hypocrite is just d father of medicine if I may tell you. Mind you if a true Christian shouldn't study medicine then we should not go to doctors for treatment either. The Lord Jesus will help us. I believe in the word of God and am proud to be a christian.
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by sigmundfreud(m): 1:33am On Jun 18, 2016
Wetin person no go see for frontpage?
Op does not know the Bible, medicine or history!
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by livebullet(m): 4:41am On Jun 18, 2016
Op is brainless and a xtain fundamentalist. They are always overzealous and never use their thinkingpower. Nothing makes sense to dem, unless its stated in black and white in the bible. Sometimes i wonder if owning a profile in nairaland was stated in d bible.
OP pls go home ur suffering from spiritual delusion
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by ariyoola(m): 5:24am On Jun 18, 2016
Christians shouldn't even attend any higher institution then. You'd be required to sign and swear on your matriculation day.

They'd swear you in for NYSC as well.

Christians shouldn't go for any public office because you'd be made to swear an oath as well(they'd swear you in)

Even as a witness, you'd have to swear.

(my dear, the question or the concern should be what are you swearing for and what are you swearing to)
wow u right @abimbola

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Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Lucario007(m): 5:29am On Jun 18, 2016

the symbol of snake on the cross is even taken from the scriptures
asking men to look to GOD not the doctor
Numbers 21:8 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live."
Ironically one of the attributed writers of ur gospel (Luke) was a physician. And OP the snake sign is not a cult sign ooo in fact it was gotten from the story of Moses when God told Moses to make a bronze serpent.

Christians on nairaland would not kill me with laughter.

guy u are a disgrace to Christianity read Numbers 21:8 , john3:14 this are where medicine symbols where gotten

Sorry, I need to call all of you out like this, but I am afraid your misconception needs to be cleared. Go here please: https://www.nairaland.com/3173216/misconceptions-moses-medical-symbol
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by Weah96: 6:29am On Jun 18, 2016
The problem with the medical profession from a Christian standpoint should be its for profit nature. A Christian doctor is compelled to turn down an indigent invalid if he expects to be able to pay his bills and live the lifestyle.
This can result in a lot of untimely deaths. I think all human beings should be entitled to have their lives prolonged if possible without using the ability to pay as an impediment to that process.
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by NemzySeries(m): 7:22am On Jun 18, 2016
were dere no physicians in d bible days?...... abeg op dunt cum am bore us wit dreamless & pointless write ups abeg
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by tk4rd: 7:24am On Jun 18, 2016
Good day!.....
I believe there are Christians in here. I am here to speak on an issue which I have taken time to think through.
I see a lot of christian folks in the medical profession and most times I ask what they are doing there. Every medical doctor is under an oath which Its origin is not fully known. Before u can be a doctor, u will have to swear the HIPPOCRATIC OATH......on the day of your INDUCTION. in the Christian faith, it was clearly stated that swearing of any form is not allowed and considered a sin. Why then do I see Christians in medical school? Are they not aware of this OATH? Or did they just choose to turn a blind eye to the truth?
The medical profession has always been like a cult since the days of Hippocrates. It was initially designed with knowledge of secrets of the practice that should only be passed down to children of physicians in the olden days. Medical practise actually started like a brotherhood/cult.....the medical logo says it all(a snake wrapping a cross).....my point here is anybody who calls himself a true Christian cannot become a medical doctor without SIN (TAKING THE OATH).

So my dear Christian friends, are you really for God or do you choose to go against his instruction just because you want to enjoy the gains of being a medical doctor?.......THATS BEING A HIPPOCRITE!
Christians shouldn't go to universities. They swear oath at the matriculation.. Christians shouldn't contest for political posts. They swear oaths at the swearing-in
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by TheDauraMallam: 7:36am On Jun 18, 2016
Christians shouldn't even attend any higher institution then. You'd be required to sign and swear on your matriculation day.

They'd swear you in for NYSC as well.

Christians shouldn't go for any public office because you'd be made to swear an oath as well(they'd swear you in)

Even as a witness, you'd have to swear.

(my dear, the question or the concern should be what are you swearing for and what are you swearing to)

I was even thinking the OP would be referring to cognitive dissonance caused by the evolution theory.

1 Like

Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by RedHand: 8:33am On Jun 18, 2016
Good day!.....
I believe there are Christians in here. I am here to speak on an issue which I have taken time to think through.
I see a lot of christian folks in the medical profession and most times I ask what they are doing there. Every medical doctor is under an oath which Its origin is not fully known. Before u can be a doctor, u will have to swear the HIPPOCRATIC OATH......on the day of your INDUCTION. in the Christian faith, it was clearly stated that swearing of any form is not allowed and considered a sin. Why then do I see Christians in medical school? Are they not aware of this OATH? Or did they just choose to turn a blind eye to the truth?
The medical profession has always been like a cult since the days of Hippocrates. It was initially designed with knowledge of secrets of the practice that should only be passed down to children of physicians in the olden days. Medical practise actually started like a brotherhood/cult.....the medical logo says it all(a snake wrapping a cross).....my point here is anybody who calls himself a true Christian cannot become a medical doctor without SIN (TAKING THE OATH).

So my dear Christian friends, are you really for God or do you choose to go against his instruction just because you want to enjoy the gains of being a medical doctor?.......THATS BEING A HIPPOCRITE!
Religion has really finished you...
Its a pity!!!
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by femi4: 8:43am On Jun 18, 2016
Good day!.....
I believe there are Christians in here. I am here to speak on an issue which I have taken time to think through.
I see a lot of christian folks in the medical profession and most times I ask what they are doing there. Every medical doctor is under an oath which Its origin is not fully known. Before u can be a doctor, u will have to swear the HIPPOCRATIC OATH......on the day of your INDUCTION. in the Christian faith, it was clearly stated that swearing of any form is not allowed and considered a sin. Why then do I see Christians in medical school? Are they not aware of this OATH? Or did they just choose to turn a blind eye to the truth?
The medical profession has always been like a cult since the days of Hippocrates. It was initially designed with knowledge of secrets of the practice that should only be passed down to children of physicians in the olden days. Medical practise actually started like a brotherhood/cult.....the medical logo says it all(a snake wrapping a cross).....my point here is anybody who calls himself a true Christian cannot become a medical doctor without SIN (TAKING THE OATH).

So my dear Christian friends, are you really for God or do you choose to go against his instruction just because you want to enjoy the gains of being a medical doctor?.......THATS BEING A HIPPOCRITE!
I m afraid your thinking is foolish.

In Simi's voice: Shey na you foolish
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by mannobeGod: 9:00am On Jun 18, 2016
Ooooooooooooooh bla bla bla
If you can't eat, wear, have, see or do anything of this world with manners and proper conscience BTW you, your heart and your God then leave this world.... hang yurself go to heaven or hell and start doing what you think it's right over there.
Christians put poo into how they live . Abeg do the best to just follow who you are before that whom you serve and nothing concern anyone next to you.
Rubbish mentalities in xtians and musuluwon.
Let us be free and serve what we know and believe. What other sees in your makes the right not what we form and suggest for religions...
Re: Why True Christians Should Not Study MEDICINE by LordReed(m): 11:21am On Jun 18, 2016
Read the Hippocratic oath and check the medical logo.......then come back and tell me this. Medicine is of an ancient tradition that most doctors know nothing about. Read about the history of curing diseases, you will see that medical profession is like a cult.

Go and read about the meaning of each day eg Sunday, then come and tell me if you are sinning by mentioning a day, Thursday especially.

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