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Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by dblackninja: 11:56am On Jun 18, 2016

What will I gain exactly from inveigling you into accepting/rejecting that

What will you gain from lying? My brother there's nothing there (Uru adįro na isi azů)
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by KingEbukaNaija: 11:58am On Jun 18, 2016

You need to read before you refute something. Who told you that microbes transforms to human beings?? Go and read the evolution theory again.

I like folklores, but the bible is the most incoherent of them all.

Most Nigerian atheists if not all don't understand the theory . It's basically microbes to man over eons of time . Telling you that it went from one form to another is just embellishing the story o
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Demmzy15(m): 11:59am On Jun 18, 2016
I've seen no reasonable input since the opening of this thread, so I won't mind contributing. Now as a Muslim, I believe there's a supreme God, Allaah who created man for a purpose as stated in the below verse:

“And I did not create the jinn or mankind except to worship Me” {adh-Dhaariyaat (51): 56}

So without doubt, man was created by a supreme being which is Allaah(SWT). So Atheists, what is the source of man and other beings like dogs, fish, birds, etc?
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by dblackninja: 12:00pm On Jun 18, 2016

Kingebukasblog is an influential figure , so you'd expect people to learn a few things from him smiley .


Influential ke? Lol.
So he writes and he learns from what he wrote..that's good anyway wink
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by DeSepiero(m): 12:01pm On Jun 18, 2016

Microbes transforming into human beings with different genders grin . Yours is worse than a folklore . And being obdurate about magical gibberish masquers red as science is deleterious to a sound mind .

...and soil transforming into a human being sounds logical to your educated mind?

smh. pot calling kettle black.


Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by KingEbukaNaija: 12:03pm On Jun 18, 2016

What will you gain from lying? My brother there's nothing there (Uru adįro na isi azů)

Again , you have no proof , only assumptions - a salient charasterisitic of atheists
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by KingEbukaNaija: 12:09pm On Jun 18, 2016

...and soil transforming into a human being sounds logical to your educated mind?

smh. pot calling kettle black.

The dirt was used to mould man by an eternal intelligent being , a supernatural one . Yours claims that dirt just had life and developed on its own to form man . Which is rational bikonu ?

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by DeSepiero(m): 12:22pm On Jun 18, 2016

The dirt was used to mould man by an eternal intelligent being , a supernatural one . Yours claims that dirt just had life and developed on its own to form man . Which is more rational bikonu ?

Maybe you need to know what I believe in before you conclude on that.

By the way, why have this so called supernatural and eternal one disappeared and left y'all to his description by stories of ancient men in your religious text. Is he dead?

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by ValentineMary(m): 1:37pm On Jun 18, 2016
To the theist, why are there so many Gods and what makes u think your own is the right one


Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Nobody: 1:56pm On Jun 18, 2016
I've seen no reasonable input since the opening of this thread, so I won't mind contributing. Now as a Muslim, I believe there's a supreme God, Allaah who created man for a purpose as stated in the below verse:

“And I did not create the jinn or mankind except to worship Me” {adh-Dhaariyaat (51): 56}

So without doubt, man was created by a supreme being which is Allaah(SWT). So Atheists, what is the source of man and other beings like dogs, fish, birds, etc?

I don't speak for all atheists. I speak for myself when I tell you the reason for the biodiversity we have took a very long, slow, drudging process taking millions of tiny little steps, some adapting to changes in the environment, others not adapting and perishing....

It's really amazing, when you consider it, because it tells us every animal is interconnected..... It's biology's Grand Unified Theory, if you will

It's called Evolution

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Nobody: 1:58pm On Jun 18, 2016

I believe you were planning to join their crusade then. Why did the follower perform such thing in your face?

Nay bro!!! My mum was actually married to him but we left due to the whole saga....
He usually had fits once it was twelve midnight. Once it was 12:00 am, he would behave like someone who was concussed and would start foaming at the mouth and peeing on himself..... It was finally revealed that he had not done his usual sacrifice to Olumba Olumba.
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Nobody: 2:21pm On Jun 18, 2016

Debating about if there were a god or not continuously is a total waste of time. However I will ask the OP a question currently challenging the society. Every time I turn on the tv I see a gay tolorent advert or two men kissing and holding hands. The same Crusaders who brought Christianity to Africa are here promoting homosexuality to the same Africans through similar means like; threatening to withhold charity funds to financially challenged countries who go against the homosexuality society

My question to the OP and others Christians: Isn't this enough clue that the bible is a tool used by the conqueror on the vanquished? Don't you guys think God(white people) are re- writing the script? Because in a few years it will be acceptable and normal to be gay and Chrustians of the future will accept it because they were born into the idea just like you?

Good question bro!! It actually is a fulfillment of what Jesus said
"Because iniquity shall rule, the love of a multitude will grow cold" - Matthew 24:12

In fact Peter the Apostle had predicted the future decadence in Christianity when he said:

"But there existed false prophets among the people even as there will exist false teachers among you, who will secretly adopt destructive heresies even denying the Lord who bought them, bringing on themselves, a quick demise.
And many will follow their destructive ways, because of them, the way of the truth will be insulted
" - 2nd Peter 2:1-2

This is exactly what is happening bro!!! But members of the early church spread their message in a peaceful way yet we Christians today spread our message by the gun and by a sword our doctrines are made known.

I personally, do not force my ideas down anyone's throat. But to say there is no God simply because of the faults of His so-called devotees is too extreme for me. I also do not shun science simply because most of its practitioners and or enthusiasts do not believe in an all powerful creator. In fact when one considers facts and non-superstitious faith, they are two sides of the same coin.
Homosexuals are just being accepted as part of the society. Christianity on the other hand wasn't forced on people, they were just given a good reason to accept it. But today, it has become a do or die affair.
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Uyi168: 3:04pm On Jun 18, 2016
D stand made by theists or atheists is never a logical one,oweing to d fact dat none has been able to cite satisfactory proofs to bck up their claims regarding God's existence/non-existence..
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by felixomor: 3:06pm On Jun 18, 2016
Throw an object up, it falls to the earth. Why, they say gravity!
Can you see gravity? No
Does anyone have the picture of gravity? No
As a matter of fact, go to another planet, why is there no gravity there? We dont know.
Some people believe there is something called gravity and scientists till today dont know why there is gravity.
Unfortunately, these same people who have never even questioned the origin of gravity once will come and try to sound intelligent by saying people should show a photograph of God before they believe that God exists.
There is God. Just as there is gravity.
You dont have to see them my dear, before you know they exist.
The fact that a man doesnt feel God doesnt mean that He is not.

"Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the universe" - Galileo Galelei

Famous scientists who made awesome discoveries we still rely on today all in one way or the other pointed to God in their exploits.
You may think that you are more intelligent than these scientists, but please show us your research and disvovery before you can convince us.
Moreover if you say these scientists were foolish, then please stop making use of the things they discovered.

Till today, there are videos of supernatural events caught on camera and yes! Those done in the name of God. And I dont just mean religious videos.
People who were scientifically certified dead, brought back to life by the power of God. And many other events.

Some will try to hide behind the excuse of which god is the real one if you say he exists?
But thats another topic entirely. You cant be asking which is the real way when you are even yet to believe there is a way.

Well either way, either one u choose to believe. We must believe in what we dont see, wether u like it or not
Wind, force, gravity, electrons, atoms, we cant see with our eyes but we believe
So also, God I cant see with my eyes but I believe because I feel him.

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by urahara(m): 3:10pm On Jun 18, 2016

Great minds think alike wink . It's all coincidence I think , you know like atheists think all miracles are fake even when the evidence is clear and compelling and think they are just coincidences .

Kingebukasblog is better , more composed

Na so personality disorder dey start o. grin u don dey form alter ego

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by DeSepiero(m): 3:23pm On Jun 18, 2016

Good question bro!! It actually is a fulfillment of what Jesus said
"Because iniquity shall rule, the love of a multitude will grow cold" - Matthew 24:12

In fact Peter the Apostle had predicted the future decadence in Christianity when he said:

"But there existed false prophets among the people even as there will exist false teachers among you, who will secretly adopt destructive heresies even denying the Lord who bought them, bringing on themselves, a quick demise.
And many will follow their destructive ways, because of them, the way of the truth will be insulted
" - 2nd Peter 2:1-2

This is exactly what is happening bro!!! But members of the early church spread their message in a peaceful way yet we Christians today spread our message by the gun and by a sword our doctrines are made known.

I personally, do not force my ideas down anyone's throat. But to say there is no God simply because of the faults of His so-called devotees is too extreme for me. I also do not shun science simply because most of its practitioners and or enthusiasts do not believe in an all powerful creator. In fact when one considers facts and non-superstitious faith, they are two sides of the same coin.
Homosexuals are just being accepted as part of the society. Christianity on the other hand wasn't forced on people, they were just given a good reason to accept it. But today, it has become a do or die affair.

Lmao grin This isn't far from you.


Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Demmzy15(m): 3:24pm On Jun 18, 2016

I don't speak for all atheists. I speak for myself when I tell you the reason for the biodiversity we have took a very long, slow, drudging process taking millions of tiny little steps, some adapting to changes in the environment, others not adapting and perishing....

It's really amazing, when you consider it, because it tells us every animal is interconnected..... It's biology's Grand Unified Theory, if you will

It's called Evolution
OK, can you tell me how the world came to be with "evolution"?
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Scholar8200(m): 4:48pm On Jun 18, 2016
To the theist, why are there so many Gods and what makes u think your own is the right one
Nice question:
1. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, and man;
2. After the flood, man tried to establish a one world govt(Genesis 10:9,10., before the great dispersion);
3. God dispersed man and every body went separate ways each with a version of the error that underlay point 2
4. Others, in trying to ignore God, created idols but it was clear what was involved (eg baal being shaped like a phallus etc)
4b The people in 2 and 4 are the roots of the genealogical tree that has branched into various gods and idols.
5. While various groups followed either the error in 2 or the ones invented in 4, there were some like Enoch, Job, Abraham that still held on to the true God of 1.
6. Of those that did so, God embarked on fulfilling His promise of a Deliverer. And all over the World, there are that recognised and hold on to the Deliverer promised!
7. Since the personality behind the errors of 2 & 4 saw that the promises he tried to prostitute were being fulfilled, he embarked on an underhanded upgrade of the lies he sold to man. For example, at the time of Genesis 11/12, the best he could steal was that somebody was the woman whose Seed will destroy the serpent. After Christ, they quickly upgraded their stories to anachronistically include parts of the life of Jesus which they did not have before. (This is why they tried to infiltrate the Church in the early years, books like the Gospel of Barnabas is a similar effort along this line)

Now, if there was no God, and you claim man invented God (the One in point 1)? Then what template informed their decision? Why would they invent idols and to achieve what purpose or with which model in mind? And why do we have disparities in commands if man invented the God concept? If evolution populated the world, whence the diversity in language? For example animals, lions do not roar in Africa but grunt in India? Goats do not grunt in Nigeria but miaow in China?

If like someone said, it was biodiversity that took very slow steps, okay, why did it leave the animals behind and single out man?


Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by DeSepiero(m): 4:58pm On Jun 18, 2016
Nice question:
1. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, and man;
2. After the flood, man tried to establish a one world govt(Genesis 10:9,10., before the great dispersion);
3. God dispersed man and every body went separate ways each with a version of the error that underlay point 2
4. Others, in trying to ignore God, created idols but it was clear what was involved (eg baal being shaped like a phallus etc)
4b The people in 2 and 4 are the roots of the genealogical tree that has branched into various gods and idols.
5. While various groups followed either the error in 2 or the ones invented in 4, there were some like Enoch, Job, Abraham that still held on to the true God of 1.
6. Of those that did so, God embarked on fulfilling His promise of a Deliverer. And all over the World, there are that recognised and hold on to the Deliverer promised!
7. Since the personality behind the errors of 2 & 4 saw that the promises he tried to prostitute were being fulfilled, he embarked on an underhanded upgrade of the lies he sold to man. For example, at the time of Genesis 11/12, the best he could steal was that somebody was the woman whose Seed will destroy the serpent. After Christ, they quickly upgraded their stories to anachronistically include parts of the life of Jesus which they did not have before. (This is why they tried to infiltrate the Church in the early years, books like the Gospel of Barnabas is a similar effort along this line)

Now, if there was no God, and you claim man invented God (the One in point 1)? Then what template informed their decision? Why would they invent idols and to achieve what purpose or with which model in mind? And why do we have disparities in commands if man invented the God concept? If evolution populated the world, whence the diversity in language? For example animals, lions do not roar in Africa but grunt in India? Goats do not grunt in Nigeria but miaow in China?

If like someone said, it was biodiversity that took very slow steps, okay, why did it leave the animals behind and single out man?


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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Scholar8200(m): 4:59pm On Jun 18, 2016

Thanks a lot.
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by DeSepiero(m): 5:02pm On Jun 18, 2016
Thanks a lot.

Don't thank me, think with your brain.
Don't rely on thoughts of dead Jews.
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Scholar8200(m): 5:18pm On Jun 18, 2016
Arrogance, manic conceitedness, pride and rebellion exudes the theophobes;
and just these qualities pleases mephistopheles!

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by urahara(m): 5:20pm On Jun 18, 2016
Nice question:
1. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, and man;
2. After the flood, man tried to establish a one world govt(Genesis 10:9,10., before the great dispersion);
3. God dispersed man and every body went separate ways each with a version of the error that underlay point 2
4. Others, in trying to ignore God, created idols but it was clear what was involved (eg baal being shaped like a phallus etc)
4b The people in 2 and 4 are the roots of the genealogical tree that has branched into various gods and idols.
5. While various groups followed either the error in 2 or the ones invented in 4, there were some like Enoch, Job, Abraham that still held on to the true God of 1.
6. Of those that did so, God embarked on fulfilling His promise of a Deliverer. And all over the World, there are that recognised and hold on to the Deliverer promised!
7. Since the personality behind the errors of 2 & 4 saw that the promises he tried to prostitute were being fulfilled, he embarked on an underhanded upgrade of the lies he sold to man. For example, at the time of Genesis 11/12, the best he could steal was that somebody was the woman whose Seed will destroy the serpent. After Christ, they quickly upgraded their stories to anachronistically include parts of the life of Jesus which they did not have before. (This is why they tried to infiltrate the Church in the early years, books like the Gospel of Barnabas is a similar effort along this line)

Now, if there was no God, and you claim man invented God (the One in point 1)? Then what template informed their decision? Why would they invent idols and to achieve what purpose or with which model in mind? And why do we have disparities in commands if man invented the God concept? If evolution populated the world, whence the diversity in language? For example animals, lions do not roar in Africa but grunt in India? Goats do not grunt in Nigeria but miaow in China?

If like someone said, it was biodiversity that took very slow steps, okay, why did it leave the animals behind and single out man?

Excerpt from a very old book written by the same people who adhere to the religion

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Scholar8200(m): 5:25pm On Jun 18, 2016

Excerpt from a very old book written by the same people who adhere to the religion
Are you saying the post was copy and paste?
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by urahara(m): 5:30pm On Jun 18, 2016
Are you saying the post was copy and paste?

Nope . am saying that your answers are from quotes of bible verses which lack proof

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by winner01(m): 5:35pm On Jun 18, 2016
I would like to use this opportunity to query all the aforementioned atheists about their position on the origin of our present universe.
I made a claim to winner01 in another thread that just about every human accepts the idea that the universe originated out of something. In other words, even those who espouse the notion of a spontaneous genesis from nothing, still accept the fact that the nothing in question was an unknown something or preexisting material.
What do you all think? Does anyone here believe that the universe did not have a source or a point of origin?

You dont need to state the possible answers when asking a question. I know better than all these. Whey not ask the question alone and evaluate various answers. It turns out that everyone is bias. Quote me when you ready to do the right way.
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by ValentineMary(m): 5:57pm On Jun 18, 2016
Nice question:
1. In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, and man;
2. After the flood, man tried to establish a one world govt(Genesis 10:9,10., before the great dispersion);
3. God dispersed man and every body went separate ways each with a version of the error that underlay point 2
4. Others, in trying to ignore God, created idols but it was clear what was involved (eg baal being shaped like a phallus etc)
4b The people in 2 and 4 are the roots of the genealogical tree that has branched into various gods and idols.
5. While various groups followed either the error in 2 or the ones invented in 4, there were some like Enoch, Job, Abraham that still held on to the true God of 1.
6. Of those that did so, God embarked on fulfilling His promise of a Deliverer. And all over the World, there are that recognised and hold on to the Deliverer promised!
7. Since the personality behind the errors of 2 & 4 saw that the promises he tried to prostitute were being fulfilled, he embarked on an underhanded upgrade of the lies he sold to man. For example, at the time of Genesis 11/12, the best he could steal was that somebody was the woman whose Seed will destroy the serpent. After Christ, they quickly upgraded their stories to anachronistically include parts of the life of Jesus which they did not have before. (This is why they tried to infiltrate the Church in the early years, books like the Gospel of Barnabas is a similar effort along this line)

Now, if there was no God, and you claim man invented God (the One in point 1)? Then what template informed their decision? Why would they invent idols and to achieve what purpose or with which model in mind? And why do we have disparities in commands if man invented the God concept? If evolution populated the world, whence the diversity in language? For example animals, lions do not roar in Africa but grunt in India? Goats do not grunt in Nigeria but miaow in China?

If like someone said, it was biodiversity that took very slow steps, okay, why did it leave the animals behind and single out man?
Okay u are a bigot just like the rest. Thanks

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Scholar8200(m): 5:58pm On Jun 18, 2016

Okay u are a bigot just like the rest. Thanks
It's okay.
Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Weah96: 6:27pm On Jun 18, 2016
thanks for ur beutiful writeup,the truth of the matter is there will always b agnostics and athiest,even when elijah sent down fire to consume d prophets of baal,pipo still went on serving oda gods,thee isrealites heard God talk on mouth sinai,yeshua did lots of miracles still there will always be doubts...and its normal,one way or the oda pipo always need a higher being wen faced with trouble,put an athiest on a sickbed with cancer and say my yeshua of nazareth can save u..all of a sudden he has no choice,let ur god save me if he can.even in the story of jonah,those in d ship said call on ur god let's see if he can save us...I knw they wld hav been athiest and agnostics in that boat...the fact that you can't see or touch air doesn't mean there is no air...scientists believe the whole world began frm one giant burst of explosion,this is the stupidest tin I've heard eva...ok try this pick a box of pins a throw them all ova ur room,I give u less than a week b4 I hear a sad story,the lion sees an antelope and knws this is food,elephants see an antlope and say dis is friend,birds see wings and knw they can fly..the sun is in d best distance frm the earth,the sun knws its for day,the moon cums to us by nite..mosquitoes knw they need blood for reproduction...hw can everytin knw wat to do if sum1 didn't put them together,u don't just bring metals,leather,rubber,fuel,water throw them in one place and they all by themselves turn into a car??...what rubbish...the most annoying tin is hearing I evolved frm a monkey,thanks all !!! According to darwins theory we evolved over time,I am stll waiting to hear an animal that has changed into another animal,there are billions of fossils that have ben discovred alas they've still not found any fossil that has transitioned into another specie..I'll stop here,hope to hear ur own point of views

You have put forth the argument for deism. What you have yet to address is the existence of Yahweh as this creator in question.
Even if an open minded person is willing to concedea deliberate design by an unknown source, you must still show them why the source is Yahweh.

You are tasked with providing proof that Yahweh exists. Everyone already knows that the universe had a beginning and may choose to interpret that information according to his own discretion. You must show me why the beginning was in fact the resurrected Jew from Palestine called Jesus.

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by Weah96: 6:32pm On Jun 18, 2016
You dont need to state the possible answers when asking a question. I know better than all these. Whey not ask the question alone and evaluate various answers. It turns out that everyone is bias. Quote me when you ready to do the right way.

This is not a game, brother. I'm not the kind of person who tolerates ambiguous language. It is best to let sleeping dogs lie, as you seem to be interested only in your dogmatic position.

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by felixomor: 6:43pm On Jun 18, 2016
Sometimes I just laugh.
So, that a book is ancient,
Does that mean it is useless?

Ok o, what about things like the art of male circumcision that was first recorded from the bible and its still practised today even in modern medicine.
Why dont we do away with the so called all ancient things?

Or someone will soon tell us that we are born with circumcision now.
That it wasnt first sited from the bible.

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Re: Peaceful Debate Between Theists And Atheists Holds Here by rawgame(m): 7:04pm On Jun 18, 2016

It's an inconclusive argument always has been..

If one says 'God created the universe' to fill the gap of ignorance on universal causality then God here becomes the subject.

who created God?

if then you say God is 'eternal' in order to save a step and cut the enquiry at that point.

then what was the need in the first place of invoking God for the universe, we could have simply then saved that step and said the 'universe is eternal' and the case it closed.

this is a speculative argument because the premise being dragged is somewhere nobody really knows yet.

thats the plain truth, no one knows and the problem here is the inability for people to agree I don't know rather than aiming to fill that gap of ignorance with 'gut feelings'

It is scientifically proven that we live in a universe of cause and effects(because the universe is not without the dimension of time) so the universe cannot be eternal. But without the dimension of time there will be no cause and effect. Therefore God has not need of being created but created time(see my initial post below) dimension so that cause and effect would exist for us.

However, God created time, cause and effect would never apply to his existence. So, God is eternal and the universe is clearly not

Please my questions will be a little bit science inclined. Questions to Atheists:

A. Does this make sense to you?

B. Mathematics is a perfect science and the foundation of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, which provided proof that the universe and time itself had a beginning. Since nothing comes from nothing, what option does that leave us?

C. Einstein also discovered that we live in a world of time, space and matter. How did the bible get this right? In Gen. 1:1

In the beginning (time), God created (energy) the heavens (space) and the earth (matter).

That scripture also incorporates a three-dimensional world. Which was later stipulated by Einstein as time space and matter. How did the author of the bible get that right?

CC: SirWere Weah96 Desepiero dblackninja

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