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Nigerian Gay Activist Bisi Alimi Meets With Caitlyn Jenner {Photos} - Romance - Nairaland

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Nigerian Gay Activist Bisi Alimi Meets With Caitlyn Jenner {Photos} by ournaijablog(f): 5:07pm On Jun 25, 2016
I consider Bisi Alimi to be a friend and a mentor, my chest swells with pride whenever I read on the news his several accomplishment for the LGBT people all over he world, he indeed is an icon sexuality or not he’s a good “Diva” and a force to be reckoned with in the struggle for the recognition of same sex marriages all over the world and African precisely

This was culled from his Facebook wall with his permission ofcourse, he recently was in Aspen doing what he knows best and also having a good time and Voila a Kardashian walks up to our very own Bisi, none other than CAIT herself.

Yesterday after my panel on “What’s Gender” With Buzz Bisisnger(he interviewed Cait for Vogue), Mona Eltahawy(the powerful Egyptian feminist) and Paula Johnson, the first African America to be the President of a prestigious all girls college in the US, I met Cait.

Cait and I have different politics and I made that very clear in my position. However, I will not hide from the fact that in the global Trans struggle there is a place for a Cait.

Prior to my leaving for Aspen, a very good friend suggested to broker a meeting between us, I ran to another friend, who is a mentor, she is black and she is America and a lesbian. I asked her what she thinks, while she was against me meeting Cait, she didn’t not completely oppose it.

I know Cait will be in Aspen but was not sure she would walked into the session.

There was something strange about her, completely different from the Cait on tv.

She walked in, very very shy, no security (not that you need one in Aspen, as everyone is assumed to be highly connected and important)

She quietly sat at the back. She doesn’t strike me like one of the members of the Kardasian clan.

She was really, really shy. I don’t know but I had my focus on her, I was watching her everyone move, I wanted to see just that one time she will let her guard down. I was disappointed. She was “normal”. Then she was ushered to the front row, right in front of me and that was when i realised we have actually been looking at each other.

After my session she came to me and we talked. We talked about a lot of things, this moment was captured by a lot of cameras and it will be featured in “The Boy From Mushin”.

Cait said something that was moving to me, she acknowledged her privileged and I raised the incident with Jennifer Finney Boylan with he and she said she is learning. I told her good for her and she has to do it fast.

She told me of a letter she got from a Trans person in Nigeria and ask what can she do.

Well I told her this battle is ours, not hers, she should keep doing what she is doing, learning and unlearning and when the time is right, she will be an ally.

We shook hands, smiled, took pictures, laughed and then just outside she asked, “what if we do lunch tomorrow? What if you can teach me one or two things Bisi?”. That was the first time she called my name. I was not sure but I took a risk and said yes.

Cait and I have different politics, she is right wing I am left wing, but we both have one mission; to project the voices of the unheard. Our approaches differ, she is a famous person, I am not. She is protected, I am not, but I think in our differences, our common goal unites us.

I will be seeking advice from people who knows best how I should handle this issue going forward, but this is an unfolding drama.

Ibeji Isabella


Re: Nigerian Gay Activist Bisi Alimi Meets With Caitlyn Jenner {Photos} by bluaero(m): 5:11pm On Jun 25, 2016
God is patient
Re: Nigerian Gay Activist Bisi Alimi Meets With Caitlyn Jenner {Photos} by kunlesufyan(m): 5:11pm On Jun 25, 2016
Hell awaits them!!!
Re: Nigerian Gay Activist Bisi Alimi Meets With Caitlyn Jenner {Photos} by KingRex1(m): 5:12pm On Jun 25, 2016
Na wa o.
Hey guys pls come vote for my home gurl MIMZY Simply type 'I vote MIMZY cc: Nljega' on the link www.nairaland.com/3186985/miss-nairaland-contest-2016- grand Thanks alot
Re: Nigerian Gay Activist Bisi Alimi Meets With Caitlyn Jenner {Photos} by davien(m): 5:19pm On Jun 25, 2016
Nice... smiley

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