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She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis - Romance - Nairaland

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She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by jonaifame22(m): 10:11am On Jun 29, 2016
Can you imagine, I cooked for the houe dis morning and dished for evey body cos if they dish it themselves,there will be nothing left

So one of my sister's fwend carried her food and was eating on the bed then later came to my side on the plastic chair I was seating watching. TV and was like my husband u can cook oh lemme taste ur food maybe it's the same wth my own

Then she tasted my food and started feeding. me frm hers, chai I felt so warm as she sat on my laps, her soft yansh couple wth the sight of her fwesh spotless lap that her bum short exposed,almost made my dick bend frm the multiple erecti.on that overwhelmed it and also I rested my hand on her lap as there was no where to rest it,then some how she stood up to go get water , I prayed silently that she doesn't come back to sit on my laps but can u imagine she did come back

So when she wanted to seat I tried bendind my body to the side so that she won't seat on my dick cos it might jus tear her yansh tissues ,buh lo and behold she sat on my dick and after some seconds she tried adjusting her self buh she till sat on the dick again cos it was fully erectand very hard and it has exhausted it's lenght, then she said "wats dis , am I sitting on ur phone,chai I didn't know wat to say when she pressed it,I giesss she felt the cylinderical shape of my dick then she shouted hmmmmmmm uncle israel ahn ahn heyyyyyy wat is dis and dat my gaotish sister was there cos those are the kind of things she use to like to hear and when she wanted to put mouth I told her " tah shut up.

Then after wat seemed like eternity my dick came down to normal and then I finished eating. and went to take my bath and went to my shop

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Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by ErnieSmallzz(f): 10:24am On Jun 29, 2016
undecided And so?


Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by SpeedyConnect(m): 10:34am On Jun 29, 2016
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by Debbywills(f): 10:38am On Jun 29, 2016
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by 0ubenji(m): 10:48am On Jun 29, 2016
If dah gurl is well into puberty stages with all curves n' all... Fogerrit..the jezebel juz meant to torture ur hormones nd feign oblivion... For wateva reason..only u cud tel

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Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by Nobody: 11:57am On Jun 29, 2016
Lol!! Whenever I read stories about girls feigning shock at feeling a bump after sitting on a guy's lap, I just shake my head. Let me break the news, when you sit on a guy's lap, he's going to get aroused, whether he's your friend, paddy or pastor.
Bottom line (no pun intended), keep your ass off a guy's lap if you don't want him getting aroused. Chikena grin

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Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by Thoseideas123(m): 12:28pm On Jun 29, 2016
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by jonaifame22(m): 3:15pm On Jun 29, 2016
Lol!! Whenever I read stories about girls feigning shock at feeling a bump after sitting on a guy's lap, I just shake my head. Let me break the news, when you sit on a guy's lap, he's going to get aroused, whether he's your friend, paddy or pastor.
Bottom line (no pun intended), keep your ass off a guy's lap if you don't want him getting aroused. Chikena grin
hmmmm now u've exposed her plans, ehn ehn so she was tryn to get my s.perm. In2 her womb 2 fertilize her ovaries so that she'll tie me down wth a baby,well even if I lack self control and I fall for her gimmicks I don't lack postinor, and I'll give it to her in a drink may be tea,and I'll not fvck her again and b4 that week ends,I'll throw her out!
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by Nobody: 5:55pm On Jun 29, 2016
hmmmm now u've exposed her plans, ehn ehn so she was tryn to get my s.perm. In2 her womb 2 fertilize her ovaries so that she'll tie me down wth a baby,well even if I lack self control and I fall for her gimmicks I don't lack postinor, and I'll give it to her in a drink may be tea,and I'll not fvck her again and b4 that week ends,I'll throw her out!
Girls can actually be very mischievous. Its likely she either had a crush on you and wanted the satisfaction of turning you on, or she just felt like being naughty. Trust me, any girl above 12 years knows what happens when you sit on a guy's lap. Don't mind them

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Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by jonaifame22(m): 5:59pm On Jun 29, 2016
Girls can actually be very mischievous. Its likely she either had a crush on you and wanted the satisfaction of turning you on, or she just felt like being naughty. Trust me, any girl above 12 years knows what happens when you sit on a guy's lap. Don't mind them
believe me,I won't fail to surprise her , my bed is big. Enuff for the showdown!
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by dkachi007: 4:50am On Jun 30, 2016
Dude I like the way you write. You make me believe you are a novice when it comes to dealing with girls so let me just put it straight to you. She has a strong crush on you and enjoyed sitting on your lap more than you did.so the question is do u like her that way?if yes then make that move and stop being a novice.

Make sure you update us on the outcome


Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by Nobody: 7:53pm On Jun 30, 2016
believe me,I won't fail to surprise her , my bed is big. Enuff for the showdown!

John.. abi na Uncle Israel
Make sure U dicksipline her well

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Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by omojesun: 7:55pm On Jun 30, 2016
I am 23 years old, engineering graduate living in Lagos searching assiduously for a babe intelligent and beautiful. Kindly hook me up @ThisSlimBoi twitter

Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by jonaifame22(m): 8:47pm On Jun 30, 2016

John.. abi na Uncle Israel
Make sure U dicksipline her well
she sleeps on the tiles and I'll start sleeping on the tiles at night cos of her!
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by naturalwaves: 9:43pm On Jun 30, 2016
Lol!! Whenever I read stories about girls feigning shock at feeling a bump after sitting on a guy's lap, I just shake my head. Let me break the news, when you sit on a guy's lap, he's going to get aroused, whether he's your friend, paddy or pastor.
Bottom line (no pun intended), keep your ass off a guy's lap if you don't want him getting aroused. Chikena grin
Where did you get this hogwash from? This is not totally true... Depends on the guy involved and his state of mind. I have had several girlfriends, sisters sit on my laps in the past without feeling any arousal. The problem with you girls is that you feel you know more about guys than guys themselves.... Perhaps you have been sitting on the laps of perverts all these while. So, if you sit on your dad's or bro's laps, they are gonna get aroused? Think! Moreover, a guy does not need a lady sitting on his laps to get aroused whenever he wants to. So, getting aroused is not a reflex action..... Takes a thought process and communication. Get it?

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Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by Alpharezz(m): 11:52pm On Jun 30, 2016

Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by iamdotune(m): 1:53am On Jul 01, 2016
It's simply based on me if I want to get aroused tho, I might take it in or just neglect the actions of the girl, ull seat for hours Nd no muscles will move if I want
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by jonaifame22(m): 6:24am On Jul 01, 2016
It's simply based on me if I want to get aroused tho, I might take it in or just neglect the actions of the girl, ull seat for hours Nd no muscles will move if I want
ehn ehn, eeyah, it's jus dat dick is ill-mannered,it gives me away every time things like dat happens
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by GoldenJAT(m): 7:20am On Jul 01, 2016
just suffered poor DIKE 4 nothing!
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by edbor(m): 7:48am On Jul 01, 2016
If am not thinking about doing anything with you, nothing will happen
Re: She Sat On My Lap For Some Minutes My Dick Charged.n She Asked Wat Is Dis by dannyben5: 8:00am On Jul 01, 2016
Ok i hear....

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