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Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User - Education - Nairaland

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Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by dhorlapo(f): 11:20pm On Jul 03, 2016
Is Covenant University This Bad? See What This Guy Said About Them

Could it be that this guy is just ranting… I thought some say Covenant university is one of the best around?

:- http://gidibest.com/2016/07/03/is-covenant-university-this-bad-see-what-this-guy-reveals-about-them/

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Dclique(m): 11:27pm On Jul 03, 2016
The guy probably got expelled from the university, or finished with poor grades, thats why he is talking crap!

160 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by chiefolododo(m): 11:30pm On Jul 03, 2016
He is right

54 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by ladyF(f): 11:30pm On Jul 03, 2016
He probably applied to a private uni and couldn't go eventually. So what was the next step for him? Start badmouthing the school of course... angry

It's [size=15pt]FynestGeh[/size] again grin grin grin

72 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Nobody: 11:45pm On Jul 03, 2016

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Vendoor(f): 12:21am On Jul 04, 2016

Father grin

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Barackmeringo: 12:28am On Jul 04, 2016
he's wrong.

one thing we fail to understand is that these priv unis don't fail students anyhow....no! what you wrote down is what you would get. but in fed unis......ah, some lecturers don't even mark sef, they would just allot grades. that's why failure is high in fed unis wrt priv unis

134 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Thobiy(m): 12:28am On Jul 04, 2016
He is right
Very wrong, with all Money spent


Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by tundelis(m): 12:36am On Jul 04, 2016
Una never chi chum chin cheesy cheesy

1 Like

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Nobody: 1:36am On Jul 04, 2016

Father grin
........ Ms Vendoor again?! Hmmmmm
Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by chiefolododo(m): 3:11am On Jul 04, 2016
You mean that they just dey buy certificate there n?
Very wrong, with all Money spent
Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Nobody: 4:48am On Jul 04, 2016
It maybe true sha

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by MaQuin(f): 6:31am On Jul 04, 2016
lies I don't believe

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by GoldenJAT(m): 6:34am On Jul 04, 2016
something ain't right somewhere! na 2 ask d guy man why.

1 Like

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by mrwonlasewonie: 6:52am On Jul 04, 2016

In private universities the lecturers are monitored by established institutional frameworks set in place to avoid exchange of vagina for grades,exchaging students Mark with each other and other vices we see in public universities .if a student complains about sexual harassment by a lecturer and the student fails they will check her past records whether that's her trend, find out whether she's an A,B or C student. Another exam will be conducted for her in that particular course and iF she fails she will go on suspension for slander and telling wicked lies against the lecturer. She will also be the one to pay an entirely different lecturer for his services,stay in the university guest house and his feeding who the school will hire (something similar to external examiner) who will mark her work but iF she passes the course that's the end of that lecturers career.he cannot work in that university or any other university because letters will be sent to other universities.

So what that person typed is complete balderdash. Every student in private university EARNS whatever grades they get irrespective of the millions they pay as school fees and by the way the school fees is payment of services and efficient service delivery so that his or her 4 years Will be 4years and have easy access to university facilities and services

On the other hand public university lecturers that fail students do it out of ego to show they're still the boss or they know more than the student. In some cases if the student in a public university is asking too much questions and the lecturer can't answer it the lecturer might start bullying the student academically and suffocate his intelligence /quest for more knowledge till he becomes a passive student

So stop comparing death and sleep because they're incomparable

96 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by saxwizard(m): 12:07pm On Jul 04, 2016
badmouth everywhere
Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Ukeachu1(m): 2:13pm On Jul 04, 2016
he's wrong.

one thing we fail to understand is that these priv unis don't fail students anyhow....no! what you wrote down is what you would get. but in fed unis......ah, some lecturers don't even mark sef, they would just allot grades. that's why failure is high in fed unis wrt priv unis

you are wise.

14 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by halfricanadian(f): 2:18pm On Jul 04, 2016
Before nko was he expecting it to b compared to HAVARD

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Eazikeyz(m): 10:12pm On Jul 04, 2016
He is right
I'm an OAU student. And I know that's just not true

10 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Nobody: 10:20pm On Jul 04, 2016
he's wrong.

one thing we fail to understand is that these priv unis don't fail students anyhow....no! what you wrote down is what you would get. but in fed unis......ah, some lecturers don't even mark sef, they would just allot grades. that's why failure is high in fed unis wrt priv unis

Exactly! But one thing I don't understand...most lecturers in these private universities are actually visiting from federal universities/ or are part time lecturers from federal universities. It's so evident that marking down students is for them, an ego thing!

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Missmossy(f): 10:31pm On Jul 04, 2016
He sounds hurt and thus making him biased. Anyways he is wrong and the truth is glaring.


Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Barackmeringo: 10:53pm On Jul 04, 2016

Exactly! But one thing I don't understand...most lecturers in these private universities are actually visiting from federal universities/ or are part time lecturers from federal universities. It's so evident that marking down students is for them, an ego thing!



Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Nobody: 11:04pm On Jul 04, 2016

In private universities the lecturers are monitored by established institutional frameworks set in place to avoid exchange of vagina for grades,exchaging students Mark with each other and other vices we see in public universities .if a student complains about sexual harassment by a lecturer and the student fails they will check her past records whether that's her trend, find out whether she's an A,B or C student. Another exam will be conducted for her in that particular course and iF she fails she will go on suspension for slander and telling wicked lies against the lecturer. She will also be the one to pay an entirely different lecturer for his services,stay in the university guest house and his feeding who the school will hire (something similar to external examiner) who will mark her work but iF she passes the course that's the end of that lecturers career.he cannot work in that university or any other university because letters will be sent to other universities.

So what that person typed is complete balderdash. Every student in private university EARNS whatever grades they get irrespective of the millions they pay as school fees and by the way the school fees is payment of services and efficient service delivery so that his or her 4 years Will be 4years and have easy access to university facilities and services

On the other hand public university lecturers that fail students do it out of ego to show they're still the boss or they know more than the student. In some cases if the student in a public university is asking too much questions and the lecturer can't answer it the lecturer might start bullying the student academically and suffocate his intelligence /quest for more knowledge till he becomes a passive student

So stop comparing death and sleep because they're incomparable

The emboldened part is a major lie.

As a post M.A student who has some level of rapport with my lecturers at B.A level, I've come to understand that some private universities actually solicit for marks from lecturers on behalf of their students.

School authorities in a particular private university in Osun state beg lecturers to raise grades of E & F students based on the consideration of money paid.

And from my interactions with graduates from private universities - Covenant, Babcock, Bowen & Redeemers; I've come to a conclusion that they lack the rigour of research/academia. What I'm trying to say is that they're being taught the basic, they're aware of surface information (as far as History as a discipline goes) but further analysis and in-depth research seems not to be their thing.

I mostly don't take them serious but I do not brush them off either.

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by Standing5(m): 3:08am On Jul 05, 2016

The emboldened part is a major lie.

As a post M.A student who has some level of rapport with my lecturers at B.A level, I've come to understand that some private universities actually solicit for marks from lecturers on behalf of their students.

School authorities in a particular private university in Osun state beg lecturers to raise grades of E & F students based on the consideration of money paid.

And from my interactions with graduates from private universities - Covenant, Babcock, Bowen & Redeemers; I've come to a conclusion that they lack the rigour of research/academia. What I'm trying to say is that they're being taught the basic, they're aware of surface information (as far as History as a discipline goes) but further analysis and in-depth research seems not to be their thing.

I mostly don't take them serious but I do not brush them off either.
You r talking trash man. It is public schools who don't do research and bribe, sort, cheat with phones, have no laboratories 'n good library. They are ever pulling private uni and their products down out of insecurity.

41 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by bjbukzy(m): 5:48am On Jul 05, 2016
in nigeria, it is all about the person and not the school.....the two best student in my ican tutorial are graduates of mapoly(no offense tho) and we ve d likes of OAU,convenant,babcock,unilag,unilorin and yabatech....

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by UIA04(f): 6:21am On Jul 05, 2016
He probably applied to a private uni and couldn't go eventually. So what was the next step for him? Start badmouthing the school of course... angry

Nobody applies to a private University and can't go except you don't have the money.

19 Likes 1 Share

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by mrwonlasewonie: 7:13am On Jul 05, 2016
Quit the generalization.there are many private universities i know that their code of ethics says lecturers MUST NOT collect any gift whatsoever from students or parents while the student is still a student of the school except he has graduated . Anyone caught will be taken to disciplinary panel.if found guilty will be immediately sacked.the purpose of this is to curtail students from having undue or illegal influence on their lecturers so that they can give them the grades they don't deserve

Secondly AN A,B or C student that has been having a good cgpa and suddenly had E or D will be invited by his course advisor or course coodinator to find out why he failed that course maybe it's health reasons,family problem or he's the one not taking his courses seriously again OR he doesn't like the course,the course advisor will find out and if for example he has been getting Bs and Cs in all his courses and he had a D in a particular course or lecturers have known him to be a serious student who has been doing well and suddenly he gets D which can soil his cgpa THE course advisor can step in by appealing to the lecturer on behalf of the student for him to do another assignment or test. Depending on the lecturer if he agrees he can take another test and if the student passes they will add that grade to his previous grade that he failed and divide it by 2 to push his grade up from D to C or B.no lecturer dashes students Mark even if you're buharis child. And that test can be conducted if Senate hasn't requested for the result to be voted.if not he will retake the course again. Therefore students in private universities earn their grades
In addition if a student feels he deserves AN A or B and the lecturer gave him c or d he has a right TO write a letter of complaint cc the lecturer involved, the HoD, the dean and course coordinator. He'll be given another opportunity to sit for the test exam or whatever an marked by an independent lecturer. If he passes and gets an A an apology letter Will be given to him and if he fails he's going on suspension and he must write apology letter to the lecturer for accusing him of incompetence.bottomline is every student is given AN opportunity to suceed or pass legitimately

The emboldened part is a major lie.

As a post M.A student who has some level of rapport with my lecturers at B.A level, I've come to understand that some private universities actually solicit for marks from lecturers on behalf of their students.

School authorities in a particular private university in Osun state beg lecturers to raise grades of E & F students based on the consideration of money paid.

And from my interactions with graduates from private universities - Covenant, Babcock, Bowen & Redeemers; I've come to a conclusion that they lack the rigour of research/academia. What I'm trying to say is that they're being taught the basic, they're aware of surface information (as far as History as a discipline goes) but further analysis and in-depth research seems not to be their thing.

I mostly don't take them serious but I do not brush them off either.

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by omicpet(m): 9:57am On Jul 05, 2016
my finals in my uni days. Course all about fermentation. A night before the introductory class I was unfortunate to have shared a NON-ALCOHOLIC henieken bear drink with my good boss.
Lectures next day lecturer states all bear are alcoholic I calmly called the class and the lecturers attention to my previous night observation well am sure all ma people wey attend federal uni go sabi what happened next. Yeah the all knowingly lecturer sent me outta the class for saying such and even refused to use google as a reference search point. I had an E for that course.

How about this a course u had stumbled upon the exam question almost the whole class did. Prepared for over a week , a stroll in d park you would call the exam. Results out and d said scholars who only cram and pour back to d lecturers got them A(s) and B(s) and well am sure u know the rest.

Truth is lecturers in the federal uni are mostly damn lazy , the faculties sef aint of help. A students personal life is totally different from his school life (I called it work life) and most of this lecturers might as well just go through ur matric no, scroll through ur first page and dole out a grade to u.

In their own defense they are over worked and underpaid. Hence barely have enough time to build on their archive of knowledge and sit on them archaic books.

Even some laws of physics have been dis proven.

Conveneant university might have its flaws of been a controlled environment but its also a better ideal environment for those in seek of knowledge .

In federal uni u barely have well funded labs with updated apparatus and oh that's even if our said lecturers read the manuals and even know about how to operate them. Most are even scared of having the students try dem out for fear of it been damaged.

All in all whose fault?
Fault of those who say UNILORIN,UNILAG,IFE,ABUZARIA et all just to mention a few is my ALMA MATA and fail to give back to this institutuions who passed knowledge to them and grant them a certificate to earn the big bucks or lil bucks they earn.

Schools that broaden the scope of their horizon to meet people from all across the globe.

Fault of the VC's and chancellors who have failed in their duties to set up proper policing and regulatory bodies in school to avert against student bullying by lecturers and their lazy approach.

If all these are checked then we can now move unto the phase of proper school fundings.


Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by dannielight(m): 12:05pm On Jul 05, 2016
The guy probably got expelled from the university, or finished with poor grades, thats why he is talking crap!

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Re: Covenant University And OAU Ife Compared By A Twitter User by dannielight(m): 12:18pm On Jul 05, 2016
The guy probably got expelled from the university, or finished with poor grades, thats why he is talking crap!

You can say that again.

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