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10 Common Ailments Of The Elderly - Health - Nairaland

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10 Common Ailments Of The Elderly by vikyembassy2000(f): 12:38am On Jul 15, 2016
10 Common Ailments of the Elderly

Now no matter who we are — man, woman, rich or poor — we all grow old. But the pace and precise way it happens varies from person to person, depending on genetic and environmental factors. While someone’s genetic makeup plays a huge part in determining his life expectancy, the quality of health care received and a healthy lifestyle are significant contributors to longevity.

Nonetheless, dealing with the aging process is a challenge, and when it begins, the impact is felt throughout the body — in the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal, and immune systems.

While an individual can age and remain healthy, some ailments are directly linked to age-related change. That is a change in the season of life.

Those conditions include:

1. Cardiovascular diseases/ Hypertention/Stroke

2. Hearing loss

3. Arthritis

4. Sleep changes/disorders

5. Osteoporosis

6. Vision Changes/Glaucoma/ Cataract

7. Menopausal problems

8. Prostate problems

9. Diabetes

10. Cancer

Now let us examine the first and most common health conditions; Cardiovascular disease.


Thought at one time to be part of the normal aging process, cardiovascular disease and stroke are two disease processes that are now known to be influenced by lifestyle. Smokers, those who eat a lot of meat and fat and have high cholesterol levels are at high risk for this condition.

With age the heart becomes less efficient and must work harder to circulate blood throughout the body. Blood vessels lose their elasticity. The loss of elasticity, along with atherosclerosis (caused by hardened fatty deposits on the arterial walls), makes the arteries inflexible, which forces the heart to work harder. This process leads to high blood pressure.

High blood pressure, along with atherosclerosis and uncontrolled diabetes (see below) are two major risk factors for stroke.

A stroke can occur without warning and cause temporary or permanent brain damage and related loss of bodily function(s), depending on the area of the brain where the blockage occurs.

Natural Remedies For Cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The elderly and even the young can begin lifestyle changes that will help normalise blood pressure such as avoiding too much salt, worry, anxiety, worrying.

Every person who wants to avoid a stroke, grow to old age and live healthy and die gracefully must avoid foods high in the following:

- Saturated fats
- Sodium
-Cholesterols that wreck havoc to the heart. e.g Fried chicken, Sausages, Cheesecakes, Steaks, Burgers, Pizzas, Pastas, Ice cream, Doughnuts and Chips.

Also avoid sugary foods that may lead to Diabetes, as high blood pressure, along with atherosclerosis and uncontrolled diabetes are two major risk factors for stroke.

Also avoid Smoking, and eat less meat and fat as they can raise cholesterol levels another high risk factor for this condition.

The elderly can also relieve themselves of stress by having sex and reaching orgasm.

There are nutritional supplements; rich in essential fatty acids, unsaturated fats that are beneficial to the heart health and can also help in lowering blood pressure.

Nutritional supplements for promoting heart health: A combination of Omega plus, Stress Active, Super cider, Defender. You can add Aloe power & Cal C Mag

For Stroke: you will need the combo of our stroke pack which includes Aloe power, Omega plus, Cal C Mag, A & R complex, Memorite, Double power. You may add Stress Active, 40 plus for men or women, Immune booster, Skin Hair & Nails for optimum & quick recovery from stroke.
Call this number 08086969372 for more info or drop your number.
Re: 10 Common Ailments Of The Elderly by Kalaldi: 1:09am On Jul 15, 2016
My carnivorous parents take alot of sugar and meat but most of the aging syntomes are seldomly heard,is it because of ignorance?

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