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Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road - Properties - Nairaland

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Eko Atlantic City: Tower B Of The Eko Pearl Towers Completed And Unveiled / Eko Atlantic City,lagos, New Constructed Artificial Water-way / Eko Atlantic City,southwest Nigeria,construction Updates (2) (3) (4)

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Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by Orikinla(m): 12:41pm On Jul 20, 2016



Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road

The city, which is divided into 8 districts, is planned for mixed-use with commercial, residential, entertainment and leisure activities to make the city a 24/7 lively environment

LAGOS, Nigeria, July 20, 2016/ -- Eko Atlantic City (www.EkoAtlantic.com), a unique, innovative development, in a vibrant environment with 21st Century facilities on the coast of Lagos has reached advanced stagesin the first 5 million sq. metres of the project.  The city notonly boasts of independent power and water supply,seamless communications network but also anextensive citywide road network.  This will be the first of its kind in Lagos and Nigeria.

The city, which is divided into 8 districts, is planned for mixed-use with commercial, residential, entertainment and leisure activities to make the city a 24/7 lively environment. City amenities and services will include an international school, hospital, and a high qualityshopping mall, the largest in sub Saharan Africa.

The city’s road design and construction has been built according to world’s best practiceswith beautifully paved sidewalks,tree-lined and streetlights completed with a stunning ocean view. One of the considerations when developing the Eko Atlanticcity was to guarantee free flowing traffic.  This has now been achieved with the major road network recently completed.  The extensive road networks now clearly defined with an area in excess of 200,000 sq. metres. Most significantly Eko Boulevard, an 8 lane Boulevard, 1500M long ( similar to the 5th Avenue in New York) the focal point of the Business District is fully completed from Ahmadu Bello Way in Victoria Island to the Ocean Front, where an exquisite waterfront entertainment is being planned.

“We are extremely proud to have achieved another major milestone in the development of Eko Atlantic City.  This futuristic city is not just for residential and commercial activities but a tourist attraction.  We strongly believe the new boulevard will enhance business activities and be the ideal location for company headquarters, luxury and business hotels and also residential elements as well as attracting tourists from all over Africa,” says Ronald Chagoury Jr.

In addition, the city’sinfrastructure network makes it the most technically advanced city inNigeria. It comes with a fullyintegrated autonomous and reliable infrastructurenetworks with all its undergroundservice pipes installed under the extensive paved sidewalks( such as the storm-water drains, sewer drains, water supply piping, power cables and IT network ).

In 2006 South Energyx Nigeria Limited, a subsidiary of The Chagoury Group was awarded the concession to reclaim land, develop infrastructure and act as the exclusive authority over the development of Eko Atlantic city, next to Victoria Island in Lagos. Furthermore, South Energyx Nigeria Limited was specifically created to oversee the planning and development of Eko Atlantic, the new city of Lagos.

Distributed by APO on behalf of Eko Atlantic.

Media Contact: 
Marc Chaghouri
South Energyx Nigeria Limited
10 th Floor, 1684 Sanusi Fafunwa.
Victoria Island, Lagos State.

About Eko Atlantic: 
Standing on 10 million square metres of land reclaimed from the ocean and protected by an 8.5 kilometre long sea wall, Eko Atlantic (www.EkoAtlantic.com) will be the size of Manhattan’s skyscraper district. Self-sufficient and sustainable, it includes state-of-the-art urban design, its own power, clean water, advanced telecommunications, spacious roads and 110,000 trees.

The project is privately funded by South Energyx Nigeria Limited – the developers and city planners, a subsidiary of the Nigeria-based Chagoury Group of companies – working in strategic partnership with the Lagos State Government and supported by the Nigerian federal government.

Eko Atlantic

Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by coolcharm(m): 12:52pm On Jul 20, 2016
Wow.. Is is cool.

I wish the other 35 are as innovative and creative as Lagos. angry
Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by Emary(f): 12:58pm On Jul 20, 2016
This is just amazing! God remember me, o. I must live there.
Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by Orikinla(m): 1:25pm On Jul 20, 2016
This is just amazing! God remember me, o. I must live there.
Just remind me of this comment when the residential buildings are ready.
Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by enoch273: 1:58pm On Jul 20, 2016
Wow! Heaven on earth
Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by Orikinla(m): 2:59pm On Jul 20, 2016
The Population of Lagos is Now More Than 21, 300, 000

Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by Buildertobadt: 6:07pm On Jul 20, 2016
hmmmm....fantastically designed and constructed....but certainly beyond the dream of the average Nigerian....@ 2.5 Million Naira per square metre to get a piece of the land. The question now to ask ourselves is, who is not an average Nigerian?. May God help us fulfill our dreams and potentials.
Re: Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road by Orikinla(m): 1:06pm On Jul 21, 2016
hmmmm....fantastically designed and constructed....but certainly beyond the dream of the average Nigerian....@ 2.5 Million Naira per square metre to get a piece of the land. The question now to ask ourselves is, who is not an average Nigerian?. May God help us fulfill our dreams and potentials.
Is there any place in Lagos that people will not occupy if they will have regular power supply, water supply, world class roads and houses?

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