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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] (48845 Views)
Summary Of The Gods Are Not To Blame By Ola Rotimi / "Emediong"(the Gods Have Blessed) An African Traditional Love Story / Ola Rotimi Plagiarize Sophocles' Oedipus Rex In The Gods Are Not To Blame (2) (3) (4)
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Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 8:15pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
[b]------------Kwan2nason---------------- OSINACHI -------------------- She was in chains and helpless kneeling her cloth smelt like burnt dress Osun so you are alive I touched her but she was cold like ice. what! your temperature is too cold take my jacket .I pulled my jacket to give her. I don't need your covering it can't stop the pain and suffering. And it's of no use here. Have you killed the cloak breakers yet? Her voice sounds like some who swallowed coal. No I don't know how to go about it Revenge my master so that i will be free from my oath. OATH? I said confused Yes oath I swore to avenge my master and my sisters. But i died early i couldn't complete my oath because of you. Now am hunted by my oath that's why am in chains . I won't have peace until you revenge my master revenge him please revenge him. She was crying but tears refused to pour down same lady that could just bow and start pouring tears is finding it difficult here. But how do I go about it. I don't have any one to teach me about my powers.I don't have a clue on how it work or it operation manual .may be a spell book You don't need a teacher or a spell book you are stronger than you are vessel of him. She said looking up. But I don't know the way out of this forest its too big. and their is no path or road. the Other day I tried looking for help but I nearly got lost how do I fine my way. This is the forest of Quest its paths are duties and its roads are obligations. you can't live until you've overcome some character,mastered your magic, mourned your lost,groomed yourself And prepared for the Battle ahead. Its a great battle and I wish I could be by your side. I LOVE YOU VESSEL Go now for time is not at your side. The cloak breakers are already ready Go now and prepare so you can make me,your family,your neighbour and every one the cloak breaker killed proud And fear not about the cloak breaker tracking you for I did a long olfaction spell with my life while still alive you are hidden from them .For five to six moon depending on how fast they decipher it but five month at least. Go for I don't want you to see my suffering go. go please go She said this time i saw a little tears but the colour was different Is there any mean or possible way that you could come back to life my love No there is none my oaths bounds me here and only until you destroy the cloak breakers can I reincarnate. GO MY HERO MAKE ME PROUD REDEEM MY SOUL. I made five step backwards when I saw someone walking toward her.He wore a black Vail and have a little container with him like it contained water. Please please don't do it again my oath will be redeem please pleasess.just give me time your torture this few days have already made me insane. Her scream was of pain and agony.He forced what look like snake into her mouth she was hitting herself screaming. The snake came out from her eyes, nose ,mouth, ear she looked down screaming and I saw some snake coming for her private part. Her scream was grievous I felt the urge to kill that beast torturing my princess I wanted to go help her but I couldn't move a transparent wall blocked me I saw my love suffering but I could help. The whole snakes came out and turned into one he picked it up Now my princess was breathing heavily crying in pain .please give me time I know vessel won't fail me please The man turn toward my direction gave me an evil smile then poured something liquid on. Open her mouth and forced it inside. Please stop please it too painful please He will redeem my oath please don't do it please . She was looking toward my direction I saw black tears . BLACK TEARS? what on earth no i kmow she is suffering she is not at peace even after death. Now I know why see wanted me to go she didn't want me to see her experience such suffering. I felt rage anger but all those where useless. Please please just give me time the punishment is too much. NO YOUR OATH IS THE REASON YOU WILL CONTINUE SUFFERING. IN YOUR NEXT WORLD DON'T SWEAR WITH THIS PLACE AGAIN .THAT'S IF YOUR HERO COULD EVEN HELP YOU REDEEM YOUR OATH IF NOT THEN ETERNITY OF SUFFERING IS YOUR GIFT AND YOU PLACE WILL BE IN THIS TORTURE FOREVER HAHA HAHA HA HA HA He took a touch and light on her then I knew the liquid he poured on her was some kind of fuel. She screamed Burning in flame. jumping and hitting her body.hitting herself to the wall to see if she could put it out but the flame was too intense. Help me vessel save me from this pain its too much. Its too much. That's why my waking up was filled with rage and anger. She knew her death means suffering if she fails to fulfill her part then why did she sacrifice herself for me. I cried not because of her death but because my love is suffering somewhere and I couldn't fight her torturer. I search her house to see if their is anything helpful or useful weapon but they was none just a dagger.neatly made with some inscription on it I took it collected some rope I sharpened a branch I got from the tree under which I buried Osun .. I prepared some chip arranged all in a small handbag I took from her collection . Then I took a picture of my Princess. She look beautiful in that picture she was wearing the dress I buried her with. I came out of the house then set it on fire .walked to my princess grave I wept.till I went on my knees still crying "Am sorry for the suffering you are enduring for my sake .I swear by your grave and wherever you are that I won't rest until I bring the cloak demons down" I took my bag and spear then ran into the forest. ---------GOODNITE FRIENDS.---DONT FORGET TO SHARE COMMENT LIKE AND CRITICIZE------ FLOOR OPEN FOR ALL QUESTIONS. [/b] 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 8:35pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
olatex25:Welcome |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 10:17pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Donpeteranking(m): 10:20pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
I hold u tight following |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by bibijay123(f): 10:20pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
Following......wondering wen i will catch up ![]() ![]() |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by bibijay123(f): 10:21pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
jomagibs: Awww. |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 10:28pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 10:30pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
Donpeteranking:[size=13pt] I BELIEVE YOU MY BROTHER. CHEMICALREACTION WIA U NA[/size] |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by bibijay123(f): 10:31pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
jomagibs: OK ![]() |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Preciousbouy(m): 10:46pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
jomagibs:why nah...... well all the same thumbs up bro |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 10:58pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
Preciousbouy:[size=13pt]IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT SHE DIED NA HER TIME REACH TANX BRO [/size] |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by adijakan(m): 11:15pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
nice job man! kip it up, loving ur style ganni |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Pureheart91(m): 11:37pm On Aug 09, 2016 |
Now i get the title of d book u shall knw it....i got ur story headon naw......hmmn reincaration in deed for Ha.! Nice write Up Man. |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by olatex25(m): 12:07am On Aug 10, 2016 |
Hmm, ow i wish osun survive d incident. Anyway let see ow it goes |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Frozeen(m): 12:21am On Aug 10, 2016 |
I nor happy for osun death walahi! ![]() |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by nkemdave(m): 2:04pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
I am missing OSUN already. feel like calling back from the grave. |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Osasnidas(m): 2:49pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
Ahwont acceptit.. Bringbackosun |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Daeveed(m): 7:13pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
Jomagibs We Go Protest Oh..!!! BrinqBackOsun... #Lol |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by bibijay123(f): 7:35pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
Wooow.......I want more ![]() |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 8:41pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
[b]------------------------Kwan2nason----------------------- OSINACHI --------_-------- I ran into the thick forest not knowing where i wa going to I was running amidst bushes but saw no river No path no road I just kept following my instinct to wherever it leads I was tired even before I started. its been six days have been running around the forest without clue of what am suppose to do,where am suppose to go or who am suppose to meet and I am already running short of supply. I camped under a big tree I gathered some sticks I took a matches from my bag .I made fire took the last remaining chips in my bag. I eat it but prayed to heaven to produce tomorrow daily bread. have got nothing to eat tomorrow or next. "help me spirit help me show me the path lead me to my destination." Its the first time I prayed since I started my journey. And the noise of insect and animals always deprive me of my sleep.have not had a good sleep for the pass six days.just little nap cause of the fear of something may eat me or possess me.I slept that night very late. I wokeup the next morning continued my quest.I tried searching for water but couldn't fine.I tried hunting I was not good at it as all the animals i saw do run even before I aim my spear. Six days without food or water I was so weak , tired,Thirsty and hungry I saw a clear spot while standing on a high ground. Its environment where made of just sands like the desert but they where trees around it hedges and ends. Its looks like a circle but it was long. "How can such a place be in this forest.every places I passed before had big tress and grasses but this place is strange. The forest its self is strange" A voice said i should go another voice said I shouldn't. I obey the first voice and went ahead soon i came across what look like a path I followed it till I got to the big space it was just clear I walked to its center.. Then I heard a familiar voice . Vessel. I turn and saw osun I ran to hug her then I heard thesame voice behind. Vessel Turned again to see another Osun . What? You're two how come? I said pointing toward the both of them they wore the same cloth I buried my princess with. I they had come to me to tell me they where Osuns twin sister's I will believe them without a doubt I heard another voice Vessel Vessel Vessel. Vessel Vessel. Vessel Vessel. Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel. Vessel Vessel. Vessel Vessel. Vessel I look and saw more than one thousand Osun.I was in their center they surrounded me all on the same cloth and skin complexion. What!! My eyes opened wide my head was spinning like a wheel i was confused my brain lost in thought. I managed to ask. What! I don't understand who are you people "We are osun" they said uniformly. If you you you you you and you that's too much you all can't be My Osun. We are your Osun they said uniformly. No you are not my Osun. Yes we are they echoed together. Remember when you first saw me when you came to supply at my house. Few of them spoke And one of them cat walked before me wearing thesame gown Osun Wore the first day I saw her. Remember when I paid you your tip for bringing my supply Another said standing behind me. I turned and look she was Osun Remember when I rescued you from death another said. Remember when we made was beautiful Another said smiling Cat Walking before me Wearing exact Osuns pajamas with hers sexy legs Remember when you killed me cause of your anger the last group echoed in sadness. I turned in my horror I saw osun with pierced glasses laying on the floor bleeding. I wanted to run and help her but she vanished. Then how will you say we are not Osun They all chorused together. I was shocked where am I, who are this people how did they know everything about me and my princess Osun. Please why are you people tormenting me I said please stop it i need to save my princess .And I don't know where to start. You don't need to save me am here with you. I heard A single voice. OSUN +------------------SORRY GUYS LATE UPDATE--------------------[/b] |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 8:57pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
adijakan: Thanks Oremi I dey feel you too Pureheart91: Sure? Let me just give you a clap but bro my story ain't predictable olatex25: sorry bro not my fault she died HE THAT DIETH HAVE DIETH Frozeen: i told her not to die but she refused ,she is now a superstar that's why she is forming |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by IamCeazer(m): 9:02pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
Niqqa, dey post dis tin quick nah, ur delay don dey vex me oo. Hw will yu b playin wit such an interestin story as dis? |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 9:12pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
nkemdave:Nature has is that bring a person from death then give another Osasnidas: The love of Osun is the beginning of all riots Daeveed:#He that dieth have dieth bibijay123:. And more you shall get 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Donpeteranking(m): 9:23pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
if dix suspense kill me eh e nor go beta 4 u
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by jomagibs: 9:57pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
[b]---------------- Kwan2nason+--------------- OSINACHI ------------------- I heard a single voice I turned and saw just one person standing I ran to hug her this time but she varnish. Haha haha haha we are Osun your princess you can't pass this place until you tell us what we don't know about her. I looked up and saw they where no where to be found but their voices was at the atmosphere. But there is nothing you don't know about spirits know everthing . I was walking to the end of the circle the more I walked the more the distance. I saw the distance of the clear spot as where I could just jump and am at its end but still I could I ran but I couldn't reach its end the place keep getting longer. I was very tired as a result of hunger and thirst combined with the torture of awaking memory those demonic spirits brought. I ran for a very long time then fell down. I was too tired I wanted to die but I remembered Osun in her suffering .and her torture. I decided to play their game. Did you know she was an orphan? Osun appeared wearing a cloth I don't know what to call it. Its some kind of priesthood attire "Yes" She is the first of her kind and she got two edge. Did you know who killed her family "Yes" but not killed betrayed I know you don't know that What where the goods I brought to her house? I asked again OH silly man even a child can answer that question . the best kitchen sinks and household material from Japan by HOME POT COMPANY I gave up because I can't beat a spirit in this game. I was now very thirsty Dehydration made me to fainted I dreamt of Osun again I saw my fair goddess now dark. Her chains where red like something removed from a hot flame. Smoke was still coming out of her cloth it smells like a burnt hair of a ruminant mammal. She raised her head and looked to my side.her eyes where dark like charcoal they was no white in it You should be busy with your Quest and not day dreaming. Go back you need all the time you could get just go. Her teeth was plain black her tongue got little cuts on it smoke puffed out from her mouth as she spoke. Go it's almost time for my next torture go vessel go so you don't witness it. A hand touched me I woke and saw a figure Vessel here eat and drink you will need your strength. I Quickly sat to devour my food without looking at the person that gave me the food then it disappeared .I managed to stand then spoke in anger So you think you know everything about Osun Right . right RIGHT. YES WE DO .WE DO . haha hah ha haha OK what was her favourite food? Since you don't know we will tell you.its eukaryotes plants mashed with butter I was so tired I don't know what to do I have failed you Osun have fail everyone. I bowed my head crying I remembered her words while those glasses pierced her fresh skin. A voice told me no you will fail if you try asking again another voice told me just try you never can tell the possibility of its outcome. What where the words she told me when she took those killer glasses that came to kill me They all appeared watching each other . OH!that is a simple did you know did you know did you know they asked one another looking at each other I bowed my head defeated I knew I can't defeat this spirit.Then a hand touched me I shouted Kill me if you want to but please stop tormenting me again just kill me.I raised my head WELCOME TO THE HOME OF ILLUSIONS Someone spoke but not Osun. -------------------- DONT FORGET TO COMMENT SHARE LIKE AND CRITICIZE Am sorry for each late update. Its just the nature of my job. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by olatex25(m): 10:06pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
Donpeteranking:can u pls cross-checked wot u typed b4 i loose it on u.. It has already gotten beta for him, his best are yet 2 cum.. I blv its typo error |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by olatex25(m): 10:12pm On Aug 10, 2016 |
Hmm.. So so captivating |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by nuelyoyo(m): 9:12am On Aug 11, 2016 |
jomagibs:oga joma, why u dey highlight my name oh, if I offend u abeg make u forgive me. |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by nkemdave(m): 10:20am On Aug 11, 2016 |
Your story is captivating Pls more update |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by Donpeteranking(m): 7:50pm On Aug 11, 2016 |
olatex25:BROS O IS JOKE I DEY it just a way to exaggerate how serious the suspense was |
Re: RE-INCARNATION [gods in MEN] by hopara1(m): 11:18am On Aug 12, 2016 |
More stew to your rice! |
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