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19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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APC Torn Into Four Camps / Biafra: MASSOB Shuts Down Camps In Igboland Till Further Notice / 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In S’west (2) (3) (4)

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by SaffronSpice: 12:19pm On Aug 01, 2016

Your comment is irrelevant as usual. Nigerians are in full support of full bombardment of rusty brown roofers from the waste called agberos and omoniles parading themselves as ND militants. grin grin grin grin

The news tweaked a nerve, right?
Don't worry: you'll get over it.
Sarcasm is know to be a painkiller--albeit temporary winktongue.

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by damocool(m): 12:23pm On Aug 01, 2016
LOL, Indonesia don turn ibos to burnt offering.
This got me laughing.. Burnt offering biti boo.. 😀😀😀😀
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by SaffronSpice: 12:28pm On Aug 01, 2016

YOU called the People IJAWS but You Called Their LAND YORUBA LAND because of their OIL ..... what an Irony, [s]Very soon yorubas will stop stealing IJAW oil and the evil OBJ did to SS and Se will be exposed[/s]
Where are your facts?

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by peterpan313(m): 12:30pm On Aug 01, 2016
I find it hard to believe these militants are exclusively ijaw militants as the media claims, it's hard to go to another persons territory and do these things, unless you have a good number of indigenous people in your ranks, even here in delta, the Ijaw militants activities are restricted to their communities thought the pipelines run through several communities, arepo has always been a hot bed for bunkering activities not militancy or agitation.
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by zikter(m): 12:31pm On Aug 01, 2016
Don't be surprise , Buhari is killing yorubas thinking he is killing ijaws cos the media call them ijaw militant
one thing i like the yorubas for is, they hardly support criminals hiding under tribe or religion. once a yoruba person commits a national crime be it looting or taking arms against the state, you will see them condemning their supposed kinsmen ferociously unlike the many other tribes. this is commendable and i think your point there is totally meaningless irrespective of the criminals tribe. how i wish the niger delta militants and any other nigerians will channel their effort in holding their corrupt state governors and political leaders who divert the majority of funds the federal govt allocate for the development of their regions(Ibori as case study) accountable. But what do i know? the so call militants have their personal and selfish interest as people like asari has shown overtime.


Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by jerikoyan(m): 12:35pm On Aug 01, 2016
let him kill us. Are we complaining? why so much hate in you?
Don't be surprise , Buhari is killing yorubbers thinking he is killing ijaws cos the media call them ijaw militant
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by Coolgent(m): 12:38pm On Aug 01, 2016
One among many reasons that i like Yoruba for is they can support the government to fish bad egg among them unlike those south south jews/hardworkers that can use every resource to shield the criminals/terrorists among them.
Cant u guys for once imitate your Yoruba brother!
No wonders your people are scattered in various prisons around the world.

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by wristbangle: 12:53pm On Aug 01, 2016
For the past one week, the news on media is causing serious havoc, tumour and brain damage to the coward ugandans and militant chest beaters.

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by mart2k(m): 12:59pm On Aug 01, 2016

This got me laughing.. Burnt offering biti boo.. 😀😀😀😀
Cremation no b burnt offering?
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by rlauncher(m): 1:03pm On Aug 01, 2016

This post on facebook is nothing but a lie concocted by someone who is not happy that the SW is being freed from nuisance caused by Ijaw militants .Those of us living in Ikorodu are fully aware of what is going on. Continue to delude yourself.
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by graphiti: 1:10pm On Aug 01, 2016
Don't be surprise , Buhari is killing yorubbers thinking he is killing ijaws cos the media call them ijaw militant


We do not care.. Yoruba's dont harbor criminal.. We do not care if all the militants killed are Yoruba..

Argon, plz epp me tell dem o!

In SW, there's noffin like shielding a criminal "brother".

Can u see how this country's image has been soiled all along by d criminals amongst us?

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by graphiti: 1:16pm On Aug 01, 2016
Odua miscreants claiming militants

Kill the afonjas well

Hehehehehe......, é pain am well!

Efri bodi no be like u.

If all of dem be SW, so be it....... criminal na criminal...... SW nor believe in 'na my broda' sentiments, u hear?

Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by rlauncher(m): 1:20pm On Aug 01, 2016

haba,so u environMENTAL activists are nolonger interested in the niger delta environment bombed by nda?

Don't mind them. After encouraging the ssterners to destroy their land and finished with them, they now think that the SW is next. How on earth could any group of people be filled with bitterness against another ethnic group who has done them no harm.

Igbo people should do something quick to free them from this terrible hate before it destroys them.


Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by ehikwe22: 1:42pm On Aug 01, 2016
Yorubas calling SW miscreants ND Militants. Yoruba people no go kill person.
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by back2sender: 1:48pm On Aug 01, 2016
Don't be surprise , Buhari is killing yorubbers thinking he is killing ijaws cos the media call them ijaw militant
They are ijaws and we will smoke them out from our land. This is not the era of Jonathan who allowed the sore to fester into cancer. Baba will cut of the cancer, God bless our able presido.


Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by temptnow: 1:52pm On Aug 01, 2016
one thing i like the yorubas for is, they hardly support criminals hiding under tribe or religion. once a yoruba person commits a national crime be it looting or taking arms against the state, you will see them condemning their supposed kinsmen ferociously unlike the many other tribes. this is commendable and i think your point there is totally meaningless irrespective of the criminals tribe. how i wish the niger delta militants and any other nigerians will channel their effort in holding their corrupt state governors and political leaders who divert the majority of funds the federal govt allocate for the development of their regions(Ibori as case study) accountable. But what do i know? the so call militants have their personal and selfish interest as people like asari has shown overtime.
so when will thiefnubuu surrender all his loots from lagos state Treasury.?
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by rlauncher(m): 1:57pm On Aug 01, 2016

i biliv you wönt be surprised that, despite the abudant oil in your region ur region is far behind yoruba nation in term of everthing that is potive to mankind, no wonder yoruba is most developed, inteligent and peaceful in Nigeria. WE DO NOT CO-OPERATE WITH MISCREANTS IN OUR CULTURE UNLIKE YOU and THAT IS WHY YOU HAVE'NT KNOWN PEACE SINCE DAYS OF ABACHA. It's unfortunate that you people dont know that miscreants always give host comunities 80% problems (raping, stealing, thurgery,kidnapping etc) & govt 20% , as u can see in N/E. Ok now govt of BORNU is putting lean finacial resources on IDP while OGUN is giving land for investors to build companies, in 50yrs to come we shall see d diff

The South-south people of Nigeria had the golden opportunity to develop their region infrastructurally, socially and economically into a modern place that should be the envy of the rest of the regions of Nigeria in the last eight years, due to the massive improvement in the Federal allocation( more than 10 times of what it used to be). They instead chose to distribute the huge funds amongst militants and purchasing expensive weapons for them while their own leader who they elected into office embezzled the rest. They don't think that they should make any effort at development unless they have all the oil money to themselves alone. They have forgotten that taxpayer's money from other regions was used to develop the oil resources in their region. Now that they see the progress the SW is making with the little that accrues to them from the Federal allocation, they are angry and think we are to blame for what they did to themselves.

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by hujjat(m): 2:03pm On Aug 01, 2016
Let them know that]

See militant terrorist hiding behind nairaland typing poo i live in elepete one of the affected areas and the residents there in full support i have seen militants being arrested but we are not allowed to take pics till they are convicted in court so if u like cry a river for your people using yoruba pple to disguise your pains you,re only wasting your time.those militants will be wiped out no matter what you and your co militants type on nairaland.[/quote]

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by ojinuocheibi(m): 2:24pm On Aug 01, 2016

Whatever they are. They have weapons, camps and they are vandalising pipelines. They are going to be fed bullets.


Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by Simeonnwabekz: 2:35pm On Aug 01, 2016
Odua miscreants claiming militants

Kill the afonjas well

Your own slavery to Ijaw is factory fitted. No wonder you have achieved nothing in life. Smh

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by Simeonnwabekz: 2:37pm On Aug 01, 2016
Na dem dem
Ipob yoots
Ipad crooks
Corruption magnifiers,
The pathetic
little Gejs,
The developers of the whole world excluding saot yeast
The lost Ugandans in Nigeria,
The marginalized Jews of Africa,
The Unbiblical Israelites in Nigeria,
The world renowned drug pushers,
The flat headed scoundrels,
The dwellers of erosion ravaged saot yeast,
The jittery chest beaters,
The relatives of the caged noisy albino,
The Biafra people of rising fraud,
The clogs in the wheel of justice,
The Avengers sympathizers,
The zoo must fall trumpeters,
The witch-hunt town cryers
The adopters of looters,
The lovers of quick money syndrome,
The land grabbers.
I don tire jare !
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by ayoolab: 2:51pm On Aug 01, 2016
ewww...the demonic tribalism inside some ppl is disgusting.. which way Nigeria?
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by mayordj4real: 2:51pm On Aug 01, 2016
Don't be surprise , Buhari is killing yorubbers thinking he is killing ijaws cos the media call them ijaw militant

Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by Adagba1: 2:55pm On Aug 01, 2016
[size=14pt]Let the clamp-down begin!

I thought Buhari is referred to as "Baba Go Slow". By the time the major show begins...Some people will be forced to traffic drugs to Indonesia knowing fully well that the penalty is death and cremation.

God bless The Nigerian Armed Forces!

God bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria!
God bless Republic of Indonesia
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by damocool(m): 2:56pm On Aug 01, 2016
Cremation no b burnt offering?
Nah xo sah
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by ImperialYoruba: 3:31pm On Aug 01, 2016
This thread degenerated to Tribalism real quick.

No, I disagree. What you observed is the political savviness of Yorubas to define, redefine, counter-define and pseudo-define an issue and end up seizing the advantage from their confused opponent.

Ibos came charging tha Yorubas are the loosers of the bombardment. The Yorubas responded that they are ready to take the loss and have a crime free society, thereby changing the definition of what a "loss" is and stylishly deflating the Ibo accusation.

Yorubas are badt when it comes to political intrigues and stratagem. Reserved but venomous.... cool


Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by autodoctor: 3:35pm On Aug 01, 2016
Time up
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by ALAYORMII: 3:43pm On Aug 01, 2016
Trowing bomb to s. West, and u said u are killing ijaw,
I shake head for this country,
Bros bubu, u r killing s.Westerners

The headline says militants and not Ijaw

Is it only Niger Deltans that are militants??
Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by zikter(m): 4:20pm On Aug 01, 2016
so when will thiefnubuu surrender all his loots from lagos state Treasury.?
EFCC doors are open for any looter to be petitioned. you may say he is part of apc now but you could have written a petition against him when he was in opposition if you strongly felt he looted.

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by bayulll01(m): 4:34pm On Aug 01, 2016
Na dem dem
Ipob yoots
Ipad crooks
Corruption magnifiers,
The pathetic
little Gejs,
The developers of the whole world excluding saot yeast
The lost Ugandans in Nigeria,
The marginalized Jews of Africa,
The Unbiblical Israelites in Nigeria,
The world renowned drug pushers,
The flat headed scoundrels,
The dwellers of erosion ravaged saot yeast,
The jittery chest beaters,
The relatives of the caged noisy albino,
The Biafra people of rising fraud,
The clogs in the wheel of justice,
The Avengers sympathizers,
The zoo must fall trumpeters,
The witch-hunt town cryers
The adopters of looters,
The lovers of quick money syndrome,
The land grabbers.
I don tire jare !
Bro you too wicked, do you want them to commit suicide nii?

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Re: 19 Militants Held As NAF Jets Destroy Four Camps In South West by Jakumo(m): 4:55pm On Aug 01, 2016
Well, now that common sense has prevailed and the federal government is set to resume the monthly stipends paid to Niger Delta militants who lay down their arms, PEACE will prevail once again, in the Niger delta, and in the creeks of Lagos Lagoon.

All the anarchy that led up to last week's unprecedented helicopter gunship strafing of oil pipeline bandito camps located amidst creeks within earshot of Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital, could have been avoided entirely by the simple expedient of NOT stopping those monthly consultancy fees paid to the natives of the oil field swamps.

The simple truth is that the environmental damage caused by 50 years of oil exploration and leaking pipelines has foreclosed all fishing and agricultural opportunities for those residing in the immediate vicinity of the oil fields. By recognizing that the deprived people of the Niger Delta MUST be paid ADEQUATE AMOUNTS in cash for the rest of their lives, common sense has finally prevailed, and the shooting will stop in very short order, once the boys start to see those compensatory pay checks as they did without fail under the previous administration headed by the hero of democracy, Johnny B. Goode.

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