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Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips - Agriculture (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by uduokirika1(m): 4:13pm On Sep 14, 2016
Nice write up
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by ganja06(m): 5:20pm On Sep 14, 2016
@Imatez you are yet to mention anything on finace. What's the minimum capital to start this business. Kudos. I appreciate your efforts
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Nobody: 5:21pm On Sep 14, 2016
This is quite an educative piece u have written here.. .please for the sake of those who would like to embark on this could u tell us d cost implication.
Also u made mention of feeding them with beverages and from what I saw u also fed them with ripe pawpaw and we know this items attracts ants and from what I have read else where ants ain't good for snail.. ..so Pls how do u avoid d ants?
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Mtm5313: 5:36pm On Sep 14, 2016
thanks for dis write up pls what about sales or marketing after production.
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by texasbullet(m): 8:33pm On Sep 14, 2016
like how much can one start with
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by eay(m): 12:11am On Sep 15, 2016
This is very informative... God bless you for sharing this tips...I already have a snailery but on a small scale...
Hopefully your selfless guidance will help me alot nd empower more ppl too.
God bless you
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by TerrorSquad(m): 4:33am On Sep 15, 2016
Nice write up, pls OP you didn't mention on how we can set up the snail house, how to manage insects and snakes. also, which container is more appropriate for giving them water?
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by iamclime(m): 7:45am On Sep 15, 2016
Nice one! I was once involved in snail farming as an assistant to a family friend. I remember very well that Achatina achatina. How time flies! Must be over ten years ago. I think I'll like to venture into it again. Will add you on WhatsApp.
N.B: Could you please prepare these your thoughts and experiences as a downloadable PDF or MS WORD document? It will be of immense help. God bless you.
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by outseba(m): 8:47am On Sep 15, 2016
Lovely piece Sir, I had a stint with Farming despite being a Medical Doctor. I would Love to re start especially using your template. how do we get in touch? this is my email add ndsebancha81@gmail.com. if we can have this idea of yours on a PDF or Microsoft word template especially the start up capital and financial embodiments, it will be lovely.
please am expecting your mail but in d time being, am following this page.
well done and kudos. you are doing a great Job.
Dr Seby
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Arvinkris(m): 8:47pm On Sep 15, 2016
Any tips on marketing n export of snails

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Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Nobody: 11:51am On Sep 19, 2016
I hope u have not forgotten about this thread?
"It is a common knowledge that he that gets to the river early enough will surely get a cleaner water to fetch" This thread is to unveil the hidden wealth in Agricultural Business with particular reference to Snailery. And the need to be one of the few to greatly benefit from Snailery Business before others. Even in the hatch economic reality, food remain one of the basic need to man. This is why, we have decided to freely expose the need to go into the business, how to start-up and the most important part "marketing". IMASTEX FARMS is a subsidiaries of IMASTEX GROUP OF COMPANIES. We will be sharing practical experience. Just follow us.
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 5:16pm On Sep 19, 2016
I hope u have not forgotten about this thread?
Certainly not. I am working on updating it.

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Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Pemberton02(m): 6:58pm On Sep 19, 2016
Please can you go into details on housing requirements for snail farming. Thanks
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 10:42pm On Oct 09, 2016

Housing in snails are place where snails are kept for the purpose of farming/rearing. This place is called pen (snail house). There are basically three categories of pen. Namely: intensive, semi-intensive and free range. A pen can be constructed in any choice form. Regardless, what choice of pen you make, it will fall within any of these categories (intensive, semi-intensive and free range). Pen serve not only as housing for snails, but also keep snails safe from predators.
Intensive: This is simply a type of pen for snails. It is called intensive because it is completely enclosed. It allows maximum control of the snails. Intensive could be a pen house, wooden constructed box, etc. Anything that guarantees total enclosure and control is classified as intensive. It cost more compare to the others, though more secure for snails.

Semi-intensive: This type of pen is very similar to intensive. While intensive ensures complete enclosure. Semi-intensive allows for partial supervision/control of the snails. This is because, the snails are not totally enclosed.

FREE RANGE: This is a pen that is nealy like the wide. All that is needed is just a fenced land, do some planting within the area. This type of housing doesn't allow supervision or control of the snails. This snails live like they are almost in the wide.

NOTE: The available land space, choice of pen, choice scale of the farm "large, medium or small" and available resource are some of the factors that determines the type of pen you make for your snails. That is why you don't just build because you saw someone else's pen. An average of #20,000 to #50,000 can make you one.

IMASTEX FARMS appreciate all your contributions, comments, questions, etc. We however want to clarify the fact that this thread is only to expose the basic information on Snailery, the prospect and need to join in the business. Therefore, It is not in anyway to be regarded as a training upon which you startup your snail farm without further training. So you will need one on one training and of course other key secrets of the business. We are not just a snail farmer but a consultant. There are materials: video, etc that we have which can help you get started, we equally run online and offline training/retraining for intending and existing farmers.
This will lead us to the next topic: marketing in snailery. You market not only product "snails" but services "consultancy/training, etc"

We will update to capture and provide answers to alk your questions.


Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by tvcatch15(m): 12:55pm On Oct 15, 2016
Snail farming is an art of rearing snails for commercial and subsistence purposes. The process of rearing snail is called
helicicuiture (meaning snail culture). Due to its high nutritional value, snails have become a very popular delicacy. Snail meat is very rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C, protein, iron, fat (0.05 to 0.08%), etc. Because of this nutritional values, the meat stands as a very good alternative to red meat, this is even why the consumption of snail meat is gaining preference.

Snails are crawling creatures which are always found in the bushes, wet land areas, River banks and forests of the world, especially in the tropics. There are many types of snails which can be identified by the environment in which they are found: Land snail, fresh water snails and marine (salt water) snails. But for the purpose of this thread, we will be concentrating on the Land snails which is commonly known as Giant Africa Large Snail.

Gd day
Pls is it advisable to give snail oyster shell.

Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 1:55pm On Oct 15, 2016

Gd day Pls is it advisable to give snail oyster shell.
Yes, it usually forms one of the source of calcium when formulating their feed.
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Johnnyessence(m): 6:41pm On Oct 17, 2016
bro am in need of calcium powder supplement pls how can I get it pls I need it urgent I want to feed my 200 pieces of my snails am still practicing tyre type of pen I now av two tyre type pen and they are growing well but I need calcium powder supplement.pls post ur phone number here I will call u oooo.how much sir?
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 5:43pm On Mar 11, 2017
Our number is branded on the pictures at the first page. You can even check our signature. We deliberately minimise posting our phone numbers on the site to prevent spamming.
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by kentochi(m): 8:27pm On Mar 11, 2017
Our number is branded on the pictures at the first page. You can even check our signature. We deliberately minimise posting our phone numbers on the site to prevent spamming.
will like to visit your farm bro
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 11:44pm On Mar 11, 2017

will like to visit your farm bro
Okay, you can call or WhatsApp for proper arrangements
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by gudvibz(f): 12:33am On Mar 12, 2017
This has been most educational and intrestin. Gud work
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by gudvibz(f): 10:50am On Mar 12, 2017
Thanks 4 d info my question is how do you store them am thinking of starting really small
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by kentochi(m): 12:57pm On Mar 12, 2017

Okay, you can call or WhatsApp for proper arrangements
ok thanks
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Hondo27(m): 4:47pm On May 19, 2017
This is great I have been motivating and sponsoring people to grow snails in Ghana phone a lot of your information I have one question they seem to think there is a small variety of snail that looks like Achatina achatina but don't get large but I think they are just catching small snails near their home and have not found any giant ones I am also considering sponsoring someone in Nigeria at your recommendation to do a farm as well. And do you have distribution of feed and supplies in Ghana. Snails are a great investment.

Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by StLouisWine(m): 10:27am On Jul 10, 2017
how about the marketing process.... cos thats where the big issue is. some of us farmers,after breeding the snails we don't have buyers to buy them and sometimes we end up eating them. so pls u can also talk us thru the marketing process
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Olajumoke459: 6:29pm On Aug 10, 2017
pls how do one guard against. ants as you know their feed(water melon,banana&co) attract ants
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by sabscom: 9:57am On Aug 12, 2017
Good day my brother,

I just have one question. Do snails also consume raw yam, cocoa yam or potatoes? And do they eat the shafts from this tuber plants?
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by Hiberry: 9:53pm On Aug 16, 2017
Breeders Snail Available at cheaper price..... WhatsApp 08032676841
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 1:27pm On Sep 01, 2017
And do you have distribution of feed and supplies in Ghana. Snails are a great investment.
We don't have an outlet in Ghana. We send our products to Ghana on request/order.
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 1:47pm On Sep 01, 2017
how about the marketing process.... cos thats where the big issue is. some of us farmers,after breeding the snails we don't have buyers to buy them and sometimes we end up eating them. so pls u can also talk us thru the marketing process
* How do i breed snails?
* What is the level of demand/the best marketing strategies needed to profit from the business?
* Who and how can I be mentored to achieve the above?
Now, before picking on any field of interest in any business. The above questions should have been asked and answered. Marketing isn't an issues as along as demand is higher than supply. What breeds do you have and what is your location?

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Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 1:51pm On Sep 01, 2017
Good day my brother,

I just have one question. Do snails also consume raw yam, cocoa yam or potatoes? And do they eat the shafts from this tuber plants?
Yes, though not their favorite
Re: Snail Farming In Nigeria Made Easy, Practical Tips by IMASTEX: 1:53pm On Sep 01, 2017
pls how do one guard against. ants as you know their feed(water melon,banana&co) attract ants
The solution starts from the choice of pen you got

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