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My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 8:23am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Salam alaikum brothers and sisters, Today I want to share my first experience wearing a hijab. I can’t be serious all the time, sometimes it’s nice to share experiences as well. So, I will be talking about how I started wearing a scarf as well as a few things I learnt reflecting back on the experience. The first time I put a scarf on my head was probably when I was about twelve years old. It was a time I was still doing 'fine girl no pimples'. I was growing up and I thought that I was the best thing that happened since slice bread and butter. During that time, I was very stubborn but I guess it was a normal phase adolescents pass through.*Do note that I am not stubborn now but I am very strong willed ![]() I remember my mum back then started to link my bad behavior with the fact that I didn’t cover my hair. She would say ‘you are acting like this because you think you are fine eh? Why won’t you be stubborn when you don’t cover your hair?’ Then, slowly my dad started to talk about wearing a scarf too. I, on the other hand was unbothered by what they said. I kept telling myself that nobody could force me to do what I did not want. I would only put on a scarf whenever I decided I wanted to do so! One random weekend my parents went out and they returned with hijabs and scarfs. I was shocked, but I shoved it aside, and thought that they were merely stepping up their threats. Slowly but surely, the weekend passed and it was time to return to school. My dad walked up to me and said contact17 take this scarf. Usually, I would argue but the look on his face said it all. The matter had been decided and I would wear the scarf. I remember thinking that day- what would people say? How will people react? I look so ugly in this thing. No one will like me. People will talk about me. People will laugh at me, but reverse was the case. I received support from many people and a few not so good remarks from others but that is expected. On my second day wearing a scarf, I MADE the decision to keep the scarf on and I ask Allah to make it keep me on that. Amin. I am not going to lie; the first two weeks were the hardest, not because of people, but because of me. I had to fight battles within me. I had to fight ugly whispers (waswas) from shaytan. I had to get used to seeing myself in a scarf and having positive thoughts about myself. I had to realize that the scarf does not change much about me and that I was still beautiful inside out. It took about a month before I finally fell in love my scarf. It has become a huge part of me ever since and I could not be more proud. Wearing a scarf made me realize that sometimes, changing old habits can be difficult but a lot of it has to do with ones’ self. One’s own thoughts and mindset. I am not denying that society makes it difficult to make changes, but sometimes we just need to be confident and brave enough to take those steps. After all, Allah said in the Qur’an that whoever gives up something for his sake, he would compensate him with something better. Why does it matter what people say? People will talk regardless of what a person does! I was neither created to serve nor please people. I was created only to serve and please the one who created me.The one who sustains me, because on that day when the earth has been crushed and mountains have become like a mirage, nothing will save me except his mercy. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)”[al-Dhaariyaat 51:56]. It was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “No one’s deeds will ever admit him to Paradise.” They said, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “No, not even me, unless Allah showers me with His Mercy. So try to be near to perfection. And no one should wish for death; he is either doing good so he will do more of that, or he is doing wrong so he may repent.” [al-Bukhari, Muslim] I really want to emphasize on the beautiful advice bolded. Nobody is perfect. We can only try. The more efforts we put in, the better we become. When we make mistakes, we should acknowledge and repent. We remain sinners at the end of the day, but the best of the sinners are those who repent. Jazakhallau khiran Jummah Mubarak 95 Likes 14 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by madridguy(m): 8:30am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Jazakhallau khairan @ OP. 4 Likes |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 8:48am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Same experience i had when i started growing my beards(almost 7months now) i had so many negative remarks, even within myself i was having whispers from shaytan that i am no more attractive like i used to be, whenever such thoughts come, i will say "Alhamdulillah, less fitna" because i wont have to battle with girls, another thing that kept(and is still keeping) me going is the words of shaykh solih alfawzaan; "Shaytan tempts the men to shave their beards and women to pluck their eyebrows" Anyway, this is fp worthy ![]() 24 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 8:48am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Shabib(m): 9:16am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Inspirational. Jazaakillahu khaeran. 2 Likes |
Re: My Hijab Experience by AideeSheks(m): 9:46am On Aug 12, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: Asalam Alaykum brother. I don't comment much here but I've been following on ur pieces. I'm also experiencing this same problem. Convinced myself to start keeping my beards about 4 months back. Honestly, it's been really difficult. Probably the toughest decision I've ever made. Even getting my family and friends to understand and support me in this is proving quite tough. And I also get these whispers from shaytan occasionally. I hope they do not overwhelm me one day. Most times, I just pray to Allah to strengthen my iman. 13 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 10:09am On Aug 12, 2016 |
AideeSheks: Wa alaykum salaam warahmatAllaah, ofcourse its difficult, even difficult than cutting the trousers(talking from experience), but insha Allaah if you keep going you'll feel good about the beards, just make sure it is neatly kept, as for me i comb and oil whenever i have the chance to, it makes the beards look good, as for your family, with time they'll understand you, shaytan is just trying to make you feel bad, and as for your friends, walk with friends that has the same ideology as yours... A quick tip, keeping the beards is scientifically recommended for men as it prevents cancer, you can research to confirm, so if thats the case, why will i for any reason shave my beards?? Khayrul kalaam, kalaamullaah, wa khayrul Hadi, Hadi Muhammad! So if you agree that the best of kalaam is that of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, then keeping the beards shouldn't be difficult, cuz Muhammad himself asked us to keep it.. 12 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 10:23am On Aug 12, 2016 |
@ AideeSheks You are doing the right thing. I ask Allah to ease your situation and reward you for your patience. Don't worry about the negative remarks people make. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: “The believer is not harmed by a thorn or anything greater, but Allaah will raise him in status thereby, or erase a sin thereby.” Muslim (2572). I don't know if this will help but I will post it anyways. Try talking to your family members and explain the rulings. 6 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by AideeSheks(m): 10:25am On Aug 12, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: Jazakallahu khairan. I'll try to implement some of these tips u've mentioned. They're really helpful. May Allah continue to increase us in faith. I really appreciate this. 4 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 10:39am On Aug 12, 2016 |
AideeSheks: Wa iyak brother! And i will also like to remind you of a hadith where Muhammad(pbuh) cursed men that try to look like women and vice versa, being beardless is a woman thing, so one should avoid looking like a woman... May Allah continue to increase us in faith Ameen! You can increase your iman by reading the Quran constantly, and not just reading, but reflecting on what you reading.... I really appreciate this. I'm glad you do, jazakAllaah khayr, jum'ah Mubarak, dont forget to read suratul kahf, salaam alaykum ![]() 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 10:44am On Aug 12, 2016 |
cc dominique |
Re: My Hijab Experience by AideeSheks(m): 10:53am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Contact17: Jazakillahu khairan. I appreciate u for putting the link there. It was really helpful reading it. All these have even strengthened my resolve the further. You and lexiconkabir, may Allah bless and reward u both. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 11:21am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Allah loves d women more than the men,dats y he has given them hijab to cover them in modesty,dignity,pride and made them a comfort to us all.alhamdulilah for the believing musslimah. I am a Muslim male Thank Allah for my religion 1 Like |
Re: My Hijab Experience by MDsambo: 11:22am On Aug 12, 2016 |
Masha'Allah... Jumu'at Mubarak 1 Like |
Re: My Hijab Experience by yakbauer: 11:36am On Aug 12, 2016 |
First I must say Jazakhillau Khairan, and also make same prayers to your parents, because if they hadn't stepped up to their responsibilities it would have been harder for you as u grew older. The world has been influenced by immorality and there is fear that "westernization" will creep into Islam like it did to Christianity. Unfortunately this is a painful fact, coz the idea now is "you're not exposed if you're not exposed". Like exposing ones nudity also exposes ones brains. Pls don't hesitate to do to your children what your parents did to u. I personally don't buy the idea of democracy when running a house, if sth is right according to Qur'an and Sunnah don't seek the consent of the child to implement. Once again thanks for this inspiring write-up, and that of others too 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 11:45am On Aug 12, 2016 |
M willing to keep full beard but I don't have.....not even a little..... Fight harder Almighty ALLAH keep us all in steadfastness... Amin 1 Like |
Re: My Hijab Experience by tintingz(m): 12:11pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Very interesting |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Demmzy15(m): 12:31pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
lexiconkabir:Masha'Allaah Akhee, as for me my beard is kinda of scanty but Insha'Allah by next year it'll be full. With that I'll be able to keep it, even in Nigeria today, beard is now the new packs(muscle). If you never get, forget it you're a small boy but if you have it, you're wise!!! In school now and I think in the society in general, jumping trousers are now the latest swags. As Muslims, we need to propagate this dressings, so as we can end indecency. Many including non-Muslims now dress this and keep the beard, I pray Allaah bless us all as we all strive to keep and propagate the sunnah. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Souljaboi1: 12:46pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
AideeSheks: Akheel Kareem, except you have an Islaamic oriented family (even at that) the bolded might be a farce. I will just advice you keep being good and dutiful to them and make lots of du'a for steadfastness. They might not support you but they won't go against you. BaarakaLLaahu laka feeh ! Don't ask if I have a beard though, I'll like to keep that private ![]() |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 12:57pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Demmzy15: JazakAllaah khayr BTW Why dont you apply "spirit" to your scanty beards ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Hijab Experience by hafeezibnfattah(m): 1:06pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
MaashaaAllaah! BaarakaLlaahu feekum. Really happy with all these testimonies. Started implementing the sunnah like 5years ago and AlhamduliLlaah all those threats and embarrassment were overcame. From dressing to greeting and other masaail, it's not easy in yoruba land. May Allah ease it for the beginners and those still striving. |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 1:13pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
hafeezibnfattah: Yeah you really right, yorubas prefer the norms of their culture to that of Allaah's deen, I'm seen as disrespectful whenever i stand to greet people older than me, but i do not care, i am striving to please Allaah and thats it! 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Rosheedah(f): 2:05pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Contact17 I'm really happy for you oh...Barakallahu feeh sis In sha Allah I hope and pray i graduate to Hijab soon too ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 2:22pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Rosheedah: Rosheeda my babysister's namesake, whats causing the hindrance? If you dont mind me asking.... |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Rosheedah(f): 3:43pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: Awww really ![]() But To be honest lexiconkabir reason perse oh Infact amidst my friends,I'm the only one using scarf....Almighty Allah should just give me the grace to get there |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Bimpe29: 3:53pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Waaleikum sallam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Contact17, you are a model. Your experience is not only rich but educative and helpful. However, you lied in your piece, where you wrote ''My dad walked up to me and said contact17 take this scarf'' ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 3:54pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Rosheedah: I pray Allaah makes it easy for you, cuz the hijab is an obligation and not a choice......try to fight your nafs(soul) and command it, dont let it command you, so pls and pls try your possible best, try this, wear a full hijab then look at yourself at a full mirror....lets start from there.. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 3:56pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Bimpe29: Lol.... I have to hide identity na ![]() ![]() Thanks for your kind words ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Rosheedah(f): 4:00pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: Ohkay Jazakumullahu khairan bro Aamin!! 2 Likes |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Nobody: 4:06pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
Rosheedah: Wa iyak, be rest assured that i will mention you after sometime to ask you it youve tried my suggestion, so make sure you try it.........dont mind me, I'm persuasive ![]() |
Re: My Hijab Experience by Rosheedah(f): 4:08pm On Aug 12, 2016 |
lexiconkabir: Lol ![]() No wahala 2 Likes 1 Share |
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