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Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) - Education (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Pecca: 6:43pm On Aug 20, 2016
and those he stood against cud possibly be the shortest in kwara. why didn't he measure himself against features with universal height...like a door, a car etc
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by yomz1e(m): 6:44pm On Aug 20, 2016
http://www.scout.com/college/basketball/recruiting . He should go to a court and throw some hoops, states his height and a little intro about himself and why he loves basketball. There are other European countries looking for teams. He should also try with the Nigerian Basketball association.


how do u mean? elucidate please
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Nobody: 7:17pm On Aug 20, 2016
Well I have someone taller than him ...he can't be more than seven feet while the one am talking about is almost nine feet...
o boy,shey your lie dey use propellant?

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Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Lisaflex(f): 7:22pm On Aug 20, 2016
Na only one sandals the boy get?

As im size no dey market, how d poor boy go do? Na d only sandal mk carpenter manage construct for am be dt na sad

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Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Lisaflex(f): 7:25pm On Aug 20, 2016
I'm taller than him

If u r telling d truth, den mtn doesn't need 2 build a mast at ur area... Mk dem jes hire u,n network go boku grin

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Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Rekeb: 7:36pm On Aug 20, 2016
The reason why we are backward in Africa is pretty clear. We are intellectually lazy. OP simply needs to tell us his height in feet or meters. Then we will be able to judge. All these pictures are of little use in comparing him to others
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Deejay777(m): 7:38pm On Aug 20, 2016
Tower of babel
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by dvee2: 7:48pm On Aug 20, 2016
Longest or Tallest?
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Aminat508(f): 7:49pm On Aug 20, 2016
lol..I be short man oo..E b like say u new for nairaland, if not, u suppose know say I no tall @ all.. cheesy cheesy

Reacted that way cos some pple derive so much joy in condemning others ...and in most cases, they are worse than those they are condemning.
see moi boo ooo cheesy
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by hopara1(m): 7:55pm On Aug 20, 2016
so ? see him dirty leg....spits on thread
Hmm...who Spit help sef?infant spit on your spit!
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Yalakalibari007: 7:59pm On Aug 20, 2016
lool..One thing must spoil man
..As beautiful as the peacock is, it has one of the dirtiest feet ever.

before I forget, abeg post a pics of u showing your legs here.
no better explanation could do. You jez shut da dweeb o
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by fabuloz1(m): 8:34pm On Aug 20, 2016
If he wash that sandal,spread to dry and he couldn't find it again, I guess he may likely commit suicide . grin
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by oloet: 8:39pm On Aug 20, 2016
it's LONG John the wicked producer
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by terpenoid(m): 8:40pm On Aug 20, 2016
the lad is indeed tall but I have seen more than 5-7 guys who are taller than him here in delsu,so no big deal..
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Opracus(f): 8:40pm On Aug 20, 2016
lolzzzzzz longest indeed come lautech come c dem
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by terpenoid(m): 8:43pm On Aug 20, 2016
the lad is indeed tall but I have seen so many guys here in delsu that are taller than he do,so no big deal. tongue
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by phenomena16(m): 8:45pm On Aug 20, 2016
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by uniquelyspecial(m): 9:00pm On Aug 20, 2016

Long. Yep. I give that to him. But this your guy's dress sense is very poor. Tell him to Try this out www.needleplus.com/casuals ....the category contains style and fashion inspirations for men. It will go a long way in improving his fashion sense.
. dats unsolicited...... d topic is abt his height and neither his dress sense nor wardrobe. he isn't complaining so don't complain for him
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Kingkamal(m): 10:20pm On Aug 20, 2016
Another one

Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Babysho(m): 10:26pm On Aug 20, 2016

Lol. From d way u don take d comment personal na u b d dogo in d pics. And no b today ppl don dey yab ur feet wey make u go cram d peacock quote as ur line of defence. Atleast d peacock is beautiful with all it's colourful glory, can't say d same for d dogo up there lol.

So There Are Mean People Like You In Nigeria?

Stop making people feel uncomfortable by negatively commenting on how they look. I even blame the tall guy for letting people showcase him like he's one weird ancient artifact.

He's tall....life goes on. See you insulting his looks and long feet because you just don't like his height. Learn to appreciate people because they didn't choose to be that way. Remember, that could be you....
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Chibokgirl(m): 10:40pm On Aug 20, 2016
Na only one sandals the boy get?
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by rhektor(m): 11:15pm On Aug 20, 2016
His name is Abubakar Ibrahim..people call him "Opa" which is the yoruba name for Rod. He is unarguably the longest guy in Kwara State polytechnic and arguably the longest in Kwara State.

Meet him in pictures..

The real Longman spotted
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by kennedy45(m): 11:41pm On Aug 20, 2016
You need to see this corper Oluchi causing a meltdown on instagram with her big breast! People are asking if it grow daily..
See more here
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by ItsMeAboki(m): 12:12am On Aug 21, 2016
His name is Abubakar Ibrahim..people call him "Opa" which is the yoruba name for Rod. He is unarguably the longest guy in Kwara State polytechnic and arguably the longest in Kwara State.

Meet him in pictures..

LOL@ Longest cheesy grin

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Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by mikron(m): 1:52am On Aug 21, 2016
and him no go help our basketball team win gold for olympics wey our d-tigers dey skimpololo
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by dlashondra(f): 6:21am On Aug 21, 2016
His name is Abubakar Ibrahim..people call him "Opa" which is the yoruba name for Rod. He is unarguably the longest guy in Kwara State polytechnic and arguably the longest in Kwara State.

Meet him in pictures..
na only one sandal him get? just asking
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Respectnelson(m): 8:34am On Aug 21, 2016
His name is Abubakar Ibrahim..people call him "Opa" which is the yoruba name for Rod. He is unarguably the longest guy in Kwara State polytechnic and arguably the longest in Kwara State.

Meet him in pictures..
don't use longest rather use Tallest do u understand?
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Nobody: 8:50am On Aug 21, 2016
All i see is a black feet not a dirty feet. But people shaa! didnt even notice it. embarassed embarassed
so ? see him dirty leg....spits on thread
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by midolian(m): 9:32am On Aug 21, 2016
don't use longest rather use Tallest do u understand?
"Longest" in quote, do u understand? Mr Teacher undecided
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Nbote(m): 12:47pm On Aug 21, 2016

So There Are Mean People Like You In Nigeria?

Stop making people feel uncomfortable by negatively commenting on how they look. I even blame the tall guy for letting people showcase him like he's one weird ancient artifact.

He's tall....life goes on. See you insulting his looks and long feet because you just don't like his height. Learn to appreciate people because they didn't choose to be that way. Remember, that could be you....

Don't always b in a haste to comment without first reading and understanding any comment and why it was made. Mayb u can't differentiate between a light hearted comment and an actual insult.
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by giftedheart1(m): 1:54pm On Aug 21, 2016
To those of you who are making noise because of this guy...continue! all I know say Na change give the guy the bottle look.. Sometimes I dey land people...
in others news...wetin go happen if person poison something wey don expire?
Re: Abubakar Ibrahim Is The "Longest" In Kwara State Polytechnic (PICTURES) by Babysho(m): 3:26pm On Aug 21, 2016

Don't always b in a haste to comment without first reading and understanding any comment and why it was made. Mayb u can't differentiate between a light hearted comment and an actual insult.

You might feel like you've spoken well and light heartedly, but the person you're referring to might not receive it in like manner.
You might scar him unknowingly.

You did call his feet dirty and face ugly, indirectly. It's very wrong. Just try to "self caution" what you say involuntarily.

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