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UNILORIN Admission Screening Registration Instructions For 2016/2017 - Education - Nairaland

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UNILORIN Admission Screening Registration Instructions For 2016/2017 by YhungPablo(m): 5:35pm On Aug 24, 2016
of University
of Ilorin
has released
admission screening registration instructions
for 2016/2017.
However, the registration portal is yet to be
enabled for that purpose. Similarly, the
admission cut-off marks for the various
departments is yet to be released.
We will keep you updated on that.
Meanwhile, below are the admission
screening registration instructions;
-Candidates are to visit http://
-On Admission Menu displayed on the left-
hand side, click "Pre-Admission Screening
Instruction" and read carefully.
-Type in your JAMB Registration Number and
SURNAME in the boxes provided. Carefully
type in your JAMB Registration Number as any
error committed will not allow your details to
be displayed. Thereafter,
-UTME candidates should click on the Get
Details button for your JAMB information;
-DE candidates should click OK button on the
dialog box displayed and enter your names;
-Click on Make Payment link to go to WEBPAY
page. Note: UTME Candidates who are
qualified for the courses originally chosen can
proceed to make payment by supplying the
required information. However, UTME
Candidates who are not qualified for the
course originally chosen are advised to
change their course as indicated on the
payment page. Note the sum of N2,500 is
charged for change of course.
Make Payment
-Select your ATM card type (e.g Verve or
Master Card)
-Enter your Card Number
-Enter Card Expiry Date and the card CVV2
(the 3 digits on the reverse side of the card
and lastly enter your card pin; and
-Then click on Pay.
Please note: (Do not Refresh your browser
while the process is going on to avoid multiple
deductions from your account. If nothing is
displayed after 10 minutes, close the browser
and restart again).
-After Login, click on Continue Registration
Link on the main menu.
-Fill in your other bio-data and necessary
details truthfully on the webpage. All
candidates should upload their Passports by
clicking on Browse button and select your
picture. Your Passport must not be more than
-Acceptable format (JPEG)
-Picture must be digital passport photograph
-Resolution must be at least 200 DPI
-Dimension should not be less than 251 × 297
-Each photograph should capture head and top
of the shoulders so that the faces take up to
70-80% of the photograph.
-Show the eyes looking directly at the camera
-Show skin tone naturally
-Have a uniform red background
-Maximum of 20kb
-Signature must be clearly scanned
-Acceptable format (JPEG)
-Resolution must be at least 200 DPI
-Dimension should not be less than 134 × 33
-Signature should be in black ink and should
be on a plain background (no lines)
-Signature must be clear and bold
-Maximum of 15kb
-On completion of bio-data. click on Next Step
button then click OK on the message dialog
All Direct Entry (DE) candidates should
complete the Institution of choice and click on
Save then click OK on the message dialog box.
On completion of choice of Institution click
Next Step button.
For Direct Entry (DE)
Direct Entry candidates are required to select
their Higher Academic Qualification(s) from
the drop down and click on Save. On the
dialog box click OK;
To add more Higher Academic Qualifications
click on qualifications drop down to select
your additional qualifications click on save;
and Click on Next Step.
All candidates (UTME and DE) are required to
supply their O' level (O/L) details as follows:
-Pick Number of sitting(s) by clicking on the
drop-down button
-Enter all the required O' level (O/L) details;
-Click on Submit button then click OK on the
message dialog box.
-Pre-Admission Screening Registration form;
-Payment Receipt.
Note: All candidates are expected to be at the
screening centre an hour before their
scheduled time and with the above printouts
Thank you for choosing University of Ilorin
For further enquiries contact : pre-


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