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Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by sizzlers(m): 10:05am On Aug 29, 2016
click like if you support this statement and share if u think there is no hope

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Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by pippimp(m): 10:07am On Aug 29, 2016
That's what been a statesman entails.

God Bless GEJ

Before you roast me alive, remind me any good speech/promise Buhari made when GEJ was still in power..

Nigerians. Una no de hear word. You guys will never learn your lessons. "E go better" has always been the words used to pacify you since independence. Meanwhile, they continue doing the exact same things that has brought them to this point but expect different results. This is the classic definition of insanity. Plus, how anyone can call Jonathan a statesman is beyond me. A man that should be ridiculed on a daily basis. A man that couldn't manage the people he delegated responsibilities to. Nigerians really deserve whatever leadership and condition they have today.
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by kceewhyte(m): 10:07am On Aug 29, 2016
Useless Man!
your name is Ironic to what u portrays
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Geniro: 10:13am On Aug 29, 2016
[b][s]Rubbish from the pie hole of the corrupt, defeated and relegated zoologist...

This same novice that looted and misruled us into this situation is the same one pontificating deceitfully.

If he had invested the proceeds from the extremely high oil prices when he ruled into the development of solid minerals and reviving our industries such as steel, as well as migrating Nigeria from an import reliant mono economy, we wouldn't be in this mess today. Instead this ineffectual buffoon preferred to engage in wanton looting and fraud such as the OPL contracts (instead of reviving refineries) that he and his cronies used to fleece the country.

To add insult to injury, despite handing over an economy rigged with time bombs, he is also indicted in an intelligence report for being a sponsor of the scavengers that are further destroying the economy and deepening the suffering of innocent Nigerians; the same suffering that the creek zoologist is fraudulently, wickedly and deceitfully commiserating with Nigerians for. What wickedness angry

Only the uninformed, unintelligent and gullible will fall for this charade from the drunken buffoon. Thank goodness he was kicked out of the Presidency and back to the oily creeks that he failed to clean, where he can continue to wallow in his ineffectuality.[/s] [/b]

Qouta system zombie
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by tymgotel: 10:35am On Aug 29, 2016
That's what been a statesman entails.

God Bless GEJ

Before you roast me alive, remind me any good speech/promise Buhari made when GEJ was still in power..
haters will not be happy with this comment!!

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Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by tymgotel: 10:37am On Aug 29, 2016
Honestly, this man has good heart.
this one just wake up naw!! Igbo kwenu
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by opey112(m): 10:38am On Aug 29, 2016
Somebody wrote this, and I tends to believe him. May be you too may reasoned the same way. Please read on..... STATE OF THE NATION..

I have been following closely the activities of this government and whenever I have the opportunity, I try to find out the opinions of people as regards the performance of this government. I just realized that the hardship faced by many Nigerians is simply as a result of the fact that almost everyone of us benefited from the cycle of corruption.

The bricklayer, plumber, labourers, tiler are all complaining because building construction has slowed down massively cause the thieves no longer have money to spend on real estate. The car dealers are grumbling because their cars are begging for buyers. Thieves can no longer spend wastefully. The private school owners are shouting because parents can no longer pay outrageous sums and are withdrawing their wards. I was shocked when I learnt that in a popular private University in Abuja, parents are writing undertaking at the account section for their children to be allowed to write exams... and it goes on and on. The fact is, a lot of people are returning to what someone referred to as ''default mode''.

We mostly have been living above our REAL MEANS. We have been staying in houses that ordinarily our incomes can't afford. Our children going to schools we can't afford. Driving cars we ordinarily can't maintain. We have been living a FAKE LIFE all along.

Now the reality is before us and we don't want to accept it. This shows how morally bankrupt we are. You can't eat your Cake and have it. TAKE NOTE.........


Copied from a friend
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 10:49am On Aug 29, 2016
Wise one, tell us more
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 10:51am On Aug 29, 2016

Ebele! Shut up and finish that your ogogoro!
Your hatred no be here
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Funlordjnr: 10:58am On Aug 29, 2016
Your hatred no be here

Hate? Wrong call! Those I hate always deactivate! Ask your friend saintsamurai 1 and 2 how market! Hope he is finally facing his jamb?

Ha ha ha ha.........................
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 11:05am On Aug 29, 2016

Hate? Wrong call! Those I hate always deactivate! Ask your friend saintsamurai 1 and 2 how market! Hope he is finally facing his jamb?

Ha ha ha ha.........................
Oh! Na u I quote, Funlord wey insult me for no reason. Hope u don repent? What's his new moniker?
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by jay7(m): 11:14am On Aug 29, 2016
Thanks Gej
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Funlordjnr: 11:18am On Aug 29, 2016
[quote author=Oyind17 post=48894772] Oh! Na u I quote, Funlord wey insult me for no reason. Hope u don repent? What's his new moniker? [/quote

Who cares about his new moniker? Stop associating with mongs and get yourself better online associates that you can learn from or make money with! If he returns we will still ensure that he does not pollute this forum with his madness unchecked!
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 11:26am On Aug 29, 2016
[quote author=Funlordjnr post=48895128][/quote] He is a friend I don't regret meeting, I av been off for a long time and I don't think I need friends here. I play with most people here but that doesn't mean the person is my friend. Funlord change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by ephi123(f): 11:48am On Aug 29, 2016
Very soon all them pro-"Buhari is always right" will respect themselves and stop the senseless defence. Just see the washing quotasystem got on this thread, same comment that a year ago would have generated hundreds of likes cheesy
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by nkemjacob2(m): 1:44pm On Aug 29, 2016
I know that GEJ has his own share of blame as regards the problems facing the country, just like other past leaders but how many of them are optimistic and patriotic like this, especially when the opposition is in power.

Even PMB and his party has never and will never utter such patriotic statement once it's the opposition that is in power.
the person dat holds the larger blames is OBJ, IBB, and d rest dey re the founder of the economy woes we face now
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by jaymony: 1:49pm On Aug 29, 2016
Always wishing the country good unlike one ajala Buhari the economy destroyer..
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 2:31pm On Aug 29, 2016
Somebody wrote this, and I tends to believe him. May be you too may reasoned the same way. Please read on..... STATE OF THE NATION..

I have been following closely the activities of this government and whenever I have the opportunity, I try to find out the opinions of people as regards the performance of this government. I just realized that the hardship faced by many Nigerians is simply as a result of the fact that almost everyone of us benefited from the cycle of corruption.

The bricklayer, plumber, labourers, tiler are all complaining because building construction has slowed down massively cause the thieves no longer have money to spend on real estate. The car dealers are grumbling because their cars are begging for buyers. Thieves can no longer spend wastefully. The private school owners are shouting because parents can no longer pay outrageous sums and are withdrawing their wards. I was shocked when I learnt that in a popular private University in Abuja, parents are writing undertaking at the account section for their children to be allowed to write exams... and it goes on and on. The fact is, a lot of people are returning to what someone referred to as ''default mode''.

We mostly have been living above our REAL MEANS. We have been staying in houses that ordinarily our incomes can't afford. Our children going to schools we can't afford. Driving cars we ordinarily can't maintain. We have been living a FAKE LIFE all along.

Now the reality is before us and we don't want to accept it. This shows how morally bankrupt we are. You can't eat your Cake and have it. TAKE NOTE.........


Copied from a friend

Really?? So trying to eat basic food is living a fake life? People selling their children for a portion of rice is living a fake life? Your present leader and lord lusted to get into power by all means and now u r believing the rubbish that was copied. Let me stop here and save my brain on how to survive the next month.
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Iamthoney(m): 2:33pm On Aug 29, 2016

English is our national language and is spoken in all 36 states! When next you want to pass a message to me do it in our normal parlance and not with all this evil forest native doctor dwelling terminology you are attempting to use!

Or does your expired brain make it hard for you to type in english?
sorry clumsy oaf there won't be next time after this....
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Iamthoney(m): 2:36pm On Aug 29, 2016

English is our national language and is spoken in all 36 states! When next you want to pass a message to me do it in our normal parlance and not with all this evil forest native doctor dwelling terminology you are attempting to use!

Or does your expired brain make it hard for you to type in english?
Sorry OK! there won't be next time....CLUMSY OAF
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 4:23pm On Aug 29, 2016
That's a man with a good heart. May God give me a heart better than that of Jonathan and never give me or my worse enimies the heart of the current president.
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Abagworo(m): 4:43pm On Aug 29, 2016
Jonathan is an unwanted nuisance. His deliberate and naive destruction of our system might consume him in the long run. The best he should do is to keep his mouth shut as he is a failure. Obasanjo did well and has the rights to talk not this non entity.
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 5:01pm On Aug 29, 2016
[quote author=greatgod2012 post=48888624]Honestly, this man has good heart.[Good heart indeed! After the financial mess he created. Please, say something else.]
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by shabakm: 5:19pm On Aug 29, 2016
Jonathan you better tell your militant boys to stop bombing our pipeline or we will handle them like boko haram
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Gassa007: 6:12pm On Aug 29, 2016
[b]Rubbish from the pie hole of the corrupt, defeated and relegated zoologist...

This same novice that looted and misruled us into this situation is the same one pontificating deceitfully.

If he had invested the proceeds from the extremely high oil prices when he ruled into the development of solid minerals and reviving our industries such as steel, as well as migrating Nigeria from an import reliant mono economy, we wouldn't be in this mess today. Instead this ineffectual buffoon preferred to engage in wanton looting and fraud such as the OPL contracts (instead of reviving refineries) that he and his cronies used to fleece the country.

To add insult to injury, despite handing over an economy rigged with time bombs, he is also indicted in an intelligence report for being a sponsor of the scavengers that are further destroying the economy and deepening the suffering of innocent Nigerians; the same suffering that the creek zoologist is fraudulently, wickedly and deceitfully commiserating with Nigerians for. What wickedness angry

Only the uninformed, unintelligent and gullible will fall for this charade from the drunken buffoon. Thank goodness he was kicked out of the Presidency and back to the oily creeks that he failed to clean, where he can continue to wallow in his ineffectuality. [/b]
Cry me river baby.
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by BeeBeeOoh(m): 7:00pm On Aug 29, 2016
haters will not be happy with this comment!!
they should come & hit their heads on stone & come & die..
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Greenback: 4:45pm On Aug 30, 2016

ofcus ,,enriching d ND criminal@ d xpenses of development of his homeland..of wat use is history book to his suffering pple wu dnnt even av access to gud drinkable water.. a man wit gud heart will commission a project fr his pple to relieve there hardship,,nt asking them to cum buy history book
Re: Nigeria’ll Overcome Present Challenges — Jonathan by Nobody: 8:55am On Aug 31, 2016

Hate kills faster.
no мιnd тнeм. weтιn вυнarι done do? leт alone υттer ѕυcн ѕpeecн.

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