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Mmm:how To Avoid Being Scammed - Business - Nairaland

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Mmm:how To Avoid Being Scammed by Ralphdan(m): 5:56am On Sep 02, 2016
My fellow Nairalanders/Nigerians most of us have heard of a new money making machine called MMM Nigeria some are already taking part in it while some are skeptical about it due to the fear of being scammed.I can confirm that its true for now but the question is for how long will it be?We don't actually know the main reason behind its creation.Some say it may close down anyday.However I think the system can last for a very long time if not manipulated,thus if people keep giving help and receiving help it will keep running.But how are we sure the system will not be manipulated?

I think there is a way we can predict its fall if only we can help one another buy collectively watching the flow of money in the system. If our money keeps flowing in different directions at all point the system will keeps moving but If at a point our money starts moving toward one direction or few directions then it could be that the system is under manipulation.

So this what we can do, we can come under one whatsapp group and whenever we give help we share the perons/People account name and bank or account number and bank but not the full account detail and also share any problem we have with the system. By So doing we can be able to predict any possible fault and know what to do next.

Thus If you buy the idea drop your whatsapp digits and lets start already.

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