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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Foreign Affairs / Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) (6817392 Views)
Am I The Only One Whos Tired Of This Kenya Is Ahead Thread / Femi Adesina: "I Don't Lie, No Matter What"; Nigerians React / Kenyans Are Far Behind Nigerians In Every Aspect – Fani-Kayode (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 12:22pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
The Pot at Panda, Naivasha, Kenya
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 3:23pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
TayserMahiri:pole sana ![]() ![]() |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 3:24pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
1 Like |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 3:26pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
kikuyu1:hard for some folks to believe that the Nubians (who were black ) at one time were once pharaohs |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 3:28pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
TayserMahiri:Man i can tell for a fact our history is twisted...some dudes just wanna associate i thought the somalis say they are not africans ![]() |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by gallivant: 3:49pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
1 Like |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 3:55pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
mtisTheQubit:Also hard for some ppl to believe that Nubians were the biblical and Greek/Roman literatures Ethiopians. |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by kikuyu2: 4:12pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
TayserMahiri: Because in their minds Kush obviously applies ONLY TO THEM! Explaining to them it referred to also the Bantus of the empire is beyond their mental capacity. |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 4:14pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
TayserMahiri:Hi brother, how are you? After researching deep I also feel why Somali and other so called Cushitic claim Kushitic state. Kush/Cush and Ethiopian are different name used in the Bible and other ancient texts to describe Nubian and other north Sudanese. I think most of them claim it because they aren’t aware of the truth so I don’t blame them (some know the truth but intentionally claim it). |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 10:32pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
mtisTheQubit: ![]() ok qubit |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 10:35pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
kikuyu2: True ![]() |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 11:04pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Hati13: im fyn brother ![]() Yeah its true cushitic groups had a link to the empire, and the Kush empire was based in present day Sudan, Egypt, Ethio possibly even extending to Northern Kenya, and on some accounts all the way beyond the Peninsula into Arabia. But it was not their (Cushites) empire. It was Nubian empire. Most of those non-Nubians couldnt have made good warriors with their skinniness. Well, assuming they were still skinny back then. As warriors, the ancient Nubians were famous for their skill and precision with the bow and arrow. Herodotus described the people of Kush as follows in a book: " The tallest, most beautiful and long-lived of the human races" and before Herodotus, Homer, in even more flattering language, described them as "the most just of men; the favourites of the gods". The annals of all the great early nations of Asia Minor are full of them. The Mosaic records allude to them frequently; but while they are described as the most powerful , the most just, and the most beautiful of the human race, they are constantly spoken of as black, and there seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn, than that remote period of history the leading race of the western world was the black race." That is as black, strong and tall as it gets. Really! In fact one Jeremiah in the Bible wondered "Can the Cushite change his skin?". Obviously the very dark skin bothered him. The only other people who could fit that description are Oromos and its likely Kush was an extension or even a result of Oromo civilization, or vice versa, that the Kush empire of the Nubians had extended to Oromo lands. The name Cushite used here was in reference to the empire Kush, not the modern day Cushitic ethno-lingo. This link has a somewhat good description of Kush: What people dont get is the fundamental difference between the ethno-linguistic label Cushite vs the Geographical Kushite Empire. The empire encompassed many peoples including very many (cushite) tribes like the Oromos, Afars, the Beja, Somalis and Bantus, etc but it was still a Nubian empire. That one should be drilled into the heads of people trying to raid other people's history in a bid to cleanse their modern day woes. You know who these people are. You never hear Nubians, the real owners of Kush empire parroting their rich history but people who were remotely attached to it dont get sleep. To put it in another way, Somalis claim Kush as their empire in much the same way Black Americans can claim USA as their empire. We all know they at some point are part of it but its not really their empire as far as originators go. 2 Likes |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 11:24pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Hati13: Very true. 1 Like |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Jonraid(m): 6:51am On Sep 29, 2018 |
The world strongest man is in Nairobi now! ![]()
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 7:04am On Sep 29, 2018 |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 7:15am On Sep 29, 2018 |
There are no bantus in supra sahara..and if bantus were ever in the north..there would be enough evidence left over including pockets of bantus in here and there.The were two great dividers in Africa..the sahara desert and the tse tse fly belt..both meant bantus as farmers couldnt cross to supra sahara and cattle herding north couldnt cross the tse tse fly belt to sub-sahara except in few places in TZ where likes of Hereros $ few nilotes & cushites cross the belts & found some pastures free from tsetsefly TayserMahiri: |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by kikuyu1(m): 9:26am On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018: That may be correct-for now!Bantus were an integral part of Ancient Egypt,Nubia,Kush,Meroe and Napata and later Axum. Earlier I referenced Bagandas and their N African origins and Ethiopian migration. There's more! [b]Other sources report that the following Bantu people, the Luhya, Baganda, Nyarwanda, Rundi of Burindi, Kikuyu, and the Zulu all claim a southerly migration from Egypt. Moreover there are many groups of Bantu speakers from Tanzania, Mozambique, Congo, Zambia, Malawi, South Africa, who testify a southerly migration from Egypt. There are even groups of people from West Africa who migrated from Egypt into their present day location. DNA evidence supports this idea. DNA test of a group of mummies from the Amarna Egyptian Pharaohs matched the genetic profiles of the population of the Great Lakes region You may have heard of gicandi,the Kikuyu script? It was a form of pictograms,many said were a devolution of a written script. Some say it was a form of Egyptian hieroglyphs but you be the judge. It was very common til the 1950s by which time the collective Kikuyu mentalspace had been fatally overwritten and it was totally forgotten. Those who were once amazingly conversant could only mumble ignorantly,"we never had any form of writing." Here's an extremely rare example with translation. AFAIK its the only extant gicandi anywhere-a[b]nd believe you me,I've searched! [/b] Both Cagnolo and Routledge gave the impression that the Gichandi was a vestige of a period when some form of writing was in use......Hieroglyphic numerals for 3, 4, 6, and 8 and Equivalent Kikuyu........ the Kikuyu morphemes that represent the numerals three, four, six and eight, a similar pattern can be observed.....All forms of letters and numbers are called ndemwa - from the word tema, to cut. For them to be referred to as ‘those that have been cut,’ the Kikuyu were probably were privy to writings that had been incised on stone as was common during the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt Wife of Thutmose 4 circ 1400 bc of the 18th dynasty was def a Bantu,maybe even a Kyuke! Her name was Mutemwiyya,and any Kikuyu speaker can tell you what a mutumia is. Also many female mummies have what's known as a tablier Egyptienne,a universal practice of Bantu women,as far as the S Pacific. This is the exact opposite of female circumcision done by Kushites . This is why hotels in Tz,Rwanda,Uganda,DRC,Burundi etc etc all have plastic covered mattresses. Don't look for a pic! If you must, google labia elongation. NSFW-Duh! Anyway,all these guys eventually came south through the route I mentioned without any need for a looooong difficult detour through the DRC. Its obvious,Bantus and AE are inextricable.
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 11:55am On Sep 29, 2018 |
Kikuyu, you engage in hopeless pseudo history and science something that may excite conspiracy theorist like you .Certainly the world has changed the last 60 billion years of existence and definitely all humans are related.That bantus were in up north and left without any traces is laughable.Maybe youre talking pre bantus.The days when lake chad was huge and habitable and neighbouring Nubia $ related. Otherwise Bantus I am talking about dispersed either from Cameroon..or less convincing theory Congo Kisangani area..clearing forested areas with iron tools and mainly planting yams $ bananas..all way the down to zulus and up north as far as Kenya merus and as far west as Nigeria 1 Like |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by kikuyu1(m): 1:16pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018: You disappoint me! Convince me I'm incorrect and my evidence of Ancient Egyptian Bantus in the form of common cultural toolkit,the gicandi script,body modification (tablier egyptienne) etc etc and the DNA studies were somehow misread and I'll change my mind. Also show me how and why Bantus would remain in Cameroon for millennia yet they ruled China as far back as 3500 bc. I forgot to mention the Cameroonian (not Liberian) Bassa who settled in India and influenced Tamil language to a degree astonishing even to Tamils themselves. If there was a mysterious push factor at play why wouldn't they have migrated to any of the many cultures Songhai,Mali,Kanem Bornu,Yam,Meroe or Kush extant during the 'Congo migration' period and much closer and safer than an unknown minimum 18 month trans jungle fraught with risk. Btw,everyone else-after all the new info presented, do you still believe in the Congo migration story as we were told in school? |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 1:26pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018: Its not that straightforward. Do you know the name Bantu appears in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics? You'll find that virtually all Bantu speakers have an oral tradition that asserts they migrated from the North. You'd be insane to imagine that all Bantu peoples conspired to provide one consistent fake story to fool the world. This site can give some insight, including that Nilotic Kalenjins were a military clan of Egypt Here, Bantu in Egyptian hieroglyphic script. Ultimately, one is to use their mental faculties to deduce what is believable and what is not. For me, the Niger - Congo origin hypothesis is likely correct but strictly as far as 'origin' goes. Beyond that, it limits the possibilities that the migration took an elliptical route from the central point. Obviously as some Watus were cutting through the dense forests eastwards and southwards, which btw took a very very long time, others were using easier routes in a north-easterly direction, helped by the holocene and the fact that the Sahara was not so extreme to the south by then as now. Thats how humans operate. People are rarely ever unanimous. Some groups would easily head straight north-east to the halfway point of the Nile River, whose name is recorded as Iteru in Ancient Egyptian language (very Bantoid sounding). The Nile itself used to pass through Libya at some point before it was pirated by a river that is now the northern Nile, which is what we know today. It used to curve westwards to Libya but its not exactly clear when it was fully swallowed and 'straightened'. So, the idea that all Bantus moved east-southwards ignores a lot of factors and over considers others like the impact of the Sahara, and that those folks were also in competition and rivalry over resources, and they were multiplying insanely fast. So, all moving in one direction is not so plausible. More plausible is to expect some radiation from the central point, with exception of DIRECT north, due, of course, to the Sahara. Do you know its actually possible that most of the first groups moved east and north east, avoiding the insanely dense impenetrable forest and then redistributed to their current locations from the north east and east? i.e southwards and westwards. Thats what all of the oral traditions suggest. And as I told you, its not likely that all Bantu peoples decided to fool the world by creating one unanimous fake story from Kenya all the way to South africa and central and west africa. That would have to be the most extensive lie ever conjured, requiring a lot of logistics and cooperation. 2 Likes
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 1:28pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018: Well, the world is not that old my dude. Even the universe itself. |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 1:34pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
One word for you.We are in 21st century where genetics have been mapped.Quit relying on oral stories.Africa was divided by Sahara which stretches across africa and tse tse fly belt.Bantus couldnt move north without adopting pastoralism and Northern Africa could not cross the tse tse fly belt with their cattle.There is little evidence bantus ever were north or were cattle keepers..their lactose intolerance is dead give away.Sahara and tse tse fly belt divide Africa in nearly everything..culture, language, genetics TayserMahiri: |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 1:42pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
Right make that 4b..very long time indeed TayserMahiri: |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 1:43pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018: There is a lot of genetic analysis of Egyptian mummies and Kings showing direct links. Do some reading. |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 2:00pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
So they went north and disappeared into mummies.Well there is no denying that proto-bantus, proto-nilotes and proto-cushites are related..they definitely were one people who possibly split up in Chad.. TayserMahiri: |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by kikuyu1(m): 4:11pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018: Exactamundo! A few posts above I showed AE mummies shared DNA with modern Great Lakes people and much more relevant info indicating Bantus were part and parcel of AE. [b] The question remains:how many others still believe the official "Congo migration story?" |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 6:28pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
TayserMahiri:Oromo had nothing to do with Kush civilization. This also apply for Somali. The only Cushite ppl part of Kush were Beja since they were already present in Sudan in ancient time. Nubians and other Sudanese need to start claiming Kush/Ethiopia. Their scholars claim it but the mass population don’t. I think most of them being extrem Islam contributed for them not to care about their pre Islam history. |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 6:36pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018:Proto-Bantu, proto-Nilote and proto-Cushite weren’t one ppl. Proto-Bantu were part of Niger-Congo. The latter originated in West Africa. Proto-Niolte were part of Nilo-Saharan. The latter originated in Sudan or central Africa. Proto-Cushite were part of Afroasiatic. The latter originated in Ethiopia. 1 Like |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 6:38pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
TayserMahiri:Will look at it, thanks. |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by rvp2018: 6:49pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
Youre describing the nilotes, cushites and bantus using linguistic grouping..not proto or pre..who are most definitely related both genetically and linguistically...say compared to Asians or Europeans.All of them carry halogroup A and B of the y chromosomes.The bantu or nilotic or cushitic or semitic language are also closely related.The most convincing theory point to Chad when it wasnt a desert as homeland of the combined ancestor of nilotes, cushites, semites and Chad became a desert they dispersed with bantu moving south $ west..nilotes to sudan..cushites further east and semites north.The khoisan are NOT related with Africans but more linked to Asians.The relationship is hierarchical.The same way proto oromos and proto somalis were one people before they became oromo $ somalis.Humans were once localised before spreading into races, tribes and such. Hati13: |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Kur17: 6:50pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
Re: Kenya Is Ahead of Nigeria In All Aspect (Facts Don't Lie) by Nobody: 8:29pm On Sep 29, 2018 |
rvp2018:Every human are related but the question is how recent? The relation between Bantu, Niolte and Cushite wasn’t recent as you assume. I don’t know where you get the information that Bantu, Niolte, Cushite and Semite had common origin and that was in Chad. Pre-Cushite and pre-Semite split from Afroasiatic speakers and the latter had no direct relation with Bantu and Nilote (at least most of them). Pre-Bantu and pre-Niolte had also no direct relation with eachother. Khoisan are related with Africans (not all but some). For example, before the Bantu expansion into East Africa there was a strong connection between them and Ethiopians (genetically). 1 Like |
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