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Search The Scripture: The Anointing by ZMTZ(m): 8:28am On Sep 11, 2016

MEMORY VERSE: “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” Eph. 4:7.

TEXTS:Rom. 12:16-18, Eph. 4:4-12, Acts 19:11-12.

INTRODUCTION: Every true believer must come to a realization that the Christian life is a battle. The hosts of hell are arrayed against us to steal, kill and destroy our callings and destinies. Hence, we must be adequately anointed and endued with power from on high. The more power a believer has the more effective he becomes as a battle axe in the hands of the Lord. The enemy does not waste his time and ammunitions on normal and powerless Christian. In our own strength and power; we are no match for the devil, so the Lord commands us to be strong in him and in the power of his might. “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.” Ps. 84:7 also says “They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.” Therefore, if we must survive in this present wicked world and execute the will of God on earth, we all need to move to a higher level of anointing.

ANOINTING DEFINED 1. The anointing is the divine provision for dominion over all the powers of the enemy -Matt. 28:18, Luke 10:19.

2. The anointing is the power of the Most High God that makes the impossible to become possible -Luke. 1:34-37.

3. The anointing is the divine instrument for signs and wonders -Mark 16:17 18.

4. The anointing is the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit which can be felt, seen and heard -Matt. 3:16, Acts 13:2.

5. The anointing is a person. The anointing is the Blessed Holy Spirit.

6. The anointing is the power of the Most High God.

7. The anointing is the cloud of Glory -2 Chro. 7:1-3.

The anointing is the awesome presence of the Almighty Matt. 17:5 “While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him


1. The anointed shall be exalted. God ensures the promotion of the anointed.

2. When you are anointed, you will look younger than your age sometimes twenty years younger Moses and Caleb.

3. You will know he secrets of your enemies 2 Kg. 6:8-23 - Elisha knew the secret of the enemies.

4. You will live long to fulfil your destiny. Even in your old age, you will still be useful to God Abraham and Caleb.

5. You will enjoy divine protection.

6. You will become bold and fearless Acts 4:20-31.

7. You will be able to function on the supernatural level.

8. You will be endowed with supernatural memory.


1. Apostolic anointing: John G. Lake, Ayodele Babalola and Smith WigglesworthGal. 1:1-19.

2. Prophetic anointing: Kenneth E. Hagin Snr. -Acts 21:10-15.

3. Soul winners anointing: Billy Graham, T. L. Osborn, Reinhard Bonnke -Acts 8:5-40.

4. Teaching anointing: Derek Prince -Acts 18:24-28.

5. Pastoral anointing: Jack Hayford, Rex Humbard - 1 Tim. 3:1-7.

6. Anointing to sing: Don Moen -Exo. 15:20-21.

7. Musician anointing: Some are anointed to sing and play musical instruments at the same time while some can only sing -1 Sam. 18:10- 12.

8. Anointing to preach: T. D. Jakes -Acts 20:7-12.

9. Financial dominion anointing: Those anointed by God to make wealth, to finance the body of Christ and promote the gospel- Deut. 8:18, 1 Kg. 3:3-28.
10. Writers' anointing: Gordon Lindsay, Apostle Paulwrote almost half of the NewTestament.

11. Bible expositors anointing: Finis Dake.

12. Intercessory anointing: Sis. Jeane Wilkerson.

13. Anointing for the work of mercy.

14. Deliverance anointing: D.K.O.

15. Healing anointing: Oral Roberts.

16. Anointing for creativity and invention: Thomas Edison.

17. Missionary anointing - Acts 13:1-3.

18. Administrative and leadership anointing-Exo. 18:13-27, Num. 11:16-25.

19. Anointing to feed the poor - Acts 10:1-2.

20. Anointing to serve tables - Acts 6:2-4.

21. Special ministry and anointing to work with lepers and destitute: Mother Theresa.

22. Prison ministry anointing: Bro. Barber.
23. Revivalist anointing: Apostle Babalola.

24. Orphanage ministerial anointing.

25. Anointing of wisdom for those in government: Joseph-Gen. 41:37-53.

26. Builders' anointing: Architects, civil engineers etc. -Exo. 21:1-6.

27. Children ministry anointing.

28. Teenage ministry anointing.

29. Confrontational anointing or Elijah's anointing or John the Baptist anointing- 1 Kg. 17:1, 16-40.

30. Counselling anointing - 2 Sam. 16:23.


a. Power is released by acting on what you believe -Mark 5:25.

b. Power is released through corporate prayers- Matt. 4:31.

c. Power is released through the teaching of the Word of God - Acts 10:44.

d. Power is released when we testify to Christ's death, burial and resurrection - Rev. 19:10.

e. Power is released through the preaching of the word - Acts 2:37-41.

f. Power is release though praise and worship- Acts 16:25.

g. Power or anointing is released through the prayer of faith -James 5:14-15.

h. Power is released through the prayer of a righteous man - James 5:16, 2 Cor. 5:21.

i. Power is released through the eyes - Num. 21:7-9, John 3:14, 2 Kg. 8:10-12, Mark.3:4-5, 2 Kg. 2:23-24.

j. Power is released through prophetic utterance -Ezek. 37:1-11.

k. Power is released by praying in the Spirit- 1 Cor. 14:18. l. Power is released when the Word of God is read out loud - John 6:63.

m. Power is released through Holy repetition - 2 Chro. 20:1-25.

n. Power is released through the anointing oil - James 5:13-15.

o. Power is absorbed and released through handkerchiefs and aprons- Acts 19:11-12.

p. Power can also be released through saliva - Mark 8:2223.

q. Power is released through the laying on of hands - Luke 13:12-13.


1. Be genuinely born again.

2. Receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost and speak with other tongues.

3. Be a doer of the Word.

4. Read book written by anointed men and women of God.

5. Let your heart be right with God - Acts 8.

6. Pray without ceasing. 7. Live holy. 8. Fast regularly.

9. Pray in the night.

10. Let holy and anointed men lay hands on you and impart the anointing - 2 Tim.1:6, Deut. 34:9. In conclusion, make a firm decision that you don't want to continue living as a powerless Christian, so as not to become a prey of the wicked. Hunger and thirst after the anointing and be determined to pay the price of receiving power for dominion.


1. Lord break me and remold me, in the name of Jesus. 2. Lord give me the grace to show forth thy strength unto this generation and thy power to everyone that is to come, in the name of Jesus.


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