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Seven Reasons To Read A Book Daily That Will Make You Read Like Never Before. by MacKennie(m): 5:00pm On Sep 19, 2016 |
“READ A BOOK A DAY.” I guess we have all heard that cliched phrase before. It is important to know, that the above phrase is simply used to emphasize the importance of reading daily. However, it is not cornered to reading only books; as reading articles, newspapers will have the same effect. A lot of books are published daily, waiting to be picked up and read. But the rate at which they are being read, isn’t being matched with the rate of publications in this social media age. Most times, this is however caused by ignorance of not knowing the potency of reading to man. This lack of knowledge is about to be overcome; sit tight and enjoy. WIDER HORIZON This is the most glaring importance of reading. Reading basically is the consumption of printed or written words. You can visit places, develop ideas, and interact with the thoughts of people through reading without ever moving places. Ever seen a guy/lady is you feel is smart? They seem to have an idea or two about any topic? They always make easy work of difficult topics? I am sure, we all have them in our society. And I am about to reveal their secret. They READ! If you begin reading books on different topics, be it neuroscience, politics, medicine, history, medicine, technology; after sometime it will yield results. You begin to gain confidence in all areas, it doesn’t have to be boring; as it is not limited to reading books only. Reading articles, newspapers and magazines will have the same effect, as long as you are gaining knowledge. SELF DISCOVERY YOU CAN’T SOLVE A PROBLEM, IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS. We as humans are not perfect, me, you, everybody. We have issues in one area or the other; but we all have this undeniable craving. WE WANT TO GET BETTER. The problem is; even if we have 1000 bad habits, we can’t correct them if we don’t identify them as bad. Ade gets angry easily, flares up like a time bomb waiting to explode. But, until Ade found out it was a problem; he believed that everyone had an issue with getting him angry. The number one way, of getting to discover ourselves is READING. Ade however, started going to anger management classes when he read up an aricle stating the hazards of having bad temper. If he had come across this article, but hadn’t read it; it wouldn’t have helped him. READ EVERYTHING THAT COMES YOUR WAY, TODAY. SELF IMPROVEMENT This comes straight after self discovery, as they move hand in hand. You get to discover yourself, you know what weakness you want to strengthen. But there is still only one way to do this: READ! Lots of people, having discovered their weaknesses feel stuck. They feel like the world is about to crumble. Simply because, they don’t know what to do to get better. Reading opens the door, to lots of improvement strategies you can employ. It is important to note, that implementing the tactic is key to achieving the desired improvement level. A book can only impact on its reader and nobody else . Grab a self improvement article or book today, and I assure that you’d feel better within. You should get this feeling of peace and confidence about improving, even before implementing the gained knowledge. I persuade you to read DALE CARNEGIE’S HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE for better man management skills. IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING LEVELS Int main(){ String todelete=”//”; String line; String in; remCom rc; Chances are, you don’t understand what the above means. Why? It’s simply because, you haven’t read anything about it before. And if you understand it, It’s simply because , you have read something about it before. OK; Let me put you out of your misery, it’s C++ code. When you read a lot, you tend to understand things quicker. The rate at which your guessing improves increases. You can speak about things by ‘decoding’, even if you haven’t heard of it before. Ever written in an examination, where you asked a question on a topic you have never really read? But you are so confident of your answer? That’s the effect of reading! If you take the art of reading seriously, you would feel comfortable talking about almost anything. You could even go ahead, and challenge the enthusiasts in that topic. All aspects of life are interwoven, during the process of reading; you would likely come across topics you never took interest in, and gain knowledge. I assure you, people would begin considering you a genius. LESSONS FROM PEOPLE’S EXPERIENCES Tayo wants to know what happens, when one jumps down from a ten story building. Does Tayo have to jump to know? How does Tayo know? He reads history of people, who had done this before. Experience is no longer the best teacher; books have long taken over. Autobiographies, history books, or articles aren’t written to decorate libraries and bookshops. They are written to make you know about the past. So you want to start a business, write an exam, cook a new dish, participate in the elections, you simply read the stories of people that have succeeded in doing them. Not forgetting, the stories of those that have failed at it too. Reading history, would save you the time spent attempting trial and error. IMPROVED COMMUNICATION SKILLS “READERS ARE LEADERS”, you have probably heard that before. This, is where is comes fully into play. It is the worst kept secret, that great leaders are great man managers. So, how do they acquire these man management skills? They READ! By reading human relation related books, you get to tap into the power of psychology; directing human actions. As you read, you communicate better and understand people more. IMPROVED THINKING QUALITY There are times when we read, and read, but we cant seem to place things right; feeling all messed up with lots of information in our brains. It is at this point,man gets to improve drastically in thinking speed. Knowledge/Information pathways already created in your brain, would begin to link up; and things would begin to make more sense. You would begin to read and assimilate faster, and an increase in IQ definitely comes with it. I know, you wish you were at this stage already; but it takes time. PS: READING IS A SKILL, YOU PRACTICE TO GET BETTER. Is there anything reading daily has helped you achieve? Share it with us. 1 Like |
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