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My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by SmSolo: 4:49pm On Sep 25, 2016

You still will be loved considering you rightfully climb one palm tree..
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Lagusta(m): 4:50pm On Sep 25, 2016

That's abso-freaking-lutely hilariously blasphemous!

There are some other verses of such:

"Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness."

(Proverbs 30:30)

"My lover thrust his hand through the latch-opening; my heart began to pound for him. I arose to open for my lover, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with flowing myrrh, on the handles of the lock."

(Songs of Solomon 5:4-5)

"Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies. Your breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle."

(Songs of Solomon 7:2-3)

"I sat down in his shade with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste." ( Songs of Solomon 2:3 )

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."

Ezekiel 23:20 NIV

[size=16pt]"Get thee behind me, Satan."

(Matthew 16:23)[/size]

Na wa ooo, why would the "son of god" command an evil creature to go behind him, not to talk of allowing God to tempt his "son" in the first place....
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by TeamSimple(m): 4:50pm On Sep 25, 2016

Was inspired...

And yes, there are parts written by God.

God permitted sex between the married, and he talking about shouldn't be an issue.

So what are you implying, or you just feel like talking?
I don hear another one today..'There are parts (bible) written by God'

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Omooba77: 4:51pm On Sep 25, 2016

Seun it is there because, God wants us to eat balanced diet. Dont forget Proverb 5:15 to the end, Proverb 6&7 the whole chapter
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Btruth: 4:51pm On Sep 25, 2016
Could the OP be the same Seun of nairaland or Seun of dollarland?
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Praktikals(m): 4:53pm On Sep 25, 2016

Oga seun, abeg na who be the yeye moderator wey ban me all these while and why?
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by chiedu7: 4:54pm On Sep 25, 2016

You know one thing I love about you.

How though ur an atheist, you respect islam and will never joke with it.

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by OldEagle: 4:54pm On Sep 25, 2016

interesting so because the world has perverted sex which was made by the creator for pleasure between male and female, thank God for the Bible please read more of songs of Solomon and be romantic to your wife
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Nobody: 4:54pm On Sep 25, 2016
God Almighty is the originator of sex.He designed it originally that it should be within the confinement of marriage.But after the fall of man,the rebellious nature of man now makes us to abuse sex.


Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by ihatebuhari(f): 4:55pm On Sep 25, 2016

oga no matter what u do u can't change my believe and my God's not dead

one day u gonna stand before Jesus Christ and be judged
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by neocortex: 4:55pm On Sep 25, 2016

lwkmd so 4 ur mind u ar mocking christians abi sory 4 u mr we know want songs of solomon is all about and we ar not ashamed of it deep down ur heart u created diz tread 4 a reason know to u i see d way u alwayz try hard to prove christians wrong base on their believe but d sad truth is diz d more u try d more some1 like me gets stronger and stronger wit my faith in christ i realy feel sad 4 christians who hardly know much about christianity they wil easly go asray if dey encounter ur tread on diz forum mr seun u hav a serious and great agender on diz forum but i pray u encounter the true Jesus the one who died and rose again victoriously 4 ur soul enjoy ur self sir

What do you call someone who defend a concept/person now matter what ?
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Ranchhoddas: 4:56pm On Sep 25, 2016
oga no matter what u do u can't change my believe and my God's not dead

one day u gonna stand before Jesus Christ and be judged
Says the person who hates Buhari. Abeg sharap!

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by OldEagle: 4:56pm On Sep 25, 2016

You know one thing I love about you.

How though ur an atheist, you respect islam and will never joke with it.
Because muslims will come for him now him they fear for him life why don't you put a scripture of the Koran and mock it grin grin no fear for God

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by sayyid(m): 4:56pm On Sep 25, 2016

Ten of you put together can't climb my toe. Not every male is a man. Some are males and some are men. And i don't judge you into the class of men, so look for your size.

chai wickedness of the highest order
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by austinonyii(m): 4:57pm On Sep 25, 2016
Yes its correct...! King Solomon is refering to His wife.
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Nobody: 4:57pm On Sep 25, 2016
Is Seun using his site to promote blasphemy of Christianity? Check out most of his threads. It is against the Christianity. May be someone is trying to play with the fire of God. Wait and see how God rewards you with your mockery against him.


Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by chudyboy05(m): 4:57pm On Sep 25, 2016
Edio -t , Foo~l!
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by ifeytex(f): 4:57pm On Sep 25, 2016
Hmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmm
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by princetom1(m): 4:57pm On Sep 25, 2016

that's why you've gat to think wide,if I start to show you the rate at which porn like word is being used in the Bible, ehn. I'm not in for a silly religion argument which neither increase or decrease my bank account
That's why George Bernard Shaw said and I quote that "the bible is the most dangerous book in the world and should be kept out of reach of children and under lock and key"
NB: I'm not an atheist nor agnostic


Na waa o, Don't even know how to question u, bcoz u will find it foul. U should read the bible from a to z, not just 1 verse or chapter. What am i even saying? U don't belive in God or the bible, argument will just be fetching water into a basket
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by MadCow1: 4:58pm On Sep 25, 2016
Is Seun using his site to promote blasphemy of Christianity? Check out most of his threads. It is against the Christianity. May be someone is trying to play with the fire of God. Wait and see how God rewards you with your mockery against him.

You obviously no get sense for your head..


Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by aalangel(f): 4:59pm On Sep 25, 2016
Hmmm...Seun, you're boring. Get a grip on yourself!!!!! Crap upon crap. No wonder your mods move trash to front page.

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Forwetinnah: 4:59pm On Sep 25, 2016

You know one thing I love about you.

How though ur an atheist, you respect islam and will never joke with it.

..but he thinks it's wise to joke with the bible? Is he for real?! Nonsense

1 Like

Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by princetom1(m): 5:00pm On Sep 25, 2016
Is Seun using his site to promote blasphemy of Christianity? Check out most of his threads. It is against the Christianity. May be someone is trying to play with the fire of God. Wait and see how God rewards you with your mockery against him.

Funny enough, u cant comment on Muslim thread. Unless u first agree to some term. Has Seun lost it? Its a forum, it should be open for all or close for all. This seun sef, God help u

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Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by agrovick(m): 5:01pm On Sep 25, 2016
Seks & controversy are the two bestsellers...
See traffic gringringrin
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by BackToLife: 5:02pm On Sep 25, 2016
Seriously talking about orgasm, read my true experience and save your future. https://www.nairaland.com/3370254/guys-kill-killing-relationship-before#49664331
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by laffwitmi: 5:03pm On Sep 25, 2016
No, Muslims can defend their religion with their holy book Quran unlike Christians
Because muslims will come for him now him they fear for him life why don't you put a scripture of the Koran and mock it grin grin no fear for God


Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by Forwetinnah: 5:03pm On Sep 25, 2016
cheesy you go fear holy ghost grin

You're still Seun, right?!
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by austinonyii(m): 5:04pm On Sep 25, 2016
King Solomon in his wisdom is referring to his wife.... QED
Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by blingxx(m): 5:04pm On Sep 25, 2016

this is something pastors will never read out undecided ... I once heard that the old testament as more dirty and disturbing verses ...no wonder Christians dropped it grin


Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by xtervaganza(m): 5:05pm On Sep 25, 2016
Why is anybody surprised by the horrors of the bible?

Is it not the same bible where god asked Israelites so smash babies on the rocks

The same god who asked them to invade Canaan and slaughter innocent people

I have been asking my Christian families and friends to tell me the crime of the people of Canaan to deserve death

Would it be cool if someone comes into your land and tells you god has given him and starts killing you and your people?

Blind Christians will never see through the lies and evil


Re: My Favourite Bible Passage: The Palm Tree by zinachidi(m): 5:05pm On Sep 25, 2016
Lol. This Seun sef . You need Palm fruit sorry Jesus
If na we type breasts now your bot go change am to mammalian glands
fvcking hilarious. Mammalian glands. Lol

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