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See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. - Religion - Nairaland

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See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by mrZENographer: 1:45am On Sep 24, 2016
The Eastern Gate in the old walled city of Jerusalem has a very special place in my heart, for it was that gate which God used to open my eyes to His Prophetic Word.

The year was 1967. The occasion was the Six Day War. As the fate of the new state of Israel hung in the balance, I searched the newspapers daily for any information I could find about the war. The turning point came on June 7 when the Israeli army broke through the Lion's Gate and returned control of the ancient city of Jerusalem to the Jewish people for the first time in 1,897 years.

A Mysterious Remark

The next day I read a fascinating news account about one of the Jewish commando groups that had been involved in the assault on the city. The article stated that some members of the group had suggested catching the Jordanian defenders of the city off guard by blowing open the sealed Eastern Gate. But the leader of the group, an Orthodox Jew, had vehemently protested the idea, stating that "the Eastern Gate can be opened only when the Messiah comes."

That statement caught my eye. I wondered what the fellow was talking about. I knew nothing about the Eastern Gate except that it was the only gate of the city that led directly onto the Temple Mount. I was not aware that it was sealed, nor did I know that its opening was in any way biblically linked to the return of the Messiah.

A Remarkable Prophecy

I decided to do some research on the matter, and that decision initiated my study of Bible prophecy. I had been attending church for 30 years, but like most Christians, I knew nothing about Bible prophecy. The topic was generally ignored by the preachers in the church I grew up in.

My concordance quickly directed me to the passage that the Orthodox Jew had alluded to. I found it in Ezekiel 44. The context is a supernatural tour the Lord is giving Ezekiel of the future Millennial Temple (40:1-3).

In chapter 43 the Lord gives Ezekiel a vision of God's glory entering the Millennial Temple from the east, through the Eastern Gate. The Lord then says to Ezekiel: "Son of Man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of my feet where I will dwell among the sons of Israel forever" (43:7).

The Lord then reveals to Ezekiel that the Eastern Gate will be closed and will not be reopened until the Messiah returns in glory (44:1-3).

A Momentous Decision

This prophecy was partially fulfilled more than 400 years ago in 1517 when the Turks conquered Jerusalem under the leadership of Suleiman the Magnificent. He commanded that the city's ancient walls be rebuilt, and in the midst of this rebuilding project, for some unknown reason, he ordered that the Eastern Gate be sealed up with stones.

Legends abound as to why Suleiman closed the Gate. The most believable one is that while the walls were being rebuilt, a rumor swept Jerusalem that the Messiah was coming. Suleiman called together some Jewish rabbis and asked them to tell him about the Messiah. They described the Messiah as a great military leader who would be sent by God from the east. He would enter the Eastern Gate and liberate the city from foreign control.

Suleiman then decided to put an end to Jewish hopes by ordering the Eastern Gate sealed. He also put a Muslim cemetery in front of the Gate, believing that no Jewish holy man would defile himself by walking through a Muslim cemetery.

A Prophetic Symbol

The Gate has remained sealed since that time. The Muslim cemetery still blocks the entrance. The old walled city has eight gates, and the Eastern Gate, and it alone, is sealed — just as prophesied in Ezekiel 44. The world would call that an "amazing coincidence." I call it a "God-incidence."

The Eastern Gate is proof positive that the Bible is the Word of God. Its sealing is clear evidence that we are living in the end times. The Gate awaits the return of the Messiah. Then and only then, will it be opened.

An Exciting Vision

I have a vision of what that glorious day will be like. It is related to the Lord's First Coming. I believe Jesus is going to replay His triumphal entry into Jerusalem when He returns.

When He came the first time, Jesus rode a donkey from the Mount of Olives down into the Kidron Valley and up to the Eastern Gate where He entered the Temple Mount for His last days of teaching. As He made that ride, the Valley of Kidron was filled with thousands of admirers who had heard about the resurrection of Lazarus. They waved palm branches and chanted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" Within a few days that same fickle crowd was shouting, "Crucify Him!"

We are told in Revelation 19 that when Jesus returns He will come as a victorious military conqueror, riding through the air on a supernatural white horse. In Isaiah 61 we are told that He will come from the east, and in Zechariah 14 we are told that he will touch ground on the Mount of Olives.

Revelation 19:14 says that all the Redeemed will come with the Lord. Think of it! You and I will be there to witness the Lord's return. Zechariah 14 says He will speak a word that will supernaturally destroy the Anti-Christ and his forces.

Then, I believe we will witness a replay of the Lord's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. With angels hovering above and millions of the Redeemed filling the Kidron Valley, Jesus will ride up to the Eastern Gate on His white horse, and as He approaches the Gate, it will blow open. He will then enter the City of David, and to the triumphant shouts of "Hosanna to the Son of David," He will be crowned the Kings of kings and the Lord of lords.


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Re: See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by Blackfire(m): 11:06am On Sep 24, 2016
somethings in the bible will just give you goose bumps...
the messiah is coming..

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Re: See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by Lokoyen(m): 1:40pm On Oct 14, 2016
Its a front page material. Seun and lalasticlala will not see this one except snae topics.

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Re: See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by Amberon11: 3:12pm On Oct 14, 2016
Re: See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by Anas09: 5:09pm On Oct 14, 2016
Maranatha Jesus is coming again.
Maranatha Jesus is coming again..
Maranatha Jesus is coming again
Are you ready, to go in with him?

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Re: See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by Nobody: 7:32pm On Oct 14, 2016
Thr only thing I have seen in this thread is a misinformed person,
1) this Jews you are talking about have wiped out almost 90% of Palestinians in their own land, making the rest second class citizens and taking all their lands
2)these same Jews you are rejoicing for are supposedly waiting for a messiah that will help them conquer the whole of earth incase you don't know
3) these same Jews control US and almost the whole world ,so I see no reason rejoicing for them unless you are naive
Re: See THE PROPHESIED EASTERN Gate..still Closed In Isreal Despite Civil Conflict. by Amberon11: 4:30am On Oct 15, 2016
Are you sure you're okay?
Thr only thing I have seen in this thread is a misinformed person,
1) this Jews you are talking about have wiped out almost 90% of Palestinians in their own land, making the rest second class citizens and taking all their lands
2)these same Jews you are rejoicing for are supposedly waiting for a messiah that will help them conquer the whole of earth incase you don't know
3) these same Jews control US and almost the whole world ,so I see no reason rejoicing for them unless you are naive

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