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The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:38am On Sep 27, 2016 |
Imagine someone claimed he has the ability to give you an irrefutable proof that the dead are not really dead and can make them physically, speak and you can even touch them. You think this is an insult to your intelligence and decided to proof this person as a bloody liar. To do this, you invited this person(called a medium) to your house into a room he has never been before, you check this person to make sure he is not bringing anything in, you even gave him another cloth to wear. Then you tied this person to a chair with secure ropes to your satisfaction and marked the knots so that their is no way he can escape from it and even if he did you will know instantly. You then secured the mouth with a sticking tape and you drew a straight line from the cheek across the tape so that if he removed it the line will not match again or you secured the mouth with a mouth gag. Apart from you there are also like five people called the sitters that will be participating and who you've also checked yourself, so that there is no possibility of them bringing anything in or impersonating. You then close the only door leading into the room and put the key in your pocket, also the windows are closed. Now with this person tied to his chair securely by you and all the sitters are holding each others hands, the light is switched off because this person said this phenomenon can only occur in the dark. Then the sitters are asked to sing to raise the vibration in the room for some minutes and then stop. Then to your surprise, a voice broke in the silence, definitely not one of a sitters, this voice claimed he is a spirit from the beyond and even claimed to be there with you PHYSICALLY which means you can touch and shake him, you are allowed to touch his hand which is warm just like a normal hand and much more bigger than even the medium's or any of the sitters hand. This being from the beyond was asked questions and he gave answers from different parts of the room even sometimes from the ceiling. The sitters asked to be touched by this being in different part of the body like nose, left leg, ear etc and this being did so with precision in "pitch dark" room. Sometimes a child voice will speak and this can even the verified with his small hand and fingers when you are touched (remember all these are happening while the sitters joined hands). Then this manifested being asked you from the far end of the room away from the medium to switch on the light quickly and has you did, this being was gone and you sure the medium still tied securely to his chair in trance, you checked the rope knots and mouth and satisfied that nothing was tampered with and you're left with the question, who are these entities we've been talking to since? Are they really from the beyond? |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:42am On Sep 27, 2016 |
Unlike mental mediumship seance where only the medium hears the voices of the so called dead and relate it to sitters, in physical mediumship seances, the so called dead are materialized physically and can be talk to and touched by any sitter. The physical mediums are said to produce a substance called ectoplasm in large quantity than everyone else and this is used by the so called dead to build a physical body flesh and blood instantly thus given an irrefutable proof that the soul survives and that there is no death and there are no dead. Physical mediums are rare unlike mental mediums. David Thompson is one of the rare physical mediums still alive today. He live in Australia where he gives sittings but can also be invited to even another country to do sittings for you provided you agree to pay for his expenses. David Thompson mediumship has been subjected to vigorous investigation by various investigators and has been found to be a genuine medium and that "beings" materialized physically in his presence. So are you an atheist, materialist etc doubting this, you can have a private session with him in Australia or if you have the money invite him over to your country where you will be providing the venue and everything to rule out any form of fraud. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 11:25am On Sep 27, 2016 |
If i remember your Moniker, you were the guy who introduce me to Ali Sina, Yea? Pardon me if am wrong. Back to biz. Let me recommend this book for you. It will help you understand Mediumship and how it works better. Thank me latter. "The Challenging Counterfeit" by Raphael Gasson. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 1:31pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
Anas09:Maybe I was the one that "introduced" you to Ali sina because I once created a thread about the conversation of Ali Sina from Islam. That being said, I read the chapter 13 (TRYING THE SPIRIT) of the book now and the points I can get from the book are: 1. The author is a Christian. 2. The author agreed that manifestations actually happen in seances based on the positive reports of investigators. 3.The author believed that communication with the dead is not supported by the Bible, that God doesn't allow it. 4. He believed the manifesting spirits are devils misleading people because the messages these spirits often preach do not often agree with the Bible. He argued that if the spirits are not demons there messages will always support the Bible messages of salvation only by Jesus Christ, eternal hell etc. I think the point to be noted is that the author also agreed that manifestations occur in Seances. His interpretation of the beings or who they are is accordingly to his own point of view, and like I said he labelled then demons simply because there teachings contradict his religious beliefs. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 1:50pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
David Thompson's mediumship has been investigated over the year by various investigators and found genuine..Professional escape artists have been challenged to be tied the way David is usually tied during his Seances and try to escape from it and up till now non have been able to take up that challenge. Also, Victor zammit, one of those that investigated David's have promised 15 months ago to give anyone that can prove David to be fraud $500,000 and no one has taken up the challenge still. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 1:53pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
justlove91:100% correct. I didnt argue that those manifestations are fake, no. They are real, but they are demonic familiar spirits, so if you are intrigued by them, be careful. When a demon takes over a host, its difficult for it to relinquish that host. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 2:00pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
Read the comment of Victor Zammit when asked the question: “David's mediumship is too good to be true- he must be a fraud.” Victor's reply One has to be be very careful when one says that because if one cannot prove fraud, that person will be sued for defamation. Fraud imputes dishonesty, bad character, and someone regarded as 'persona-non- grata' - someone not to be associated with. In the past the Courts dealt very harshly with those offenders who call people a 'fraud' - especially those people who are doing public service. David invited me and my partner Wendy, as established writers on the afterlife with postgraduate university qualifications in psychology, admissibility of evidence and history (we had made a twenty year study of the history of mediumship and psychic phenomena) to investigate him up close for over three years. We have been totally convinced of the genuineness of his mediumship. David has also allowed in experts in physics, engineering, magic and professional fraud detection to be sit with him. David also allowed Montague Keen the former president, and secretary of the British Society for Psychical Research and a member for 55 years to sit with him. The same Montague Keen chose to come through David three weeks after his death as verified by Veronica Keen, Montague's wife and authenticate David's mediumship. David Thompson has also conducted a number of séances for Zerdin Phenomenal, the leading U.K. organization which specializes in physical mediumship, and has allowed the organizers to choose without any interference, sitters who are themselves expert mediums who have had years of experience sitting with a number of the great materialization mediums of the past. There is no way that the highly experienced Zerdin organizers, Dennis and Ros Pearman, two of the most knowledgeable and loved people in the world of physical mediumship, would risk their reputation by sponsoring a fraudulent medium. Rev Tom Newman and Tom and Lisa Butler, the directors of ATransC have all experienced David’s mediumship and have written positively of their experience. (Tom Butler has an Electronics Engineering degree and Lisa has a degree in psychology). I myself, for 15 months offered the sum of $500,000 for any reductionist scientist, materialist, closed minded skeptic or anybody else in the world to investigate David Thompson and show that he is fraudulent. No skeptic scientist or anybody else ever accepted my conditions. Absolutely, only ignorant closed minded skeptics, those who are totally uninformed or those who have a personal agenda make the unfounded claim of fraud. Over the years we traveled to Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States and New Zealand and received most positive reports from people who participated in David's materializations - especially those who were able to meet their materialized loved ones - a spectacular experience they claim they will never forget. Source: |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 2:25pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
Anas09:Am happy you also agree that mediumship is real. As to what these entities are and how much we can trust there words, I also believe in testing/trying the spirit but in my case unlike the author using Biblical doctrines I test these spirits using the yardstick of LOVE. To me that's all that really matters, the more loving there message is, the more I agree with it. I have read MANY of there messages and am satisfied that most of them are consistent with love and the only thing they preach is LOVE and am fine with that. I don't believe an evil spirit or demon will always emphasise love as there message. These entities tell us that what matters in the end is not what you belief but how you live your life, how much love you show and express to others. As my moniker reads am all for love not belief or doctrine and if any message should satisfy that, am OK with it, and the reason I was interested in there teachings in the first place is not because it is claimed to be from the dead but because there teachings are in perfect harmony with love. For you as a Christian, this my yardstick of love may not be enough for you, you may need them to also support your doctrine but I don't need that. The measure of someone spiritual maturity to me is how much love they can and encourage others to express and since there entities are able to do that am fine with them and wouldn't for anything label them demons and if you still maintain that they're demons then I really don't mind to be possessed by these lovely "demons." |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 2:38pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
justlove91:If love is your measuring tool then you can get decieved, because theres no organizarion that doesnt love his own or preach love for his own. Anyways, am a Christian as you already know, that said, i cant trust demons. 1 Like |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 3:32pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
Anas09:The love am talking about here is not love for organization or its members, these spirits actually preach about UNIVERSAL LOVE. These entities preach unconditional love for everyone, like the name implies, unconditional means that you don't have be a spiritualist, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, atheist, materialist etc for me to love you, this love is without ANY condition, these entities preach about making love a state of your being not something you express to someone because they meet any criteria. Am surprised you can still call that demonic teachings. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 8:16pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
justlove91: You have gone far into this to know all this. Am at a loss on how to go about having this discussion with you, because if i come from a Christian Perspective you'll accuse me of biase. And the only perspective i can look at these spirits is from the Biblical perspective wirhout which we can't even know about the existence of these spirits in the first place. When you talk about Universal, unconditional love, on what premise are these spirits standing on to talk about this kind of love? The unconsitional love Christ preached was hinged on forgiveness giving. Forgiveneas of sins which we as humans didnt deserve and didnt ask for, but he gave anyways. Christ out of that unconditional love, gave up his life for mankind, What have these spirits done for mankind to showcase these love, as love is not complete without giving to the other person what that person cant give to himself? The Bible says that satan Transforms(disguises, masquarades, pretends, mimicks, Masks, Camouflages, cloaks) himself into an angel of light. Why does he do this? 1. To deceive 2. To mislead 3. To lie 4. Misdirct people. If satan preaches unconditional love, what has satan given to humanity to express this kind of love. You know? I would have really loved for you to present this discourse to Mr Ali Sina. Can you do that? If you do can you let me know? That is someone who knows better. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 11:58pm On Sep 27, 2016 |
Anas09:Same here, I would like us not to argue about these entities identity because as you rightly said you can only look at it from Biblical respective while I will look at it from another, so it's better we leave it. When did you follow Ali Sina last? Do you know he is not an atheist anymore? He now belief in God(not in a religious sense) through his study of near death experiences and writes more wonderful articles now. I once sent a message to him to study the Grail message when I was reading it the time he was an atheist, he said he was busy reading some books then and can't promise to read the Grail message (Perhaps about near death experiences). I don't even know where I put his email, but I will check and get back to you if am able to send him the discourse. Moreover, I don't think it is necessary to send it to him, since he got "converted" by studying near death experiences am almost sure he will agree with me that these entities are not devils. If you've ever studied near death experiences, you would know that the teachings they brought back and what these mediumship entities are saying are basically the same ie LOVE which is the reason I got interested in it also. And you should note that most of the near death messages also contradict Biblical doctrines like salvation by Jesus sacrifice, eternal hell etc. You can read more about NDE at Why did you say Ali Sina knows better about this? Did you know whether he has studied mediumship? |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 1:02am On Sep 28, 2016 |
justlove91: I just know he knows. And yes i know he is now a Christian, i follow him closely. An ex-muslim sent him a mail similar to what you are.saying here about these beings, he warned the guy to stay away from stuff like that. He insisted they are demons. Before we drop this, pls kindly answer the concept of love presented according to these beings. I asked some questions with regards to this. Pls answer then we'll drop it. I just want to know, because these being preaching unconditional love is strange. Do they even know what that even means? 1 Like |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:03am On Sep 28, 2016 |
Anas09:To correct you sir, even though Ali Sina now believes in God and Jesus, it is not like the one presented by the Christians that, I can assure you. He believed God and Jesus as described by NDE. He is NOT a Christian in the sense that you mean, he doesn't belief in salvation by Christ sacrifice, eternal hell etc that a Christian must believe in. You said an ex Muslim asked him about the mediumship entities and he was against them, I will really appreciate it if you could provide a link to that. On your question, you've to firstly eliminate the idea or at least suspend your idea that these entities are demons or Satan preaching love. You asked that on what premise do they preach unconditional love, I don't quiet get that, do you mean what authority they have in preaching about love? You then asked what kind of love them preach, that I can answer. You see like I said these beings preach unconditional love to all and said this is the kind of love that God has, but they made it completely clear that this love is a tough love why, because you can't separate it from justice. In fact to them love and justice are two sides of the same coin, you can't claim you have one without having the other, so that when you say God is love it also means God is justice. In the light of this, even though we all agree that Christ death is an express of unconditional love but he NEVER died for our sins or wash away any sin because even though his death shows love, it completely contradict justice. It is the nature of justice that it is ONLY melted out on who did the transgression. Whatsoever YOU sow, YOU will reap. We can't sow evil and expect Jesus or someone else to reap it, that is not justice. So even though your belief that Jesus died for our sins shows love on his part but it COMPLETELY contradict justice that will never allow anybody to suffer for the offence committed by another. This is the kind of love NDE and these entities preach that is why they both doesn't preach salvation by Christ death but salvation by showing Christ love. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:13am On Sep 28, 2016 |
An Evening with Modern Day Physical
Medium, David Thompson
Having sat with a number of mental
mediums over the years I had often
wondered what it would be like to
experience a sitting with a physical
medium. I was always reluctant because
the idea of sitting in a darkened room
observing phenomena didn’t strike me as
evidence of survival whereas the plethora
of information I been lucky enough to
receive from a few sensitive people over
the years has left me in no doubt that
some part of us survives physical death.
Over the past few years I had read a
number of articles about a physical
medium named David Thompson and in
2007 I decided to see if I could arrange a
sitting with him. After a little bit of
research I realised this wasn’t going to
be easy as David, although a Sussex boy
had now relocated to Sydney, Australia.
A few months before I had met a couple
named Roz & Dennis who edit “Zerdin”, a
magazine devoted to physical mediumship.
Dennis and Roz had sat with David for
many years and shortly after I expressed
interested interest in meeting David the
opportunity presented itself.
David had been invited give a private
séance for some people in New York who
arranged to fly him, his circle leader
Chris, Chris’s wife Rosheen who is
David’s manager, and their baby girl Lily,
to New York. While they were there they
agreed to do another séance for around
25 people and T and I were lucky enough
to be invited.
We were staying in New York and on the
day of the séance and we took an early
morning train at from Grand Central
Station to Tarrie Town where we were
picked up by Dennis, Rosalind and a
gentleman named K. K lived locally and
had helped organise a venue for the
At 5.00pm we drove to the venue. The
other sitters began to arrive. They were a
mixed bunch; there was H from New
Jersey, R, a Spiritualist minister from
Long Island, T, Another Spiritualist
minister from Florida, and M and T, who
travelled from Sedona, and others.
The venue was a room in a healing
centre. There was nothing special about
it. The room was about 30-15 ft with a
small stage area at the end separated by
a curtain. The floor was all on one level
and there were no trap doors to
basements or anything like that. The
ceiling was about 10 ft high and there
was one exit door at the front of the
We all got to work preparing the room.
The windows had to be boarded up and
sealed so no light could come in. The
room was empty apart from some tables
and chairs stacked up in the corner.
Folding chairs were brought in and lined
up in 4 rows of 6 facing the curtained
area. K bought a chair, a heavy solid
armchair with wooden arms and legs, and
buckles screwed to the arms and legs for
David to sit on. It was placed behind the
curtained (the cabinet) area.
We all sat down and Chris the circle
leader gave a short talk. He explained the
protocol of the evening. He said that
before entering the séance room we would
all be searched by hand and with metal
detectors (the sort they use at airports)
and no jewellery or any items would be
allowed in the room. Shoes, jackets, coats,
handbags etc also had to be removed and
left outside.
For the sake of this article I ask the
reader to suspend disbelief, keep an open
mind, and understand that when I’m
referring to ectoplasm, discarnate entities
etc I’m accepting the theories of what
ectoplasm and other phenomena is and
I’m relaying the events as I experienced
David’s gift is that he produces large
amounts of ectoplasm while in deep
trance. This means discarnate beings can
use the ectoplasm to form a voice box,
limbs, and body and manifest in his
presence. The limitations of this are that
it can only happen in complete darkness.
History has shown us that there have
been exceptions. The Scottish medium
Daniel Dunglas Home was observed
levitating on a number of occasions by
witnesses in good light and physical
phenomena (movement of furniture,
trumpets flying round the room) did
occur but not full physical manifestations. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:13am On Sep 28, 2016 |
Continues Apparently ectoplasm to light is like boiling water to snow and if during a séance light is bought into the room or even sharp movement that would upset the energy, the ectoplasm shoots into the body of the medium like stretched elastic band being released from its tension. The effect of this can be catastrophic. At best the ectoplasm shooting back into the body could bruise and damage the medium, at worst; it has been known on rare occasions to inflict fatal damage. The problem with producing phenomena in darkness is it gives the sceptic a reason to accuse the medium of fraud and David says he insists on strict protocol to protect him from someone bringing a torch into the room and also in an attempt to demonstrate to the sitters that no fraud is involved. At 7.30pm the searches began and we filed one by one into the séance room. Once everyone was in the room the doors were locked from the inside. The chairs were arranged in a horseshoe facing the curtain area and the chair where David would sit. Because the floor was carpeted we had taped two pieces of plywood to the centre of the floor to create a hard surface so that any movement could be heard on the floor. David arrived after most of us and as we entered the room he greeted us and told us where to sit. I was seated three seats in from the left hand side of the horseshoe. To my left was a lady called M and next to her sat Chris, the circle leader. He had the only equipment in the room, this being a pair of wire cutters, plastic fasteners, a CD recorder/player, a cardboard trumpet, a harmonica, and a cardboard square. The square and the trumpet/megaphone were covered in luminous tape. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:21am On Sep 28, 2016 |
I’ve often wondered why physical séances
still use “trumpets.” In the 1800’s the
trumpets (which are really just simple
cones) acted as a kind of megaphone for
the spirits to amplify their voices; in the
21st century I would have thought
something more up to date would be more
appropriate, but then we humans love
tradition and ritual.
David gave a pre séance talk and
explained to us about his journey so far,
his frustrations, and his hopes. He seems
like a straightforward guy and I had a
good feeling about him.
Now it was time to secure him. He put
on a cardigan with six buttons down the
front over his tee shirt and fastened the
buttons. He sat in the chair and two
volunteers fastened the straps round his
wrists and ankles. Then plastic straps,
the sort police use as handcuffs were
inserted through the buckles and round
his wrists and ankles. More plastic straps
were looped through the buttonholes of the
cardigan so it could not be taken off
easily without cutting the fasteners off.
Once they were fastened another volunteer
was invited to cut the fasteners short so
they could not be used again. A
volunteer, R, then put the cutters in his
right hand front pocket. Once David was
firmly secured, he was gagged tightly
with a red handkerchief.
Then the curtain was closed, we were all
seated and the lights went out.
It was completely black. I couldn’t see
anything. I couldn’t see the person sitting
next to me.
Chris informed us that he would turn the
music on and asked that we sing along
or hum in order to raise the energy in
the room. We were also instructed to hold
hands so every sitter was holding onto
another sitter. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:24am On Sep 28, 2016 |
The music began (I don’t remember what
the tune was)
We sang for a few minutes, I felt good.
The room felt good. Suddenly there was a
whooshing sound; it sounded a bit like a
loud intake of breath but that description
doesn’t really explain it nor can I
compare it to any other sound I have
heard before.
A few minutes later I heard footsteps
walking in front of me - all of the sitters
were seated and holding hands so the
footsteps didn’t belong to any of us. They
were firm solid heavy footsteps and the
floor vibrated as they stomped around the
room. Then a voice calling himself
William introduced himself. William is
David’s Guide and he claims he died at
the end of the 19th century. He had an
old fashioned English clipped BBC kind of
voice. He invited people to ask questions
on spiritual or philosophical matters and
he answered them all without hesitation.
His voice came from the centre of the
room, not from where David was seated.
“William” then approached M who was
seated to my left and offered her some
healing. She described two hands placed
on her head – big hands. “Williams”
voice had been in the centre of the room
and was now to my left right in front of
M. He then moved back to the centre of
the room and answered more questions.
Then there was another whooshing sound
and William was gone. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:28am On Sep 28, 2016 |
Continues Chris asked us to sing again and the music started. A few minutes later I heard another whoosh. There was a stomping noise as someone stamped on the floor in front of me. Another voice came. It was the voice of an entity calling himself Timothy. Timothy introduced himself as a sort of master of ceremonies. He said it was his job to bring loved ones through and help them communicate with the sitters. We had been told by Chris and David that communicating was difficult for many spirits and Timothy helped to do that. He sounded like a boy really; he was humorous in an old fashioned kind of way and he had a squeaky cockney accent. As I mentioned earlier ectoplasm forms and the spirits manipulate it and use if to form a sort of voice box through which they speak. They say it is like speaking under water. They also say that often they haven’t spoken for so long they have forgotten how they sound. I thought about that. If some one asked me to imitate a little boy I could do it. If someone asked me to imitate how I sounded as a child I wouldn’t have a clue how I sounded. We can never really know if the entities coming through are who they say they are. What we do know is that they do not appear to be from our physical world and their messages are often personal to the sitter and more importantly beneficial to the sitter and others. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:31am On Sep 28, 2016 |
Continues Timothy introduced spirits to the sitters and where ever the sitter was seated that is where the voices went. T had asked Chris during the pre-séance talk whether entities ever communicated in a foreign language. Chris had said that it sometimes happens and that they had recently had words written in Swedish from a communicator. During the séance T got her answer. Timothy said there was a lady in the room who spoke a foreign language and would she make herself known. T was the only one to respond. Timothy asked her if her grandfather was in spirit. He explained that a spirit who was her grandfather was there but finding it difficult to communicate adding it was his first attempt in coming through. Timothy suggested T speak to him to give him encouragement She did this by greeting him. Timothy interjected telling her to speak in her native language. T did as instructed and asked a question in Russian, and right in front of where she was sitting I heard a reply in Russian. It was faint, and only a few words but I heard the voice speak Russian, and the voice answered her question. I was very happy for her and for the room. For me this was compelling evidence. Timothy asked Chris to turn on the music and we sang. Then I saw the luminous trumpet and the cardboard square levitate and move to the middle of the room. Suddenly the square rose to around two feet off the ground and started moving round the room as if someone was carrying it. Timothy asked us to look at his fingers on the square and sure enough four child-like fingers wiggled in the glow of the luminous light. Timothy cracked jokes and kept the room laughing. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 7:35am On Sep 28, 2016 |
Continues Then came the so-called trumpet phenomena that I have read so much about. Reading about it doesn’t come close to experiencing it up close. The trumpet levitated to about four feet or head height of the sitters. Then it began to fly around the room at an incredible speed. It is hard to imagine how anyone could do what the trumpet was doing in broad daylight let alone in pitch-black darkness. It is hard to explain. If you can imagine swinging the trumpet towards someone at the speed of a fast bowler and then stopping it on the end of someone’s nose, touching them but without hurting them. Then try and touch their face four or five times in the space of one or two seconds, and then try and do it in the dark without hurting anyone and you might get an idea of what was happening. William then came back on and spoke some more and the sitters asked more questions. After what seemed like an hour William brought the proceedings to an end, he bid us goodbye and the now familiar whoosh ensued. Suddenly there was a loud thump. It sounded like a large crate had been dropped on the floor in front of us. The lights were switched on and there in front of us seven or eight feet from the curtain, was David strapped in the chair and looking as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. It would have taken at least two strong people to move him that distance and drop him in the centre of the room. Then we noticed David’s cardigan was on back to front with the plastic fasteners still in place’ How David could have get the cardigan off while strapped into the chair is difficult to fathom. Richard, the volunteer was then asked to cut the fasteners but when he put his hand in his pockets the cutters were missing. He then realised they were now in his back pocket which they were not when the lights went out. It had been a fascinating experience and while the physical phenomena had been amazing, for me the best evidence that something non-physical was happening was T asking a question in Russian and getting a reply in Russian! Source |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 9:37pm On Sep 28, 2016 |
justlove91: Wow, So, one can believe in Jehovah and Jesus outside of the Bible? Islam have it's own version of Jesus but that is not the Jesus Ali sina believes in. As much as i know, Ali Sina at first didnt believe in the Bible, then he believed. This is one of his articles. Dear Friends, For years I spent many hours until late at night writing articles and responding to your questions about Islam. I did this out of love for you and love for humanity. I asked nothing in exchange. Many of you wrote to say you owe your freedom to me. That is my reward and I ask for nothing more. Now, very evil forces are threatening my livelihood. While there is no point in going into details I am a victim of malicious machinations which has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with greed and wickedness. The good news is that now I trust in God and have faith that He will deliver me from all evil. I put all my affairs in His hand and have complete faith in His assistance. I prayed for many of you when you wrote to me confiding in me your personal woes. I felt your pain and pleaded God for your deliverance. Now I need your prayers. God promises, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Please pray to our heavenly Father that he either takes me Home or delivers me from my enemies. Spirit is strong but flesh is weak. I feel weak, violated, abused and helpless. I don’t know what God has in store for me. Why He puts me under this much tribulation? What is He trying to teach me that I don’t get? I am sure He knows I am a human and can take it only so much. This is serious. But prayers work. They are very powerful. I need some moments of relief. For some reason God is keeping me in this world when I yearn to go. While here I don’t need much comfort, but I also don’t want too much tribulations. Please ask Him to stop my tribulations and the wicked souls that harm me so they can amass wealth at my expense that will not serve them in this world nor in the next. I feel helpless, powerless and weak. Only God can deliver me and I beg you to pray for me. May God bless you all and remove your pains and sufferings. Ali Sina Does that sound like a non Christian? Ali Sina is a Christian sir. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 9:51pm On Sep 28, 2016 |
This is Ali sina Twitting. He introduced himself as a Christian. There are no two types of Chriatians.
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 10:30pm On Sep 28, 2016 |
justlove91: I did not say the ex-Muslim asked him about Mediumship, I said he asked a similar question. That one had to do with Dark Arts or black magic, which also uses these beings. Ali Sina warned him to stay away from that. You mean i shd eliminate the idea that these beings are demons? What then will there be? In the Spirit realm, there are either Angels or demons, no neutrals. If i agree they are not demons, what then do i call them? No, am not asking for the authority on which they preaxh love. Am asking for a reason for which they preach unconditional love. This is becos, as i said before, Love comes with sacrifice and giving. Giving something to some one who do not deaerve it and who didnt even ask for it, but give anyways, as examplified by Christ given His love and sacrificing his life for humanity. Now, i ask again, what has these beings done.for humanity to express their love. Telling me i love you umconditionally without any tanginle thing to give to me, is not enough. You cant live without giving. What have they given? Lol. Christ died, but never died for our sins, is this the mesaage from these beings? because if you are talking about the same NDE that i have also seen and am still seeing, the Jesus they all talk about is the one who died and took away out sins, and thats the reason they themselves believes and become Christians. Lol @sowing and expecting Jesus to reap. Your imformation as to who Jesus is, is limited. Do you know what these words means redemption, atonement, Ransome, propitiating? That is what Christ did for mankind. He did not reap our sins. He payed a randsome for our lives and redeemed us from the power of death. Justice does not come in here at all. Have you ever heard the Word "Justification?". Justification doesnt deny your crime. It doesnt pretend or cover what you did. It accepts it, but says to you " GO". BEFORE THE LAW, YOU ARE GUILTY, but go. Why? Because, someone more powerful and more capable stepped in and took the blame and paid the debt (Ransome). So, go, but sin no more This is how we actually know if those beings are good or evil. If they preach God's unconditional love which was only expressed by God, only through the sacrificial death of His son, how can the same beings deny the death of Christ, if they are indeed for God. In other words those beings deny Christ. And, yet preach the umconditional love of God. Guy, you have been deceived. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Blackfire(m): 7:06am On Sep 29, 2016 |
whatever u do stay away from medium. . . I remember the story of Saul in the bible. yes they tell u things exactly, but u have invited legions of fallen angels to your life. my dad died 2 days ago , exactly on my birthday... someone ask me to go to medium to know who killed him... I laughed knowing the demonic torture that will follow. my point is this ... stay away from medium.. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 3:04pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
Anas09:Did he write that? is he troubled? I feel for him if he really write that, I went through his site I didn't see that maybe you will be kind enough to provide a link. Ali sina refers to himself as a Christian because he followed Christ teaching of love, he is not a Christian in the same way you are. I would like to ask You, did he belief in Christ death as atonement for our sins? did he preach salvation by Jesus alone? did he belief in EVERYTHING in the Bible? remember he called the Bible a gold mine meaning it contains useful as wall as useless things just like a gold mine. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 3:37pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
Blackfire:Thanks for you concern, I will keep that in mind and for the record, I don't belief in fallen angels. One thing interest me in your post, you said your friend asked you to visit a medium, please are you are Nigerian? and those that mean there are mediums in Nigeria? would really like to know. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by justlove91(m): 4:30pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
Anas09:I promise to rely this as soon as I charge my battery. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Blackfire(m): 5:35pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
justlove91: I am a Nigerian. we 've mediums here also.. in my village in okija . my dear 've u heard of familiar spirit?.... |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 7:41pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
justlove91: I tried copying the links, i couldnt. Ali sina is a Chriatian sir. A chriatian is a follower of Christ's teachings. I dont know the kind of Christian u think i am. If he doesn't beleive in salvation he wont direct people to Christ. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 7:43pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
justlove91: I tried copying the links, i couldnt. Ali sina is a Chriatian sir. A chriatian is a follower of Christ's teachings. I dont know the kind of Christian u think i am. If he doesn't believe in salvation he wont direct people to Christ. |
Re: The BIGGEST Proof Of Survival After Death (the Mediumship Of David Thompson) by Anas09: 7:46pm On Sep 29, 2016 |
Blackfire: You dad died and am knowing abt it on Niaraland. That is how it got? Well if thats how u want it. My condolense. |
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