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Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? - Religion - Nairaland

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Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by dani1luv: 5:52pm On Oct 14, 2009
According to the book of Deuteronomy 24: 16 Which says. .

The fathers shall not be put ot death for the children,
neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers;
every man shall be put to death for his own sin. .

Then according to this passage why do we suffer from the sins of our fore-fore-fore-fore fathers. . (Adam and Eve)
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by dani1luv: 6:46pm On Oct 14, 2009
sumborri please answer me
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Playboy2(m): 8:49pm On Oct 14, 2009

According to the book of Deuteronomy 24: 16 Which says. .

The fathers shall not be put ot death for the children,
neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers;
every man shall be put to death for his own sin. .

Then according to this passage why do we suffer from the sins of our fore-fore-fore-fore fathers. . (Adam and Eve)

How sure are you that Adam and eve is your first parents ?
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Nobody: 8:53pm On Oct 14, 2009
sumbori pls answer now or is that not why jesus died for ur sins
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by mamagee6(f): 3:32pm On Oct 16, 2009

They were our first parents. cool
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by jagunlabi(m): 3:51pm On Oct 16, 2009

According to the book of Deuteronomy 24: 16 Which says. .

The fathers shall not be put ot death for the children,
neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers;
every man shall be put to death for his own sin. .

Then according to this passage why do we suffer from the sins of our fore-fore-fore-fore fathers. . (Adam and Eve)

Why?Because,according to the judeo-christian doctrine, jehovah is a heartless,bumbling idiot of a deity.
He loves us dearly,ofcourse,and he is just in his doings,but he is a heartless,sadistic and bumbling idiot of a deity who enjoys punishing the innocents,nonetheless.
He is such a nice and loving god,is he not? I am sure looking forward to spending eternity with him in heaven.  angry
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by mazaje(m): 5:30pm On Oct 16, 2009
Which one be adam and eve again? The entire tale is a myth just as the various god hypothesis and stories are also a myth. . . . . There are billions of people who believe in a god, but the fact that all the god hypothesis and stories are nothing but an idea and not an omnipotent, omnipresent whatever-you-want-to-call-it that people will love to believe in. . . . .The entire god hypothesis is just an idea and people are worshiping this idea and believe that this idea is real, even though there is no proof to back it up. . . all the have as evidence is endless mythical stories that have no basis ın reality to point to as their evidence for their various gods. . . .
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by jagunlabi(m): 3:13pm On Oct 17, 2009
Don't spoil the party now,mazaje.Let us just take the story at face value so that we can really have a go at this "loving" god religious folks want to spend a whole eternity kissing his backside. shocked

Which one be adam and eve again? The entire tale is a myth just as the various god hypothesis and stories are also a myth. . . . . There are billions of people who believe in a god, but the fact that all the god hypothesis and stories are nothing but an idea and not an omnipotent, omnipresent whatever-you-want-to-call-it that people will love to believe in. . . . .The entire god hypothesis is just an idea and people are worshiping this idea and believe that this idea is real, even though there is no proof to back it up. . . all the have as evidence is endless mythical stories that have no basis ın reality to point to as their evidence for their various gods. . . .
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Bobbyaf(m): 11:57pm On Oct 17, 2009
Don't spoil the party now,mazaje.Let us just take the story at face value so that we can really have a go at this "loving" god religious folks want to spend a whole eternity kissing his backside.

And yet you say He isn't loving! My my!
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by princekevo(m): 10:01am On Oct 18, 2009
My fren you are not suffering from the sins of Adam and Eve neither are you suffering from the sins of your for fathers. You suffer becoz you chose to live the same life of Sin that your fore fathers lived.
Adam and Eve only brought sin into the world and every sin is punishable by nature. They were cursed based on the sin committed against God.
So If you chose to live a life without sin, you escape the curse, but as long as you chose to live in sin you automatically attract the same curses and punishment to yourself. 
If you are limiting your Christianity to Old testament then i suggest you read that same (Duet. 28: 1- end).
The word of God came directly to you(Not to you fore fathers or Adam and Eve) on the condition for his blessings and curses. So don't blame them for your suffering.
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Nobody: 12:28pm On Oct 18, 2009
@Princek, . . Nice answer.
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Ascony(m): 8:09pm On Oct 18, 2009
But according to the so called myth, we die and suffer today because of the sins of adam and eve, can u choose not to die and suffer?
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Ascony(m): 6:03pm On Nov 29, 2009
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by princekevo(m): 7:02pm On Nov 29, 2009

But according to the so called myth, we die and suffer today because of the sins of adam and eve, can u choose not to die and suffer?

if you believe in the so called myth as u call it, the answer is yes you can chose not to die.
Through one man Sin and death came to the through one one man we are saved from sin and have that eternal life. So if you believe in him and chose to live a life above sin, automatically you are free from all the suffer and you will live enternally with christ Jesus
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Ascony(m): 8:15pm On Nov 29, 2009
automatically you are free from all the suffer and you will live enternally with christ Jesus

but christains still suffer that harsh realities of life as same as unbelievers
and the life aftr death issue doesnt have proof, can u prove evidently that u will have a conscious life aftr death?
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 8:18pm On Nov 29, 2009
We are not, the errorneous bible is lying
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by CrazyMan(m): 8:46pm On Nov 29, 2009
We're not suffering from the sins of Adam and Eve; we're suffering from our own sins.

A man who commits murder and is caught would pay the price of the crime he committee; nnw would such a man blame his actions on the sin Adam and Eve committee in the garden of Eden?

Christ's death on the cross liberated us from the bondage of sin. So we should face the reality of life and leave Adam and Eve out of this matter.
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 8:56pm On Nov 29, 2009
Hey, Stop blasphemy
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 8:57pm On Nov 29, 2009
jesus never intend to die, look how he was troubled and prayed to God to remove the cup of crucifiction,

'Then jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane and he said to his disciples,'sit here while i go wonder and pray' and taking with him peter and two sons of Zebedee , he began to be sorrowful and troubled.

Then he said to them,'my soul is sorrowful even to death,

remain here and watch with me.

And going a little further he fell on his face (like the muslim do) and prayed,'my father if this is possible, remove this cup pass from me, nevertheless not as i will but as thou will'

mathew 26:36-39
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by CrazyMan(m): 7:57pm On Nov 30, 2009
Dear loed Jesus, please save this soul called Abuzola; don't let him perish in hell I pray thee o lord. Amen.
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 8:09pm On Nov 30, 2009
You ve spoiled the prayer, you should ve used God instead of jesus. Even jesus ask God for help see luke 22:42
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by PastorAIO: 1:10am On Dec 01, 2009
Heresy, heresy, heresy, heresy!!  Nairaland is full of heresies these days.  Yesterday it was the heresy of Donatism (I thought that my contributions to that thread would provoke some interesting responses but I am astonished to find that no one was interested) and today we have moved on to the heresy of Pelagianism. 

All you christians need to go and read St. Augustine very thoroughly.  Do you not realise that since the early Catholic Orthodox church embraced his theology then anybody that says anything contrary to Augustine is a heretic?  Acquaint yourselves with Augustine lest you end up in Hell!!!

Pelagianism is a theological theory named after Pelagius (AD 354 – AD 420/440). It is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special Divine aid. Thus, Adam's sin was "to set a bad example" for his progeny, but his actions did not have the other consequences imputed to Original Sin. Pelagianism views the role of Jesus as "setting a good example" for the rest of humanity (thus counteracting Adam's bad example) as well as providing an atonement for our sins. In short, humanity has full control, and thus full responsibility, for obeying the Gospel in addition to full responsibility for every sin (the latter insisted upon by both proponents and opponents of Pelagianism). According to Pelagian doctrine, because men are sinners by choice, they are therefore criminals who need the atonement of Jesus Christ. Sinners are not victims, they are criminals who need pardon.

Pelagius was opposed by Augustine of Hippo, one of the most influential early Church Fathers. When Pelagius taught that moral perfection was attainable in this life without the assistance of divine grace through human free will, Augustine contradicted this by saying that perfection was impossible without grace because we are born sinners with a sinful heart and will. The Pelagians charged Augustine on the grounds that the doctrine of original sin amounted to Gnosticism: the Gnostics taught that the flesh was in itself sinful (and they denied that Jesus came in the flesh) – and this charge will have carried added weight since contemporaries will have known that Augustine himself had been a Gnostic before his conversion to Christianity. Augustine also taught that a person's salvation comes solely through an irresistible free gift, the efficacious grace of God, and that no free choice was involved in salvation. The debate between Pelagius and Augustine was essentially that between free will and original sin. Augustine was not successful in having Pelagius condemned by the Church. He therefore had the political powers severely persecute him.[citation needed]
Pelagianism was attacked in the Council of Diospolis[1] and condemned in 418 at the Council of Carthage.[2] These condemnations were ratified at the Council of Ephesus in 431. The strict moral teachings of the Pelagians were influential in southern Italy and Sicily, where they were openly preached until the death of Julian of Eclanum in 455.[3] As a movement, Pelagianism ceased to exist after the 6th century although its ideas continued to cause disputes.[4]


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Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by PastorAIO: 1:14am On Dec 01, 2009
Pelagianism received its name from Pelagius and designates a heresy of the fifth century, which denied original sin as well as Christian grace.

1.Even if Adam had not sinned, he would have died.
2.Adam's sin harmed only himself, not the human race.
3.Children just born are in the same state as Adam before his fall.
4.The whole human race neither dies through Adam's sin or death, nor rises again through the resurrection of Christ.
5.The (Mosaic Law) is as good a guide to heaven as the Gospel.
6.Even before the advent of Christ there were men who were without sin.

Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by princekevo(m): 5:11am On Dec 01, 2009
Pastor AIO:

Heresy, heresy, heresy, heresy!! Nairaland is full of heresies these days. Yesterday it was the heresy of Donatism (I thought that my contributions to that thread would provoke some interesting responses but I am astonished to find that no one was interested) and today we have moved on to the heresy of Pelagianism.
All you christians need to go and read St. Augustine very thoroughly. Do you not realise that since the early Catholic Orthodox church embraced his theology then anybody that says anything contrary to Augustine is a heretic? Acquaint yourselves with Augustine lest you end up in Hell!!!

Why on earth do you think christains need to read the book of St. Augustine?
As christains should we value or believe what bible said, or what a theologian said?

Augustine was not successful in having Pelagius condemned by the Church. He therefore had the political powers severely persecute him.[citation needed]
Pelagianism was attacked in the Council of Diospolis[1] and condemned in 418 at the Council of Carthage.[2] These condemnations were ratified at the Council of Ephesus in 431.

What makes a man who used political power to persecute his rival a saint, jst becoz he didnt share with his view?
Is there anything different from muslims of today in what he did then, Condenming, attacking and killing anyone who does'nt sahre their belives?
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by princekevo(m): 5:39am On Dec 01, 2009

but christains still suffer that harsh realities of life as same as unbelievers

It depends on your own definition of suffering. Also whatever suffering you think they may be passing through now is temporary.


and the life after death issue doesn't have proof, can u prove evidently that u will have a conscious life after death?
We have a great proof of someone who died and resurrected after 3days( confirmed) in (Mathew 27: 58-66; 28:1- 6). After Resurrection he ascended some where and during the course of an scention he told you and i that his going to prepare a place us, after that he will come back to take us, and where he is, we will be with him. His name is JESUS. He also assured us one thing in (John 11:25-26) "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by ccollins(m): 8:25am On Dec 01, 2009
Thanks and vry well said@prince kev
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 8:55am On Dec 01, 2009
Jesu is a fraud
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by PastorAIO: 9:39am On Dec 01, 2009

Augustine was not successful in having Pelagius condemned by the Church. He therefore had the political powers severely persecute him.[citation needed]
Pelagianism was attacked in the Council of Diospolis[1] and condemned in 418 at the Council of Carthage.[2] These condemnations were ratified at the Council of Ephesus in 431.

What makes a man who used political power to persecute his rival a saint, jst becoz he didnt share with his view?

By the way, I only use wikipedia as an introduction to a subject, it is not an authority. If you will notice the charge of using political power still requires citation on wikipedia. Anybody can add to wikipedia whether they know what they are talking about or not. Until you see an authoritative citation it is best to take what you read on wikipedia with a pinch of salt. What you ought to do now is go and investigate further into the matter.
Pelagianism was 'condemned in 418 at the Council of Carthage'. That is a fact with historical scholarly backing.

Yes, I think that christians should familiarise themselves with the works of St. Augustine because a lot of stuff that christians believe were articulated by him. It's not everything that christianity upholds that is in the bible.


What makes a man who used political power to persecute his rival a saint, jst becoz he didnt share with his view?
Is there anything different from muslims of today in what he did then, Condenming, attacking and killing anyone who does'nt sahre their belives?

I don't think that Augustine was a politician, not anymore than any other human being who interacts with society and tries to forward his views is a politician. I think the statement that he used political power is very faulty. Every major religion is guilty of 'condeming, attacking and killing anyone who doesn't share their beliefs'. Not just Islam.

If fact christianity's history is much worse. And I don't just mean the catholics. Even the protestant revolutions were bloody. You've heard of the Anabaptists, and what they did leading up to the siege of Munster. Very Munsterous.
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 9:44am On Dec 01, 2009
Xtrianity is a fraud
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Duroe: 9:51pm On Dec 01, 2009
@ Abuzola: Jesus Christ is the only person that lived on this earth without any in to his charge (confirmed by the Holy Bible, attested to by the Jinn that gave Mohammed the Koran just as demons confessed in Bible record and in our contemporary times)- definitely Christ is not a FRAUD. Human being can commit fraud in the name of anything including God's name. The only two religions in the world that have any relationship to the Creator of heaven and earth- the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Father ofour Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is the Jewish religion (which actually is not been practiced as it was originally) and the Christian faith. Other religions have no relationship to the Most High God. As the Jewish religion cannot be practiced as it was given Moses (the sacrifice of Jesus Christ- the lamb of God put an end to the required daily sacrifices under the law of Moses), so the only religion in the world recognized by the Creator is the Christian faith. Islam is a device of the devil to lead astray the Ishmaelites.
Jesus said 'except you believe that I am He (the Messiah), you shall die in your sin.
However, the eternal life is in Jesus Christ and not in a religion.
'God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in His son Jesus Christ, he that has the son has life but he that has not the son has not life' It is very simple.
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Abuzola11(m): 9:53pm On Dec 01, 2009
May Allah open ur eyes amin
Re: Why Do We Suffer From The Sins Of Adam And Eve? by Reasonably(m): 4:35am On Dec 02, 2009
Really, Christians can go on rambling on this but matter of fact, they can't answer reasonably.My last blog post was on this. Without a mind of promoting the site, i give out the link
It is abbsolute nonsense that defies all logical explanations.Like I always say: I believe in a God that created raesoning, and made it go in tandem with faith.

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