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Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy - Romance - Nairaland

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Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 2:20pm On Sep 30, 2016
This story can be accepted as a true life story which it is , it can also be accepted as a fabrication of my mind which is also true. I'm not a writer neither I'm I that good in English language, so please pardon my errors. The names and locations has been changed, so if I mention your area street, don't start suspecting any fine babe for that area. Please enjoy.

At last, after several jamb examinations i finally saw my name in the latest admission list, "oya let's go there, we are gonna rock this vasity together" I said to myself. 2 weeks later I was able to get an accomodation as a squater in a room in one of the male hostels(some might get to know the university and hostel if they attended that university as at the time this events occurred.
I will not bore you with how u became friends with this guys but I will tell you they are the maddest set of people I've ever come across. They are all roommates with same goals , same aim and almost same characteristics, the only difference between them and I is that my room was some floors down, and I was in a different faculty.

now let's get to mention names, David was not really a cassanova, he did not really understand women, neither did he hand out with the kind of girls he met in the university. yes, girls liked him when he was at home, but like him, they where also "omo mummy" , they had no chance to explore. David was from ibadan, though he claims lagos boy(wonder if spending your holidays in lagoS makes you one), he is over 6 feet tall, dark in complexion and handsome.

Now let me mention the first babe in the whole triangle, her name is uzoma, she does not use that name in school and goes by an English name. If fact very few people know she is IBo as she is capable of spitting concentrated yoruba vibes.
Uzoma is pretty , petit, with very nice shape, she has that kind of body who believe can be folded into itself while you pound away.
I was influential in the meeting of uzoma and David , cus I knew her before we got into school and where friends(though not close, learnt not to be too close to girls you think you might want to have intimate relationship with in the future). David met uzoma at the hottest party we went to, it was the hottest simply because it was the first club boys party freshers will attend.
Their meeting was not the "hi, what's up" kind of meeting, it was circumstance that got them together. David, keen on going to the party travelled to ibadan to bring his father's 504 peogeot, a fight broke out at the tale end of the party and we all tried to leave the venue, outside as we are about getting into the car(all 6 of us), I saw uzoma, by the side of the road, so I asked her "wetin you dey do there, you no go leave this area, those guys bring gun come o" , she told me she has been abandoned by the people she came with as she was not able to come out quickly.

as fate will have it, David said," come make me carry you", 2 weeks later, they where already screwing each others brains out, thus seiling any posibility of me dating her.
jiSt to continue shortly with the juicy details of the s*X and how the other girls got involved

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 8:14pm On Sep 30, 2016
Few weeks after the party , I walked upstairs to my friends room and met them arguing. 5 guys where in support of David against the 7th guy ade a.k.a " master lee" , a.k.a"nawu-edine"(a fake muslim name coined from the yoruba phrase "na awo de"winkcus the guy and nackson had same character . there was an eight guy, a born again christian, who gave the other guys hell as to the rooms arrangement, but when the devil wan expose you, he does that in a bad way, we will get to his part later.

ADe had initially arranged a performance(what we call copulation) in the room only for David to come up later with the same arrangement that same evening(boys give notice beforehand if a babe is coming to the room) At last sha, ade agreed to give David the alloted time.
So with such knowledge that something is going down that evening, I decided to wait till around 8pa before going upstairs again. on reaching top floor, I saw ade and timo(fellow roomate) in the corridor and they gave me the latest detail. David has been with the babe since six so they must be thru by now, but ade now dropped a secret and said we see what is happening without them knowing. We ask how and he now gave us a secret about the arrangement of the room. ade being the first occupant of the room had arranged the lockers is such a way that anyone at the side of the room where the beds are located cannot see who is entering unless the person first enters and go through the middle of the lockers, likewise anyone leaving the room, he had also drilled holes at the back of the lockers so that if you enter the locker, you can see different parts of the room, depending on which hole you are peeping through. the only part you can't see is the ceiling , well there is no need for such hole cus nobody is fu*kin in the ceiling, and if such thing where to occur, I dnt think anyone will wait to watch!

Well we entered and got into the seperate lockers exactly as ade predicted without the lovebirds noticing and I selected the best hole in the locker to peep through.

we where lucky as they just wanted to start the show as David has spent all the previous hours trying to assure the babe that the room is safe for s*X, she preferred an hotel , but my guy no get money for hand.
well they started smooching and for the first ten minutes I did not see the babe's face , but when he wanted to pull her top off her, she had to sit up and behold IT WAS USOMA.!
Imagine watching the girl you fantasise about naked on the bed , but with another guy, ready to do the do.

"Well I go still watch this film finish" i said to myself and I was not dissappointed, David was no pro(as at that time) but he had stamina as he was capable of fulfilling uzoma's demand.
Uzoma was the pro, she gave it back as she was getting it. It was hard s*X, the kind of performance that you think someone was going to get injured, but they went at each other for a whole 45 minutes non stop. only two styles which they kept alternating at periods, missionary and doggy. The babe does not make too much noise, but you will see it in her eyes and body movement that she is really enjoying it.

pka, pka, pka, pka, the sound of there body hitting each other was rhythymic and constant, puntuated by some grunts and other sounds. "wow, these two will quietly kill each other o" I thought, but eventually , after like 45 minutes they both stopped , got dressed and she asked him to escorts her back to her hostel.

well we, the three fools that watched, now had to contend with our own agro, ade just went to meet one of his numerous babe's, timo and I, being girlfriend less, decided to contribute and buy don Simon to see it will take our minds off what we saw. well it did not, I decided later that night to never watch such film again, but that was a lie, having discovered the secret of watching life mojo in the that room, I was now addicted!

well the tale is about how three babe's struggled over one guy, sorry I digressed a little, will get back know to it soon.

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by chigoizie7(m): 8:34pm On Sep 30, 2016
Go on bro.


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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 1:43am On Oct 01, 2016
The situation for the next two months did not really change, uzoma and David where having s*X as if that was the sole purpose of coming to school, thank God females are only allowed into male hostels from 4pm to 10pm, if not they will be screwing each other in the afternoon and morning .

I watched some few more episodes of their performance and I had to give uzoma more respect, she used her petit frame to the maximum, turning and changing positions faster than a racing car changes gear. They can move from missionary to any other style without any disengagement or prolonged break in gyration.

At this point I'll have to introduce the second babe, her name is mercy, she is one of the coolest babe's I've ever met, no baggage, no prolonged wahala, and all the boys like her. She is quite tall, over 6 feet, with one of the sexiest long legs I've ever seen. whenever she wears a short skirt, all eyes must stare.

We met mercy through uzoma, they are not actually friends, but they do talk once in a while and the boys got to talk to mercy more cus they saw her often as her hostel is right next to ours, unlike uzoma'S hostel which is about 30 minute's walk away.

At the end of first semester, David and uzoma had a fight, I dnt know what caused it but it enabled David to quickly shift to mercy, he started toasting her, and during the holidays, they saw each other more often.
Mercy was aware of the relationship between uzoma and David, so she did not give in to David's advances , but instead encouraged him to settle with uzoma. Unfortunately uzoma was strong head girl and she was behaving like if we did not exist any longer.

Unknowing to us initially, mercy was tripping for David, despite rejecting him, so when we resumed, she went to uzoma's hostel to ask about David. uzoma, probably thinking she either came to help settle the issue with David told her that she and David are no longer dating, they had broken up. This words from uzoma, which she said on three different occasions mercy asked about David from her, gave her the confidence to agree to David's toasting when we resumed. her favorite quote during subsequent confrontation between the two babe's was " I did not snatch anybodies boyfriend".

Well, boys got to know of the new arrangement, so when David booked room time for his next performance, we already knew who it was and where excited to watch the latest film.

Mercy came that evening, we smiled, jisted for a while and pretented to leave them alone , only for us to find our self's in several lockers awaiting the big show.
Well the show did not occur on the first two occasions, we just wasted over 3 hours, locked in the dark lockers, listening to two lovers jisting. After they left, I just went downstairs to buy robb to rub my back and legs. Standing , without opportunity to bend for hours is not easy, one could not even move anyhow so as not to make noise and be discovered. The worst part is that this occurred twice, twice mercy came and no show.

We, the stupid live mojo watchers hit the jackpot the third time, mercy does not have the body shape of uzoma, she is very tall , long legged babe, her legs where her killing point, you can't help but stare when she wears short skirts. We where in the locker as usual when all of a sudden, without prior notice, they just stopped talking and started kissing, I will tell you, this is the most interesting uncommon s*X I've ever seen. They where both standing when the kissing started and did not at any point lie down on the bed throughout the whole period. There was no clothe removal, only the shifting of her skirt up and pant to the side , David removed his trousers and boxers later though. This was the first time I saw how good long legs can be when wrapped around a guy, she used her height to the advantage as their was no akward bending throughout. she was just slowly going up and down in that same standing position for a long time until she made some very loud moans for like 20 seconds then she just went quiet and still. David now brought her to the middle of the room and sat down on a chair, with mercy on top and facing him, then they started talking, I was like , "what!, una no go do commot", we can't sneak out now cus they where in the middle of the room facing the door and will see it being opened, this people want me to suffer for this show again.

Again, all of a sudden, mercy started gyrating on top of David, with that same slow steady, snake- like movement accompanied with steady soft moans.
This went on for some minutes until she jumped up to avoid David cumin inside her, she started laughing at him and how he twisted his face when he came and he responded by yabbing her on how she was shaking earlier when she had orgasm.
They kissed some more while standing and dressing up, and my mind was like, " this people are in love o", well they eventually decided to leave the room and as they where about leaving , there was a knock on the door, David went to open the door, then I heard the voice, uzoma's voice calling " david"

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 11:21am On Oct 01, 2016
David opened the door and uZuma came inside, she looked at both of them, said hi to mercy and went to sit on the same chair that David and mercy just screwed each other on. The only sign that something had happened Earlier in the room is the small towel David had used to clean himself up after the encounter with mercy, it is presently under the table and I don't think uzoma noticed it.

David excused himself, said he wanted to excort mercy and he will be back soon. I also wanted to leave cus my legs are killing me, just wanted uzoma to shift to the bed so that she wunt see the door and us leaving.
David came into the room and both of them sat on the bed, this gave us an opportunity to leave, would have loved to watch what happened next , but since David will give details later, why kill yourself in the locker.

midnight, all the boys where back in the room, playing football on ps2 turn by Turn and asking David bout u zoma. David said she came to accuse him of not being a true boyfriend , that he does not want to settle their fight by coming to her himself only for him to be sending his friends and her friends to her.
well David did try to talk to her and she enbarraseed him in her hostel , thus he did not go back again, he also told her he did not send any of her friends to her, this got u zoma to ask him what mercy was doing in the room with him and why she had been coming to her to settle her fight with him. David did not answer, but for my mind I said " this girl no know anything, mercy has collected her boyfriend."

well uzoma was not that dense , she suspected something, so as she left David's room , she went to mercy's hostel to get more info. mercy did not tell her anything , so before she left, she dropped a bombshell. she thanked mercy for trying to make her forgive David and she has done so, that she and David are now back together, in fact he was all over her when she came to his place.

This story of u zoma's visit to mercy was told directly to me by mercy the next day as mercy was also on a fact finding mission on what is the present status between David and u zoma.
she said the encounter was embarrassing as she was just telling her two best friends that she is in love with David, they(the friends) where just looking at the two of them smiling at each other, telling each other "all is well", but knowing fully well that a civil war is about to break out and as girls, they are very ready to supply weapons.

For the next two weeks, no s*X between mercy and David, they met and david kept telling her he is not dating u zoma, but their was lots of sex, though not as frequent as first semester, between u zoma and David.

well the civil war was declared on one faithful sunday, u zoma usually goes home every weekend, but mercy and David do not. she decided to visit David that afternoon, I was in the room when she came, so I left .

2 hours later, David knock on my room door, " casala Don burst o", I go buy bread for mercy I come see u zoma dey climb stairs go up" he said , I told him probably she is going somewhere else, he just looked at me like say "shey ya head correct so", of cus she is going to the room.

He had bribed the potter to allow mercy into the hostel earlier than 4pm and they had been banging all afternoon, I told him the best thing is to go back into the room , both of them might start fighting and If them break ade's TV and ps2, na you go pay o!.
He said they will be civil, I told him there is no civility when it comes to women and matters of the heart, women who say they will never fight other women over boyfriend are liars, they will injure each other over boyfriend they really like!.

so we decided to both go upstairs and witness the clash between an IgBo girl (uzoma) and a Benin girl(mercy) and it was epic!(though not in the way we expected).

stay tuned, comments allowed and encouraged.

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by Sexxkillz: 11:37am On Oct 01, 2016
Wait. . .

If I get this correctly, 3 female students are fighting over a male student?

They are all fucking stupid.


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by IamLEGEND1: 11:45am On Oct 01, 2016
I sense a makeup threesome_coming.


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by CAPSLOCKED: 11:54am On Oct 01, 2016
Wait. . .

If I get this correctly, 3 female students are fighting over a male student?

They are all fucking stupid.




Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 3:21pm On Oct 01, 2016
Wait. . .

If I get this correctly, 3 female students are fighting over a male student?

They are all fucking stupid.

depends, sometimes fighting for love, what you think is right, against being cheated, or pride can be stupid, but everyone does it one way or the other.
their reasons where different, but at that time , their reasons where genuine!
also remember, they where girls.


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 3:23pm On Oct 01, 2016
I sense a makeup threesome_coming.

you could be right, you could be wrong. We shall see
Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by Sexxkillz: 3:29pm On Oct 01, 2016

depends, sometimes fighting for love, what you think is right, against being cheated, or pride can be stupid, but everyone does it one way or the other.
their reasons where different, but at that time , their reasons where genuine!
also remember, they where girls.
There's nothing like "fighting for love". That's a cliche stupid people use when they need an "escape excuse" for their stupidity.

When someone loves you, it comes from the heart. If they don't love you, they don't. You cannot force the heart to love, therefore, you cannot fight for love.

When I say they are all fucking stupid, the guy is inclusive. I'm allergic to stupid people.

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 4:23pm On Oct 01, 2016
There's nothing like "fighting for love". That's a cliche stupid people use when they need an "escape excuse" for their stupidity.

When someone loves you, it comes from the heart. If they don't love you, they don't. You cannot force the heart to love, therefore, you cannot fight for love.

When I say they are all fucking stupid, the guy is inclusive. I'm allergic to stupid people.
ha ha, I agree with you to a large extent. but not everyone will see it like you do.

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 11:25pm On Oct 01, 2016
We entered the room and met total silence, both girls were playing that snake game that is on most Nokia phones, mercy was on the bed on the left while uzuma was on the bed to the right.
The following encounter went thus:

uzoma: "baby, wats up"(seeing me too)"hi" (waving her hand at me and smiling)

me: "how far beautiful"

David : (with shaky voice) "how na, I did not know you will be coming today, thought you will be coming tomorrow".

David wanted to go meet her , but got hold of himself and decided to sit on the chair in the middle of the room, he was already acting as if he has level 3 malaria. at that point I decided how I will respond to wateva happens next, if one or the two of them girls decides to fight him, I'll tell them where the forks, table knife and brooms are kept and pray they use it extensively on him. I'll only step in if the girls decide to fight each other.

mercy: (to david)"what of what you went to get"

david: (forgot to collect the bread after paying cus he saw uzoma)" wanted them to fry egg , but it's not ready, so I'm going back now"

mercy: "me and you did not talk of egg, I just wanted bread, there is butter here already, and how can you even leave them to fry egg and you are not watching them, oya let's go get the bread together"

Mercy got up , David stood up but was dragging his feet, so she took his hand and they both left the room, all this happened while uzoma was watching them. I suspected that mercy wanted to talk to David alone.
Some seconds later:

uzoma: (talking to me)"*anti-wahala, why did mercy drag David out of the room"

* my nickname is unique, it is never constant, those who know me know how to use it and call me with wateva situation is happening at that moment, only that they add "anti" before any other word used, so one person can call me "anti-crase" this minute while another call me "anti-brain" the next.

me: "na you need to tell me, are they not your boyfriend and girlfriend"

uzoma: "I hope it's not what I'm thinking , I just pray it's not what I'm thinking , cus I've met her alone with David twice now and the rest of you guys are not always around when I see her with david"

me: "coincidence, planned, unplanned, wateva it Is, I don't know"

uzoma: " you ehn!, since I've known you , when somebody ask you something serious, your answer always makes things worse!

me: " you just promoted the discouragement of further encouragement of my personality"

uzoma: "ugh?, anti-make sense, is their something between the two of them?

me: " between who and who"

uzoma: (taking the novel beside the bed)" if I stone you"

me: " if you dey talk about mercy and david....."

mercy: (cuts in)" yes jare"

me: " ...there is always something between two people, it fit be air, emotion or physical objects, at the moment I can't decipher what's between them"

uzoma: " you are the wrongest person to ask something, pls shey you know say me and you have known each other far longer than anyone else in this school, I know you always got my back, so please tell me, is there something between the two of them, you know he is my boyfriend, and I wunt take any shit!

Oh Lord, I've been trying to avoid this question and scenario, why could she not wait and ask the person who knows everything.

me: " me don't know anything beautiful, there might be something or nothing between them, you need to ask him or her, by the way what do you think and what will you do if there is something between them."

uzoma: " I don't know o, but I know nobody will like what I will do to her if she try am, cus I been trust that girl"

me: "ok", (in my mind, I was thinking of all the posibilities and how I'll avoid getting involved when the fireworks start, and David not thinking I abandoned him)
Before she could say anything , they came back into the room, mercy came in first and David followed. suddenly uzoma, in her ever hard girl behavior while looking at mercy said " mercy, I wan see you, make we talk outside", mercy said "any problem?". "no problem," said uzoma "make we just talk, I wan ask you something personal."
uzoma walks outside and Mary follows her somewhat reluctantly.

Everything was silent for like Five minutes, then we heard uzomas voice, she was shouting

stay tuned.....


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by nerdfrost(m): 1:21am On Oct 02, 2016
cheesy grin op ur story make brain die!!!

Abeg I dey wait u oo

Drop more abeg

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 4:44am On Oct 02, 2016
"What kain nonsense is coming out of your mouth sef, how can you be telling me you love my own guy , of all the boys in these school ehn!,"

We managed to get outside as these rants from uzoma was getting higher and higher, then mercy started her own, " look, I thought I could talk to you like a civilized person, all these nice will not get you anywhere, God knows I did not do anything bad."

The shouting match continued, during which they where now getting closer to each other, I quickly cajoled both of them to get back in the room, in the room they continued arguing and acting as the other person has done the unthinkable, well uzoma was acting that way sha. After another 5 minutes of up and down arguments, she stormed angrily out of the room, promising to deal with David and mercy.

mercy folding her arms(she always acts like butter girl) faced David, "you said their is nothing between you and that girl, you sweared that you ended the relationship, you told me you are not seeing her again, now you see how one short thing is talking to me"

David, sweating and smiling one stupid smile , started stammering. "i..i..i, u..u see, Ive left her since first semester. I think , I think that ..That , I think I told you that she will not want us to date, remember I warned you about this kind of of of.

me: if you cant speak English, try pidgin
david: (to me) " you dey mad ni, you think say this na play"

for a while, a lot of accusation, counter accusation, defense and lies that if it was spoken near a cemetery, it will wake the dead were being given until mercy left angrily.

If to say my brain dey work, I should have used that moment to dissociate myself from the whole story, but when david came to my room that evening, I stupidly agreed with him to go see mercy in her hostel. my thinking was that he should not lose both girls, one is okay, as long as he had chosen which one. mercy as butter girl , "always ready to reason" kind of girl was my preferred choice.

well, since I've made the bad decision of staying in the hostel that weekend, I was also the only friend around to embark on d journey. Getting to mercy's room, the door was opened, I showed my head (David was behind me), mercy saw me and I asked, "ma, are you boiling anything", she said "no", i asked "are you cooking anything", she said :"no, anti-bad friend , why are you asking all these questions". I just showed the rest of my body and said "David, you fit Come inside now, your skin is still save for the meantime", it was then she understood my earlier questions and just started laughing. I was smiling too cus I felt I've cleared the way for some talking.
After some small banter I delved into the reason we came

me: ,"mercy, you see I've always been an advocate of discussion, it's always good to discuss and trash things out. If it's for good, or bad, it's always good to clear things first, even if you want to kill someone, it is good to first talk about the modalities of the killing and how the person will die, this is how I'm going to kill you o, do you have any suggestion? is their a better way for me to kill you? you might be suprised by the better options the person you want to kill will give. So mercy, I'm here in the capacity of Aaron, since you clealy saw earlier today in our hostel that moses(pointING to david) has vocal issues and cannot speak well. Please , I know say you be cool babe , ever sensible, coolest babe to be with, you always light up the room with your smile, a beg I need to know what happened , David had told me what happened, but like you, I do not believe him, I will believe wateva you tell me, for your word is truth."

to cut long story short, my toasting entered her head small, she told me everything that is happening (which I will reveal little by little) and also revealed what she will like David to do.

We spent some time with mercy and decided to leave, on getting to the main exit, David said " paDi mi, nice one, oya make we go see uzoma".
His game plan just clicked in my head and I shouted " se ori e yi ni"(are you mental), se o ti ya were ni(are you mental mental). After some more curses I turned left for the hostel and he turned right, heading to uzomas hostel.
just by the door, I saw uzoma Coming out of our hostel with 2 ruff looking guys, I recornized one of them instantly(they are the ones that will say " hey come here" and dem no born well make you go refuse, bet you know who I'm referring to), uzoma came to me with those guys behind her and said " I've been looking for you" . One of those guys said " na the guy be this? "
you can imagine my thought process at that moment, one part of my brain was screaming, "u Don die", another part was saying "run, just dey run", while another part was already given options on how to deny any guy Watsover they Identify me as, another part was trying to still co-ordinate my body parts to prevent them from running in different directions at once.

stay tuned....
Comments are accepted

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by jeffery251(m): 6:20am On Oct 02, 2016
Wow,dis piece got me glued
Nice write up with an articulated sense of humour. Keep it up.


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by sathel(m): 7:29am On Oct 02, 2016
Diz write up wan gimme konji...


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by marcusagrippa(m): 6:23pm On Oct 02, 2016
Antispexish, o ya come continue your story....bad friend, bad mediator. Aaron ko, Pharaoh ni.


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 6:38pm On Oct 02, 2016
Antispexish, o ya come continue your story....bad friend, bad mediator. Aaron ko, Pharaoh ni.
will do later today
Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 9:39pm On Oct 02, 2016
" anti- deaf, did you hear what I said" I heard uzoma say as my brain regained control of my ears.

me:" I hear you now" though not clearly as my heart was still making noise that would shame the drummer of any famous rock band. "u said you have been looking for me"

uzoma: "see you, I asked you we're is David after I said that I've been looking for you"

me: "oh,(pausing, then said)" he went to look for you in your hostel"

uzoma: "I came to see him o, he was not in the room, so I checked your room , you too no dey there, I thought he had gone to see that stupid theif. Meet my friends, they wanted to escort me back to my hostel,then I saw you, so it's you that's going to take me back to *****(her hostel name )

me: "oh"

uzoma: "guys, meet my friend, anti-old friend"

those boys silently shakes hands and with me, said goodbye, me and uzoma started walking to her hostel.
uzoma: "you did not want to talk to those boys, why?"

me: " action speaks louder than words" (I Don get myself back since its now clear they where not interested in me)

uzoma: "you sha, you will never change"(she did know that a minute ago , I was about to deny my existence talk less of changING it)" you disappointed me today , you could not even support me when that bitch stated yanin rubish"

me: " first thing first, what exactly did she tell you"
Note , her following revelation has been edited to comform to the truth of what both she and mercy said to each other earlier that day. mercy adjusted her own statement, likewise uzoma, but I used the trajectory of their words to locate the truth of the encounter. also note that the discussion did not follow this exact same format, there were other statements and expressions like clapping of hand and movement of eyelid(you know women na) which could not be expressed without making the discussion too lengthy.

uzoma asked mercy point blank on what between her and David
mercy: "hahan, why do you ask me that question"

uzoma: " cus I want to know what's between you and my boyfriend"

mercy: "wait ,wait, wait, did you just say boyfriend?"

uzoma: yes ,my boyfriend!

mercy: "I was told you might say this, but you and I know that you and David are not together again"

uzoma: " cus it's you that broke us up abi"

mercy: " you broke up with him yourself"

uzoma: " whosoever told you that is a liar, God will punish all liars"

mercy: " well ask David , did you or did you not break up last semester"

uzoma: " what rubish, David can never tell you we broke up lie lie"

mercy: " did you or did you not tell me you are not together again"

uzoma: " lie lie, when on earth Did I say that"

mercy: " I asked you on three occasions about David and you answered negatively"

uzoma: " e be like say your head Don dey kolo, me and David never broke up and nothing will break us up loruko olohun, well since you did not want to tell me what's between you and my boyfriend, I just want to tell you to stop all this nonsense, or else we go wear the same trouser and you know me well o!
mercy: (sayin to herself: I told this guy about this o, I'm not cut out for this nonsense)"see uzoma, let me explain to you, I know you and David are no longer in a relationship , to be serious with you, I and David are dating, he is my boyfriend , and God knows that before I agreed to date him, I asked you repeatedly if you and him where still together. I also asked him and he said no, therefore I know your game, it will not work. David is my boyfriend and their is nothing your bitching can do to alter that.

It was at this point that we heard uzoma's loud rant that was stated earlier.
" so whats going to happen now" I asked her. she said, " I've always been suspecting she liked David for long time, but I no know say she will go and meet him behind my back, I don't blame her anyway, I blame David. its him I have issues with no be with that thing, but if she continues to come near David, casala must happen, girls that behave like her must be thought a leason, I've planned her down."

after escorting her to her hall, she said she will see will come to the hostel by 4pm the next day, that I should help her tell David, I said " you wan come see ya boyfriend so una go drive us Comot to gather-brush each other abi", she just laughed and said " wetin concern you" then she dropped the bombshell before she entered her hall.

uzoma: " anti- soji guy", I know why you no really greet those guys, your brain they get situition well , we were actually going to look for David in mercy's hostel, if to say he was there, they would have called some girls to bring her outside and dealt with Mercilessly, God save her say she no dey with david, goodnight , see you tommorrow".

The night was cold , really cold and about to rain, but the speed my blood dey take move for my veins has generated enough heat to boil water for eBa for like ten people. What would have happened to me? I thought.

my physical condition was still in place when I got to the the room and saw David, we had missed each other on the way, I told him that uzoma is coming tomorrow, he eyes went wild, "ha , mercy is coming by 4pm tomorrow too na, you Don forget?"
that moment I started thinking if it's not good for me to visit Home for a few days.

stay tuned for what happened by 4pm the next day, it was a Comedy of intimate errors,

comments allowed


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by luminouz(m): 10:19pm On Oct 02, 2016
U try guy! U try! I laughed!
Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 3:05pm On Oct 10, 2016
antisuspense continue the story na
sorry for the delay, will continue tomorrow morning plus.
Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 3:57pm On Oct 11, 2016
4pm, I never thought I'll dread that time, not for me actually , but for David who had gotten himself involved in a game with two determined girls who felt losing him to the other girl meant more than just a breakup.

This is where I got to understand a little bit more about the phycology of women, expecially girls who are self confident and feel they are better than the average girl. When another girl wants to take something personal from them using her feminine powers, they go balistic, they will show or try to show they are more woman than the other woman. I think most women believe that if a woman takes or snatches your guy , then she is better than you and no self confident woman who is in love will allow that.

Girls who say they can't fight over boyfriend are categorised in the following categories.
1. The boyfriend is not her number one, so she is not really pissed if things go bad. Under this are those who have multiple boyfriends, those who like different things in different guys and those who have boyfriend for other reasons other than a relationship.

2. The boyfriend is not really a boyfriend, just a guy that is taking care of some few emotional needs at the moment, she can easily find another or elevate another one from friendzone department. Under these are those who find it hard to love, or easy not to love, those who like emotional attachment but can't give it back or elevate it from "I just like him" kinda feeling.

3. She is not self confident and has felt she will lose to the other woman even before the fight begins. Under this category are girls who exhume confidence but are actually not confident about themself, girls wHo fear competition and girls who are just not capable of feeling confident when another girl steps into their territory.

That said, let's go back to 4pm, earlier that day , David has told the boys of his plan, this included no one being in the room when either girls come knocking. well this plan got knocked down by our yet to be famous born again roomate(remember I told you about that guy)his name is festus, later called "fetus", cus we felt (or later knew)he really is still not born the first time talk less of again.

Festus said he is not going anywhere and no amount of begging will change his mind.
knowing fully well that festus is not capable of denying uzoma entrance into the room( he no get liver) aDe now warned David that if the girls enter and destroy his properties cus of one silly fighting, David will buy brand new ones. This put an end to any attempt by David to abscond by 4pm.

Because of my views that I should start limiting my interference in the whole issue , I decided also not to be around by 4pm, I promised myself that I will be in my room and hear the "stories that touch" later. so by 4pm, I was in my room , therefore I was not an eye witness until around 6 when I became one, why and when I became and eye witness will be revealed in the story below, the story below is revealed after different facts are gathered from the different participants.

uzoma came around 4pm and met David and festus in the room, she and David started talking as if they don't have issues on ground. around five pm it started rainning heavily, so David felt mercy will not be able to show up, he became more relaxed and started romancing uzoma, uzoma thought this is a chance to make such that David stays only with her and thus initially formed "hard to touch" while asking a series of questions. " do you love me?" " will you break my heart again?". You know girls love to ask those kind of questions when serious agro has hooked person. Well as usual for most guys, DavId kept giving the answers she wanted to hear, so they started kissing.

At this point, Festus, who was forming not interested, decided to leave the room, he met one of the roomates who is in another room and told him what was happening. The other roomate said he was going to watch film, festus asked how, he stupidly told him the secret, thinking as a potential pastor , he will keep it to himself.
The roomate came to me first so we can go together (this is where my eye witness story began), and I did not know when I agreed to that stupid voice in my head saying "go watch film, e go sweet die". Like goat we no dey hear word , me and the other roomate found ourself in the room, inside the lockers watching as uzoma and David where increasing the temperature in the room due to intense friction of their bodies.

For the first time, they started slowly, missionary style , looking onto each other eyes, uzoma was holding his face and staring at him while having her legs locked round his arse. David was slowly grinding away, not changing the slow tempo, not changing position, he was like a machine whining with precision.
After like 10 minutes, when I was about getting tired of watching one move that seems as if it was being rewinded every 4 seconds, uzoma said " let me come on top".

Thus they changed position, the view of uzomas arse, grinding faster and faster on David's erect phallus was wonderful, non stop action punctuated by repeated moaning from the actors. uzoma still kept her eyes locked on David(I think she wants to cement an impression of her face into David's memory about his second life). she was bent close to him , her boobs on his chest, are face inches away from him. her arse was the only moving part of her body(men that girl is flexible and can move her waist).
pka, pka, pka, she kept on going like a well oiled engine, alternating between high tempo and not so high tempo. This went on for some few minutes until David said "I'm coming".

No matter how many times you read the following events , just know that it happened under 30 to 40 seconds.
david: "I'm cooooming"
uzoma: " oooooooose!, I'm coming!, aaaaaarghsssh!"
david: "let me pull out,no comdom"
uzoma: "nooooo"
(they gripped each other tight, very tight, both moaning seriously, they where both climaxing at same time and it was wonderful to watch until I heard, or rather, uzoma and David, and i at the same time, heard a third loud moan!, from a third voice and from a different direction "uuuuuuuummmmmmmmhhh!, jeeeessh!"

uzoma: (springing up and grabbing the discarded bed sheet) "who is that?"
david: "what is that"
(we started hearing noise in the locker on the other side, the far end, as if someone was trying frantically to open a locker)
uzoma: "David there is someone their , their is someone in the room"
david: (standing up and going to the front of the locker, not knowing the person is inside the locker )" there is no one here".
uzoma: (uzoma,also coming to the locker side )" there is someone there, I heard someone inside the locker, open it"

Oh godd, they haf catch the other roomate , I thought, yawa Don gas.

David opened the locker and he and uzoma exclaimed at the same time " FESTUS!!!, what are you doing inside here"(ugh?, the roomates name is not festus na!)

Before festus could answer a knock came from the door, "David , pls open the door" it was mercy's voice!..........

Stay tuned for the other parts of these comedy of emotional errors....................

comments will be appreciated , it will ginger me to put what I'm doing down to continue writing this story.

you can also post your view on what you think about me, uzoma, mercy , aDe and new entrant FESTUS!

28 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 4:06pm On Oct 11, 2016
@ chigoizie7 IamLEGEND1 nerdfrost jeffery251 sathel marcusagrippa luminouz
hope my story is not dissapointing yet. @jolay554 sorry I did not fulfill my morning promise.
Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by Nobody: 4:34pm On Oct 11, 2016
@ chigoizie7

hope my story is not dissapointing yet.
sorry I did not fulfill my morning promise.

Uncle please do quick and continue before I recommend you for ban for keeping readers waiting.... Very interesting piece


Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 4:56pm On Oct 11, 2016

Uncle please do quick and continue before I recommend you for ban for keeping readers waiting.... Very interesting piece
will endeavor to post more soon.

1 Like

Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by luminouz(m): 6:54pm On Oct 11, 2016
@ chigoizie7

hope my story is not dissapointing yet.
sorry I did not fulfill my morning promise.

Interesting read but finish on time Na.....am growing white hairs waiting for u here!

1 Like

Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by antispexish(m): 9:15pm On Oct 11, 2016
Silence, total silence. I was afraid uzoma might start searching the other lockers and discover me in one of them, which would have been very bad.
How will a girl react if she discovers someone has been watching her pounding away on her boyfriends big kondo. Well festus did not stick around to discover the answer, taking advantage of the few seconds of confusion, he came out of the locker, having soiled his trousers with his sperm(as he had ejaculated like a first timer while watching them, this resulted in his loud moan which he was not able to control), and still having an erect penis, he went for the door to escape. Uzoma seeing this move and still in confusion ,realised she is not dressed for the war that is about to happen(as na only bed sheet dey her body and her rival is about to enter the room), so instead of stopping or attacking festus, decided to go for her clothes which where on the floor inside the room. David too who was totally naked went slowly to his boxers. I later discovered that David developed breathing or heart problems at that time due to the movement of his emotional state from complete total ecstacy to complete total apprehension and fear under 30 seconds.
Also his penis was pumping blood back to his heart and his heart could not understand if the body has employed another heart. In fact his penis was shrinking so hard it almost dissappeared into his body.

10 or 15 seconds later the tale continues.
mercy: "david"

david: (no responce)
mercy : (looking at uzoma)"mtssssssshhhw" (very hot hissing, accompanied with correct moju*batting of eye lid or eye lashes )
uzoma: (looking up from where she is wearing her jeans kept silent but gave mercy same measure of eyelid batting)

I dont know what they call such action by women in english, but the yoruba word is "moju" or " mo ju". they kept this batting of eye lids up for some seconds while looking at each other, if it had been mercy in the position uzoma is in, I bet she would have wanted to enter the ground, but uzoma is made up of stronger stuff and not as refined as mercy.
Mercy took the high ground as if what she just discovered was morally incomprehensible, "rubish" , "nonsence", "what will not happen under the sun", "imagine" , " oh God" , this and many more she kept repeating over and over again as uzoma got dressed.

After getting dressed Uzoma said : "David, let's go "
david: picks up his trowser(still very slow)
mercy: " where are you going, you better sit your arse back down, I'm seriously not in a good mood David, I want to settle all this this evening, I wunt continue with such nonsense!."

Mercy continued to rant, uzoma puts are hand on her hips at took the akinbo position while David continued to where his trowsers. This stance went on until David got dressed.

uzoma: (pulling David's hands and hissed)" oya let's go"

At this point I think, uzoma is still a little bit ashamed , I think all girls are(you could agree or disagree with me when you comment) when they discover that another girl knows that she just had sex less than 5 minutes ago .

mercy: (understanding uzoma moves and seeing she will lose ground if David leaves pulls David by the other hand)" I hope you are not mad David, ehn David, Im talking to you, answer me, you are not leaving this room until you answer me ".

david: "pls cool down"(don't know which girl he was referring to )

Uzoma now in her natural angry mode, came between David and mercy, mercy was still holding and pulling David's hand so their actions resulted in the two girls facing each other in rather close and akwared way, mercy has pulled David and her back is to the table which caused her to lean backward a little bit , uzoma getting in the middle but being pushed foward towards mercy by David body as he is still being pulled by mercy.

I think the fact that their boobs where hitting each other more and more due to the pulling made the girls become more aware of each other. mercy let go of David's hand thinking that will make uzoma shift backwards, uzoma though shifting backwards an inch and taking the akinBo stance now said :

uzoma:" I've been careful not to use you as a scape goat, to teach folish girls what happens when you try to get between a relationship, there are many boys in this school, why is it my own you are after"

mercy: (clapping her hands as if she just heard something funny and laughing as if what uzoma said is hilarious )" if you have a problem with you life , go elsewhere and solve it, I don't care if you knew David before, but I will not allow you come and be prostituting yourself in front of him, go and get a life, find a new boyfriend among your class and stop fucking everywhere like a bitch on heat."

Uzoma knew she could not stand mercy in the use of words, but she could gain upper hand in the use of action so she said.

uzoma: (pointing her finger at mercy)"mercy, mercy,mercy, how many times I call you, if you no like to see your fore-fathers this night, make your nother cry for you, don't provoke me, if you no want make sango strike you here, if you no fear for your level, make I pusue you for this school , no make me vex this moment.

mercysaddon't know where the ginger and courage came from)" my life is not in your hands, you can't do nothing!, just carry your smelly body and go away, (clapping her hands)you are smelling! gooooo!

uzoma : "me and you just sign am , if them born you well , stop me as I'm going, try and hold him(referring to david)again if truly your name is mercy"

She turned from mercy, held david and pushed him towards the door, mercy dashed and block David's movement. This movement made it impossible for me to see what happened next (though I later knew what happened and will tell you ), but what I heard next was a very loud whack!, a very loud scream, and the sound of a human head hitting the wall

whose head do you think hit the wall, what do you think happened after? you can drop your view when you comment !
Stay tuned .............

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by macville2: 11:01pm On Oct 11, 2016
I think it is mercy's head that was bashed on the wall grin
Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by Nobody: 11:09pm On Oct 11, 2016
Ghen Ghen...... I hope it's not David's head they broke..... Omolomo

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Re: Who Blinks First, A Tale Of How 3 Girls Fought Over One Guy by Nobody: 7:32pm On Oct 13, 2016

will endeavor to post more soon.

Antispexish u r keeping your readers waiting.... Han han abi na d jazz wey the baba talk say go make u blow.... LOL....no worry u go blow

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