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Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most - Career - Nairaland

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Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by djyoungmoney(m): 9:20pm On Oct 02, 2016
These set of people know almost everything about your financial status ranging from your account balance(s) to your investments and the rest.No matter how you keep your financial status a secret these set of people will always have the real facts at hand.

Am sure we all have heard of cases of people who keep the identity of the real fathers of their children from the world , Well no matter how hard you try to keep it a secret, the doctors will always know the real father of that child . Lot of people are out there living with very dangerous diseases but this issues are only known to the doctors who have tested them and confirmed the presence of such diseases.

House maids
As low as their level might be in the society, they know a lot of secret of their bosses because they live under the same roof as their bosses and there is hardly nothing that goes on within the house hold that is hidden to them, that is why you hear of people using the maids to perpetrate evil these days.

These ones feed on secrets for a living. Through their various means, they always have various secrets at their disposals from time to time. Take for example the case of the paparazzi that’s follow celebrities about abroad, at one time or the other, they have a certain secret of a certain celebrity they want to publish taking the case of tiger woods as an example.

Am sure we have all heard about the Russian hackers who have threatened celebrities about publishing their nudes and at certain times threaten to expose athletes involved in doping and even going to the extent of threatening to expose the secrets of the United States Government.

We are advised to always seek the help of a counselor at one point or the other whenever there is a problem. In the process of pouring out our minds, secrets are revealed.

Religious clerics
There are churches where people go for confessions from time to time and these confessions are made directly to the priests who in turn will ask God for forgiveness on your behalf. Religious clerics are also seen to be closer to God than any other person and as a result of people will prefer to talk about their problems with their spirituals leaders who they think can help them in prayers or seek further spiritual assistance.


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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by thesicilian: 9:36pm On Oct 02, 2016
Lawyers are right up there with the doctors. My top 3 would be
1. Doctors
2. Lawyers
3. Pastors/Men of God

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by veekid(m): 9:47pm On Oct 02, 2016
I concur

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by koxi(m): 6:13am On Oct 03, 2016
Pastors and reverend fathers....lest I forget, hoteliers. Their own worst pass


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by osumak2: 6:14am On Oct 03, 2016
Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Alexis11: 6:14am On Oct 03, 2016
I wanted to say Doctor/Pastor But....

We now have many loud mouthed tout doctors that discuss patients hidden secrets with friends at the bar cool

Pastors discuss church members' secrets with their wives and children cool

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by iHart(m): 6:14am On Oct 03, 2016
What about "Native doctors" cheesy


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by majamajic(m): 6:14am On Oct 03, 2016
Herbalists too angry


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Donpuffy(m): 6:15am On Oct 03, 2016
Doctors and Nurses

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by supereagle(m): 6:15am On Oct 03, 2016
Lawyers are right up there with the doctors. My top 3 would be
1. Doctors
2. Lawyers
3. Pastors/Men of God

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Nobody: 6:16am On Oct 03, 2016
These set of people know almost everything about your financial status ranging from your account balance(s) to your investments and the rest.No matter how you keep your financial status a secret these set of people will always have the real facts at hand.

Am sure we all have heard of cases of people who keep the identity of the real fathers of their children from the world , Well no matter how hard you try to keep it a secret, the doctors will always know the real father of that child . Lot of people are out there living with very dangerous diseases but this issues are only known to the doctors who have tested them and confirmed the presence of such diseases.

House maids
As low as their level might be in the society, they know a lot of secret of their bosses because they live under the same roof as their bosses and there is hardly nothing that goes on within the house hold that is hidden to them, that is why you hear of people using the maids to perpetrate evil these days.

These ones feed on secrets for a living. Through their various means, they always have various secrets at their disposals from time to time. Take for example the case of the paparazzi that’s follow celebrities about abroad, at one time or the other, they have a certain secret of a certain celebrity they want to publish taking the case of tiger woods as an example.

Am sure we have all heard about the Russian hackers who have threatened celebrities about publishing their nudes and at certain times threaten to expose athletes involved in doping and even going to the extent of threatening to expose the secrets of the United States Government.

We are advised to always seek the help of a counselor at one point or the other whenever there is a problem. In the process of pouring out our minds, secrets are revealed.

Religious clerics
There are churches where people go for confessions from time to time and these confessions are made directly to the priests who in turn will ask God for forgiveness on your behalf. Religious clerics are also seen to be closer to God than any other person and as a result of people will prefer to talk about their problems with their spirituals leaders who they think can help them in prayers or seek further spiritual assistance.


Politicians in Africa

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by ifexezim(m): 6:16am On Oct 03, 2016
Public speakers
Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Badge1: 6:16am On Oct 03, 2016
hacking na profession? hacking na profession?

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by seXytOhbAd(m): 6:16am On Oct 03, 2016
Good topic. Doctors hear the craziest things ever. I've got friends telling me about how the reason for some having HIGH BP can range from secret children to looted government funds to their wayward children. The. Doctor patient confidentiality is why people will always respect doctors. That small doctor corper in your office knows and keeps your boss' secret. That's why they get treated with respect. And sadly, they cannot judge you for it. Click like for our naija docs.

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Nellybank(m): 6:17am On Oct 03, 2016
How about native doctors? Just asking o

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by ABIOLAXYZ(m): 6:17am On Oct 03, 2016
u no put
Nigeria Police
Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by pitchez: 6:17am On Oct 03, 2016
I'll go with Doctors as first on the list.

Dem eyes dey see plenty tinz wey dem mouth no fit talk... grin

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by AreaFada2: 6:17am On Oct 03, 2016
Lawyers are right up there with the doctors. My top 3 would be
1. Doctors
2. Lawyers
3. Pastors/Men of God

Since antiquity. That is why they are called the three great professions.

Well, before it became fashionable for every Dickus & Harry to get a shed and begin church. grin cheesy


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by moscobabs(m): 6:18am On Oct 03, 2016
proud to be an accountant

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Osyxcel(m): 6:18am On Oct 03, 2016
1. Domestic Workers - Drivers, Housemaids, gatemen e.t.c
2. Doctor
3. Lawyer
4. Accountant
5. Clerics

Na those domestic workers I fear pass. They know a lot, that's why it's important to treat them well.


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Osmondinho(m): 6:19am On Oct 03, 2016
my own list

1) House helps

2) Lawyers

3) Journalists

If you want your secrets always safe, never, I repeat never you have a live-in Helps or you will soon hear all your secrets at the saloon especially if you re that wicked madam


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by craigj: 6:20am On Oct 03, 2016
You forget put 'Secret Service'... Awon SSS... Your paddy fit be SSS make you know no sef..

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Kebabs(m): 6:21am On Oct 03, 2016
Gynaecologists nkor? Our women's deepest secrets de their palms.

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Ovialekhe(f): 6:30am On Oct 03, 2016
Hair dressers,hmmmm they have everybody's secret at hand.if u patronize a neighborhood salon,u will know what I'm talking about.


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by ChappyChase: 6:32am On Oct 03, 2016
Drivers dey help thier oga hide srcreats like die!

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by maduinfo: 6:35am On Oct 03, 2016
Engineers, from your first day in that firm you are made to sign never to expose the firms trade, even after you have left the firm for 2year and giving or sending of company designs to your own unofficial email can bag you sack letter.


Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by decode55(m): 6:38am On Oct 03, 2016
Doctors, Lawyers and Priests.

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by hurricaneChris: 6:38am On Oct 03, 2016
Rev Fathers!!!

Imagine when someone approaches a rev fatger and says "father forgive for I have sinned, I am responsible for ur brother's death"
" I masterminded the kidnapp of CBN gov's wife"

Geeeez! And the rev father keeps the secrete even from police. Dayum!

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by OlujobaSamuel: 6:40am On Oct 03, 2016
i will say bankers and accountants, they are the only one with evidence to destroy or make a nation, the others are just in relation to individuals.
that's why till date, we are still yet unable to recover abacha loots and so many others in different banks, because even death cant terminate the duty of secrecy, it can only terminate your mandate with the bank.
high compliance to the duty of secrecy in swiss is the major reason why people keep loots with them.

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Re: Professions That Harbor Secrets The Most by Aristo3146(m): 6:50am On Oct 03, 2016
Op Are you forgetting our ogas from National Assembly? #budgetpadding

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