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Read And Understand Why Your Guy Exhibits Some Behaviours. - Romance - Nairaland

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Read And Understand Why Your Guy Exhibits Some Behaviours. by superdanny10: 7:16pm On Oct 03, 2016

1. You called your boyfriend on phone and told him you want to visit him, instead of telling you to come over, he told you his parents are still around and you should wait until when they go out...HIS FAMILY DOESN'T LIKE YOU.

2. You visited your boyfriend, after playing all the seek and hide game with you, he decides to see you off through the backyard door; claiming his neighbours gossips a lot...IT'S EITHER HE HAS ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND IN THAT SAME COMPOUND OR HE'S NOT PROUD OF YOU.

3. He doesn't like visiting you during the day but prefers visiting you during the night, claiming he returns from work very late...IT's EITHER HE HAS ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND IN YOUR STREET OR HE THINKS YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM SO HE DOESN'T WANT PEOPLE TO SEE YOU BOTH

4. He never allows you to make use of
his phone for any reason...HE IS CHEATING ON YOU.

5. He doesn't hesitate to beat the hell out of you whenever you mistakenly get him provoked...HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU.

6. He finds it difficult to call you on phone, even when you do call him, he still finds it difficult to pick and doesn't call back...IT'S EITHER HE HAS GRUDGES AGAINST YOU OR HE'S TIRED

7. Whenever he's angry , he calls you names or uses abusive words on you...HE HAS NO RESPECT FOR YOU.

8. Whenever you both are alone, he doesn't fail to demand for sex...HE'S JUST USING YOU.

9. You have caught him severally staring lustfully at other women...HE IS A WOMANIZER.

10. He gets so upset at every little mistake you make...HE IS REALLY GETTING FED UP OF THAT RELATIONSHIP.

11. You have been in a relationship with him for more than four years, yet he has not mentioned marriage to you...HE IS CONFUSED.

If that relationship is not giving you
what you want, then I think it's time to
quit. Refuse to be tie down by any man all in the name of relationship; for time waits for no
I am sure there are hundreds of men out there who will want to be with you but they wouldn't be able to come when the door is closed, so open up your heart. Do not say ''I have being dating him for years, for that reason I can't leave him'' perhaps that is why he is always treating you bad because he knows you can't stay without him.
Remember; it is not 'how far' rather
'how well'
Re: Read And Understand Why Your Guy Exhibits Some Behaviours. by freeman95(m): 7:18pm On Oct 03, 2016
hahaha master of relationships

una welldone o


dey create scenario for your make u dey judge people...

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