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World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Nairadean(m): 3:58am On Oct 05, 2016
Oct 5: Teachers can't earn high remuneration, a repugnant dogma

The father of the evergreen human right activist and a musical icon, late Fela Anikulapo Kuti, led a united front for practioners of the teaching profession across Nigeria to establish a sublime economic condition and improved welfarism of teachers which have now been reduced to an abysmal state. The dastardly act of cutting teachers' remunerations and maltreating (taking their welfarism with levity) them, there by resulting into a great depression amidst the practioners, were the dominant catalysts that erupted the emergence of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) whose maiden national president was Rev. Oladotun Ransome Kuti (late), formerly the president of the Association of Headmasters of Ijebu Schools (AHIS).

These condemnable acts against the profession had been receiving absolute repugnance from the Union (NUT) since 1931 when it was established, but unfortunately It further graduated to become a norm and belief adopted by both the government and private entities to manage the well-being of teachers in our society. This had apparently discredited both their personalities and the profession itself in all ramifications.

Teachers, who raised and mentored the likes of Senators, Honourables, Governors, Chairmen, Special Advisers, President to mention but a few in government and likewise the proprietors, proprietresses and founders of private educational institutions who are beneficiaries of these mentors, are now being reduced to beggars (hustling for loans) to survive and yet we still crave for peak performance from them in the disgusting states the beneficiaries (now in power) stuck them.

Anyone who had witnessed the gathering of teachers (NUT meetings and others), either in their respective State secretariats or the National Secretariat, wouldn't disapprove of the fact that the physical and mental appearance of personalities in the teaching profession in both secondary and primary schools are abysmal, ridiculous and discouraging, pardon the illustration.

The teaching profession in Nigeria has been infected to an extent that an average youth or the "upcoming" youth (pupils and students) had suddenly become allergic to teaching over decades ( in Secondary, pre-primary and primary educational institutions) and instead they aspire to be governors, politicians, CEOs, MDs and others at the expense of teaching.

Private school teachers bear the brunt more as they are paid peanuts. Some earn N30,000, while some others are belittled to an amount of N10,000 or N15,000 monthly in a college, as reported by Vanguard online news portal in 2015. Such are ridiculous remunerations not capable of sufficing a bachelor-teacher or spinster-teacher let alone Married or Married-with-kids teachers.

As Vanguard news further unveiled, the American National Education Association disclosed that, depending on the state, high school teachers in US get as much as $48,631 while the best-paid 10 percent in the field made approximately $86,720, while the bottom 10 percent made $37,230.

It is regrettably sardonic that teachers are not even paid as and when due by private and mostly the government at the state level. Teachers are not trained continuously, they get one of the worst welfare package and are apparently being owed those packages. These acts and belief need to be eradicated to improve our educational system.

On the 5th of October, 2016, Nigeria with over 100 countries will be celebrating the World Teachers' Day in which many of the practioners of the profession usually felicitate with "an empty stomach" as it had been for years. The excuse of the present economic downturn cannot be considered as genuine because the menace had been in occurrence before this oil "doom" period.

Teachers' employers must rethink and retrace their path to cater for an improved and sustained welfarism of the practioners of the profession in order to rebuild the foundation (pre-primary, primary and secondary learning) of education as the end product will vehemently contribute to uplift Nigeria's economy from the mud of recession and further reposition the Nation to the of top of others across the globe.

Further more, Improving teacher's welfarism should not be limited to western education only, it should also be extended to religious teachers and preachers as they are considered as most valuable Being, in both the Quran and Bible after our parents.

God Bless our Teachers,
Gob Bless our Leaders,
God Bless Nigeria.


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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Welrez(m): 4:48am On Oct 05, 2016
Teaching in Nigeria is now a last resort to many. Sans passion, sans knowledge!


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Mumben(f): 5:24am On Oct 05, 2016
teaching is a noble proffession. God bless all d teachers out there


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Kirinwa: 6:01am On Oct 05, 2016
teaching is a noble proffession. God bless all d teachers out there

Op is talking of the issues bedevilling the teaching profession and all you can contribute is ; "Teaching is a noble proefession..."

Who you epp?


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by saintkel(m): 6:12am On Oct 05, 2016
For me teachers should earn more than our doctors n lawyers, y? Who trains both?,u know d answer


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by samsono30: 6:56am On Oct 05, 2016
I celebrate all teachers in Nigeria, happy teachers days.

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by lonelydora: 6:58am On Oct 05, 2016
Their reward is in heaven.


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by JEWELCOSMETICS: 6:59am On Oct 05, 2016
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by anochuko01(m): 7:00am On Oct 05, 2016
Yet....as teachers, we're expected to go to school today.


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by rosalieene(f): 7:00am On Oct 05, 2016
All this long story. The most important thing is that I am chilling at home. No work today...
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Dyt(f): 7:01am On Oct 05, 2016
Happy Teacher's Day Zaynie

And happy teachers day to all the teachers out there including myself
A mini and aspiring teacher too is a teacher

God bless us all


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by fhranchez(m): 7:02am On Oct 05, 2016
i remember mr cane my teacher.........dat man na bad man....wahlahii our Nigerian teachers na wash ........noble profession indeed!

u can't address your Nigerian teacher by name i.e miss bisola or mrs bisola but aunty bisola uncle kunle ........dey flog our students like animals...why wont the standard of education fall angry angry

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Chartey(m): 7:05am On Oct 05, 2016
For me teachers should earn more than our doctors n lawyers, y? Who trains both?,u know d answer

Doctors are taught by doctors
Engineers by engineers
Lawyers by lawyers
Nurses by nurses
Mechanics by mechanics
Electricians by electricians.

Professionals are taught by senior professionals in their fields.

So who are professional teachers?

1.) Those who provide pupils with basic knowledge needed for subsequent training in whichever field they may eventually choose.

2.) Those who train those in 1.) above i.e lecturers in faculties of education and college of education tutors.

For the second category, they can also be considered as senior professionals training junior colleagues and their salaries reflect that.

For group 1, it's a bit different because
i.) Not much specialized training is needed to be an EFFECTIVE (not perfect) teacher at the basic and even sometimes senior secondary level. All that is needed is sound knowledge of the subject and that's why a mathematics graduate can teach secondary school math very well.

ii.) There are many willing hands available. Supply simply outstrips demand and that's why a university graduate will take a N12,000 salary teaching job and do it well.

These explain why teachers may not even never earn more than the other professionals you listed.
To my mother, my aunts and all the teachers who've poured their productive years into the profession despite meagre remuneration, I wish you all a HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY.

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Timblaze(m): 7:09am On Oct 05, 2016
Happy teacher's day to all teachers out there. God bless!!

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by neocortex: 7:13am On Oct 05, 2016
For me teachers should earn more than our doctors n lawyers, y? Who trains both?,u know d answer

It can' work that way, specialists deserve more pay because of the long years
and practise they put into their training.
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by goldenceo1: 7:15am On Oct 05, 2016
Teachers Rewards are in Heaven...
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Flexherbal(m): 7:15am On Oct 05, 2016
Happy teachers' day to all teachers!

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by seguno2: 7:16am On Oct 05, 2016
The depreciation of teaching and teachers is because we don't value education. We value politicians who steal our money despite that we already allow them to pay themselves multiple millions for doing nothing.


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by goldenceo1: 7:17am On Oct 05, 2016
For me teachers should earn more than our doctors n lawyers, y? Who trains both?,u know d answer

Joke of the century..

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Sijo01(f): 7:18am On Oct 05, 2016
Happy Teachers day to all our tutors. Ye'all shall inherite the fruit of the land for your dedications and selfless service to humanity.

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by seguno2: 7:19am On Oct 05, 2016
Teaching in Nigeria is now a last resort to many. Sans passion, sans knowledge!

We prefer to be educated illiterates that cannot create value hence we have a president who did not even write O level exams.

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Barselonia(m): 7:19am On Oct 05, 2016


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by TheBlessedMAN: 7:20am On Oct 05, 2016
May God bless and endowed the English Teacher of Patience Jonathan with more brains in Jesus name....... Say amen sharp sharp, if u dnt want d same teacher for ur child.......
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by saintkel(m): 7:24am On Oct 05, 2016

Joke of the century..
take a close look at d word teacher, u will realize how truly my point looks like. Stop limiting it to primary schools or so!
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Shaev7(m): 7:26am On Oct 05, 2016
Happy Teachers' day. God bless the teachers for their extra time through their proffession to impart the knowledge that we needed in the academic field to come this far in this great academic stride. May God bless the entire teachers in Nigeria and world. Also to my felow Corp members who teaches, I say happy teachers' day to you all...lol including me...lools


Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by dfrost: 7:28am On Oct 05, 2016
I miss my Maths teacher cry. To all the teachers doing it for passion, have a blast. wink

Back to the matter at hand, government should be at the forefront of making sure that teachers are well-paid.

If they don't, then the private sector will treat them like trash. It's an eye-popping situation to hear what teachers earn. How they survive every month is what I can't comprehend.

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by passionate88: 7:28am On Oct 05, 2016
I miss my primary 6 teacher
Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by zaynie(f): 7:29am On Oct 05, 2016
Happy Teacher's Day Zaynie

And happy teachers day to all the teachers out there including myself
A mini and aspiring teacher too is a teacher

God bless us all

Happy Teacher's Day to Me and all the true teachers out there including you too Dyt! kiss

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by ajbabs(m): 7:30am On Oct 05, 2016

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Re: World Teachers' Day: Why The Worth Of The Teaching Profession Depreciates by Gentlebabs(m): 7:31am On Oct 05, 2016
Their reward is in heaven.
Not anymore...

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