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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Food / Have You Ever Kicked A Customer Out Of A Restaurant? (645 Views)
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Have You Ever Kicked A Customer Out Of A Restaurant? by BizLifeE: 9:53pm On Oct 12, 2016 |
In other words, what do you need to get kicked out of a restaurant? Often. Main reasons include being disruptive to other diners or the staff. This has to be intentional, active, and unrelenting. I won't ever kick someone for a crying baby (though, as a parent, I'll never understand why they can't take their kid outside and calm it, then come back, it's what I do) but I have kicked a family for their kid playing Angry Birds loudly on its tablet and not stopping even after the appetizers arrived. Another reason is being belligerent towards my staff. My front of the house is my family, they're my coworkers, employees, friends, and depend on me to make their job of making your day as amazing as possible. If someone insults, touches (the unwanted kind), or berates my staff they're out. I don't ask twice in many cases, and not even once in some. A while ago some drunken Bankers touched my waitress' butt, she shrugged it off but I saw it. That's the end of their welcome at my place. My staff should feel safe and supported at all times and this kind of shit doesn't stand. Being there to be a nuisance is another one. As a steak house we have our share of people who come in just to show us off or make a statement. No, we don't have vegan food, and yes we mind if you make puking noises when meat is carried past. And while we cater to and support guests with real allergies and dietary restrictions, we won't stop serving bread on your table or pork and dairy from the same kitchen just because your gods (Atkins, or whatever Abrahamic version hates pork or shellfish) hate them. Oh, and don't try to come back if you've been 86d from my place or someone else's. We have long memories and we talk among ourselves. Grope a waitress at a different place and you can bet your butt someone in my restaurant will recognize you. Some time back a man who'd done something like this came to my place with his wife and kids. We asked him politely to leave, he didn't want to, waved the "I am a lawyer" threat, and that he has 14,000 followers on some review site and would destroy us. My Sous chef at the time, a quirky, short, and not very patient woman, responded with "oh, don't you remember? You groped my servers' behind at <other place> when you were there, drinking that $900 bottle of champagne with the blonde girl you practically had sex with on your way in." Usually we're the most discreet bunch on the planet, but harass my staff and you'll be kicked out and get a free divorce in the process. Source: Neteller here: |
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