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Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed - Software/Programmer Market - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / Software/Programmer Market / Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed (15900 Views)

Result Processing And Checking Portal For Both Nursery, Primary, Secondary sch. / Do You Need An Online Secondary School Result Checker System / Competent Programmer Needed ASAP (2) (3) (4)

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Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by adecr7: 6:03pm On Oct 29, 2016
I am building a website for a secondary school and they need it to have a result checking portal. If you can handle it, call or whatapp 08087164862. Thanks

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Re: Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by talk2hb1(m): 6:18pm On Oct 29, 2016
I am building a website for a secondary school and they need it to have a result checking portal. If you can handle it, call or whatapp 08087164862. Thanks
I have a ready made code that handles that.

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Re: Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by Kofacts(m): 8:35pm On Oct 30, 2016
i can handle that

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Re: Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by SDOSMS: 10:20pm On Oct 30, 2016
SDOSMS is the right answer to your quest, SDOSMS can handle course registration, excel bulk result uploads, automatic students/class result computation, easy transcript, E-Library and many other features.

For SDOSMS live demo and features please visit www.sdosms.com or https://www.nairaland.com/1997001/sdosms-complete-cheap-best-school

SDOSMS is 100% designed and developed by Nigerian. Many schools in Nigeria are adopting SDOSMS right now.


+234 80 3071 6751
+234 80 2785 5843

NB: SDOSMS new version will coming out soon.

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Re: Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by loper1: 9:16pm On Nov 19, 2016
Re: Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by ofemco: 11:47pm On Jan 17, 2019
[b]What is it?
Megafemco Online Schools Result Checking Solution is a multipurpose school result management system used by thousands of schools both Nursery & Primary Schools and Secondary Schools in Nigeria and Ghana for all easy administration and management of Examination Result.

Who is it for?
Megafemco Online Schools Result Checking Solution is for all kinds like schools both Nursery & Primary Schools and Secondary Schools. Use it to manage students’ Examination Result.

Why use it?
Megafemco Online Schools Result Checking Solution is very easy to learn and use for anyone with basic computer knowledge. It is completely easy. There is nothing to install. You can access it just like your email; it is highly flexible and secure.

Tell me more about it.
It is one of the new innovations in the Educational Sector. The purpose of the solution is to create a database for all the students’ results of a school and enable the students the access to their result through scratch cards. With this innovation, schools with not need to print report sheets or report cards and teachers will not need to fill and calculate scores, grades, etc. All what the teacher have to do is provide only the test and examination scores, the admin just enter the scores to a Microsoft Excel Sheet, upload the sheet online and that is all. No need of any training.

How can my School use it?
Your School can make use of this solution in many ways depending on the need and financial capability of your school, but I can assure you that it is what all schools can implement no matter the size and financial capability.
1. Without a website and without a customized scratch card: Under this arrangement, the school after uploading asks the students to check their result through our main portal (www.resultdirect.org), using the main scratch card to check their results.
2. With school website and without a customized scratch card: Under this arrangement, the school after uploading asks the students to check their result through the school website, using the main scratch card to check their results. Schools that already have website can ask their web developer to upgrade to this solution; we will work with your developer to get it done.
3. With school website and a customized scratch card: Under this arrangement, the school after uploading asks the students to check their result through the school website, using the school’s customized scratch card to check their results. Schools that already have website can ask their web developer to upgrade to this solution; we will work with your developer to get it done.

How can I sign up my School
Your school can sign up by requesting for the current plans and prices from our sales representatives, you can also call us to confirm plans and prices. Collect the Application Form, fill the form and make payment to the company’s account number please don’t give money to any agent or sales representative. After payment, call the sales representative and submit the form with the bank teller or cheque to the sales representative or send it to ofemco@gmail.com. You will receive your login account details within the next 48 hours and we will contact you to set-up your website or customized scratch card if need be and send you all the materials you need to get started.

How to login into your school portal?
After you have gotten your user name and password. Please visit the website www.resultdirect.org/admin Type in username and password and click login.

How to upload into your school logo?
After you have logon, click upload logo. Click on the upload button and select your logo.

How to upload Your Student Scores?
From the template provided in the excel sheet, input the students details, test score and exam score and save it on your computer.

After that click on upload score on your account. Select the Session, the term and the saved template. You can use the same template for the whole school or fill different templates for each class and upload differently.

How will my Students check their Result?
Your students can check their result by visiting www.resultdirect.org or your school website that is upgrade with our server. Your students type in their student number that you assigned to them and select the term and session, input their PIN number from the special scratch card or your school customized scratch card and click view result.

What does the special scratch card looks like?
The scratch card is specially design as below

What does the customized scratch card looks like?
Whatever you school want, it will carries the school name and school logo, Etc.

For how long will this solution last?
For as long as there is internet connection.

What does the students’ Report Sheet looks like?
The students’ report sheet contains the school name, school address, school logo, Etc. See below

Re: Secondary School Result Checking Portal - Programmer Needed by ofemco: 7:43pm On Jan 18, 2019
Are you a school owner? If yes, you can improve your school and also make extra money by having your students check their terminal examinations like first term, second term, third term, entrance exam, common entrance exam, etc online and you sell scratch cards for them to check the result. If no, you can introduce this solution to schools around you and make 30% commission on the sales of this solution.
Thanks Attached is the information needed

Check a sample by visiting www.resultdirect.org

Session: 2018/2019
Term: First term
Reg. No. : NCS1234561
Pin: any of the below pins

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