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Aja 2 (story Of The Dogs) #nlwriters - Literature - Nairaland

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The Ones Called Dogs (the Full Story) / An Excerpt Of The Ones Called Dogs / The Club a story - #nlwriters (2) (3) (4)

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Aja 2 (story Of The Dogs) #nlwriters by illicit(m): 10:37pm On Oct 29, 2016
Last night I was at a wake keep and the reverend was talking about different characters and disobedience, he used a dog for illustration, he said some people could be likened to dogs who would eat anything even their own very waste, really? Ok. He said he once visited his friend that purportedly had a bitch, this dog went to a feast and ate its fill. What was strange about this sermon was that he portrayed the dog as a ruminant animal, whereas dogs don't regurgitate because they don't have abomasum, omasum and what have you, gods help us, but dogs are hearty eaters, that one. The man of God said this dog ate everything served at the feast and drank more than everybody then it headed home where its puppies were waiting and starving, when it arrived it prostrated before the puppies as it inserts its hand into its throat and somehow managed to manipulate its esophagus so as to vomit. It did vomit and the puppies pounced on the vomit, then the bitch joined in too, the moral of the story he said is that some people are like that, they eat anything and even encourage others to indulge in their avarice and gluttony, I meant to ask this man how it was possible anatomically for a dog to have a hand, and how such a hand could reach inside its throat, ofcourse I couldn't ask such a question but I decided that the man would have made a better fiction writer than a cleric. I bet he doesn't even has a friend that has a puppy talk much of a bitch. Talking about dogs, there was this hunter that went hunting but could kill nothing after so many days, he had penetrated the jungle deeply, you know when you get too far into the jungle you will never encounter running water but if you were lucky you might find a pond, still waters run deep you know and usually stinks, this one especially has algae or is it fungi growing on the surface, the hunter and his dog were very thirsty... to cut the long story short a crocodile seized his dog as it was lapping water, the hunter was petrified and fled, when he summoned courage and came running back, the croc had went underwater with the dogs half, the side with the head, its ass was left at the bank for the hunter maybe. Since he couldn't kill any quarry and was famished he just made fire right there and roasted the other half and ate, when he ate he went home crying that his dog was missing.
Don't mind me and my doggish story ok, it might be about cats the next time, anyways its gonna rain cats and dogs agin, dont mind me next time i will let the cats out of the bag.

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Re: Aja 2 (story Of The Dogs) #nlwriters by illicit(m): 5:44pm On Oct 30, 2016
dont anybody like this story? my bad. you can leave a comment please
Re: Aja 2 (story Of The Dogs) #nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 9:05am On Oct 31, 2016
carry on..following


Re: Aja 2 (story Of The Dogs) #nlwriters by illicit(m): 6:09am On Aug 15, 2017
hmmmm reminiscing....

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