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Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / Pls I Need Help With This Assignment (1989 Views)
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Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by deevuu(m): 8:31pm On Oct 29, 2009 |
can anybody help me with this simple programming assignment, i will really appreciate it, thanks
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by sweetpawn2: 11:19pm On Oct 29, 2009 |
Dang!!! You used PDF!!! Wished you typed it in your post so that mobile users like me can help too. Well, guess I will have to wait till tomorrow when I get to the cafe! |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by Ghenghis(m): 7:14am On Oct 30, 2009 |
You don't think there's anything wrong with this ? You must read and understand NCC Education’s policy on ‘Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism’. You must complete the ‘Statement and Confirmation of Own Work’ form and attach the completed form to your assignment. Its better to ask direct questions rather than uploading your entire assignment on a public forum, you'd be surprised by who reads these forums , you're playing with Plagiarism also since you don't know the sources from which you're seeking help. Just friendly advice , Cheers |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by BigStar1(m): 9:47am On Oct 30, 2009 |
I've checked on it. It seems to be a well defined problem which i always love to work on. But there was no choice of programming language to use. You can call me on 08060678106, 08052451877., |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by yawatide(f): 10:56am On Oct 30, 2009 |
I once asked someone who tried to do something similar with me this questions: 1) On graduation day when you go up to get your diploma, how will you feel knowing that you don't deserve your degree? 2) When you get a perfect score because of the help you will receive and your employers use that perfect score to judge you by offering you the best pay and giving you the hardest assignments at work of all, how will you perform? Will you always ask for help? These 2 questions, made my friend see the light and today, he is the happier for it. Beware: Nothing is hidden under the sun. Your coding "sins" will surely find you out. Trust me, tis best to do what you can and get 50%, get an understanding for what it is about and a lower CGPA than to have someone help you on it, you get 100% and you have no idea what was done. Of course, you can have someone help explain the English part and maybe even go further by walking you through the initial steps like a parent would help a baby with their first steps. After that, you should be on your own. I say this cos the way your request is worded, it's like you want help from A to Z. I guess you need to be more specific. A word is enough for the wise. 1 Like |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by deevuu(m): 1:07pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
thanks for all d reply @ghengis, trust me i know all about the plagirism part and its not as if dis is plagirism, im asking for help on someting i dont know, dont see any problem with dt, and @ Yawatide, lol, i appreciate your concern, but programming is just part of the courses im taking, i dont intend to become a programmer, i just need a little help cuz i dont know shit abt the assignment, sincerely, cuz our lecture himself dosent even know much abt it, he teaches with slides, and NCC dosent know dt all they want is a submitted assignment, so i'll be glad if u could walk me thru it, thank you, @Bigstar, thanks , i'll sure give u a call, and sweet pawn, pls chk it out and see if u can help, N.B; I dont see asking for assistance on an assignment i know little about as cheating or plagiarism, i could as well go to any IT institute and look for someone who i can pay to do it, Thanks anyway for the response, |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by Isuata: 1:08pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
ithink if you guys are gonna help him, just guide him thru, i min walk him thru the process not helping him do it from A-Z, dat will be crazy |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by sweetpawn2: 3:08pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
Opps! Tough Luck For Me! Now the link to your pdf file is unavailable Yes, to all who are bothered, we are just going to assist him. So don't sweat it. |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by yawatide(f): 3:28pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
Wow! if the lecturer himself doesn't know what he is doing, what is he doing teaching? Who came up with the assignment? Did he google it? Either way, what a shame. We are paying thousands of naira to get taught something yet the very people being hired don't know a thing. |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by dammytosh: 3:41pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
yawa-ti-de: @yawa, don't be surprised the lecturer might not know it at all. that is what we face studying in Nigeria, especially guys who must study programming at any point in school. |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by Ghenghis(m): 4:52pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
Big Star: I also went through the questions its a design assignment not programming, since you're supposed to use pseudocode. You'll be better served if you start looking at the questions yourself. Most programmers skip UML and all the other goodies your assignment is testing. I'm sure you'd receive lots of help if you get stuck, try first though ![]() |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by yawatide(f): 5:17pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
I'm sure you'd receive lots of help if you get stuck, try first though My point exactly, regardless of whether or not it is your primary course of study. |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by deevuu(m): 7:01pm On Oct 30, 2009 |
@ yawa, he didnt google it, its from NCC in UK, and really the guy taking us his also taking us A+{fundamental of hardware and operatin sysytems} and he is good in that one, but the programmin aspect, i gues he just has an idea of it, sohe teaches with slides and that so fuckd up, dis assignment carries 50% of our total score, so i cant afford not to do it, and really, im looking at the question now and its like french, but i'll go through it again thru the nite and see wat i come up with, thanks y'all, i know i can count on nairalanders, @swetpawn, its still there, sorry u mite av missed it, @ dammy, i dont even want to tell u ow much im paying fot this programme, and the amount for the exams is something else, thanks y'all, CHEERS |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by taiwosoji(m): 3:35pm On Nov 09, 2009 |
Hello brother my name is soji taiwo. i am interested in c++ program i lay my hands on this litle code but it just wont run i just hope you will help me debug it. if you dont mind i will love if you can give me your emaill address so we can communicate in future., // a program to add a series product of a number // #include "stdio.h" int main() { int a, n, sum; a = 2 while (a <= 2222) { for (a=2; a<=n; n=a*a) sum = n+a printf("The sum is %d ", sum); } return 0; } |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by BigStar1(m): 1:35pm On Nov 11, 2009 |
Your question seems not to clear to me. Do you mean 1,2,3,4,5, ,n to give u 1*2 + 2*3 + 3*4 + 4*5, + n-1*n ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by Ghenghis(m): 4:35pm On Nov 11, 2009 |
infinite loop a la carte , a is the same throughout sum is the same throughout no progress in this program , |
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by taiwosoji(m): 5:47pm On Nov 11, 2009 |
Really self study in programming is the key we were decieved in our universities back home in Naija we only struggle to pass exams not to know it. please can someone help on this C++ program though i have tried, it did not work. i will ppreciate if the person will join me in his messenger for more personal friendship. Write a program that reads input until encountering the # character and then report the number of spaces read, the number of new line characters read, and the number of all other character read. Write a program that reads intergers until 0 is entered. After input terminates, the program should report the total numbers of even intergers (excluding the 0) entered, the average value of the integers, the total number of the odd integers entered, and the average value of the odd integers. Using the if else statement write a program that reads input up to #, replaces each period with an exclamation mark, and replaces each exclamation mark inilially present with two exclamation marks, and reports at the end the number of subslitutions it has made. Redo exercise 2 using a switch. Write a program that prints a table with each line giving an integer, its square , and its cube. Ask the user to input the lower and upper limits for the table. Use a for loop. Write a program that requests lower and upper integer limits, calculatethe sum of all the integer squares from the square of the lower limit to the sqare of the upper limit, and displays the answer . The program should then continue to prompt for limits and dsplay answer until the user enters an upper limit that equal to or less than the lower limit.
Re: Pls I Need Help With This Assignment by solomonope(m): 7:55am On Nov 14, 2009 |
#include "stdio.h"the program did not becos u failed to initialize n and sum and u omitted some semicolons,being a local variable the actual value is undefined so the first iteration of the loop might not even work #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a, n=0, sum=0; a = 2; while (a <= 2222) { for (a=2; a<=n; n=a*a) sum = n+a; printf("The sum is %d ", sum); } return 0; } |
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