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Fulani Herdsmen Preparing To Strike Amurri Nkanu-west - Crime - Nairaland

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Fulani Herdsmen Preparing To Strike Amurri Nkanu-west by JohnNgene: 12:20am On Nov 12, 2016
There is tension in Umuigbo village located in Amurri, Nkanu-West, Enugu at the moment as Fulani herdsmen have threatened to attack the villagers.

Trouble started last week when Fulani herdsmen led their cattle into the sacred Isi-Ngene stream to drink. Isi-Ngene is an ancient stream which is highly revered by the Umuigbo people in particular and the whole of Amurri in general. The legend of Isi-Ngene is such that nobody (indigene or visitor) is allowed to go near the stream without first pulling off their footwear. Nobody is allowed to fetch Isi-Ngene with plastic buckets or gallons. You're only allowed to fetch it with an earthen pot. So you can imagine the anger of Umuigbo people when Fulani herdsmen defiled Isi-Ngene by stomping it with their cattle and leaving their cattle to drink directly from the water-hole.

When the herdsmen refused to heed the warning of the Umuigbo vigilante to leave the sacred area, the vigilante were left with no other choice but to shoot down one of their cattle. The Fulani herdsmen immediately fled but have promised to attack the community. The Nimbo massacre clearly comes to mind. As at today 11th November 2016, many of the villagers have fled their homes in fear.

Ngene Chibueze John

Re: Fulani Herdsmen Preparing To Strike Amurri Nkanu-west by FakoMaybach1: 12:35am On Nov 12, 2016
When u shot them why didnt u report it...una go find trouble if them retaliate u go rush put am for blog

oga carry clock oo
Re: Fulani Herdsmen Preparing To Strike Amurri Nkanu-west by JohnNgene: 10:31am On Nov 12, 2016
When u shot them why didnt u report it...una go find trouble if them retaliate u go rush put am for blog

oga carry clock oo

SMH. Is that all you have to say? Imagine a scenario where an Igbo man blatantly trespasses on a sacred ground in the North. Wouldn't they kill that Igbo man and even other innocent Igbos around?

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